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View Full Version : PV Muffler?

04/10/2003, 08:45 PM
What is the Power Vault Muffler? How does it compare to, say, a Flowmaster ect.? I'm new here, so I don't know what's so special about this muffler compared to others. Can someone please clue me in.

04/10/2003, 08:50 PM
Ooh let me, let me :D There's a search feature - there are tons of threads about the PV muffler :)

I don't know why it's so popular, but it is. It's sold here (http://www.tonemonday.com/accessories.htm), the mfr's page on it is here (http://pvmufflers.com/id30.htm), and they claim "at least 15 Rear Wheel Horsepower" which is quite an improvement for a muffler in my experience. The owner of this site did a small review on the muffler here (http://www.vehicross.info/reviews.php?op=showcontent&id=1).

04/10/2003, 08:59 PM
Thanks RANDY712. FOUND IT.:D

04/10/2003, 10:18 PM
Let me comment on this one. My stock VX was the guinea pig for the development of the PV catback system. Dyno tested before and after, there was a marked addition of power as the PV Web site shows. I could even feel it in the driving. Our stock muffler is VERY restrictive in allowing the engine to breathe as I am told. Power Vault adds power, the engine works better, and the sound is low and aggressive sounding without being overly so... IMHO.

Email Tone... he knows the specs and could answer any questions you have. Plus he is the distributor.. even better.

04/11/2003, 01:32 AM
Originally posted by Randy712
Ooh let me, let me :D There's a search feature - there are tons of threads about the PV muffler :)

I don't know why it's so popular, but it is. It's sold here (http://www.tonemonday.com/accessories.htm), the mfr's page on it is here (http://pvmufflers.com/id30.htm), and they claim "at least 15 Rear Wheel Horsepower" which is quite an improvement for a muffler in my experience. The owner of this site did a small review on the muffler here (http://www.vehicross.info/reviews.php?op=showcontent&id=1).

Alright, you are starting to bug me. I know you were trying to be sarcastic and "play around" with those who have voiced their opinions about your posts in the past, but this post kind of pi$$ed me off.

Yes, there is a search feature. I don't know if you were just looking for links while searching or what, but you should know why it is so popular by reading the numerous posts about the muffler... not just on this board, but also on the decaying VMAG board, if you will. John Finell (FeatherFoot) put in a lot of hours working on that design (yes, it really is custom... as in custom designed and fabricated) and I don't think he or anyone else who has come to know him as a VERY big asset to our community (myself included) would appreciate you throwing comments out like this ("I don't know why it's so popular, but it is", "they claim "at least 15 Rear Wheel Horsepower"). "They" claim 15 rear wheel horsepower because it has been dyno'd time and time again by many members on this and the other forum and THOSE ARE THE NUMBERS THEY GET!!! (Give or take a very small margin). You are swingn' a lot o' stuff around here and you don't even drive a VX!!!

I've tried to give you the benifit of the doubt, assuming once you get yours and drive it for a while you will start to understand what everyone is talking about, but I am getting tired of reading this stuff... buy a PV muffler before you start swaying other people away from it, and try and become a useful member of this community before trying to close down the other forum which practically started our little "family".


04/11/2003, 04:02 AM
He doesn't even have a VX yet, does he?

If that's the case... what would he do with a muffler? Oh wait... I don't want to know. :D

04/11/2003, 06:06 AM
Yes, it produces AT LEAST 15rwhp - I really questioned that claim as NO OTHER MUFFLER or even cat back system offers anywhere near that performance for the price. I’ll split the Dyno charges with anyone who wants to do a before/after run comparison. I got one and dynoed BEFORE and AFTER and saw more like 17 rwhp. The mufflers are finally shipping next week. Cat backs are another $225+ which gets you another horse or 2 and allows you to bolt it on instead of paying $40 to have a muffler shop do it. But John needs 10 orders to make the cat backs.

04/11/2003, 06:10 AM
Originally posted by Dallas4u

Alright, you are starting to bug me. I know you were trying to be sarcastic and "play around" with those who have voiced their opinions about your posts in the past, but this post kind of pi$$ed me off.

Yes, there is a search feature. I don't know if you were just looking for links while searching or what, but you should know why it is so popular by reading the numerous posts about the muffler... not just on this board, but also on the decaying VMAG board, if you will. John Finell (FeatherFoot) put in a lot of hours working on that design (yes, it really is custom... as in custom designed and fabricated) and I don't think he or anyone else who has come to know him as a VERY big asset to our community (myself included) would appreciate you throwing comments out like this ("I don't know why it's so popular, but it is", "they claim "at least 15 Rear Wheel Horsepower"). "They" claim 15 rear wheel horsepower because it has been dyno'd time and time again by many members on this and the other forum and THOSE ARE THE NUMBERS THEY GET!!! (Give or take a very small margin). You are swingn' a lot o' stuff around here and you don't even drive a VX!!!

I've tried to give you the benifit of the doubt, assuming once you get yours and drive it for a while you will start to understand what everyone is talking about, but I am getting tired of reading this stuff... buy a PV muffler before you start swaying other people away from it, and try and become a useful member of this community before trying to close down the other forum which practically started our little "family".


Dallas, it was a joke. Tone has posted several times this week to "use the search feature" and I was making a freaking joke, nothing to get alarmed about.

About my use of the word "claim" - it's a common term in performance upgrades. It wasn't meant to be like "well they CLAIM it's 15 horsepower but I doubt it". It's more like "the posted specs from the manufacturer are 15 horsepower". Very common phrasing in my experience, sorry for the confusion. I think the reasoning is also that every engine is different, (if we all did dynos on our stock engines, there might be actual hp ranges of 10-20 hp among us, it's normal for any mass-produced engine) so upgrades also give a bit of a range of improvements. Adding this or that will rarely if ever give exactly 12.5 hp or whatever, but I have no reason to doubt that this muffler does what Tone and the company says it does.

As for my "I don't know why it's so popular" comment, that stems from that I've had many an exhaust system custom fabricated for not much $$ by local muffler shops. Buying an aftermarket complete cat-back system is the "norm" for an exhaust, I've never in my life seen such a following for a muffler, hence my comment. Generally, mufflers are pretty generic pieces which are just one part of a cat-back system, which, in whole, increases hp (and increases looks with a nice chrome tip). So this was not a dig on the PV, just that you don't see such a following for a muffler. Go to any exhaust shop and they'll be able to order from a catalog of free-flowing mufflers, and can fabricate a complete cat-back system for you for maybe $200-500, I haven't checked in a few years.

I told people to stay away from it? Geez, I told the guy where to find specs on it, where to buy it, and showed him a review of it. That wasn't a fair post? I understand that you are all apparently VERY defensive about the VX, but I'm not the enemy.

I'm an enthusiastic VX owner who's interested in hashing out the upgrades, is that so wrong? I'm not defaming anyone here, I certainly didn't assail or impugn the muffler, it's manufacturer, retailer or owners. Rer-read my post please.

04/11/2003, 07:36 AM
:eek: Gee-wiz folks, I did not mean to start a rebelion. I am not sure if it was aimed at me, but I do own a VX. Now, everyone take a deep breath, and be one big happy family. AND THAT'S AN ORDER!:D

04/11/2003, 07:52 AM
"If" and when I get mine, I'll be sure to let you know. But, there is plenty of info on this sight just use the search feature. By then though I'm sure that those who are familiar with it will have already responded.

04/11/2003, 09:37 AM
I think the problem hereis email and message forums are one of the WORST ways of relaying general feelings about a subject. Feelings are more expression and vocal tone based than sctripted. People need to watch what they say and how they say it if they are trying to get something accross that may be seen as something else. You seem to have been doing that often, and people can't decide how to take some of your posts until you reply back with a "That's not what I was trying to say..." type of reply.

I think a few people (including Tim's post) have said it best... the reason it seems people are on the defensive with you is because you don't even have your VX yet and you have put on a napalm of postings here in the last few weeks. In the post above (if you re-read it from a general point of view) it sounds like you are disbelieving about the other members factual info on the muffler and you may be trying to sway someone from buying it as well.

All I am saying is just look at what you write when posting and see if it really relays what you are TRUELY trying to say. I have gone back and edited my posts in the past because I thought someone may take what I said the wrong way... others have too.

04/11/2003, 10:13 AM
ok guys, what is the cat back?

04/11/2003, 10:29 AM
"cat back" refers to the exhaust system from the catalytic coverter on back. Generally, it's a pipe, a muffler, more pipe, and a shiny tip :) Cat Back systems are common because you can't legally mess with the catalytic converter (though I've heard of people replacing this expensive item with a freer-flowing unit)

04/11/2003, 10:53 AM
Just curious... usually a gain in high-end horsepower from a free flowing muffler/exhaust comes at the cost of a loss of low-end torque due to less backpressure. Any idea how this affects the VX? I mean, unless your slinging mud (as I just did after lunch), you are crawling in a controlled fassion, so it is more important to have that torque. Just curious.


Coach... aka Randy!

04/11/2003, 11:13 AM
BOTH are increased - please refer to the dyno charts....

04/11/2003, 07:48 PM
I've had my PV muffler for exactly a year now (and my VX for exactly two), and just love it. I don't know how it does it, but my VX is faster throughout the power band AND the torque off the line makes it feel like the front wheels are going to come off the ground. It took about a month for the tone to "tune" itself, but since then, it's been perfectly deep and tough sounding. I find myself listening to the stereo less, and the sweet sound of my VX more. It is much louder than stock, so if that's not for you, well, it's not for you.

Definitely the best mod I've done, with maybe bigger Yokos (tires) a close second.

-Scott Swett

04/15/2003, 07:42 AM
Tone quick question,
For someone in a salty area what kind of durability should one expect with your PV muffler

