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View Full Version : Abandon VMAG forum?

04/07/2003, 10:18 AM
I realize I'm quite new to this forum, but it seems to me that this is now the premier website and forum for the VX, and that the cross-posting of every single post to the club.vmag forum is redundant, confusing, and unnecessary!

I'm curious who else agrees - should we propose abandoning the vmag forum for new posts (obviously it'll live on in archives) so as to 'clean up' and make this website the best and singular spot for VX chatter and info?

04/07/2003, 10:30 AM
As I am somewhat biased I will stay out of this one...

04/07/2003, 10:55 AM
If you haven't really noticed. It seems like some really important stuff gets posted here. You won't always find things posted here and there. But there are times where you will. Since I 1st of both sites I regularly check both. Sometimes things are posted on both due to the fact that some people are trying to get answers to their queations as qick as possible so they post them in both. It can be confussing at times but try to look at it this way be greatful of the fact that you do have a choice. I have friends that own other SUV's I won't mention any brands like :bwgy: "Toyota, Ford, Nissan, Jeep or Suzuki " that don't have this choice. To make it easier on yourself why don't you just choose one and then you shouldn't get confussed.;py; I personally check here before VMag but that's just me. I don't think everyone in VMag is a member here. Maybe I'm wrong but hopefully everyone will corroect me if so.

04/07/2003, 11:08 AM
I check both also. I started out on club VMag and still find stuff there that is not posted here and vice versa.

04/07/2003, 11:30 AM
That's my point - we're all on both sites, so what's the point? If everyone posted here (which is a better forum system IMHO) then there wouldn't be a need to search for the info or the posts, they are all in one place :)

04/07/2003, 12:15 PM
I personally like going to both sites :dance:
Whatever the outcome for those that visit the OBSOLETE site, there could be some sort of forwarding or redirection to the ACTIVE site.

04/07/2003, 01:26 PM
Personally I like using the other site more. I know almost everyone seems to like this site more, but I hate having to find that "next page button" since it's black until you put your mouse on it. I like to see all the posts that have been posted over the last 2,5, or 30 days. I hate going into different catagories to find what I want. Maybe make this site a little more "user freindly", or maybe I just don't know how to use this site. I don't mind scrolling, but having to find that next page button a few times sucks. And when you go to view new posings it only shows up to your last post, in fact it doesn't even show you the last thread you posted on.

Yes posting pictures and everything is better but the "user friendly" aspect went out the window compared to the last site. This is just my opinion

04/07/2003, 01:36 PM
You can change the settings to show lots and lots more posts per page. That's why I love the vBulletin software, very customizeable!


You can also visit http://www.vehicross.info and quickly see the new posts or click on the new posts link:

04/07/2003, 02:08 PM
This has been posted before... I think the bulk of everyone came to the conclusion that it would be best to have both sites open for discussion. As I was a member for the original Vehicross VMAG site, before it became Vehicross 2, I still look there for much of the valuable info that has been posted over the year(s). The search feature works wonders as you won't always find what you are looking for there, but there is still a bit more info lurking in those pages than there is here.

I like both boards, and I do like this one for everything it is over the other one, but I still check the other first.

04/07/2003, 02:38 PM
I have given up posting thereand I was one of the biggest resistors to the change - this site offers so much more, better searches, better organization, pics, faster, there is good archival stuff that I wish Scott would grab and bring over though....

04/07/2003, 02:44 PM
I also started out on the other site but find it very slow and cumbersome compared to here. Plus this site is just WAY COOLER! I finally deleted my desktop shortcut to VMAG this weekend and now exclusively visit here. Most everything I saw of interest was duplicated here and it seems a steady, yet slow, migration is ongoing.

04/07/2003, 04:01 PM
I generally check this site several times a day.
I check vmag about once a month when I'm really bored. And then I generally stop reading it the second time I hit the front page and have to wait 30 seconds for it to load.

Simon Templar
04/07/2003, 04:28 PM
Originally posted by Tone
I have given up posting there - this site offers so much more, better searches, better organization, pics, faster, there is nothing but archival stuff there that I wish Scott would grab and bring over....

Uuuuuuh.... what he said!


04/07/2003, 05:54 PM
So what do we evolve toward?

Tone -- www.porsche.go

Anita -- www.Murano.info

WSG -- www.vehicross.oldfart's.info

Randy -- www.whatever.com

"I've fallen and I can't get up!"

military vx'r
04/07/2003, 07:01 PM
I like both. It was hard enogh to find one site with info.

04/08/2003, 07:02 AM
I like both sites. I see club Vmag as the bridge that connected us here, and it's good to have more than one location. If one is down you have the other. VehiCROSS.Info is by far the slickest, but I'd never abandon an old friend or burn bridges :D

04/08/2003, 09:47 AM
Originally posted by Randy
So what do we evolve toward?

Tone -- www.porsche.go

Anita -- www.Murano.info

WSG -- www.vehicross.oldfart's.info

Randy -- www.whatever.com

"I've fallen and I can't get up!"

Yikes!! Never a Murano.

perhaps... www.infiniti.andbeyond.com
(I just love the Infiniti FX-45!!!)

04/08/2003, 10:49 AM
I think the first time "info" went up, tons of people came over. I, for one, didn't even check vmag again. "info" was like my second home page (my website is of course my main homepage) :D

But when it went down for that long period, many people, including myself, went back to vmag and have not fully come back to "info", yet. I am still in the mode of checking or posting to vmag before "info". I am working on that.

I absolutely love this site, but give it some time for others to come back. So people agrue that vmag is more stable. And I think that is based on that one down time. But the "re"-migration is happening. I am noticing more and more posts here that don't get to vmag. It was the other was around a bit back.

You know I am pretty sure I had started a thread like this sometime ago, when "info" first came up advocating leaving vmag for good... http://www.chetanekwe.com/Smiles/worry.gif

Let me search..... http://www.chetanekwe.com/Smiles/computer.gif

04/09/2003, 01:56 PM
After about 20 votes and the count about 50/50, I suppose the other forum will live on! I'll let nature run its course... if the other site isn't as good, it will eventually fade away....

04/09/2003, 11:46 PM
There has been alot of good info posted at Vmag in the past. Although this is our new main site, I'd hate to see the old information purged or flushed:(

04/10/2003, 04:20 PM
Keep both...

05/22/2003, 12:12 AM
Originally posted by Randy712
After about 20 votes and the count about 50/50, I suppose the other forum will live on! I'll let nature run its course... if the other site isn't as good, it will eventually fade away....

You sound as if you hold the power switch on vmag. Too much hassle to read cross posts? easy... don't read them.

05/23/2003, 09:52 AM
I think it is still a good source to get other VXers into the mix here. I check both daily, even if this site gets more hits. This is my primary source for VX material and idle chatter with VXers, but I think I still owe it to VMag as my first stepping stone into the cult, I mean, the VX family. ;)