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View Full Version : recall clearance

09/28/2005, 09:19 AM
I imported my VX into Canada, the customs need to have a RECALL CLEARANCE DOCUMENT from the ISUZU company for my 2000 VX, does anybody know who to contact, otherwise I need to return my VX back to the states, that will be a sad day, please help my VX to stay in Canada, I be grateful for any information you can give me, thanks everybody

Also does anybody know about a coffeecup holder for a VX, somehow the standard console was not designed to hold a coffeecup, thanks

09/28/2005, 09:28 AM
theres no cup holder in the vx, atleast the us model. so u better get use to holding the cup between ur legs when u drive.....

09/28/2005, 09:33 AM
It is no big deal.
Just call ISUZU (800-255-6727) and tell them you are the new vehicle owner, they don't ask for any proof. Give them the VIN and your name and address and they'll fax you a letter stating that the vehicle you have has no outstanding recall items. That's it - I got my letter a half hour after I called.

On other matters, I guess you have to get the headlights converted to full time. A warning if you haven't done it yet, it's a lot of wiring and it's not cheap. Make sure they do a clean job on the wiring and harnesses.

Good Luck.

Another one for Canada, eh. Cool.

09/28/2005, 10:11 AM
No cup holder? :confused:

I don't know about you folks but the area right below the XM radio in this shot of my VX holds a medium or large Ice Coffee from Dunk n Donuts just fine for me every morning :)

http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/data/500/thumbs/pics2_010.jpg (http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/data/500/pics2_010.jpg)

09/28/2005, 10:19 AM
...and upon emergency activation of your VX's brakes, that medium or large Iced Coffee will end up all over your sat. radio tuner.

09/28/2005, 11:26 AM
It did n't take long for you quy's to reply , you have been a great help, boy, what would I have done without this website, especial thanks to my other canadian VX owner.

09/28/2005, 12:40 PM
...and upon emergency activation of your VX's brakes, that medium or large Iced Coffee will end up all over your sat. radio tuner.

Actually, the XM module kind of helps to keep the cup in place. :p

The medium Dunk n Donuts cup is fine. It never tips no matter what the speed or how hard I come to a stop, however, I do need to hold the large when breaking hard or going around corners fast. :eek:

But if you think about it, with the size of those large Dunk n Donuts cups, what cup holder out there would hold it in place under those conditions :confused:

09/28/2005, 01:25 PM
True about the coffee cup thing.

Your VX should be well received in Canada, mine got all kinds of looks driving across there.
Ya'll may not know french fries, but you sure know your trucks.