View Full Version : VX moment

07/24/2005, 09:49 AM
Plano/Richardson TX

Yesterday a guy flagged me down going south on Shiloh Rd. Asked me to roll my window down. He asked what I'm driving. It's not obvious because the Proton is debadged. He mentioned he had been following me for about a mile just to view the VX. Anyways, his final comment was "Cool!". He then made a U-turn on the next left and went his merry way.

The VX really attracts a lot of people. I just shake my head when I see a Toyota Camry or a Honda Accord sedan. I mean everyone has one. Dare to be different. For that reason, VX owners are definitely unique and should be proud of this exclusive community.


07/24/2005, 12:14 PM
I have two funny stories when it comes to the VX. About a month or so ago. I was driving down the street when a Rave was trying to catch up to me. He could not get up to me due to another car blocking him. Soon he went to pass the other car.....changed lanes to get next to me. ....The Rave owner by this time was next to me...and just STARED and STARED. What he didn't see was the car in in front of him, put on the brakes. He slamed right into him. Everybody was all right.. Has anybody else made somebody crash??

My second story is simple. A guy was trying to catch up to me...darting in and out on the Freeway...until he caught up to me, where he slowed down and again...just stared . What he didn't see was the cop that was chasing him. Opps!!

07/24/2005, 12:53 PM
What he didn't see was the car in in front of him, put on the brakes. He slamed right into him. Everybody was all right.. Has anybody else made somebody crash??
Wow, it usually takes boobs to make somebody crash like that.

I think the brighter colors get the most attention. I do get the occasional passerby staring, and since my VX is debaged I sometimes get another vehicle that seems to want to pass, but then won't go all the way because the other driver is trying to find a brand mark on the car somewhere. Even my grill just has the titanium VX on the front, so it takes them a while before they give up.

I did have one case where I really missed out - was waiting for a parking spot in a jam-packed best buy parking lot. This woman half-way pulled out of her spot, but then just stopped. I looked around and figured maybe she thought I was blocking her or something, but I was not even close. I started to get pissed trying to figure out why this lady couldn't just move her *** out of the spot and get on with her business. Finally she gets out of her car -- still half-way pulled out and totally blocking the lane -- and walks over to my window and asks about the VX, and despite being debaged, she kinda knew what it was! We chatted pleasantly for a minute or two, but I had to make such a quick transition from "parking lot rage" that I completely missed the opportunity to get her number, which was too bad since she was a gorgeous red-head with a very sexy russian accent.