View Full Version : "Chromed" Torx screws

moon buggy
07/06/2005, 04:51 AM
Anyone done it..considered it ..nothing came up on searches..if possible...
Just a thought ?? What do you think ?? anyone for photochop[ing]

07/06/2005, 05:02 AM
I'm pretty sure you could find stainless.

Chromed would probably be a custom job.

07/06/2005, 05:12 AM
No chrome here, but I did apply dk. bronze (looks almost black) reflective film to mine. Ck. my gallery if you want to see what it looks like when hit by a camera flash. (VX rs3 I think)

PS. That just gave me an idea. We use a SUPER sticky,very shiny, tape at work for installing gas fireplaces. Applied to every screw head & trimmed w/ an Xacto knife would look very much like chrome.

moon buggy
07/07/2005, 12:22 AM
yep thats what I was thinking ..further are the torx screws a special and/or peculiar size etc..as perhaps the polished look etc for these could attainable from the local hardware..i am thinking the 'polished ' look to these may add some 'bling' [ not too much] particularly against darker coloured VX [ black in our case, when its finished], working in with stainless side bars, clear lenses etc etc.. :)

07/07/2005, 02:48 AM
There was someone on either this board or the old ClubVMag board that had his Torx bolts chromed. I remember seeing some pics. Some other members have placed metallic vinyl circles over the head for a similar and less expensive effect.

I've had small parts successfully chromed using a company called chrometech:
You place the parts on a temporary "tree" and the entire tree is chromed - it cuts down quite a bit on the expense. However the technique they use isn't recommended for exterior parts.

-- John