View Full Version : Mxc ??

05/05/2005, 08:02 PM
does anyone else watch MXC (most extreme elimination challange) on spike tv? if you don't give it a try. it is extremely funny. here is a link http://www.spiketv.com/shows/series/index.jhtml?seriesID=10774&refID=mxc

05/05/2005, 08:34 PM
That is one of the best shows ever!!!

05/05/2005, 09:50 PM
I watch it whenever I can! I wonder how many broken bones/teeth and concussions have been a result of those games. That's entertainment. ;)

05/06/2005, 03:47 AM
That is one of the funniest shows ever to come out of anywhere!!!
What a riot!!!
I wonder if "DUTCHIE" ever went to Tanaka's Castle?.....LOL

05/06/2005, 04:22 AM
Funniest games:
The Log Drop
And whichever one requires them to run across the pond on the tops of the round stones -that one always results in broken ribs.

Actually I boycotted MXC for @6 months. One of the events required all of the participants to climb (as a team) up a steep incline covered in mud. Some players used the nearby flags to help pull their teammates over the top. One of those flags was Old Glory -caked in mud. I nearly choked on my coffee.
I'm all better now.

05/06/2005, 06:32 AM
MXC fans,
Here is a link to a decent fan site. It explains the real Japanese game.