View Full Version : VX metal type.

05/01/2005, 07:31 PM
Hi everyone !! Someone in the club a while back stated that the VX was made from galvanized metal, is that true?

05/01/2005, 07:44 PM
Yes, the metal body panels are constructed using galvanized steel for rust prevention.

05/01/2005, 07:52 PM
Thank you scott I appreciate your feed back. Flavio

05/01/2005, 08:23 PM
I always thought they were made of unobtainium....

....but then I obtained one! :laughb: :laughy: :laughr: :laughp: :laugho: :laughg:

05/02/2005, 05:08 PM
One of the Isuzu guys in the Insights - Art & Science VX DVD states that the panels are zinc-plated, meaning they are galvanized. I imagine that's probably very true, but this is one of those places where, after watching it a few times, the BS alarm goes off in my head a little. I suspect some of the commentary is coming from people who really don't have all that much of a real grasp of things and are just following some talking points and sort of winging it. You can just see them searching for a thought in mid-sentence some times and stringing things together in ways that don't make sense. Steve Kerho says the following:

"...in combination with that is zinc-plated steel on the sheet metal, which is very futuristic, which has a lot of tension in the design to really highlight more of an on-road, sporty type of feel."

Huh? Does he even know what zinc-plating (galvanization) is for? Dude, you can't even see that it's been zinc-plated, so how exactly is that so?