View Full Version : Replacing "Fog" lights....

04/18/2005, 10:05 PM
I am having trouble replacing the fog lights. where do i jam my hand?

04/18/2005, 10:12 PM
I am having trouble replacing the fog lights. where do i jam my hand?

fog lights...the round ones rite? well to remove those all u need to do is unscrew it....then just simply pull the bulb and the backing out.....ill double check it 2morow when theres light
VAPORIZER VIDEO REVIEW (http://vaporizers.tv/)

04/18/2005, 10:24 PM
To not hijack the original thread I split this part off..

The easiest way I found it put your hand down through the little triangulal shaped space just to the inside of the headlight. If you only need to change the bulb, feel the back of the light housing with your hand until you feel wires. Follow the wires to the housing 'til you feel the bulb socket, twist, I believe, counterclockwise and remove it from the housing. Reverse to install.
To remove the housing (Lens and all) using the same approach as above, grasp the back of the housing and with your other hand grasp the front of the light (Lens) and twist counterclockwise. If you did not remove the bulb socket, remember that it will still be attached.

I did a write up on replacing the OEM round lights with actual fog lights
HERE (http://www.vehicross.info/modules.php?name=Content&file=viewarticle&id=2) in the How To's (http://www.vehicross.info/modules.php?name=Content) Section. You don't have to use the same lights I did but, it will give an idea of what it looks like back there and what it may take to mount something else.

04/18/2005, 10:45 PM
holy cow cool. thanks guys. most helpful. i will perform in the light of tommorow.