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View Full Version : Houston- 1st '05 Meet

03/29/2005, 04:00 PM
Tone & I are kicking around the idea of the 1st '05 Houston get together on April 23rd (Saturday). It's the first chance we've had to meet up since the early winter and we figured it gave the new owners a chance to introduce themselves personally. It also gives the opportunity for Tone to bring a batch of his "goodies" down south for those who might not want to wait (or pay) on shipping.

There are no plans "etched in stone" yet but figure on the usual gathering out here in Katy then heading off for parts unknown to include dinner & what-ever-else-may-happen.

Consider this post as an early "who's interested" and I'll advise as plans develop
Tacuma (http://www.chevy-wiki.com/wiki/Chevrolet_Tacuma)

03/30/2005, 05:25 AM
What a bummer,

I was hoping to be over on business and get a chance to attend a meet but I can't make it until first week of May. Never mind I might catch the next.


VX crazy
03/30/2005, 05:54 AM
We could possibly change to the first weekend in May - it will be right before Moab but if all our prep has been done, it will be a good road test. No dates are set in stone and we want to maximize attendance instead of just George and I sitting looking at each other!

03/30/2005, 11:22 AM
No dates are set in stone and we want to maximize attendance instead of just George and I sitting looking at each other!
But I like that part :cool!:

VX Crazy is right. This is easily flexible for someone across the pond.
Mercedes-Benz W111 (http://www.mercedes-wiki.com/wiki/Mercedes-Benz_W111)

03/31/2005, 03:44 AM
Thanks guys I'll have a chat with my boss and see if anything can be sorted.


03/31/2005, 11:11 PM
Talked to the boss over a beer and they're happy to cover me for the weekend of the 7th/8th May. So if your meet was 7th I'd really like to attend. Things can be a bit changeable with my company but I'm pretty sure I'll be there.

rgds Col

04/01/2005, 07:42 AM
How much advance notice can you give us if you CAN'T make it? The original weekend had some additional benefits for some of us but we'd certainly like to accommodate and meet you.

04/01/2005, 11:18 AM
I would like to go but I can't do April 23rd - major garage sale planned for that day. Maybe I will make enough to cover Moab. hahahahaha

Anyway, the May dates are fine.

04/01/2005, 12:03 PM
The 7th of May sounds like a winner if BritVX's plans don't change. Let's shoot for that Saturday then. Gives us a chance to meet what will probably be the owner who traveled the furthest for a meet.

Brit-let me know when your plans are set and we'll take it from there.
Essential Vaaapp Vaporizer (http://essentialvaaappvaporizer.com)

04/04/2005, 07:23 PM
Hey everybody,

I am in Midtown Houston. Most of my weekends are free so just let me know when and where you want to meet. Also, need some work done and not sure if I am going to be able to make it out to see Tone in Austin. Any recommendations on garages in or around Houston to get her serviced?


04/05/2005, 10:41 AM
Glad to hear you can make it Adam & will keep you posted. I have always taken mine to McKinzey Bond Isuzu on Katy Fwy (east of Mason exit). They have done great work and never hammered me on costs. I recently had my 60k done there and felt the price was more than reasonable. Just my 2 cents
HEALTHY RELATIONSHIP ADVICE FORUMS (http://www.love-help.org/healthy-relationship-advice/)

04/06/2005, 08:38 AM

Sorry for messing you about but my company has changed my travel, I'm now to be in Houston next week from Monday to Friday and then returning around 26th April until 6th May therefore I would be around for Saturday 30th. I'm sure they'll stick to this as it's the Oil show the only other problem that would effect things is family illness, unfortunately my mum in law is very ill and that may throw all my plans out of the window.


04/06/2005, 02:53 PM
Sorry to hear about the in-law problem Col...our prayers are with you & the family. It seems the 30th is not going to work for the majority of us so I'm going to move the date back to the 23rd. Send me a PM and perhaps we can get together while you're in the Big City anyway.

For those who have an might want to attend- the plan is to shoot for the afternoon of the 23rd (sat) of this month. Time for local owners to post here and advise of any interest.
Bdsm videos (http://www.****tube.com/categories/8/bdsm/videos/1)

04/06/2005, 04:49 PM

Count me in.

04/06/2005, 06:12 PM
The 23rd works for me.

Also, I got Suzie fixed today. Robbins Isuzu in Humble. They were great. Stuck me $386 to change the intake manifold gasket but that seemed reasonable. Great people - they said they actually used to get a VX in all the time but haven't seen it in a while.

Can't wait to meet you guys,


04/06/2005, 08:40 PM
As long as I don't get asked to go out of town for a track meet I'll be there.
In Christ,

04/07/2005, 09:04 AM
Sorry, the 23rd is the one day that won't work for me. Guess I'll see y'all at Moab.

04/07/2005, 12:42 PM
Gonna miss you Vasha...

Here's a couple possible entertainment options going on that Saturday for later in the day.

The first is the huge Houston International Festival downtown. This years' country of record is India. Take a look at: http://www.ifest.org/ifest2005/index.cfm

Option #2 is the Kingwood Spring Car Show. I've never been but here it is:

...then there's always "The Boardwalk", the track, the Strand, or the other places we've frequented
Upskirt sneaky (http://www.****tube.com/categories/1131/sneaky/videos/1)

VX crazy
04/07/2005, 02:50 PM
Ohh, I vote for the International Festival, that sounds fun!

04/08/2005, 06:06 AM
Welllll, if I don't get my act together for my garage sale - it's okay to reward myself for that failure by coming to hang out with y'all right? LOL

VX crazy
04/08/2005, 06:19 AM
Welllll, if I don't get my act together for my garage sale - it's okay to reward myself for that failure by coming to hang out with y'all right? LOL

Duhhh! Its always a reward to hang out together!

04/08/2005, 09:57 AM
You're always welcome at mi casa Vasha
BBW MATURE (http://www.****tube.com/categories/217/mature/videos/1)

04/08/2005, 08:43 PM

Do any of you guys or gals own the silver VX. I pulled up next to one at about 7:00 pm this evening on Houston avenue in downtown Houston. I honked and they looked up and gave me the thumbs up but kept talking on their cell until the light changed.


04/09/2005, 07:24 AM
"yes" I own a '99 silver....."yes" I'm on Houston Ave quite a bit (HPD Union is off it on State St)....but "no" it wasn't me at that time.
VALIUM REHAB ADVICE (http://www.rehab-forum.com/valium-rehab/)

Jay Dunford
04/12/2005, 12:12 PM
I'll be down for this meet and a GTO get together in Katy too. How about we meet at the mall and go from there. I'm planning on getting to the mall about 11:00-11:30 am.

GTO Meet info:
Date: April 23rd.
Start time: 12:00pm (Noon)
Address: Katy Mills Mall, 5000 Katy Mills Circle, Houston, TX 77494

Here is a website that will help you map out the exact location... http://www.katytexas.com/html/katy_mills_mall.html

There is a lot of parking area at this mall...so my advice would be to look for the GTO's.

04/12/2005, 12:19 PM
Time to bump..

10 days out from the 1st '05 Houston gathering. As it stands now there's:

Myself ... Jay...
Tone ... Little Beast...
VX Crazy ... Rapp...
Leg 01VX ...

As is always the case I know there is a larger Houston contingent lurking around there. Those who have never been by to see us are welcome to stop by-even if it's just for a short visit. I doubt we'll break the 12 VX's of a couple years ago but I suspect we can do better than 4 local owners. Also, as a reminder-this is the perfect opportunity to grab some of Tone's VX "goodies" and save shipping/handling costs. The best way to install a mod is have it delivered and get expert install advice while you're here.

FYI: cement pond water temp--74 degrees
The Cigar Boss (http://thecigarboss.com/)

04/13/2005, 05:38 AM
I might be able to make this after all. I won't know for sure until next week but am really going to try.

04/13/2005, 08:29 AM
Hello all...

This is my first post although I've been a member since late January. I am a proud (fairly new) owner of a '99 Ebony. I've been logging in and reading up on alot of the goings on with the VX family, and I'm happy to see that others are as in love with their VXs as I am. But to cut to the chase, I am very much excited about the Houston meet, and whichever weekend you guys decide on, I will make it my point to be there. I'm looking forward to meeting as many owners as possible.

All the best...

04/13/2005, 11:47 AM
Glad to hear you might be able to make it after all Vasha!

Choonks-welcome!! Always good to learn of a new local owner. Hope you can meet up with us on the 23rd.

Jay-Meeting at Katy Mills is not a bad plan at all. I suspect you'll be in the south or east side parking lot as that area is usually kinda empty but it shouldn't be hard to find a bunch of GTO's. Let's shoot for a 11:30 meeting time there then head back to my place after. Then food/drink by the cement pond..installs (if needed)..then head out to the International Festival or Kingwood Car Show & dinner.

For those who would rather meet at my place before heading out to Katy Mills drop me a PM and I'll provide directions here. Also, if you need a step by step to get to the mall I'll send that to you as well.

Tim---- you out there?? I still got your hand held radio from the last meet!!
How long does a bowl of extreme q vaporizer last? (http://vaporizerinfo.com/)

04/15/2005, 08:50 PM
Yeah, so it looks like I will be at a track meet at LSU on saturday. But, I still plan on meeting up with ya'll as soon as I get back in town. Either that or beg my coach to change the schedule. Go ahead and e-mail me the address to the "CASA in front of the concrete pond" (I know how to get to Katy Mills). If you don't mind shooting me the rough timeline for everything, so I can plan a drive back from LSU accordingly so I can meet ya'll and talk to TONE about mods and what not. Things still might change and I might end up not going to the meet (probably will though) I am not sure yet. I do not have a schedule for the meet yet, and I still need to sit down with my coach and plan out the weekend, I also might be coaching some guys on the Rice Track Team. So I don't know, but I will see what I can do. Being a decathlete you learn to multi task and I think I can work this out to do both, it's just my job's busiest days are on the weekend! Hope to meet you guys soon.
In Christ,
Ryan Harlan

04/16/2005, 07:40 AM
Sent you a PM Ryan.

Anyone else need directions let me know & I'll forward them on.
Yamaha rd56 (http://www.yamaha-tech.com/wiki/Yamaha_RD56)

VX crazy
04/16/2005, 09:27 AM
CEMENT pond (like in the Beverly Hillbillies) is the word I've been meaning to use! We'll be in around 11 and can stay as late as necessary to do mods or meet new folks. I'll be bringing down rear brake light flashers, HID kits, ODBII gauges and anything ese anyone wants. Ryan wants me to do the turn signal mod (highly recommended BTW) so I'll bring the tools! See ya'll soon!


04/17/2005, 07:16 PM
Now that I don't have to work weekends anymore, I may make it as well. I'm not sure what time I'll be availible after my errands so can the organizer post a schedule of what will happen when and where?

04/18/2005, 10:30 AM
Sure kobie- Not a problem at all & I'll send you a PM with directions to my place:

As it stands now those coming from Austin should arrive at my place around 11am. Local folks will either meet us at my house then or find us in the parking lot of Katy Mills mall an hour later where we'll be hooking up with Jay at the GTO car meet. Probably will grab some lunch out there (Fuddruckers perhaps?) if folks are hungry. The group will return to mi casa for drinks around the cement pond (74 degrees still) while rides & mods are reviewed, goodies bought from Tone (if wanted), and installed (if practical). Much later that afternoon a trip to the downtown International Festival or Kingwood Spring car show (group decision at the last minute I suspect). If things run long out here in Katy we may simply decide to eat locally. As you can see the latter part of the day is open to time and weather issues.

So, as a recap, you are welcome to meet us at my place at 11, Katy Mills at noon, or back at the homestead after the mall. For any others wishing to head out this way we can be reached at my cell (281-924-3007) anytime during the day. All are welcome and, as in past events, the more the merrier.
IMMUNE DISORDERS FORUMS (http://www.health-forums.org/immune-disorders/)

04/19/2005, 02:17 PM
We are leaving Austin earlier than originally though and could be there by 10 if you're up George! Bringin' yur Green filter with me.

04/19/2005, 08:45 PM
In .info member list, I found 22 Houston VX owners (not counting Andrei and Denee and Military who are gone) - why the low turnout?

04/19/2005, 11:50 PM
...are gonna have to get along without the token Yank this time. I can't make the trip down South, but I am just about sure I'll be seeing you in Moab this time around. Have fun, do a Jagerbomb for me Lisa, and hope to see y'all later. Oh, and just in case... I want an F y'all, I'm from Chicago T-shirt!!! Just kidding! Not. :naughty:

04/20/2005, 01:31 AM
Yeah "jumpmanjrh" on that list of users in Houston was also me. I had forgotten that I had created that username before I got a VX. Anyways, yes Saturday is definitely a go for me. I talked to my coach today and he and I decided to forgo this weekend's meet schedule because I have been out of town competing for the last four weekends in a row and it is starting to take its toll. I need to get my feet under me before the big meet in Austria in May. See ya'll Saturday and I'll bring "jumpmanjrh" too.
In Christ,

04/20/2005, 10:42 AM
George and the crew:

I may be in the area of the mall around 10:30 - 11 on Saturday; I'll swing through the lot and try to catch you guys there.

04/20/2005, 11:03 AM
Tone- 10 is not a problem so I'll see you at the house then. Turnouts have always been a quandry. Considering the large number of local owners you would think there would be more interest. "You can lead a horse to water but....". A good time will be had by those who are able to make it-we always do.

Little Beast- glad to hear it. See you at Katy Mills or here.

angrylittleman- look for us in the mall parking lot (somewhere) shortly before noon. Should be there right around then.

Nocturnal- you the man my friend. Anybody who drives the distance you did to meet with new friends is always welcome at my place. Meet or not, my door is always open.

To those still "pondering"- my cell # is posted. Give us a call if you decide to stop by or need directions. This will be my last "bump" to bring the thread up
Roll blunts (http://howtorollablunt.net/)

VX crazy
04/20/2005, 01:03 PM
Gil, dont scare newbies away with the Jaegerbomb! ;) I will wait til its 5pm somewhere for that....

So glad your making it to Moab again!

04/20/2005, 05:29 PM
Hah! The only reason I am coming is for the Jaegerbombs! Seriously, should I bring anything? Food, beer, a crash helmet?

Let me know,

04/24/2005, 11:04 AM
Enjoyed the company as always. Good to see the regular cast of characters again and welcome those who made their first trip out this way. The day went well despite the fact that we probably won't be invite to any GTO meets in the near future. They deserved the blasting they got (excluding Jay of course) from security (et al). And a special thanks to those unknown "save the fish" people who were throwing a BBQ cookoff in the parking lot and allowed us use of their area to meet.

Ryan had new HID's put in and what a difference from stock lights. Now if I can muster up the $$ to drop a set in myself!! Choonks had the turn indicators installed and the rest of the afternoon was devoted to story telling & cocktails. See you all again once the cement pond gets a little warmer
Shower Fat (http://www.****tube.com/categories/980/fat/videos/1)

VX crazy
04/24/2005, 03:07 PM
I ditto that George! Great as always seeing the 'regulars', and what a great new bunch of 'newbies' we all met as well! Glad to know we are not as hot headed as the GTO bunch, excluding Jay of course! Except that little incident with you know who.....;)

George and Cary thanks for EVERYTHING, and next time let ME do the hosting in Austin! I will check into 'Bat season'

Jay- TRADER, bring the VX next time!!!!!!!!! Where are your loyalties....;)

Larry- Clading looked awesome, worth you being late for sure! Cant wait til Moab!

Tim- I wont say anything, cuz I am not sure you were there.....teeheehee (it was great to meet the GF!)

Ursula- What a fun lady, hope we did not scare you too much, come again we do grow on ya!

Adam- CHROME for sure! Trust me!

Ryan- You didnt tell us your birthday is Monday, we could have celebrated! We are funny like that! For being the youngest of the bunch, you sure are an inspiration that all people dont turn out like the rest of us.... ;Dp; Keep it up!

Everyone was just great, lets do it again soon!

04/25/2005, 10:44 AM
Hey y'all - Houston/Austin crew!! I had a fantabulous time meeting each of you at the meet on Saturday! You guys...how you say...ROCK! Especially you Lisa, you're too funny! George, thanks for the hospitality along your patience when I got lost a couple times! Tone, you're the master! I am in awe at your knowledge of this vehicle (not to take anything away from Lisa, however)! Ryan, Larry, Adam, Jay and Tim...the pleasure was all mine! Oh yeah...Tim, you kicked us to the curb at the latter part of the afternoon while we were outside doing mods, but I understand...your priorities were in the right place, right? Anyway, I am please to have come out and met such a great bunch of VXers. Let's stay in touch!

Choonks aka Ursula

04/26/2005, 06:49 AM
Where are the lineup pictures? Surely someone took pictures.


04/26/2005, 07:06 AM
I took a batch of pictures and I will try to post them over the next few days


05/01/2005, 07:44 AM
Glad to hear you can make it Adam & will keep you posted. I have always taken mine to McKinzey Bond Isuzu on Katy Fwy (east of Mason exit). They have done great work and never hammered me on costs. I recently had my 60k done there and felt the price was more than reasonable. Just my 2 cents

I heard a rumor yesterday that the McKinzey Bond Isuzu in Katy closed, or is closing, this weekend. Has anyone else heard this?