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03/03/2005, 07:29 PM
well i just got done work tonight and had to make a quick stop into wawa...it was starting to turn into a longer trip then expected so i decided to remote start it so the vx would stay warm since that point on the crowd gathered. when i walk there had to be atleast 15 people around it, one guy even told me he needed to go back to car to grab his coffee just so he could stand out in the cold to admire it...i also got the usual what is it, prototype, concept, ect., one guy even said a porsche and another said it looks like what he imagines if ferrari made an SUV. Well just had to share this story about our beautiful cars. hope it brings back memories of when u first got yours and your first crowd

03/04/2005, 01:49 AM
My favorite kind of post, :) still wowing them going on 6 years. Keep it lookin new and they'll think it's new. ;)

03/04/2005, 03:05 AM
You gotta love all the attention :p
Every VX I have seen(with the exception of one)has been in top form and well maintained. No wonder everyone thinks they are new cars.
Right!...six years and still wowing them.

03/04/2005, 04:08 PM
it's funny cuz just a few mins ago I got back from picking up a pack of smokes. Concidering I left my house at 6:30 to run over to the store that 6 blocks away. I got pulled over by a cop. Now I was thinking you got to be kidding me. I know I wasn't speeding! So he comes over I ask is there a problem officer? He says nope. He has seen me around the neighborhhod and has benn meaning to check out my ride cuz he noticed that he sees me all the time but hasn't seen another SUV like mine. I started to laugh and told him no problem. We got to talking about my VX. I offered him a test drive which he jumped at the chance. As I waited for him. I started laughing. I see my beloved VX flying torwards me doing as what I can only guess 60 mph. He slows stops and ask have I ever gone the limit of the speedo? I had to answer honestly cuz I have gotten a ticket in MA for going 110 mph the 1st day I got her. He started laughing cuz he had run my plates and behold my record came up for it. He was telling he's gonna start jumping on the web to look for 1 for himself. I told him about our family and that he might be able to find 1 here.

03/05/2005, 01:43 AM
:yes: PRICELESS (if true) ;)

03/05/2005, 08:05 AM

Funny story about the cop... but didn't it bother you the slightest bit that 1) he pulled you over and 2) he had previously run your plates, both with absolutely no probable cause? I mean, it's nice that he's interested in the VX and everything, but that would kind of irk me. I mean, it's one thing to follow you to the 7-11 and stop and talk to you there, but pull you over?? That ain't right!!

03/05/2005, 08:21 AM
It would be cool to get a crowd, but so far I haven't had that happen - at least nothing I would consider worthy of the word "crowd". It would be fun to park it somewhere and watch from a distance just to see what people are doing when I'm not around. I know it gets a lot of looks, but I'm usually not looking to see if I'm getting looks, ya know? So what I notice of people looking at it must be a fraction of what's happening. I think the VX is borderline unsafe in my neighborhood because of the people on bicycles turning their heads when I go by (not looking where they're going). Not my fault though. I do get the fingerprints on the windows sometimes, but half of them are mine from trying to get a window up. :-)

03/05/2005, 11:57 AM
I also thought it would be fun to park it at a busy place and watch, but even better.......place a sign in the window.."Baby on the way, must sell very cheap.".....and include a reverse charge (collect) phone number....CHA-CHING. ;)

03/05/2005, 11:33 PM

Funny story about the cop... but didn't it bother you the slightest bit that 1) he pulled you over and 2) he had previously run your plates, both with absolutely no probable cause?

Police can always run plates. That's why they both exist.
Police didn't pull me over, but they hung off my port quarter admiring the view. It bothers me when anyone does that. Then they flashed the light bar and pulled up next to me at at a red light. It was all good. I asked them to beat anyone else they saw driving it - after running the plates.

03/06/2005, 06:37 AM
Nope it doesn't bother me anymore cuz the truth is some cops do racial profiling here in RI alot. My brother being a trooper he told me they do it all the time cuz out of 10 hispanics they pull over 7 out of the 10 will have something to hide. He told me that as along as your cool and show some respect they let you go. I have been pulled over alot in my life time and I know most are doing their job. It use to piss me off but eversince getting my VX I like that the fact that cops think it looks cool enough to pull me over just to ask about it.

03/06/2005, 09:30 AM
I run plates on the time on patrol. I have NO need for probable cause. The bulk of the stolen cars I have recovered have been because I checked a plate on a whim. It's called police work
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