View Full Version : TOD freaking out.....?

02/25/2005, 08:38 AM
Hi, i have a 99 ironman with 58k on it, lately i've been noticing that when i give it enough gas quickly (bout 4000 rpm) or when i floor it, the TOD indicator sturts jumping up and down and when accelarating while the indicator is freaking out the car starts jerking and the Tachometer act like it freezez at one point and then jumps again, i though it was the tranny jerking at first but then i noticed the TOD jumping up and down.....

Any suggestions are appreciated.



02/26/2005, 01:45 AM
Have you ever had your tod serviced? Could be old fluid, low fluid level or a problem with the electronic clutch.

02/26/2005, 07:33 AM
I would be checking tire wear and or pressure to make sure they are pretty close to equal - it doesn't take but about 1/2" difference for those very symtoms to occur in my experience. Of course fluids could be low or contaminated or worse but start with the easiest....let us know what happens.

02/26/2005, 09:50 PM
i have the extended warranty on my car untll 100k miles, i know for a fact that the mode selector is broken, and from what i've read up here today i think it might be the TOD case thats messed up, but the qurstion is what should i tell the dealer when i come in?...should i state for a fact that i know this and this isnt working or what? sorry for idiotic questions but i had very bad experience on getting f... over for a lot of money with my previous car with dealer......aslo do u think their gonna say that the PV voids the warranty and the aftermarket K&N that i put on, the K&N is a COne type from a Trail Blazer but it fits perfectyl.....thanks for adivce, i apriceate it

02/27/2005, 01:14 AM
i know for a fact that the mode selector is broken

Uh, That fact changes things a bit.