View Full Version : Cell Phone Diversions

01/06/2005, 07:34 AM
Just having too much fun with the off-topic forum of late. :bgwb:

This was posted on my Caterpillar site and I just had to share:

News Item: "A man pulling an ice fishing house got a rude awakening early Friday afternoon when a woman drove right through his fish house and into his pickup box. According to the State Highway Patrol, the woman was talking on a cell phone which distracted her while driving."



01/08/2005, 01:39 PM
Can you say, "WHOOOPS!"? Thats funny stuff... I can't stand people who can't drive while NOT talking to cell phones... and THEN they key up a cell call. I will admit that I talk on the cell phone some while driving (not yet illegal in my state... I don't think)... but when I do, I go hands free and plant myself in one lane as opposed to lane hopping. Anyway... the picture proves a point... cell phones and driving don't mix all that well. lol

Coach... I mean Randy (I often forget who I really am) ;)
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