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02/22/2003, 07:51 PM
I'm sure you all have heard this a million times. I tried searching old posts on this but found nothing conclusive................

What are my options as far as putting my existing yakima rack on my VX. I didn't think Yakima supported it untill two days ago I spotted a Silver VX with Yakima attached directly to the side of the roof on whatever those two black bars are that hide the crappy factory rack.


02/22/2003, 10:28 PM
I don't have it, but did check into it a while back. The Yakima you saw is most likely the OEM one. Check with any Isuzu dealer for details on it, and whether yours is the same one. Search club.vmag.com for more if you didn't find enough info here.

02/23/2003, 12:22 AM
Not sure exactly what Yakima part you are talking about, but here it goes...

The cross bars are still available from your Isuzu dealer (hurry). These bars attach to the standard factory rails. They were made by Yakima. Yakima had their own at one time (wing bars), it has been discontinued for some time.

Contact St. Charles Isuzu (use the search feature) or go to isuzuparts.net and send them an email. They will set you up with a set. Both places will most likely charge less than what your local dealer would ($348).

Once you have these cross bars, you can attach just about all Yakima products to them with the use of various brackets and adpters from Yakima (like mighty mounts etc.)

02/23/2003, 06:19 AM
Since you mentioned you already have a Yakima rack, you may wish to have longer bars than the stock Isuzu 34" bars.

There are guys who found towers that fit our VX and hold round bars, but I think the best option is to use the custom Yakima towers for the VX (available through Isuzu) with 48 or 58" Yakima wing bars.

With inexpensive Wing Bar clips (available from Isuzu and *some* Yakima dealers) you should be able to use most of the racks you currently have on your old Yakima rack. Wing bar clips are basically just odd-shaped Q clips.

Rack Warehouse may be able to sell you Wing bars:

They hooked me up with a set of 58", but they really want to sell the bars with leftover towers. That 48/58" bar set with towers for only $84 is most likely cheaper than the 34" bars alone from Isuzu, and you can toss the towers and cut the bars down to any length you like with a hacksaw.

I may consider selling my used 48" Wing Bars also.

Good Luck,

02/23/2003, 06:38 AM
Originally posted by paultvx

Contact St. Charles Isuzu (use the search feature) or go to isuzuparts.net

The LINKS (http://www.vehicross.info/links.php) section has both of these sites featured. If any other folks have good sites, please add them.