View Full Version : Politics FLOGFEST II

11/02/2004, 02:18 PM
And the smackdown continues...

Note to management: that wasn't very nice to kill the nater/hater thread after 4 pages. Should either nip political/religious discussions in the bud or let them run their course. And the course for discussions of that nature will always progress something like this: heated discussion, semi-personal attacks, outright slanderous comments leading to apologies and reconciliation. You locked that thread before we could get to the healing stage! I'm sorry to have to crank it back up but I can't let it sit there stuck and festering in the slanderous phase. So here's the political flog cranked back up and I'm volunteering the first apology. Let the healing begin.

I am so sorry...

...for harrassing all you straight-ticket lemmings.

Damn I did it again. Sorry...

11/02/2004, 02:20 PM
Three things you should never talk about conversationally: How much you make, religion and politics.

That being said, this has generally been one of the better places to see discussion on these issues. ;pg;

11/02/2004, 02:24 PM
In the other thread Heraclid said:

"Hey SlowPro48, give MrCrowley a break. You can tell the guy's been through a lot"

And my first grade teacher used to say:

"OK boys and girls - no poking and gouging - it's all fun and games until somebody gets hurt!"

And I say:

Crowley I hope you know I don't really mean anything by these smartass remarks - I'm just trying to stir things up and maybe I shouldn't be doing that since you seem pretty stirred up already. I feel for ya man. I used to get like that too when I was younger but after watching 8 presidents come an go it has finally dawned on me that the founding fathers of this country built some pretty good checks and balances into the system. We may zig a little to the left and zag a little to the right as we move through the ocean of time - this ain't no cruise ship making a beeline to Nirvana - we're tacking along in a square-rigger - "Old Ironsides" - aka the USS Constitution! But please take heart - we'll get there all the same. We'll all reach that distant shore in due time no matter who's president. Well there might be a mutiny along the way and a few scalawags will walk the plank - but most of us will get there anyway...

Anyway - sorry if you were offended by any of my comments. And I am sincere about that.

11/02/2004, 03:04 PM
I don't think the Mods will do anything to stop a respectful debate on politics or religion. As soon as it turns hateful or the kiddies start calling others names it needs to be moved off the board.

11/02/2004, 04:50 PM

Squeezings from the Pore of U.S. Doom

11/02/2004, 04:55 PM
Just a quick observation. When someone tosses out a good "f*** you!" or whatever, you ought to be grinning from ear to ear, because then know you've got 'em in a corner. You can usually tell who's losing and has nothing else to fall back on by who screams the loudest and starts flinging around the most colorful language. It's a good thing to remember, no matter where you stand.

11/02/2004, 05:05 PM
Bubba's half-hearted sips from the sagging udder of boredom

11/02/2004, 06:45 PM
The screen dogs are barking at the dangerous cheese

11/03/2004, 10:11 AM
I am just disappointed that my obscene post was totally deleted, but the obscene post that was a direct and personal attack with name calling was not. I guess its democracy in action again this week. You should of read it as it was pretty funny. Other than that I dont think anyone was directly insulted except me, and the person retaliated against.

11/03/2004, 10:20 AM
this thread, and Slowpro48, earn my seal of approval.

Stir that pot.

I can't conjugate verbs either.

11/03/2004, 01:38 PM
Originally posted by Maugan_VX
this thread, and Slowpro48, earn my seal of approval.

Stir that pot.

I can't conjugate verbs either.

Well don't ever take me to the horse races! In the partisan races I ended up voting for 5 Libertarians, 6 Republicans and 6 Democrats and picked only 4 winners - 2 R's and 2 D's. Not much of a batting average - the Libs killed me there - but at least I voted FOR candidates this year instead of throwing my vote away by casting ballots AGAINST candidates. I don't know why but it feels much more satisfying to vote for somebody you actually want to win and have them lose than to vote for the lesser of two evils and pick a winner...