View Full Version : Flared Fenders - Ideas?

10/03/2004, 10:15 AM
Anyone here have any experience working with plastics? Would it be possible to flare out the rubber cladding without ruining the texture if we heated it up a little?

I'm asking because we obviously can't just smack on flares - it would look a little silly. We can't mold them in unless we paint the cladding. So our only options would be either to get new "wide body" cladding manufactured or try heating up the stock cladding and flaring it out a bit ourselves.

What do you guys think?

10/03/2004, 07:43 PM
The Mooncraft cladding was flaired - however they recast the entire parts with flairs, spoilers and the like. You may want to explore that option instead of potentially ruining your OEM cladding.

-- John

10/04/2004, 08:45 AM
Shoot, go ahead and rivet some of the Bushwacker series of flexible rubber flares on there - Mooncraft stuff was several thousand dollars if I recall.

10/04/2004, 09:32 AM
If enough folk were interested in flared fenders it would be worthwhile to look into getting them made just like the original. A set of molds from an injection molding place wouldn't be terribly expensive and may form the basis for a more cost effective cladding replacement than OEM.

10/04/2004, 09:36 AM
Hmm... I'd be interested in getting a price on "wide-body" cladding, at least! Who else is interested?

Jolly Roger VX'er
10/04/2004, 03:33 PM
Even though my new wheels & tires don't stick out terribly much past the O.E.M. cladding...I don't think I'm quite legal in PA from what I've heard; in that if it fails the "drip" test it isn't legal.

I would be interested in seeing whatever gets cooked up! Who knows...wider tires might be in my future!

10/04/2004, 03:42 PM
If there's enough interested to make it fiscally viable then I may volunteer the cladding off the IronMan for the project. However it won't be until I'm done putting together the sway bar package, which I'll be starting on after the ERS rallycross next weekend.

10/04/2004, 03:47 PM