View Full Version : VX's in Australia

07/13/2004, 05:04 AM
Does anyone know of any one that currently import VX's into Oz? A search of the SEVS list finds only expired approvals. Alternatively, anyone know of any for sale?

My other alternatives are to either pay approval/ compliancing myself (which comes to about US$6k on top of all the other costs), or move to NZ for a year.

07/13/2004, 07:48 AM
I know a lot of Aussies here, who buy used cars at the auction and send them to Australia(no VX's though)
I can always buy one for you here and ship it to Aussie land!;)

11/17/2004, 01:42 PM
Does anyone already have a VX in Australia? There should be at least 25 in the country.