View Full Version : How much do you owe on your VX?

06/15/2004, 07:10 PM
Just to get an idea of the average outstanding loan amount remaining, and to get a sense of how many outright owners there are out there! (as a basis for determining personal liability, which is a substantial factor in resale) :)

06/15/2004, 07:44 PM
Alright... someone really STILL owes $30k - $32k on their VX? Seriously, since MSRP was around $32k in 1999?

C'mon. Speak up if this is you... I'm interested in hearing your story.

06/15/2004, 07:55 PM
Some people just like to screw up polls. Fortunately, there are two extremes, and the law of averages eliminates their potency.

06/15/2004, 08:11 PM
To be fair, they might have misread the question as how much did you pay for your VX or something like that. I can't believe after paying for my VX for three out of five years I still owe 14,000 dollars. That sounds like I still owe half as I got it for $28000. I guess those taxes and interest etc really add up. I don't think I will stop being upside down on this vehicle until I make my last payment. Oh well, it's totally worth it and I will drive it for free for ten years after that! hehehhehehehhhheeeeeee.

06/16/2004, 08:53 AM
I bought my VX last January for $15,250. It had only 32K on it and it's mint. 2001 Proton. Got a good deal I think but can't wait to pay it off!

nyc #1 ironman
06/17/2004, 11:51 AM
I really don't think my payments will ever end,,,,lol...

06/17/2004, 12:32 PM
Ended up paying $26 for my '01 a little over 2 years ago, but I got the good old 10 year/120k mile warranty with 0% financing, 0 down. 5 years worth of payments, only 2 1/2 years to go. *sigh*

Jolly Roger VX'er
06/17/2004, 03:20 PM
Originally posted by WormGod
Ended up paying $26 for my '01 a little over 2 years ago, but I got the good old 10 year/120k mile warranty with 0% financing, 0 down. 5 years worth of payments, only 2 1/2 years to go. *sigh*

hmmmmmmm....pretty darn close to my situation...'cept got mine early January of '01 and couldn't get the 0% financing @ that time...so had to take 6% through my credit union. She'll be paid up in 2006 unless I can swing it earlier. Planning on adding a stable-mate at that time!

On the bright side...also have the 10yr/120kmile warranty...hopefully covering any blown motors!!!

06/19/2004, 06:52 PM
This may sound stupid, but, how can I find out what warranty I have left?

07/08/2004, 03:47 PM
Just take your VX to an Isuzu dealer. With your VIN # the service guys should be able to give you all the warraty info you might need.

07/08/2004, 03:52 PM
This may sound stupid, but, how can I find out what warranty I have left?
Call the 800 Isuzu number.

Todd Adams
12/09/2004, 12:06 AM
Sorry guys one more vote for $0

12/09/2004, 05:18 AM
Originally posted by WormGod
Ended up paying $26 for my '01 a little over 2 years agoWow, for 26 bucks I woulda picked up 2 or 3! ;Db;

It's funny that you started this poll, as I almost started it myself the other day. Why? Because I've got ONE PAYMENT LEFT! January 1st this baby will truly be MINE, ALL MINE!!! Muuhahahaha!!!

12/09/2004, 01:40 PM
Originally posted by kpaske
Wow, for 26 bucks I woulda picked up 2 or 3! ;Db;

Sure, but not with 26 miles on the ODO. ;)

12/11/2004, 01:03 AM
I was and am a very fortunate person, because I was able to pay the whole amount, ($17,250.00), last May! I am and was, again, very lucky, because, my 2001, Ebony VX, only had 5000 miles on it and was and still is in triple mint condition, when I bought it! I've spent around $8,000 on mods, since then and it has only 8500 miles on it right now. Does anybody have an idea of what I could get for it, IF....I were to sell it?

12/11/2004, 07:40 AM
LittleLaurie -

According to the Kelly Blue Book, in a third party sale you could expect to get about $15,700 for it. Unfortunately the market for used VX's isn't very good and I'd be surprised if anyone is getting the fair market value. Also, the money you dump into mods is rarely returned when you sell. To the right buyer you could probably get an extra couple thousand, if that.

However, realize that for about $25k spent you have a low mileage, mint condition, highly modified VX that people will ogle and drewl over for years to come. That in itself makes your awesome VX priceless. :)

12/13/2004, 05:53 PM
I just finished making my last payment , WHOOOOOOHOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!:D

I now own the most reliable vehicle I ever had, only had one problem with it and cost me $100 for the abs pump assembaly,
Now mind you if i bought it from the dealer it lists for $2,200.


12/14/2004, 07:08 PM
Paid 13,999 1 year ago Jan 1st. So I still owe about 11,500.
I smile everytime I send the payment.;Db;

12/24/2004, 02:58 AM
Originally posted by NJVX
I smile everytime I send the payment.;Db;

The only payment I'll smile about is the one I'm making on January 1st - my LAST one. ;Db; ;Db; ;Db; ;Db; ;Db;

12/24/2004, 06:34 AM
What is the deal with all of these January 1st dates? Was the VX your new years resolution... to get something kewl for yourself? I don't recall clicking to vote on this poll but apparently I did since I can't vote now. I am one of the fortunate ones how own it outright... which is good since I haven't driven it in a YEAR! DOH! Must get that thing running... which I'm not doing right now while posting... guess my request to be banned has gone unnoticed! lol Later!

Coach... I mean Randy (I often forget who I really am) ;)
http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/data/500/406banner.jpg (http://www.geocities.com/ironmanvx2000)
Undergoing LS1 Conversion as we speak!
Click Image to Visit My Website!
My Webshots Gallery... (http://community.webshots.com/user/ironmanvx2000)

12/24/2004, 09:39 AM
I actually purchased my VX in the Spring of 1999 (around May, I think?) and it's taken me this long to pay it off! About 6 months ago I was looking at my long term finances and realized if I bumped up my payments I could have it paid off by Jan 1st, so I guess it was sort of an early new years resolution. :winkb:

OH, and BTW, get back to work!! I'm looking forward to seeing how your conversion works out (and an extensive HOWTO for all us budding DIY'ers). :yesb:

09/21/2017, 10:12 AM
got mine sight unseen off Ebay 5K. put that much and more into it to maintain! Fortunately don't owe any bills but will soon as I gotta replace both axles, that's a grand!

Mile High VX
09/23/2017, 07:20 AM
Buy SureTrack and do it your self. Not that hard if you have good basic mech skills. Save $800.

11/21/2017, 03:18 PM
I went the sure track route. It wasn’t that hard really. Now that I have done it, I can probably do one side in around an hour or so working by myself.