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01/05/2003, 11:44 PM
What is this window regulator problem I keep seeing references of?

The windows on my 2001 are very strange. Sometimes they roll up and down just fine (though I wouldn't mind it if it was a bit faster). At times they are dog slow, as if in slow motion. Is this the problem people have been referring to?

01/06/2003, 06:36 AM
Some VX's have an inherent problem with the windows binding. There have been members that have had their window tracks modified, fixed and or replaced. While others have had no problems whatsoever. I (knock on wood) am of the lucky ones. I do notice the windows getting slow once in awhile especially when it's cold out but, solve it by using a quality silicone spray in the window tracks. (If you have window tint, make sure to let it dry before rolling up your windows or risk having your tint lossen at the edges)

01/07/2003, 08:27 PM
Try this thread (http://club.vmag.com/ubb/Forum39/HTML/002814.html) for the technique devolped by Phines, performed and approved by many.

David Wiltshire
03/30/2003, 11:07 PM
Hi to all VX owners in the U.S.A.

I have recently taken delivery of my blue VX here in the U.K. There was a problem with the drivers window which I was told was a matter of connecting the small plug back together again. Having now spent some time on the vehicle altering the runners and lubricating the rubbers the right hand side window does not operate. Can you advise me on the removal of the window motor and is the small fuse box located unit that is labelled windows replaceable if blown. Is there a supplier in the U.S.A. who can send me the parts I require.
Best regards
David Wiltshire

03/31/2003, 05:55 AM
I have had this 'window issue' and took it to the dealer last year. While they did replace my regulators and the windows did work again, for a while. I was told by my dealer, if the problem happens again, Isuzu will not allow them to fix it. This is because I have window tint! That excuse is a bunch of Bull*****. Anyhow, my windows (both) started to go up slow and jumping out if their tracks again. I followed the instructions in the link above this weekend. Took a total of 30 minutes tops! Both windows work like new. I would suggest, even if you don't have the window problem now, just do this fix. It is very, very easy to do. Anything that can be preventive maintenance and save you a trip to the dealer, is well worth the time!



03/31/2003, 08:02 AM
Shortly after purchasing my '01 vehicross in April of that year, the passenger window began rolling slower and slower and popping off the tracks, until finally it stopped completely altogether. I took it in and Isuzu replaced the tracks and fixed that side altogether.
Then about 6 months after that the driver side did the same thing. They replaced that track and fixed that side, so far.
So, we know it is not our fault, nor any other fault such as tinting, etc....

03/31/2003, 10:23 AM
The above link is one of the most informative posts ever posted for the VX by our community.

This should definitely go into some how-to list.

David Wiltshire
03/31/2003, 12:37 PM
Hi there

I have carried out the modification to both window runners as detailed in the excellent article by Phines ( illustrations too ) the passenger window (left hand side on mine) works beautifully now but I can not get the drivers (right hand side to work) at all,can anyone reccomend a good dealer who can mail order me parts?

03/31/2003, 12:45 PM
There's a link to St Charles Isuzu on the Web Links (http://www.vehicross.info/links.php?op=viewlink&cid=5) page. They've treated me very well in the past.

David Wiltshire
03/31/2003, 01:07 PM
Hi Scott,

Thanks, I have ordered right hand side regulaor from Merlin today.

03/31/2003, 04:36 PM
Good! I hope it work out well for you.