View Full Version : MXC Junkie

04/11/2004, 12:08 AM
Thanks to friends, I was introduced to the show "Most Extreme Eliminations" on Spike TV. I knew it only from changing the channels and passing it by for some months. But sitting with a group of friends, we watched a MXC marathon. We were laughing so loud and long that we all lost our voices after a couple of hours. The script writing is crazy and bizarre - as is the victims who put themselves through such ridiculous, humiliating and sometimes painful games.

Is anyone else addicted to it?
I just love the surfboard of death!;Dr; ;Db; ;Do; ;Dp; ;Dy;

04/11/2004, 04:34 AM
Yep, same here.

Quote from the Porn Stars vs. General Contractors episode:
"...so, he puts his caulk in the crack, ... and he's on which team again??"

Good stuff.:bgwp:


04/11/2004, 05:48 AM
Porn Stars vs. General Contractors
I knew there was a reason I stay clear of "reality" television.;pg;

04/11/2004, 07:42 AM
Didn't see it, but I bet the porn stars got nailed. Screwed. Hammered. Pounded...

Anyone ever see "Kate & Leopold"?
Leopold, gazing at the Brooklyn Bridge:
"What a splendid erection!"

I personally love whatever those games are on TV where there are a bunch of Japanese folks competing, doing totally ridiculous things - and it's all dubbed.

04/11/2004, 08:16 AM
Originally posted by Heraclid

I personally love whatever those games are on TV where there are a bunch of Japanese folks competing, doing totally ridiculous things - and it's all dubbed.

That's MXC! ;Db;

04/11/2004, 08:29 AM
"Ah, I see!", said the blind man.

Jolly Roger VX'er
04/11/2004, 08:50 AM
I've only seen a part of one episode...it had these people running an uphill course with large "boulders" coming down the hill and they had to duck into a safe area off to the side of the course..kind of like Indiana Jones running from the large boulder...I laughed my butt off when this guy was caught by a boulder and for a split-second stopped it only to be run over! Reminds you of Wile Coyote!

04/11/2004, 12:23 PM
That show is hilarious!!! You can't help laughing your @$$ off.
Three Stooges for the 21st century. Rob