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View Full Version : VX theme song

03/18/2004, 08:33 AM
Now, we all love our music, and nothing makes us feel better than cruising diwn the street, climbing some boulders, skimming the mud, crunching through the snow, etc, than listening to that ONE song that makes you feel at home in your VX. You know, the ONE that you will actually pull over to the side of the road to dig that CD out of your case just to stick in. That ONE song that just completes your ride in your VX. The ONE that makes you, the VX, and the song feel like ONE with the universe. You could die at that moment, knowing you are cruising in your VX to that song, and not care. Pushing your speakers and your amps to the limit for this ONE song is completely worth it.

What is that ONE song?

I have to say "Primus - Southbound Pachyderm"

03/18/2004, 08:57 AM
John Williams - Imperial March


03/18/2004, 10:31 AM
P. Diddy - Come With Me (using Led Zeppelin's Kashmir)

03/18/2004, 10:33 AM
Anything by Gov't Mule but especially

Thorazine Shuffle

03/18/2004, 11:17 AM
IRONMAN! Black Sabbath

03/18/2004, 11:27 AM
Victory - P. Diddy

03/18/2004, 11:56 AM
Whatever the music is on this GREAT WRC video!!!
Definitely worth the watch!

This music certainly makes me think of my VX, and what we do on the roads up in these mountains.

Also links for the 2002 & 2003 WRC videos... They ALL roc, but the 2001 is the


03/18/2004, 12:57 PM
In case anyone else is wondering, the song in that video is "In the End" by Linkin Park. I know I searched for it and it about drove me nuts till I found it.......;Dr;

03/18/2004, 01:21 PM
Thnx, Man....
I've been wondering about that a long time too.

03/18/2004, 02:26 PM
Led Zep - Ramble On :p

-- John

Raque Thomas
03/18/2004, 03:00 PM
Limp Biscuit and Snoop Dog - Red Light, Green Light. Not a fan of either of them - but a great driving song!

03/18/2004, 03:11 PM
cooooool song

03/18/2004, 03:13 PM
Ah, Limp Bizkit - the pride of Jacksonville, FL. LOL! Actually, our favorite sons here in Jax would be Lynyrd Skynyrd. :-)

Here's my pick - give it a listen...

Actually I found this while searching for songs with "cross" in them while trying to find a cool VehiCross song when a similar thread came up a while back.

03/18/2004, 03:23 PM
For me it is and always will be Metallica "Wherever I may roam"...

03/18/2004, 03:26 PM
Dam... Too many to pick from... But Id have to say CKY-96 Quite bitter beings... If you dunno who they are check em out Here (www.ckymusic.com)......................... Id also have to pick Offspring-Bad habit depending on my mood

03/18/2004, 03:30 PM
I was hoping someone would bring up Offspring! :D That has to be the best driving album, right next to Ignition. And as for Primus what about, Jared the race car driver?;)

03/18/2004, 07:41 PM
Differnt ones for on road.. or off road.. Anything by Linkin park..
Hay man nice shot ..by Filter.. Beat it up right ..by Korn

03/18/2004, 08:12 PM
But I would have to say "Leave you far behind" from the Soundtrack for the first Matrix movie.

It was the song playing when Neno and Trinity fight the guards of the govt building when they went to save Morpheus.

Actually there are a lot of great songs on that CD! Like Dragula by Rob Zombie.

03/18/2004, 08:22 PM
I'd hafta say Johnny Winter "Red House"

I'm the blues kinda guy.


Ps... Hendrix does a good rendition also.

The toonz don't matter, long as I'm drivin' ma baby!!

J La
03/19/2004, 10:49 AM
I agree with Yal on the metallica! But if I have to pick, I would have to say it is:

MOVE Bi--h, Get out the way! Get out the way....

By. Ludacris

03/19/2004, 03:21 PM
Secret Agent Man - ???

"Lives a life of danger......"

03/19/2004, 09:25 PM
Last time this came up, someone suggested "Peter Gunn" - I went and kazaa'd a bunch of covers and decided that the one by Art of Noise is excellent.
For those unfamiliar with the song it was the theme for the video game "spy hunter."

PS - Busta Rhyme's duet/update of Ironman with Ozzy is pretty effing intense.

03/22/2004, 10:25 PM
Originally posted by Panther_Black_VX
But I would have to say "Leave you far behind" from the Soundtrack for the first Matrix movie.

It was the song playing when Neno and Trinity fight the guards of the govt building when they went to save Morpheus.

Do you mean the infamous "lobby scene?" (which incidentally, was shot in one take because they didn't have the budget to redo all the simulated bullets). I think the song in the lobby was "Spybreak! (Short One)" by the Propellerheads. Also on the same disc, track 2, I think.

03/28/2004, 11:47 AM
Something for all you Zeppelin fans....


03/29/2004, 05:23 AM
The Art of Noise rendition of Peter Gun A.K.A. the Spy Hunter video game theme song :naughty:.

03/29/2004, 07:42 AM
mmmm the VX song is of course driver's seat from Sniff N The Tears.:D

03/29/2004, 11:50 AM
one that a frienf=d of mine recorded TWO FOR NOTHING by Robert Lucas. Robert is a Missippi Delta Bluse picker/singer and this one is the only instrumental he's done that I'm aware of.

I can cover a lot of miles with this one in the slot. It's one of those that you don't have to listen to to hear.

My pick


03/29/2004, 05:35 PM
Cake: The Distance
Ministry: Jesus built my Hotrod.
'Nuff said.

03/29/2004, 05:47 PM
Originally posted by WyrreJ
Do you mean the infamous "lobby scene?" (which incidentally, was shot in one take because they didn't have the budget to redo all the simulated bullets). I think the song in the lobby was "Spybreak! (Short One)" by the Propellerheads. Also on the same disc, track 2, I think.

I stand corrected! You are right!!

03/30/2004, 03:08 PM
That Led Zeppelin video was very cool. It made me think of Trampled Underfoot as a great VX driving song.

Greasy slicked down body, groovy leather trim
I like the way you hold the road, mama, it ain't no sin

Talkin' 'bout love (X3)

Trouble-free transmission, helps your oil's flow
Mama, let me pump your gas, mama, let me do it all

Talkin' 'bout love (X3)

Dig that heavy metal underneath your hood
Baby, I could work all night, believe I've got the perfect tools

Talkin' 'bout love (X3)

A model built for comfort, really built with style
Specialist tradition, mama, let me feast my eyes

Talkin' 'bout love (X3)

Factory air-conditioned, heat begins to rise
Guaranteed to run for hours, mama it's a perfect size

Talkin' 'bout love (X3)

Groovin' on the freeway, gauge is in the red
Gun down on my gasoline, I believe I'm gonna crack a head.

Talkin' 'bout love (X3)
I can't stop talkin' about...

Come to me for service every hundred miles
Baby, let me check your points, fix your overdrive

Talkin' 'bout love (X3)

Fully automatic, comes in any size
Makes me wonder what I did, before we synchronized

Talkin' 'bout love (X3)

Feather-light suspension, coils just couldn't hold
I'm so glad I took a look inside your showroom doors

Talkin' 'bout love (X3)
Oh, I can't stop talkin' about love. http://www.wtv-zone.com/markg/mags/mags2/band.gif

Mark Griffin

04/01/2004, 06:08 AM
Yup that would definitely work,, or red house as well, but I think I'll have to go for Flight of Icarus (http://swordforger.net/andy/filepub/mp3s/A_through_i/IronMaiden/Piece%20of%20Mind/03%20-%20Iron%20Maiden%20-%20Flight%20of%20icarus.mp3) WooooHoooo!

04/01/2004, 07:21 AM
Well, I've been wanting to post my theme song... but its been so damn long since I've driven my VX :( that I can't even remember what I would listen too while driving the dang thing! :( Well, I'm sure though that when I return to driving my VX with the LS1 in it, I'll be jamming to something really hard, really fast stuff... gonna be Zombie or Static X probably!


Coach... I mean Randy (I often forget who I really am) ;)
http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/data/500/406banner.jpg (http://www.geocities.com/ironmanvx2000)
Undergoing LS1 Conversion as we speak!
Click Image to Visit My Website!

04/01/2004, 07:13 PM
Hey Swordy, do you actually do anything relating to swords? Just curious - I have some and took a course about their use. And that pic in your sig looks just like a type of blade from a place called Omega Artworks.

Arachnid J
04/01/2004, 07:24 PM
Great songs for driving:

Sammy Hagar - I Can't Drive 55
Judas Priest - Freewheel Burning
White Zombie - Black Sunshine:evil:

04/02/2004, 06:23 AM
Well Heraclid, I have made a couple of swords. I used to work in a machine shop and was able build and grind whatever I wanted on my own time. But no, I not make swords for a living. Just collect them. It would be a great hobby, and if I ever get a full shop set up, I may start doing something like that again.

04/02/2004, 11:46 AM
"Space Cowboy" By Steve Miller.

Seems to fit the car.

Had it on loud last night coming back from a surf and it sounded really good.


04/02/2004, 01:12 PM
artist: Rage Against The Machine
Album: Evil Empire

"aaaah sh*$% I GOT A HEAD-RUsh" - ! -


04/02/2004, 03:12 PM
Hey Swordy,

That's cool... I am fairly creative when I want to be and always thought I'd really like to make them too. If you get really good at it, you can make a whole lot of money, too, although first and foremost would be that I think I'd just really love doing it.

So what's in your collection? I have a few nice ones and several cheap ones (which actually tend to hold up better), and would really like to get some historical ones. My dream would be to get my hands on a Prussian saber with the regiment markings of the Benkendorf regiment (1700-1702 Livland-Courland campaign). I am of Prussian descent and my last name is Benkendorf.

05/20/2004, 07:19 PM
Paul Westerberg`s "Let`s not Belong Together"

05/21/2004, 04:41 PM
Eve of Destruction

This is a good song for Bush too!

05/21/2004, 08:07 PM
has this website ever thought about starting its own radio station....its not hard.....and this place has enough activity people might listen......if webmaster interested i can hook ya up with people who know ins and outs....i been an online DJ for 5? years......since is private station.....no fees involved i think....plus prob have under 10 listeners at a time....so they don't care bout that

could even set up to have a weekly VX chat show to discuss VX mods and trips and stuff.....could have guests call in

05/22/2004, 08:17 AM
Sweet idea! I like it. The weekly chat station sounds like a cool idea too. Let's do it.



Jolly Roger VX'er
05/23/2004, 06:00 AM
Originally posted by Panther_Black_VX
But I would have to say "Leave you far behind" from the Soundtrack for the first Matrix movie.

It was the song playing when Neno and Trinity fight the guards of the govt building when they went to save Morpheus.

Actually there are a lot of great songs on that CD! Like Dragula by Rob Zombie.

I have that CD and LOVE the song performed by Rob Zombie; I believe that the track is #9 off the top of my head! It is the song played in the Matrix movie when they are at the dance club and Neo is about to meet Trinity for the first time after "following the white rabbit".

I recently saw "The Punisher" and bought that soundtrack and love it too!

Drowning Pool "Step Up"----------Seether feat. Amy Lee "Broken"
Edgewater "Eyes Wide Shut"....etc.

05/23/2004, 07:04 AM
Red Barchetta or The Spirit of the Radio by RUSH!!!

05/27/2004, 05:10 PM
Good driving song... good anything song:

Stockholm Syndrome (http://www.wmuk-newmedia.co.uk/muse/stockholm_syndrome_w_hi.asx) from Muse. Awesome band. A little Queen, a LOT Radiohead, and MUCH rock and roll.