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03/12/2004, 10:51 AM
Had my vx for close to 3 years....BAM....got a crack in the windshield.

Az. is prone to get'n cracks, all the dust and rocks I guess.....been pretty lucky til now.

Calling my insurance guy to see if I'm covered..I'll get back with ya on that.

03/12/2004, 11:21 AM
LOL! I live in Chandler, AZ and I have three of them. Since my insurance will replace my windshield with OEM I will wait until it cracks fully or until I really need it. Why get a new one if we are more likely to get another one. From my experience... dont follow to close to other vehicles. :rolleyes:

03/12/2004, 11:32 AM
100% covered....coming on Monday to replace, nice!

My crack is about 5-6 inches long at the base of the winshield....will get worse real quick. I'm a perfectionist, it bugs me to look at it.:D

03/12/2004, 11:55 AM
It seems that my windshields last about a month until they get chipped up. Right now I have 3 large cracks across the entire windshield, but none of them are in my view at all so I guess I don't mind, must drive my passengers crazy though LOL! Maybe time to call the glass company, hell I pay for insurance why not use it.

03/12/2004, 12:31 PM
I'm on my 4th windshield here in Pennsylvania. They like to put gravel mixed with salt on the roads in the winter. One always seems to find it's way to my windshield---CRACK! The local glass guy here is used to pulling the old and setting a new one on the VX. He's quick too, it's pretty impressive. He learned his lesson on the first one as it shattered when he tried to remove it. :rolleyes:

03/12/2004, 12:39 PM
Hey look at it this way....from what I hear, the replacement front windshield glass some places are using actually has that embedded sun visor tint on the top whereas the stock glass that comes with the VX doesn't.

Kinda like a mod that mods itself!?
(if you happen to get it)

03/12/2004, 12:42 PM
When I called the glass company and told them what it was, they were like....huh?
Told them I want there best man on the job, from the look of it...dose'nt look easy to intall.
I also called back to make sure it was a factory windshield, not a aftermarket....it's factory.

They also looked into the installation of the vx, they're excited.....never did one before.....makes me a little nervous.

03/12/2004, 12:44 PM
Originally posted by VX4EJR
Hey look at it this way....from what I hear, the replacement front windshield glass some places are using actually has that embedded sun visor tint on the top whereas the stock glass that comes with the VX doesn't.

Kinda like a mod that mods itself!?
(if you happen to get it)

Cool, I'll let you know if I got that.

03/12/2004, 01:26 PM
Originally posted by VCAMILO
LOL! I live in Chandler, AZ

Hey! Chandler, huh? I use to work for a 'manufactured homes' company that has a sales center in Chandler. In fact, it is right in front of a casino on Indian land. Man, I've lost a few hundered in those parts!

Chandler. Nice place!

03/12/2004, 01:35 PM
Dallas- I'm picking up I signed book for you from Todd, I'll send'm out by next week.

03/12/2004, 01:44 PM
Originally posted by VX4EJR
Hey look at it this way....from what I hear, the replacement front windshield glass some places are using actually has that embedded sun visor tint on the top whereas the stock glass that comes with the VX doesn't.

Kinda like a mod that mods itself!?
(if you happen to get it)

Damn, I never got one with a factory tint strip at the top. That would be a cool mod. I wonder what windshield they use that has the tint but fits the VX too?? My replacements have always been clear top to bottom.:(

03/12/2004, 01:53 PM
Jay, havent you learned yet? You're supposed to drive in reverse so things like this wont happen. :p

03/12/2004, 02:01 PM
Originally posted by jayfotos
Dallas- I'm picking up I signed book for you from Todd, I'll send'm out by next week.

Thanks dood! I'm glad he was ok with doing it.

03/12/2004, 07:14 PM
Has anyone asked/paid for a "better" windshield? Like maybe a thicker windshield or with a full-coverage "factory" tint (very light, say 85% transmission)?

03/12/2004, 11:10 PM
Crack progress can by stopped by drilling a small hole at the very end of the crack. Most windshield shops do it at small cost.

03/13/2004, 08:22 AM
I'm on my third windshield now and in need of my fourth due to several large cracks. I don't know what it is about the VX but this vehicle seems particularly prone to windshield damage! Anyhow, I've had both tinted windshields and the tint strip along the top. The tinted ones are offered in a "green" tint and a "brown" tint -- the green looks the best on my ebony VX (and more closely matches my other tint). The one with the tint strip was clear, except for the gray tint line along the top. Of the two styles, I prefer the green tint.

03/13/2004, 08:24 AM
I think the shape of the front/nose of the VX causes an updraft that strikes right at the windshield. What's needed is a good wind deflector for the front to keep the stones off the glass. I'm hoping John at Carbon Werks can come up with something in CF.

-- John

03/13/2004, 08:36 AM
That's exactly right, John. We had to leave very early for the rallycross at Joe's place in Ft. Meade, and drove home in the dark too. Consequently, I had gobs and gobs of bug strikes all over the VX. What was interesting is that from the top end of the hood insert to the windshield just above the wiper arms was totally free of bug guts, and you could practically see a line where things started whacking the windshield. And I mean it was really covered in bug goo from head to toe, so something was deflecting them from that particular little area.

03/13/2004, 09:50 AM
Originally posted by VX922
Crack progress can by stopped by drilling a small hole at the very end of the crack. Most windshield shops do it at small cost.

Well, I'm covered 100% and I would rather replace it. If your insurance company offers it, might be worth it.....seems a lot of you guys have this problem.

I've had mine for close to 3 years and this is my first crack.

03/14/2004, 04:14 PM
I noticed that if the windshield is installed even a small amount to the left or the right, its possible that the door when closed might be putting pressure on the windshield causing it to crack without apparent reason. Be sure to have the new one installed by someone who takes care in thier work.

03/14/2004, 04:36 PM
I'll tell him that when I seem him tomorrow, thanks.

03/15/2004, 08:32 AM
Got factory glass with the tint....nice!

Jolly Roger VX'er
03/16/2004, 06:48 PM
I had mine drilled the next day after the stone chip...didn't help in my case...now have crack from sea to shining sea...figure I'll get a new windshield when spring finally hits.