View Full Version : Developing CF Insert & Full Hood

03/03/2004, 06:48 AM
Okay, I've been getting really wound up over the whole CF insert debacle that's forming of late. I've been wanting a CF insert since Albert first hinted he'd make one and we corresponded about an extraction version. Now, this new product that's coming together is nice for the cosmetic replacements but as for functionality it's lacking. THIS IS MY OPINION! I think a lot of you have some great ideas and I wish you well, but unfortunately I disagree with much of the methodology and concepts. So, that leaves me back to square one for what I want for me. However, a few have contacted me and have shared their interest as they are similarly inclined. To that end, I've decided to develop, prototype and produce both a fully functional CF extraction insert AND a full CF replacement hood with functional extraction and induction. Also, if you're not a CF fan this will be available in structural fiberglass as well. I will supply any reinforcement needed for modifications to the existing hood for use with the insert, and also a custom airbox and filter for use with the full hood induction setup. The ultimate design will be based on what works, not necessarily what looks cool, but I'm confident it will look like the VX has arrived!

This is a very tall order, but those of you that know me also know what an over-analyzing perfectionist I am in spite of myself. I'm not promising miracles or flying swine, but I will promise progress and results within three months. The components will be produced and shipped from Florida, and I will do what I can keep all costs to a minimum. Any and all proceeds will go totally to production, as the only reward I seek is having and sharing something that benefits all involved.

If you're interested send me your email address as I'm building a distribution list so I can keep everyone informed with regular email updates. I'd also like to take this off-line so as to not steal any thunder from the cosmetic folks.

For those of you who have already contacted me, thank you very much for your support and encouragement!

03/03/2004, 08:43 AM
This 3 months period should give me some time to save up for a sunroof....:cool:

03/03/2004, 09:10 AM
Not sure you got my email, but I am in.

03/03/2004, 10:01 AM
Hey Joe,

I'm in too - it's no good to me without functionality.

-- Best, John

03/03/2004, 11:15 AM
Hey Joe,
I am still getting the WRX induction scoop while it's available, I don't want to miss out on something like that. But I am really interested on what you come up with. I don't see why you want to take it off line, I'm sure there are a lot of people interested with what you come up with.

03/03/2004, 12:10 PM
Thanks all for your interest, I'm very encouraged by the amount of responses received so far. The only reason I wanted to take it off line was not to interfere with the other project, but as AlaskaVX points out others may not have an opportunity to follow along. I just don't want to unnecessarily ruffle any feathers!:mbrasd:

03/03/2004, 08:58 PM
I say keep it online, the more easily accessible the info is to people, the more likely we are to get more input. Putting my money where my mouth is, I haven't sent you email and am hoping to get the scoop (heh) here in the forum.

PS - very interested in a complete hood replacement with the proper ducting setup for a SC'd engine.

03/03/2004, 10:52 PM
put me down, sign me up - whichever it is....x

03/04/2004, 03:12 PM
Sure, I want something that looks good, but if it also really does hold down engine bay temps, why the heck not go for that? Joe, I'm in as well, and if there's anything I can do, just holler.

Jolly Roger VX'er
03/04/2004, 06:03 PM
I'm interested in functionality foremost....besides...if it truly works than it'll LOOK like it REALLY works...

I just don't get into those fake "double-sided tape" stick-on hood scoups that you see nowadays with or without carbon fiber.

Good luck in your efforts Joe..and may we reap the benefits!

03/04/2004, 06:27 PM
Thanks again! I'm really getting revved up about this project due to all the interest. I've already procured some remote-mount cameras to aid in the aerodynamic testing and will start next week on the external booms to mount them to. Then we'll start doing field tests with the video to determine the true airflow characteristics of the VX hood area at various speeds. Once we have a good understanding then the fun begins: Design and prototyping! Looks like my time at Embry-Riddle may finally pay off!;Do;

I'll have the first updates sometime next week, so stay tuned!