View Full Version : New Stereo - Thigns I've learned

02/02/2019, 05:56 PM
So after I got tired of the Sony head unit that was in my VX when I bought it, I "upgraded" to a Pioneer.


I did a lot of research on USB format compatibility, and sadly--no car stereo MFG offers native exFAT or NTFS file support. At least none that I'm aware of. Shame, because that would make things significantly easier.

I haven't had a Pioneer stereo before, but I figured I'd give it a shot, since all my speakers are Pioneers. I'm currently using a 128GB flash drive formatted in FAT32. That left me 64GB to write on (not sure why) but since my music collection is just under 17 GB at the moment, I'm ok. I'd had playback issues with both old and new stereos using USB formatted with exFAT (playback speeds off, files that would randomly be inaccessible, etc).

I'd really wanted a flip-up LCD display, but finding one with a front-facing USB port is next to impossible. Add to that the concerns over the flip-up not extending far enough to clear the recess-mount that the VX has, and you're looking for a needle in a haystack.

I'm fairly happy with this stereo, but there are some nitpick things I don't like. The USB access when you start the car--takes FAR too long. Like a couple minutes almost. After it's accessed, you can skip songs fairly quickly (although there is a delay that's a bit more than the old Sony one). And it would be nice to set button colors independent of the display color--but that's not quite possible.

Still unsure if I'm going to put an amp in for the main speakers, or just leave it with the amp on the sub and nothing else. I'd like to have a backup cam installed in the same spot the JDM ones have, but without the screen, that may never happen.

Good news is, it matches the purple lighting I put in. :)