View Full Version : Just for fun...

12/18/2003, 02:48 PM

The secret is pretty obvious but some of my friends got caught...;Dr;

12/18/2003, 02:51 PM
Yeah, I've seen this type of trick used in many different ways. Once you know the secret, it just isn't as fun anymore.

But, I will email it on!!!!

12/18/2003, 03:26 PM
it is fun, you just have to let yourself believe. oh wait, thats peter pan, nm

12/18/2003, 04:43 PM
Looks like it just changes all the cards, so no matter which one you picked, it isn't there. When you see them, you tend to focus on finding your selected card rather than what other cards are there, so you may miss the fact that they changed the entire hand, not just removed a card in the hand.

12/18/2003, 06:28 PM
Hera, shhhh, dont tell the secret, some people dont know it

i bet you peek at xmas presents too, dont ya??

12/18/2003, 08:02 PM
Copperfield is amazing. We saw him in Mississippi and I ended up on stage with 15 other people to help in an illusion. Here was the deal. We all sat in 2 rows of eight chairs in a framed box with all its sides open. He told our family in the audience that he intended to send us away and would only bring us back to the hotel when he was ready. The curtain dropped on all sides of the box and, when the illusion was over, we ended up on the back side of the arena. Needless to say it was amazing to those watching.
Now, when the illusion is over (and before you can speak to anyone) you're wisked off to a locked back room where David meets with you and asks that you keep the secret as to how it was done. You then get to see what the audience saw via a video tape. I was impressed. One minute I'm in a covered box with fireworks going off and just a few seconds later all 16 of us reappear 200 feet away from the stage. I'll never tell.
As I left the locked room David gave us all a signed photo and told us to hang on to it for luck & as a reminder. We walked out to the casino with "lucky" picture in hand. My girlfriend (wife this Sunday) put a lone quarter into a slot machine as we passed and she hit $250. Hmmmmmm
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