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View Full Version : N1 Injured

Green Dragon
11/20/2002, 06:31 PM
This posted at request of New Dutchman:

Hi guys, I just got a call from Kangaroo land, N1 is in Hospital!
He was busy cleaning out his house(in preparation for his moving to Hong Kong) and he tripped over something(a wombat?), he fell and couldn't move anymore...a busted knee. Three days he was laying outside, ten meters from his house...but he couldn't enter his house.
While he was carrying the last box to his car, he locked the door from inside, with the intention never to return!
Those three days in the outback desert, were the hardest three days N1 ever experienced....the sun was shining ruthless, and there was the never ending threat of snakes, crocs and horny kangaroos.
God how much he would give for a drop of water...he started to halucinate, angry VX owners dressed up in white sheets, burning a cross made out of carbon fiber...
He knew that he had to do something..all those orders...scuffplates, inserts, he knew he couldn't let you guys down!
So he fought, struggled, cried and finaly reached down to his pocket and grabbed his portable phone and called the flying doctors.
That was four days ago, and don't worry N1 is fine again, mentally, but physically he's not fine, he can't drive or move properly, and to get to the fish&chips store across the street is an unhuman task.
But don't worry eventually he'll get better(aussies are tough bastards), and take care of the orders! So lads and ladies what I want to tell you is that you don't have to worry about your orders and N1 gives his deepest and sincere apologies for yet another delay.
N1 get better soon, and take care of yourself!

11/20/2002, 09:01 PM
Oh, Albert!!
I hope all turns out well for you!! Wished I could be there to lend some assistance..
Hang in there pal and get well soon!
