View Full Version : 235/85 r16 - lift needed?

Dazed & Confused
07/05/2014, 04:58 PM

I'm hoping to buy a VX for some light overlanding (90%+ on road). I'm a big fan of 235/85 r16 tyres (usually BFG ATs), for their versatility, good fuel economy, noise levels, and ease of replacement pretty much anywhere.

Will there be any issues fitting these to a non-lifted VX? Probably on steel wheels.

If a lift is needed, what is the simplest, cheapest, most reliable way of doing the minimum needed to fit the wheels? (I don't want to increase wear, go down the slippery slope of more and more mods, etc.)

I'm not worried about the 'pizza-cutter' look - I'm trying to make the VX as suitable for my needs as I can. (If only it came with a Toyota diesel, then it'd be perfect....)

Depending on the answer, I could be back here soon with lots more questions!


07/05/2014, 06:47 PM
I have done just this, VX...check, tires...check, overland...check

I have OME 919's and they fit with a little T-bar crank (do alignment afterwards). I trimmed the front right off my car and added a tube bumper. I would try a lighter tire than the BFG I have good luck with General AT2s as they are the same BFG pattern just spaced further apart. Keep the stock wheels or something with similar backspacing.
BTW the VX isn't a good overland option as they are hard to find some parts for, lack space, lack cup holders, aftermarket isn't great, but if you need something with a wow factor or conversation starter it will work great.
I have driven from Alaska to Baja and this October will be doing AZ-Maine, Maine-FL, FL-AZ


Hope this helps at all...if I could do it all over again, I'd do it with an older Toyota, alas I've fallen in love with the VX

Dazed & Confused
07/06/2014, 02:44 AM
Thanks - really helpful.

Sorry, I'm really new to the whole mechanical side. I've only rented/driven/borrowed in the past.

What is a OME 919, and how much does that do in terms of lift?

I appreciate that the VX isn't good for over landing. I'm still erring towards a Toyota Landcruiser (80 or 100, probably) or Hilux as the most sensible choice, but the VX (and Fiat Panda!) is being considered as a more 'head turning' option, as the trip will also be for publicity.

I'll look into Generals - I think their availability is pretty good, although I need to check they're as tough as BFGs. How did you find the VX's handling on 235s?

Your trip looked great. I'd love to go to Alaska one day.


07/06/2014, 12:29 PM
Welcome..I come from Bristol originally !!

Take a look at this thread:-


All the info you need to choose lift/spring options.

I can even bring stuff over for ya at Xmas :thumbup:



Dazed & Confused
07/06/2014, 01:30 PM
Old Man Emu - of course! So obvious once you know.

Bristol, eh? Small world! What made you move to the US? Job, or just a change of scene?

Thanks for the help - I'll give to a read. I'm still torn whether to VX or not. My heart says yes, but my head (and a couple of ventricles of my heart) says Toyota. (Or Fiat!)

07/06/2014, 04:06 PM

And this one will answer pretty much all tire/wheel fitment questions :)