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View Full Version : It finally happened to me.... WAAAAAAHHH!!!!!

Lisa K
11/20/2003, 01:25 PM
Had my very first car accident EVER this morning on my way to work. My poor duckling got its fangs crunched!!! ;eekr; Seems to be all plastic damage, front left area of bumper and grill. I'm OK, no injuries to the other guy, not enough impact to deploy airbags, so that's good news. The other guy was nice, very apologetic, and yes it WAS his fault. Fortunately he uses the same insurance co. I do, so that should hopefully go more smoothly than normal.

Anyone have an idea as to how long it will take to get replacement parts for front cladding and grill?

I'm waiting to hear back from an adjuster; will try to take pics to post.

*sigh* thanks for hearing me whine and cry

Lisa K

11/20/2003, 01:43 PM
No Lisa!!!! What is this? Everyone getting into accidents...

With all this talk of religion and accidents, I'm gonna hug a tree and cross myself before I get into my VX tonight.

Lisa, I think you will need Killer Shrimp therapy...
This Sunday night?

11/20/2003, 02:02 PM
Oh Lisa! I'm so sorry! It's bad enough to have an accident because it's so scary and the damage and so forth, but to have an accident in your VX is worse, somehow. I think it's because we love our VX's so much and they're so unique, not mention, hard to get parts for and almost impossible to replace. However, there is nothing more impossible to replace than human life, and for yours, I'm grateful!!!

11/20/2003, 02:04 PM
Ouch. That really sucks but once it's repaired it'll be good as new.
There must be some unseen forces at work here. A few weeks ago I was sitting at a light and wham a guy bumbs me from the back. Luckly it was at a light and the impact was minor and there was no damage, but it really pissed me off. The guy said he was sorry and wasn't paying attention - duuuh. Then the weekend of the Boston meet, I was almost taken out twice on the highway. The first time the guy saw me at the last minute and pulled back but the second time it was a girl that actually ran me out into the center almost to the concrete.

11/20/2003, 02:14 PM
Don't feel bad. I ran 2 VXes into the ground now. Well, more like 1 1/2, but if anyone here is the enemy, it's me. I should change my nick to VX Reaper.

I called the shop today about the estimate and parts and the owner Tom said the body panels and such were already ordered and he should have them by early next week. He is doing 2 estimates though. State Farm ok'ed the cosmetic estimate (body stuff) that came to about $3300, and now that he has that, he can tear it down and do the estimate on mechanical, which appears to be steering and suspension. I couldnt say what that will come to since it's pretty mangled up, but he doesnt imagine those parts will be hard at all to get.

Hopefully, I will have it back in a matter fo weeks though. This Ford Focus is NOT a fun rental to drive.

Good luck on your repairs.

11/20/2003, 02:15 PM
mmmmmmmmmmmmm... killer shrimp......... http://www.digitalbrushstrokes.com/homer-peep.gif

Glad you're okay, Lisa. Best wishes on the repairs.

11/20/2003, 03:00 PM
Hi Lisa,

Very sorry to hear , but at least it was not too bad and you were not hurt. As a Chiropractor I get so many neck and back auto injuries comming into the office here.

Today I had a guy in a huge van backing up into the front of my VX without looking and I had to crawl backwards in reverse for atleast 10 feet while laying on my horn for him to finally realize there was someone behind him. I just eeeeked out of getting my front crushed!!!! I was lucky to have space to back up into in this small parking lot. It was scarry and like in slo-mo!!!

Whats with all these accidents????

I'm going to walk 3 times around my VX while chanting and pray to the gods before driving home tonight!!!! My baby is too new to get crunched.

Anyway , wishing you a quick well done repair,

Dave :)

11/20/2003, 03:28 PM
This madness has to stop!
Another VX is going to the shop. Sorry to hear of you accident. Hope it gets fixed quickly. Glad you are not hurt.
Margarita? Makes the pain go away.

Lisa K
11/20/2003, 03:41 PM
I'd love a margarita right about now, too.

Thanks for all the nice wishes and sympathy/empathy. I'll keep you all posted on DevilDukk's upcoming "surgery".

STAY SAFE OUT THERE - Mercury is in retrograde or something , causing VXers to become crappy-driver-magnets. Sheesh. :confused:

11/20/2003, 04:06 PM
Sheesh is right, Lisa. I don't know what's causing this string of bad luck, but I hope it's over and I'm very glad that our VXes are doing such a good job protecting us. That said... no more 'til '04!

Jolly Roger VX'er
11/20/2003, 06:13 PM
My '88 Fiero (beater) which as 187K miles has been sitting idle with a bad steering rack for a couple weeks now (waiting for new part as '88 is different from '84-'87 which are readily available...dope!) already resulting in my VX taking a hit to the windshield from a stone cast by a jeep; The deer here are in "rutt" (mating season)
which means they are only concerned with one thing (does run in front of you to get away from horny bucks which run in front of you to chase the does). Now my electronic deer alert, which seems to help warn them your coming, is on the fritz! I pulled it off the VX tonight to see if it might be just a poor ground or loose wire...no such luck! Plus...I'm not used to seeing my VX get this dirty...usually sits spit-shined for after work pursuits. Now I come home from work and see the Fiero spit-shined sitting in the driveway and my VX is all muddy and splashed up!


11/20/2003, 06:47 PM
Lisa, sorry to here your baby was rammed. I hope you are able to get parts faster than I did (month and a half for most of them)!!!!!!!!!! Would be nice to buy you a pain killer(Margarita) at Killer Shrimp.;pp;

11/20/2003, 09:55 PM
Originally posted by drdavidr4u

Today I had a guy in a huge van backing up into the front of my VX without looking and I had to crawl backwards in reverse for atleast 10 feet while laying on my horn for him to finally realize there was someone behind him. I just eeeeked out of getting my front crushed!!!! I was lucky to have space to back up into in this small parking lot. It was scarry and like in slo-mo!! Had exactly the same thing happen to me during the summer. Made me decide to get a real horn, but I still haven't decided which one yet. Maybe a PA system to so they can hear me cuss them out.

11/22/2003, 12:45 PM

Mercury is not in retrograde, but I understand your feeling that something else is going on here with all these recent accidents.

Mercury came out fo retrograde on sept 20th, and won't go back untill dec 17th or so.

Mercury is the messenger, responsible for communication and such, missed calls, emails and possably arguments, but not VX accidents.

John C.

Green Dragon
11/22/2003, 02:28 PM

Other driver was just being nice. Probably was your fault.


Dragon Bob