View Full Version : Hey Bart...

04/05/2014, 09:23 AM
I found your next nfpgasmask toy...

THIS (http://volocars.com/1975-ford-falcon-xb-mad-max-movie-car-c-4751.htm#sthash.vFG2lhhE.dpbs)


04/08/2014, 09:16 AM
You know you wanna...

04/08/2014, 09:25 AM
Damn, wow. $115,000. That is a LOT. I paid $6500 for my Falcon (not including about $4000 to get it here) but I ended up selling it after a couple years. I think on a conservative end, to restore and build a quality MM replica car, you are talking at least $40,000-$60,000. This one is almost double! Crazy how the values and etc change.

I decided that I wanted to concentrate on my Zus, which in the long run is more practical for me, and definitely more economical. I still look at Falcons from time to time, and maybe someday I will buy one, but as you can see, things have changed over the last 15 years since I started the whole process.

Cool though, that this is for sale in the USA.


04/08/2014, 10:17 AM
Just wait until the new Mad Max comes out (next year, I think)... it may drive costs up yet again... And Bart, did you notice the bodywork this guy had to do? He did the same bodywork you would have had to do for the rust holes, right?

04/08/2014, 10:23 AM
Oh yeah, that was the main reason I sold my car. There was just WAY too much rust. I just didn't want to deal with it, let alone afford to deal with it. These cars are very prone to rust, coming from the populated coastal cities around Australia. Falcons in original condition sans rust go for big bucks, much like our original Mustangs do here. So the only really affordable (if you want to call it that) cars are ones with rust issues that need repairing.

It's a long term labor of love, and in the end, I realized that my Zus were more fun, and more worth my time/money to me.
