View Full Version : Any guidance on curing rust on the trailer hitch...

01/03/2014, 11:51 AM
When I recently puchased my VX, it came equipped with a trailer hitch. However, it has a lot of rust on it. I like the hitch, but am looking for any suggestions to rid it of rust. What have you guys used to cure the rust issue?

01/03/2014, 12:38 PM
When I recently puchased my VX, it came equipped with a trailer hitch. However, it has a lot of rust on it. I like the hitch, but am looking for any suggestions to rid it of rust. What have you guys used to cure the rust issue?

Wirebrush + can of Rustoleum

01/03/2014, 12:58 PM
Wirebrush + can of Rustoleum


someone told me one time that coca cola gets rid of rust... or maybe it makes rust... i cant remember

01/03/2014, 01:28 PM
Wirebrush + can of Rustoleum

Or remove it ... blast it ... powder coat it.

Is it a hidden hitch or one that hangs below the cladding?

01/03/2014, 04:34 PM
Wire wheel and POR15. I have spent the last year POR15 my frame. Mastercoat makes good stuff as well, much cheaper than POR15, but not the same beast. Most paint shrinks as it dries, the moisture leaving the paint and leaves tiny holes where water can get through. POR15 does the opposite. goes on thin like fingernail polish and expands as it dries, making a perfect seal. No more rust ever again. A tiny can goes a LONG way. I did most of a frame rail with one tiny can. You can get 5 cans on Ebay for 50ish bucks IIRC. Ii still have 4 cans in my garage...lol.

01/04/2014, 10:06 AM
Thanks for the advice marlin. I'm gonna pick some up ASAP. Thanks again!

01/04/2014, 08:12 PM
One thing to keep in mind...if the rust is too exstensive it may compromise the strength of the hitch.

Leon R
01/05/2014, 06:03 AM
Wirebrush + can of Rustoleum + repeat every two years

I fixed it for you ;).

Rustorium is junk, especially if you are starting out with rusty material :(.

To do it right, take it out, blast it and "POR15 it". Powdercoating will also chip away if any rust returns (which it often does).

01/07/2014, 12:05 PM
I can second the POR15.

I used it on a trailer hitch I had on another vehicle years ago, and aside from a couple of spots that needed recoated later (I didn't clean the original surface well enough before the first coat) it worked very well.

Based on my experience, I'd suggest taking the hitch off so that any rusty spots can be cleaned properly with a wire wheel down to clean metal, then reinstalling it once the whole thing is properly coated and cured.

01/08/2014, 09:36 AM
once you get it all clean, sit it on a shelf and never use it or get it wet and maintain proper moisture controls inside that room - should never rust again

01/08/2014, 09:53 AM
psycho has no response to that.

01/08/2014, 12:52 PM
I was thinking, move to Arizona or New Mexico...same same.

09/29/2016, 11:03 PM
I am gonna find Por-15 paint in the morning, I am re-installing a 100% surface rusted hitch I took off 10 years ago, will take before and after pics

12/07/2016, 06:31 PM
One thing to note using Por-15, is that it is NOT UV stable. It should be top coated after it is fully dry. Otherwise it will degrade over time chalking up and eventually rust will be able to take hold again...