View Full Version : Unexplained acceleration

11/22/2013, 06:07 PM
Yesterday while parking in front of Sears I came within inches of driving through the building. I started braking and all of sudden my VX took a sudden leap forward. It sounded like a loud rev and i'm pretty sure I didn't hit the accelerator. I had to slam the brakes real hard to stop in time. Is it maybe something wrong with the idle, motor, transmission? Anyone else ever hear of something similar? Now I have reserves about letting my wife drive it to work. :confused::confused::confused:

Scott Larson
11/22/2013, 06:21 PM
I gotta ask Brandon, do you have floor mats? I had a scary incident a few years back with my Explorer when she took off like a bat-outta-hell down the freeway until I realized the floor mat had slid forward and jammed against the gas pedal, it gets your attention!

11/22/2013, 06:29 PM
X2 on the floor mat cluster#### :eek:

Been there too...near heart attack!

Good first place to check .


11/22/2013, 06:58 PM
Ok, i'll check that in the morning. Thanks. I thought maybe it could be some sort of idle surge.

11/22/2013, 07:59 PM
Same thing happened to me after an offroading trip where I went through deep water. Everytime I pressed the brake pedal engine would rev up, algo everytime I put it in Park engine would rev up.
Also If I turned the lights on engine would rev up until I turned them off.

Pretty sure it was a wet sensor, It stopped doing that a couple of days later. My guess, the sensor dried.

11/23/2013, 08:31 AM
Check your ICV idle control valve or FPR fuel pressure regulator. A search on here should be enough reading for you to figure the details.




11/23/2013, 09:27 AM
I have a new Idle air control valve that I have just not installed yet. I also have a fuel pressure regulator sitting in my shopping cart on ebay that I just haven't bought yet.

11/23/2013, 11:16 AM
Had mine do that once also. I changed the FPR not long afterwards and it's never happened again, but that doesn't mean what caused my incident couldn't have been a bunched up floor mat that I didn't notice at the time or the IAC valve.

11/24/2013, 12:02 PM
I'd have to go with having your foot on the accelerator & brake at the same time. It happens more often than you'd think. I've had to re-program my foot to avoid that problem.

11/24/2013, 05:35 PM
I forgot to mention that when this happened to me, I also still had aftermarket gas and brake pedals installed over the stock pedals that had been added by the previous/original owner of my VX.

Those have since been removed, but at the time it could have also been a situation in my case like Tom described where both pedals were being pressed at the same time.

Scott Larson
11/25/2013, 07:50 PM
X2 on Tom's and Trekk's suggestions! I've accidently mashed on both pedals at the same time and aftermarket pedal covers can definitely compound the problem. In these situations, Occam's razor usually applies...