View Full Version : Low side A/C Hose leaking

06/28/2013, 09:50 AM
Hey all, looks like the low side hose for my a/c is leaking and needs to be replaced. Any good sites you recommend I look at to buy a replacement? Thanks!

07/02/2013, 10:28 AM
Nobody knows where I might be able to buy this part?

07/02/2013, 10:39 AM
Legally speaking, you must get a shop to do that. The remaining freon needs to be captured. Plus, after replacing the hose, the system needs to be evacuated before the new freon is added.

In reality, you should be able to get a used one from most any boneyard. Ones from Troopers & Amigos with either a 3.2 or 3.5L should be the same.

I have no idea where to get a new one.

07/02/2013, 10:53 AM
best bet to find one new is take it off, look for manufacturer or better yet a part # and then google that part number and ignore what car it says it goes to if its not a vehicross

but tom is correct unless you have the equipment to evacuate then recharge the system you cannot do this at home

07/02/2013, 01:52 PM
I have a buddy that's a mechanic. I'm going to try to find a used one then, if the ones from the Troopers and Amigos are the same. I'll have the system recharged at a shop for sure. Any other Isuzus that might have the same part?

07/02/2013, 06:15 PM
I have an extra low and hi but the lines are for a DKV-14G compressor. Whats your compressor part number? To see if it will fit.

07/03/2013, 07:26 AM
I have an extra low and hi but the lines are for a DKV-14G compressor. Whats your compressor part number? To see if it will fit.

Awesome! Thanks! I'll look it up and let you know.

07/03/2013, 07:30 AM
i cant remember what the consensus was about the difference between the two compressors but if i remember correctly the connections to them should be the same either way

07/03/2013, 08:55 AM
The suction line (low side) connection is different between D and G compressors.

07/03/2013, 03:05 PM
I have an extra low and hi but the lines are for a DKV-14G compressor. Whats your compressor part number? To see if it will fit.

I believe it's a DKV-14D Type Compressor in the Vehicross. Does this match up with what you have?

07/04/2013, 12:27 PM
The dkv-14d has an angled top line so I'm not sure it will fit. :confused:

07/14/2013, 02:24 PM
I guess I need to start searching my local junkyards. Anyone know for sure what other cars have a matching system?