View Full Version : superbowl

02/01/2013, 10:41 AM
49ers 38
ravens 17

moss 1 td
kap 2 td's
gore 1 td
someone else 1 td

ed reed could be the game changer. an interception early by reed could keep it close at halftime or a second half interception could keep it close also. so if the ravens somehow keep it close and win then reed will prob be MVP otherwise kaepernik gets MVP.

02/02/2013, 11:26 AM
Super Bowl? Isn't that the game they play between commercials? :)

02/02/2013, 07:27 PM
Go Ravens!!!

02/03/2013, 09:21 PM
Great game!!!

Fun to watch:yesb:

02/04/2013, 06:06 AM
Was the game fixed? So many bad calls against the 49ers and no calls against the ravens... the nfl must love to give rings to muderers

02/04/2013, 07:12 AM
Sour grapes - Ravens were clearly the better team, without the power outage they would have steam rolled the 9ers by 5 touchdowns. Kaepernick was horrible early despite CBS announcers alternately criticizing his throws then saying he was awesome (mostly after runs). SF special teams allowed a kickoff return and had a MAJOR brain fart on the final safety. Ravens were more experienced and ready; stage was too big for 9ers IMHO.

SF will be back though, Jim is too good a coach not to win one eventually. Interesting to see whether Kaepernick improves next year though; teams will figure his running out next season so he'll need to improve his accuracy in the pocket.

02/05/2013, 07:12 AM
As a Ravens fan, that game had me puckering up the butt cheeks that entire second half. Considering the Ravens ruled the 1st half, and the 49ers owned the second, both teams deserved the win and coming down to the final few minutes made for one stellar, exciting superbowl.