View Full Version : Legalization has begun!!

11/07/2012, 11:28 AM
Here I am sitting at work and all anybody can talk about right now is how Marijuana legalization has passed in my state as well as in Colorado. Personally, I'm pumped and can't wait for the rest of the world to follow suit. Not only for the fact that "yay we can all get high legally over here", but because this also shows progress. Soon, the Hemp industry will be able to reclaim its place as a very practical material that we can use in our daily lives for food, clothing, and general health.

What I want to know right now is: what are your thoughts on the legalization of a 100% natural product after 75 years of ignorance caused by big greedy corporations?

11/07/2012, 11:55 AM
It don't make no nevermind to me.

(You have to say that with a real hard southern accent).

Weed makes me violently ill so I can't say that I've ever had the pleasure of imbibing.

Scott Harness
11/07/2012, 11:57 AM
Hemp is a lot stronger than cotton and WAY easier to grow.Requires less water and is insect resistant IIRC :bgwb: (what was I talking about,oh yea):p
Tax it and fix the infrasturcture and roadways

11/07/2012, 12:09 PM
It can replace many products made from lumber as well. And I'm talking more uses than just getting high. Sorry that weed makes you ill, Tom. I've never heard of that before.

11/07/2012, 12:32 PM
Im good with it and im not a smoker. Two positives-
1- id rather be around stoners than cigarette smokers, they smell much better.
2- more stoners means more job opportunities for me :)

11/07/2012, 12:35 PM
Here I am sitting at work and all anybody can talk about right now is how Marijuana legalization has passed in my state as well as in Colorado.

Now that I am retired and no longer have to put up with UA'S was initially happy to hear of it's passing,

then Sandy found this.

maybe we got more then we bargained for.

11/07/2012, 01:20 PM
Im good with it and im not a smoker. Two positives-
1- id rather be around stoners than cigarette smokers, they smell much better.
2- more stoners means more job opportunities for me :)

Jack I LOL'd when I saw Colorado made it legal. It made me think of you and the time when we busted Ray good on that Joke.. Sorry off topic but its STILL greatness we both laugh to this day about that joke.

I will be glad when they make it across the board (all states) along with gay marriage (sorry off topic again). I mean seriously no one is hurting anyone on the stuff. Smokers just want to sit at home. Its the Drinkers that can get loud and rowdy and kill people on the road. Who cares what someone wants to do with thier life I say go ahead as long as it doesnt effect me or my children have at it :) .

I also agree with Scott tho. Soo many uses for Hemp. No down fall to legalizing it. Also it makes money for government too :)

11/07/2012, 02:39 PM
Sorry that weed makes you ill, Tom. I've never heard of that before.

Me neither ... I'm special. All I know is that I do NOT enjoy explosive vomiting enough to 'aquire the taste'.:)

11/07/2012, 03:21 PM
I don't participate, but a family member does for pain control.
Seeing his re-actions and driving skills, both before and after - what are you all going to say after someone stoned kills a family member in a traffic accident??

It is still illegal here, and the booze buses catch nearly as many on THC as they do on booze.


11/07/2012, 03:23 PM
I don't imbibe either, but it makes sense. Now the govt. can tax it :)

Scott Harness
11/07/2012, 06:24 PM
Industrial hemp(what ever you call it) doesn't get you high and it's still illegal:confused:

11/07/2012, 06:31 PM
It was kind of funny to hear all the whooping and cheering in the downtown neighborhoods when the passage was announced. :)

What I want to know right now is: what are your thoughts on the legalization of a 100% natural product after 75 years of ignorance caused by big greedy corporations?

I think that C. botulinum is a 100% natural product, but that doesn't mean I want to be around it. Being 'natural' means two things, and one of them is 'jack'.

Best case is that this finally convinces the feds to reschedule it. There's no evidence to support it being as dangerous as its scheduling suggests. That argument looks even sillier when you compare it to the harm and damage that alcohol causes.

Im good with it and im not a smoker. Two positives-
1- id rather be around stoners than cigarette smokers, they smell much better.

Man, your stoners must be getting a totally different class of weed than ours. Fortunately, there are hundreds of other ways of getting your fix. Brownies, anyone?

11/07/2012, 07:14 PM
what are you all going to say after someone stoned kills a family member in a traffic accident??

I-502 has placed ridiculously strict limits when it comes to issuing DUIs. Basically, you cannot have more than 5 micrograms of THC in your blood stream while driving.

That being said, alcohol is a much higher factor when assessing aggressive and violent behavior - especially while driving. The number of people killed in car accidents caused by a drunk driver is higher than that of those under the influence of THC.

11/07/2012, 07:54 PM
I'm curious to see how legalization affects crime. I would think that with marijuana being easily available, it would cut down on heavier drug use, and the crime (and people funded by drug sales) that goes along with that.

93 BLue Rodeo
11/07/2012, 07:57 PM
I'm not a smoker of weed anymore but if it was legal I may give it a whirl again.
But I imagine Canada will be close behind other than the possesion of it we are allowed to have on ones body.
I agree tax it and help economy, hell I would start a hemp farm.

11/07/2012, 08:40 PM
I-502 has placed ridiculously strict limits when it comes to issuing DUIs. Basically, you cannot have more than 5 micrograms of THC in your blood stream while driving.

That being said, alcohol is a much higher factor when assessing aggressive and violent behavior - especially while driving. The number of people killed in car accidents caused by a drunk driver is higher than that of those under the influence of THC.

Hecka, I agree that in general, drunks are more aggressive and prone to violence - I hate that as well.
But I have seen what heavy use of weed has done to my brother.
Sure, it has helped with his pain control, but when he is using it, he becomes irritable and irrational. He believes everyone is against him, and he cannot trust anyone. He drives like a madman with absolutely no patience on the road. And he becomes a violent bully against women and kids. A total a-hole.
Absolutely different person when he is off the weed - happy, respectful, fun loving.

I am just concerned that if weed is freely, openly, and legally available, more people will use more of it, and become like my brother.

Perhaps I am biased, but that is my honest view.


11/07/2012, 09:45 PM
the state level legalization doesn't mean *****. its still a federal crime. all this means is the state wont come after users, but the feds still can, and will.

11/08/2012, 12:23 AM
Sorry to hear about your brother but this question is ridiculous:

what are you all going to say after someone stoned kills a family member in a traffic accident?
By that rational all substances that may impair your ability to drive should be illegal:_confused

11/08/2012, 05:44 AM
PK, I am sorry about the experience your brother is having, and maybe he's over medicating a little bit. THC has a tendency to make a person paranoid and if he's gotten to the point where he's a bully to women and kids, maybe he needs to take a break... Anything in excess isn't good for a person. But don't let that negative experience cloud your judgement on the plant as a whole. This is the reason why marijuana was outlawed in the first place.

Big cotton and lumber corporations used fear and propaganda to outlaw the plant so that they could include Hemp(a closely related cousin) and kill the hemp industry. Hemp is such a versatile substance that can greatly benefit mankind as a whole.

11/08/2012, 05:57 AM
Mostly Maui Waui man, but it's got some Labrador in it. :p

11/08/2012, 06:15 AM
Mostly Maui Waui man, but it's got some Labrador in it. :p


11/08/2012, 06:48 AM
People abuse the MMJ system so much that it minus well be legal. Now that it can be taxed, Colorado will hop into the group of states with a surplus budget and have a decent budget for our overcrowded mexicanized schools! I think the pot smokers think its awesome now, but im curious on what their thoughts will be when they see the sin tax on their recreational weed... The MMJ dispensaries wont be on every street corner thats for sure! It will be interesting!

11/08/2012, 06:54 AM
This world is reminding me more and more of the movie "Idiocracy" I think everyone should watch this movie! Not only is it hilarious, but its a horrifying reality of what the future of Americans will be like.

11/08/2012, 07:14 AM
Wait.... you mean, pot was illegal? >.> <.<


I personally don't smoke it because I can't stand the smell (and I am a cig smoker, heh). And like Tom, it has a tendency to make me ill. It gives me the most absurd vertigo (as a Mick, I'll stick to the booze). BUT, I do not have an issue with legalizing, regulating, and taxing the balls out of it. Taxes make out like champs on cigs, especially in urban areas like here (almost $8 a pack!), so it would definitely generate healthy tax revenue.

And lets face it, the drug war is over. The final nail in the coffin would be legalizing pot/hemp. We spend more money on this "drug war" than its worth. That now mythical struggle needs to go away and relieve the billions spent on IT.

Aside form tax revenue, a HUGE industry could boom with hemp too. If people would just stop and research hemp use, they would see a major benefit to that resource. It has more uses than duct tape. There is also a very promising alternative fuel use for it that, if given the opportunity for more research, could yield some promising results.

In the end, the Fed is still the road block. 2 states will not make a difference, but can rock the boat. If more states would jump on that wagon, and the people are heard through the voting process, as we saw, the Fed would have to fold their hand and submit. It is just a matter of time, and has the potential to happen in this generation. This election showed some new initiative, and with things passing on most ballots consisting of gay marriage, pot legalization, and illegal immigrant rights, etc, the "People" are starting to become more conscious of government control and taking the power back in the democratic process. It's funny, but for too long, people have said the government is broken and needs fixing. Well, I think this election proved that it was also the people that were broken.... and we are starting to mend. Watch your butts gov.... the people are starting to wake up. :)

Scott Harness
11/08/2012, 07:33 AM
the people are starting to wake up. :)
WOO HOO! about time:yeso:

Scott Harness
11/08/2012, 07:38 AM
Mostly Maui Waui man, but it's got some Labrador in it. :p:laughing: X2 Classic

11/08/2012, 01:02 PM
things are far from over


11/09/2012, 01:22 AM
Its 420, puff puff pass... I'm down ;)

11/09/2012, 11:20 PM
the state level legalization doesn't mean *****. its still a federal crime. all this means is the state wont come after users, but the feds still can, and will.

LOL better tell the feds to step in quick the largest county in WA just dropped 175 current cases and cops have been told not to arrest or charge anymore.


Bob Barker
11/10/2012, 07:00 AM
I visited the Netherlands last winter and had weed from a vaporizer and a brownie to wash it down... I don't think I ever got high. Should I start the chant to legalize in FL so I can smoke it correctly?

I'm all for it being legal and TAXED! Just like making it legal for everyone to get married to whoever they want, and get TAXED! Takes some of the burden (maybe) off of other things I like to buy and be taxed on!

11/10/2012, 08:29 AM
Do I hear a "VX meet-n-toke" in the near future?

11/11/2012, 07:19 AM
...It's funny, but for too long, people have said the government is broken and needs fixing. Well, I think this election proved that it was also the people that were broken.... and we are starting to mend. Watch your butts gov.... the people are starting to wake up. :)
Definitely a two-way street there. I also think the recent election was a clear indication that the days of the "old white men know best" (and not only in government...and not only about the legalization of marijuana) were obviously filled with an overdose of (purposeful?) ignorance. Those old white men were the ones who gave us Reefer Madness after all. The question at this point seems to be...can those old dogs learn any new tricks...?

Scott Larson
11/11/2012, 07:37 AM
Deep man, deeeeeep...:cool!:

11/11/2012, 03:46 PM
Do I hear a "VX meet-n-toke" in the near future?

Yeeesss :bgwb:

11/12/2012, 12:45 AM
Why tax it? Why not just leagalize it and let people be happy? The gov is alredy putting it gready fingers into thing that it has no need to be involved in

Scott Larson
11/12/2012, 06:23 AM
Why tax it? Why not just leagalize it and let people be happy? The gov is alredy putting it gready fingers into thing that it has no need to be involved in

Apparently our government isn't spending enough money on education, so one can assume it needs more tax dollars to teach ours kids things like spelling and punctuation. :rollo:

11/12/2012, 07:10 AM
Why tax it? Why not just leagalize it and let people be happy? The gov is alredy putting it gready fingers into thing that it has no need to be involved in

Well, simply put, it would be a "consumable". A product. A farm that grew it, farm hands that tended it, processing and packaging, let alone FDA stamp of approval. Shipment to stores, advertising/marketing, and final checkout at the register. Not unlike a candy bar you buy at 7-11. ;)

You could buy pot, legally, at 7-11. That is a HUGE change. Now you all want MORE? No taxation? *facepalm* :p :bgwb:

11/12/2012, 07:43 AM
I would probably try my hand at growing my own. Would need to make a grow room first though. I was thinking about building a general aquaponics room so that I could grow my own fish and veggies anyway.

11/12/2012, 10:00 AM
ive always said make it legal and tax the crap out of it - the police can work on something important and the courts arent tied up with stupid possession cases - im sure you would still need some sort of permit to grow at home and dui laws would be inforced, but give me a stoned driver over a drunk driver anyday - and the feds still classify marijuana as worse than heroine as far as getting into trouble is concerned which is rediculous - i could go on all day about why its illegal and who profitted from it becoming illegal, but its about time someone realized that even if the people that are using dont need it for critical illnesses they should still be able ot spark up just as easy as buying cigs or liquor - and you dont hear many cases of domestic violence because someone was stoned...drunk on the other hand is a different story - shall i go on...?

11/13/2012, 10:22 PM
I don't participate, but a family member does for pain control.
Seeing his re-actions and driving skills, both before and after - what are you all going to say after someone stoned kills a family member in a traffic accident??

It is still illegal here, and the booze buses catch nearly as many on THC as they do on booze.


It's already illegal to drive under the influence of ANY drug (over the counter meds, alcohol, et al). Not sure why it would make anyone feel better if they have a family member killed because a jerk who broke two laws instead of one law. We hold drunk responsble for their actions. We likewise hold stoners responsible for theirs. Unless you're getting at supposed preventative laws...in which case, I'm sure there will be much less drunk driving related deaths if we had no private car ownership, if everyone were required to be on state sponsored public transportation on our public roads. But I don't believe I'd like to live in such a state.

11/15/2012, 06:25 AM
I would probably try my hand at growing my own. Would need to make a grow room first though. I was thinking about building a general aquaponics room so that I could grow my own fish and veggies anyway.

I always wondered...:_thinking

When you grow your own fish, you plant them tail down....right?

jheyson =)
11/15/2012, 06:53 AM
Sorry to hear about your brother but this question is ridiculous:

By that rational all substances that may impair your ability to drive should be illegal:_confused

...By the same rational ....just rank what substances impair most one's abilities while driving.....
...Drugs will be on the top...worse than alcohol indeed!!
...with alcohol you loose part of yourself but with drugs you loose yourself...and I would not like to be driving in the same roads or being a pedestrian in a place where people are not rational anymore due to drugs

Scott Harness
11/15/2012, 07:01 AM
...By the same rational ....just rank what substances impair most one's abilities while driving.....
...Drugs will be on the top...worse than alcohol indeed!!
...with alcohol you loose part of yourself but with drugs you loose yourself...and I would not like to be driving in the same roads or being a pedestrian in a place where people are not rational anymore due to drugs

You must have never been really drunk!!:bgwb:

11/15/2012, 07:04 AM
...with alcohol you loose part of yourself but with drugs you loose yourself.

Where do you get "facts" like this...:_thinking

Reefer Madness comes to mind...:rolleyesg
Or maybe a grade school propaganda film. (they used to tell us to get under our desk & cover our heads in the event of a nuclear attack)

Other drugs like heroin...maybe, but weed is FAR & AWAY more benign than alcohol, with regard to temprament/motor skills etc.

I've done actual, real world research...:smilewink

jheyson =)
11/15/2012, 07:23 AM
You are right! I neither drink nor smoke because I think that it does nothing positive to my body or to the people around me. However, I have given rides to some of my drunk friends after a party ,and also some that they were under the influence of drugs....it is really sad how irrational a human being can become under influence of drugs and alcohol. Drugs bring pleasure to the user....but what positive thing does pleasure bring to the betterment of society or kids ? Are people dependent of a substance to bring them happiness? I known there is a whole economic issue behind it...but it is really worth it?

...Freedom of Speech is great :yeso:

11/15/2012, 07:26 AM
I always wondered...:_thinking

When you grow your own fish, you plant them tail down....right?

With Aquaponics, the plants grow the fish and the fish grow the plants... Is your mind not yet blown??? Well then, let me add that there is no fertilization needed for the plants either and all you need to do is add water! ;)

...By the same rational ....just rank what substances impair most one's abilities while driving.....
...Drugs will be on the top...worse than alcohol indeed!!
...with alcohol you loose part of yourself but with drugs you loose yourself...and I would not like to be driving in the same roads or being a pedestrian in a place where people are not rational anymore due to drugs

Hello Jheyson, it seems like you may have a distorted view when it comes to differentiating alcohol from other drugs. Yes, alcohol is just another drug, same with caffeine and nicotine. Each drug sends different signals to your brain which enhance and impair different parts of said fatty matter.

The key difference between driving drunk and driving stoned is this:

Alcohol is a depressant because it slows down the functions of the central nervous system. This means that normal brain function is delayed, and a person is unable to function normally. Alcohol affects a person's information-processing skills, also known as cognitive skills, and hand-eye coordination, also referred to as psychomotor skills.
Consuming alcohol prior to driving greatly increases the risk of car accidents, highway injuries, and vehicular deaths. The greater the amount of alcohol consumed, the more likely a person is to be involved in an accident.
(taken from http://www.duifoundation.org/drunkdriving/impairment/)

Although cannabis intoxication has been shown to mildly impair psychomotor skills, this impairment does not appear to be severe or long lasting. In driving simulator tests, this impairment is typically manifested by subjects decreasing their driving speed and requiring greater time to respond to emergency situations.
(taken from http://norml.org/library/item/marijuana-and-driving-a-review-of-the-scientific-evidence)

Jheyson, if you've read this far then I thank you for your time and consideration on this matter and ask that you please do some research before setting any opinion either for or against marijuana/alcohol/any other drug.

11/15/2012, 07:28 AM
...Freedom of Speech is great :yeso:

Agreed, but without any experience, you're parroting something that you've heard or read somewhere...:uhohgray:

That's how rumors get started...:smilewink

jheyson =)
11/15/2012, 07:35 AM
[QUOTE=Ldub;269877]Where do you get "facts" like this...:_thinking

Reefer Madness comes to mind...:rolleyesg
Or maybe a grade school propaganda film. (they used to tell us to get under our desk & cover our heads in the event of a nuclear attack)

Other drugs like heroin...maybe, but weed is FAR & AWAY more benign than alcohol, with regard to temprament/motor skills etc.

I've done actual, real world research...:smilewink[/QUOTE

I don't get the facts from any source but the one that my one eyes have witness ,and personal experience in homeless shelters and poor areas as a volunteer in school ....Iam not sure about the effects of weed in terms of motor skills and temperament...but..they impair one's abilities at some level.

If my hours as a volunteer count.....then ...I have done actual world research,too;)

11/15/2012, 07:38 AM
I would like to point out that I have driven under the influence of alcohol before. Marijuana as well, but on different occasions. I can say from first hand experience, that driving while stoned caused me to be even more cautious of my surroundings and my speed had always stayed at or below the speed limit.

Driving under the influence of alcohol is a completely different experience. I took greater risks and sped often. I would be so much more comfortable driving next to a person stoned, than a person drunk.

I do not condone driving under either influence. I am just relating personal experience with what I had done in the past. I no longer drive drunk or stoned. Neither experience involved any hard lessons or anything, I just don't.

11/15/2012, 07:40 AM
With Aquaponics, the plants grow the fish and the fish grow the plants... Is your mind not yet blown??? Well then, let me add that there is no fertilization needed for the plants either and all you need to do is add water! ;)


11/15/2012, 07:44 AM
[QUOTE=Ldub;269877]Where do you get "facts" like this...:_thinking

Reefer Madness comes to mind...:rolleyesg
Or maybe a grade school propaganda film. (they used to tell us to get under our desk & cover our heads in the event of a nuclear attack)

Other drugs like heroin...maybe, but weed is FAR & AWAY more benign than alcohol, with regard to temprament/motor skills etc.

I've done actual, real world research...:smilewink[/QUOTE

I don't get the facts from any source but the one that my one eyes have witness ,and personal experience in homeless shelters and poor areas as a volunteer in school ....Iam not sure about the effects of weed in terms of motor skills and temperament...but..they impair one's abilities at some level.

If my hours as a volunteer count.....then ...I have done actual world research,too;)

I stand at 50% corrected, with a referral back hekka's last post, which is SPOT on.

My apologies...:flower:

11/15/2012, 08:16 AM
Sorry fellers but with my lack of experience (I've led a very sheltered life) I'm going to side with Jheyson on this one.

jheyson =)
11/15/2012, 08:54 AM
That is great that you are not driving under the influence anymore.
It shows that you care about your own safety but also the safety of other citizens:yesy:

[QUOTE=HeckaTrebeka;269885]I would like to point out that I have driven under the influence of alcohol before. Marijuana as well, but on different occasions. I can say from first hand experience, that driving while stoned caused me to be even more cautious of my surroundings and my speed had always stayed at or below the speed limit

..... We have to understand that the degree of tolerance in some individuals is greater compared to others as well as the quantity used. Therefore, what may not impair your abilities does not mean that others will react the same way as you. If everybody would react the same as you while driving, marijuana would make better drivers.(It can be added to the positive uses of Marijuana)

…Thanks for the internet links that you sent me. I heard about hemp,too and its different uses in different areas. The articles are interesting. This topic is very controversial, and I stand up for personal views based on my volunteer experience, friend’s experience, the media ,and articles. I am not trying to create negative rivalry, but I just want to express my point of view....You probably know that there are going to be 2 sides when you first posted this controversial issue . It is an interesting topic, I just stand up for what I think is right in my eyes.

[QUOTE=HeckaTrebeka;269885]Driving under the influence of alcohol is a completely different experience. I took greater risks and sped often. I would be so much more comfortable driving next to a person stoned, than a person drunk.

.....Just one quick question...How did you record clearly and precisely the differences between drugs and alcohol if you were under the influence of these 2 drugs anyways. If a second person would have witnessed you driving under the 2 effects, it would have been more accurate in my opinion.

[QUOTE=HeckaTrebeka;269885]I do not condone driving under either influence. I am just relating personal experience with what I had done in the past. I no longer drive drunk or stoned. Neither experience involved any hard lessons or anything, I just don't.[

…..There have been some VX members that have lost close family members and some that have been involved in accidents because of people under the influence of alcohol....you are lucky, you have not had to learn the hard way...but It is a positive sign that you don't drive while under the influence of any drug anymore.:yeso:

jheyson =)
11/15/2012, 09:01 AM
No problem Ldub :happyface
This is a controversial issue and it is interesting and rewarding to listen to other
people's points of view. I learn good info from hekka's articles..and it is good because we learn something new everyday..peace X2:winko:

[QUOTE=jheyson =);269884]

I stand at 50% corrected, with a referral back hekka's last post, which is SPOT on.

My apologies...:flower:

jheyson =)
11/15/2012, 09:22 AM
Thanks Tom. x2:yeso: This controversial issue may go both ways ,and Iam sure there are people in both ends.

Sorry fellers but with my lack of experience (I've led a very sheltered life) I'm going to side with Jheyson on this one.

11/15/2012, 09:46 AM
.....Just one quick question...How did you record clearly and precisely the differences between drugs and alcohol if you were under the influence of these 2 drugs anyways. If a second person would have witnessed you driving under the 2 effects, it would have been more accurate in my opinion.

To answer your question, I want to first point out that I have not driven completely drunk, but maybe over the legal limit for driving purposes. At this level of impairment, I am still able to speak with coherent sentences and can walk in a reasonably straight line. I've also noticed that I'm way better at playing online shooter games at this level of alcohol impairment(headshots all the damn time). However, I've made self evaluations regarding my mood while driving as well as my confidence level.

I am much more confident after a few drinks and I have a personal sense of 'heightened awareness'. I've found that my actions reflect on these feelings and I start to act carelessly, which I regretted later after I've thought about what could have happened in that 5 mile drive, had I done what I did while there were other drivers around me.

Second, I have driven home, high, once when I feel I probably should have waited another hour. While driving I felt very self-conscious and paranoid that I might make a mistake so I would constantly check my mirrors, speed, as well as keep an eye on other drivers so that I was never tailgating or in a person's way. I was able to make it home from the 40 mile drive and I would take that drive over the one 5 miles long being impaired through alcohol.

These are personal evaluations that I feel are accurate as I have had time to reflect on them while sober. I do not learn most of my lessons this way, as I take the hard road many times and learn from first hand experience, but I am glad that I was able to learn from this without harm done to anybody(except maybe my liver).

I understand that not everybody has the ability to assess themselves or function the same way at the same level of impairment, which is why I definitely do not condone driving under the influence of anything. But if it had to be ANYTHING, I would prefer a stoned driver over a drunk driver any day.

11/15/2012, 01:19 PM
i think some of you might be confusing recreational with habitual

Scott Larson
11/15/2012, 04:25 PM
I'm thinkin' somebody here might be a real downer at a party, not naming names or anything, just sayin'...:_beer:

11/15/2012, 05:00 PM
No problem Ldub :happyface
This is a controversial issue and it is interesting and rewarding to listen to other
people's points of view. I learn good info from hekka's articles..and it is good because we learn something new everyday..peace X2:winko:

That's right good of ya...:thumbup:...to be able to see both sides, is an ability not given many.
I didn't mean to harsh on Ya dude, it's just that I have many decades of experience...on BOTH sides of the bottle/and or pipe.
I've done almost a decade in my adult life, where I was stone cold sober...I've also not drawn a stone cold sober breath in the last couple of decades...and I'm including pain meds & sleep meds (all prescribed & legal) in that statement.
I take no pride in that fact, it is what it is. When you reach a certain pain threshold, you do what it takes...OR, start looking @ the hemlock society website. I ain't there yet...:smilewink

I understand that not everybody has the ability to assess themselves or function the same way at the same level of impairment, which is why I definitely do not condone driving under the influence of anything. But if it had to be ANYTHING, I would prefer a stoned driver over a drunk driver any day.

Once again I concur...SPOT ON!...:yesgray:

i think some of you might be confusing recreational with habitual


You left out CHRONIC...:laughing:

jheyson =)
11/15/2012, 05:50 PM
If that was targeted at me ...

I would just have to say that there is not need to be under effect of a substance to have fun in a party or ...is it a requirement?
alcohol +party = fun?? or being yourself + party = not fun or downer?? ...I think, the way you handle yourself before others is more important than how many beers you can drink. I have way more fun being conscious of my actions....and sometimes laughing at the outrageous behavior of my college friends under the influence of alcohol:smilewink.

I am not against consuming alcohol socially. That is perfectly fine, but with moderation, self-control ,and responsibility. Drinking is part of our culture, and some people abuse to the point that becomes a negative aspect.

Let me know if you need a ride after a party....the downer will take you home safely...peace:winky:

If that was not targeted at me.....Iam just helping the downer ^^

I'm thinkin' somebody here might be a real downer at a party, not naming names or anything, just sayin'...:_beer:

11/15/2012, 05:59 PM
Gotta agree with jheyson. I am not a smoker myself, so its not possible for me to criticize driving ability while affected by pot. However, I, like jheyson, have riden in the car with people stoned, and also followed stoned/drunk friends home.

Hecka, not arguing with your evaluation that it is usually safer for a stoned person to drive than a drunk person. But i would much rather not choose between two evils if given the choice. Why should we be comparing which one is 'less impairing'? If it impairs your driving ability you should not be on public roads, flat out.

I have absolutely no quams with anyone smoking weed on their own time and place, doesnt affect me. However, it does affect me when people start driving around impaired. At that point it should be punished to the same level as any impairment; alcohol, drugs, texting, distracted driving, tired driving.

Just my $.02. All I know for sure is I dont want people driving around looking up into the sky looking for UFO's because they are stoned :p

11/15/2012, 06:07 PM
Gotta agree with jheyson. I am not a smoker myself, so its not possible for me to criticize driving ability while affected by pot. However, I, like jheyson, have riden in the car with people stoned, and also followed stoned/drunk friends home.

Hecka, not arguing with your evaluation that it is usually safer for a stoned person to drive than a drunk person. But i would much rather not choose between two evils if given the choice. Why should we be comparing which one is 'less impairing'? If it impairs your driving ability you should not be on public roads, flat out.

I have absolutely no quams with anyone smoking weed on their own time and place, doesnt affect me. However, it does affect me when people start driving around impaired. At that point it should be punished to the same level as any impairment; alcohol, drugs, texting, distracted driving, tired driving.

Just my $.02. All I know for sure is I dont want people driving around looking up into the sky looking for UFO's because they are stoned :p

No one in this thread has disagreed with any point you made Bro...:heart:

No one want's to share the road with those who are impaired...:yesgray:

But the comparison of behaviors...weed vs alcohol...IS germane, IMO, to the topic at hand, which is: legalization.

jheyson =)
11/15/2012, 06:18 PM
Thanks for sharing that Ldub. I have not been in the other side, and I really appreciate your viewpoint. There is no harm done...we are a part of the same VX family ,and we are not strangers. By the way, when I was a prospect member here in the forum you and VXkat were the first members that I sent a Pm seeking advise weather or not to buy a VX. Iam not sure if you remember that. In my opinion you are one of the many icons of this forum . Your VX is A.W.S.O.M.E and I like the mods...Skulls rule !!!

Peace Ldub ..and keep up the positive spirit:yeso:

(quote Ldub)That's right good of ya...:thumbup:...to be able to see both sides, is an ability not given many.
I didn't mean to harsh on Ya dude, it's just that I have many decades of experience...on BOTH sides of the bottle/and or pipe.
I've done almost a decade in my adult life, where I was stone cold sober...I've also not drawn a stone cold sober breath in the last couple of decades...and I'm including pain meds & sleep meds (all prescribed & legal) in that statement.
I take no pride in that fact, it is what it is. When you reach a certain pain threshold, you do what it takes...OR, start looking @ the hemlock society website. I ain't there yet...:smilewink

11/15/2012, 06:38 PM
Thanks for sharing that Ldub. I have not been in the other side, and I really appreciate your viewpoint. There is no harm done...we are a part of the same VX family ,and we are not strangers. By the way, when I was a prospect member here in the forum you and VXkat were the first members that I sent a Pm seeking advise weather or not to buy a VX. Iam not sure if you remember that.
Peace Ldub ..and keep up the positive spirit:yeso:

(quote Ldub)That's right good of ya...:thumbup:...to be able to see both sides, is an ability not given many.
I didn't mean to harsh on Ya dude, it's just that I have many decades of experience...on BOTH sides of the bottle/and or pipe.
I've done almost a decade in my adult life, where I was stone cold sober...I've also not drawn a stone cold sober breath in the last couple of decades...and I'm including pain meds & sleep meds (all prescribed & legal) in that statement.
I take no pride in that fact, it is what it is. When you reach a certain pain threshold, you do what it takes...OR, start looking @ the hemlock society website. I ain't there yet...:smilewink

Glad ya feel that way friend...:flower:.:heart:

And yes...I DO remember...:yesgray:

11/15/2012, 06:53 PM
All and all it depends on the individual. I can sit on a bar stool have one beer and be completely un-affected. The person next to me may have one beer and stagger out the door. I think we all know someone like that. Like my parents taught me...........know your limit. Not preaching mind you, but if you can't handle it, leave it alone. That's all I got for youse.

11/15/2012, 11:16 PM
I would not like to be driving in the same roads or being a pedestrian in a place where people are not rational anymore due to drugs

Sorry to shatter your false sense of security but you already are...

11/15/2012, 11:26 PM
Here I am sitting at work and all anybody can talk about right now is how Marijuana legalization has passed in my state as well as in Colorado. Personally, I'm pumped and can't wait for the rest of the world to follow suit. Not only for the fact that "yay we can all get high legally over here", but because this also shows progress. Soon, the Hemp industry will be able to reclaim its place as a very practical material that we can use in our daily lives for food, clothing, and general health.

What I want to know right now is: what are your thoughts on the legalization of a 100% natural product after 75 years of ignorance caused by big greedy corporations?

Pot has been legalized in California for medical purposes for quite some time. Although the state deems it legal the federal government does not. And there's the rub. If a federal agent finds you with pot in whatever state you live, do not pass go, do not collect $200, got directly to jail.

11/16/2012, 06:44 AM

You left out CHRONIC...:laughing

NICE. :_beer:

btw i would never ever ridicule anyone for being sober or not partaking in any drug or alcohol use - i support everyone's choice to do whatever it is that makes them happy AS LONG AS it doesnt negatively effect anyone else and they do not try to shove their beliefs in someone else's face - if the world lived by these rules it would be a much better place

11/16/2012, 08:27 AM
Pot has been legalized in California for medical purposes for quite some time. Although the state deems it legal the federal government does not. And there's the rub. If a federal agent finds you with pot in whatever state you live, do not pass go, do not collect $200, got directly to jail.

I understand that federally, it is still prohibited. However, without WA and CO being the first to start legalization, then the chain reaction of events toward ending this unjust prohibition would possibly not be started as it has been now.


jheyson =)
11/16/2012, 07:26 PM
Sorry to shatter your false sense of security but you already are...

..Right on the spot !!!
enough said :winky:

11/17/2012, 12:13 AM
..Right on the spot !!!
enough said :winky:


11/24/2012, 01:11 PM
Fremont! I finally remember where that troll came from. Was going to visit Fremont sometime soon.