View Full Version : Kid Notorious on Comedy Central

10/19/2003, 03:47 PM
On Wednesday, the premiere of the animated series called Kid Notorious will be on Comedy Central. I did a little singing for this pilot episode.


Unfortunately for me, I will be on the way to the airport, heading to Memphis for a run of concerts there. So everyone watch it for me! I have no idea what it will be like... Im sure the humor wont be politically correct ! Actually I think its gonna be way over the top... just the way I like it.

I should talk to the producers about adding a VX in an episode...



10/19/2003, 04:05 PM
Congrats Anita! ! !

Next step....syndication!!!! Those easy checks sure would be nice.....;Db;

Memphis huh? PM me where- might need a road trip.... Nashville in your plans for anything??

Sorry you'll be missing it but we'll be watching (& listening) for ya.
