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View Full Version : Gutted!! Spinal Surgery Means My Vx Is Up For Sale

03/22/2012, 02:52 AM

I have been informed I must have spinal fusion surgery in the next few months so no more 4x4 fun for me
It is highly likely I will not be allowed to drive manuals so my beloved Triumph Spitfire is up for sale also.

The VX is well known I am sure, it was Alterastro's!

Advertised on EBAY search for this :280849971851

03/22/2012, 05:02 AM
So sorry to hear of your medical issues & the need to sell. Best of luck with both.

You have my 2 favorite rides of all time so I feel your pain.

Scott Harness
03/22/2012, 06:14 AM
Sorry to hear this,Good Luck!!

03/23/2012, 10:45 AM
Sorry about your problem, Kissmyaura!
Actually this got me thinking... the second VX that I bought from Rick (Rickster) in Texas also had to sell because of the back problems... I know of at least 3 VX owers (myself included) in Russia who suffer from the same... I also know Luna-X on this forum sold his awesome VX because of the same... VehiCROSS in definitely a rough ride :(

03/23/2012, 02:43 PM
I feel your pain, too - in a different way than Tom! I'm getting by on steroid shots so I can function during the day and oxycodone at night so I can sleep (Ha! Now you know why my posts are so wacky!) but the neurologist says surgery is imminent so who knows - could be yet another back-related VX for sale. I wonder if it's more than just the stiff ride though. Maybe there's something about the seat that exacerbates lower back pain. My other rides are a 3/4 ton truck with bricks for springs and an MG with all of about 2" of suspension travel - and neither one of them bother my back as much as the VX.

03/23/2012, 11:14 PM
Sorry to hear mate,

so no more 4 wheeling,

still be a nice bit of kit to go to the pub in

better the a robin reliant

03/25/2012, 07:18 AM
Thanks for kind words, I have a L3,L4 Prolapsed discs, with L2 Desiccated.
So that means I have to have 3,4 fused and L2 cleaned up a bit. Basically means no more bouncy rides or manual cars for me!

I teach Scuba, do a bit of caving and played drums since I was around 12 (42 now) but its alleged that because I am 6'2 and drive a desk for a living thats whats caused it!

Anyway enjoying the sun today and have been to the woods in her, tarmac and gravel all the way.
Because she is so high its a joy to get in and out of if you have a dodgy back.

03/27/2012, 04:43 PM
Sorry to Hear about your back. I am 42 and have had the rods in my back for 3+ years. It was good until the last two weeks. I think L3 is going out. I do miss the smooth ride of my Rangie. Since I am now suffering again I am considering selling my VX also. But I drive dump trucks including a semi every day so the VX is pretty smooth compared to some of them. :grino:

Hope all goes good for you.

http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/data/500/thumbs/100_4841.JPG (http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/showphoto.php?photo=22198)

04/09/2012, 10:14 AM
Sorry to hear of your problem back.
I've had serious back trouble since my 20's when I worked in forestry. Now I can't climb, ski or canoe any more but my vcross is the only car I can drive in comfort in spite of the stiff suspension! Are you really sure you want to get rid of your vcross?? I did reject the spinal fusion option though because the success rate was poor when it was offered, but others have found it works well.
Good luck mate.

04/09/2012, 01:40 PM
So very sorry to hear about your painful situation. Here's to hoping you recover quickly. Have you posted your Spitfire anywhere?

03/21/2013, 09:19 AM
Hi Guys
I picked up this VX off ebay, and went for a little drive to Africa, and it was fantastic, it will be on the Intercontinental Rally to Dakar in Jan 14, again thanks for a super car

03/21/2013, 09:34 AM
Just a side note...
All these bad backs and people saling because of back issues...
Have any of you thought of changing the seats for a set of suspension seats? Just a thought...

03/21/2013, 11:29 AM
Hi Guys
I picked up this VX off ebay, and went for a little drive to Africa, and it was fantastic, it will be on the Intercontinental Rally to Dakar in Jan 14, again thanks for a super car

I like those lights on the roof, what are they? Anybody know?

03/21/2013, 01:20 PM
I like those lights on the roof, what are they? Anybody know?


03/21/2013, 01:44 PM
In 1976 I bought a Reccaro seat and it has been in about 15 different vehicles since then. It looks like the seat in the VX. I have always used that seat to help my back. Whenever I sold a vehicle, everyone would always comment on how little wear there was on the drivers seat. As far as the VX causing back problems, I don't think so. If someone has back problems the VX is not going to help them.


09/28/2013, 12:31 PM
is the car still for sale ?


I have been informed I must have spinal fusion surgery in the next few months so no more 4x4 fun for me
It is highly likely I will not be allowed to drive manuals so my beloved Triumph Spitfire is up for sale also.

The VX is well known I am sure, it was Alterastro's!

Advertised on EBAY search for this :280849971851

09/29/2013, 01:26 PM
Whats strange, my wife had a fusion of her L4 and L5 a few years ago. She preferred to ride in the VX over the car because it was easier to step up into the truck than to crouch down and get into a car. Now that she has mostly healed, she wheels her own truck, deals with the pain later:) Good luck with your surgery!

09/29/2013, 01:46 PM
This post is over a year and a half old ;)

10/31/2013, 04:18 AM
Hi guys, newbie here.
Bought my 1st vx the other week and I'm just trawling through the countless messages looking for tip, bit n bobs etc etc.
Seems strange that a few vx owners have bad lower back (lol mines in bits too...lol)
Thing is the recaro seats actually help it! I'd a land rover defender before and holy crap if u didn't have back problems before u would have.
Anyway fingers crossed my lovely shiny vx doesn't cause me any trouble cause I love it to bits :-)

11/04/2013, 01:50 PM

this might help but we might have some cranial clearance issues for the taller owners - or just install a sunroof

11/04/2013, 01:54 PM
EEEEEKKK!!! I don't get why so many of you think that back surgery = no more wheeling? As I posted, wife had a fusion of L4/L5, and is probably working on another surgery for the next set up, and she still manages to wheel. Gets shots in her back every few months, moderate exercise, and alternative pain management (relaxation techniques, breathing exercises etc...) and of course vicodin for the bad days. But she still wheels!! Of course, the trooper seats are way more comfortable than the VX seats, but stepping up into the vehicle is much easier than crouching down. I would also recommend getting rid of the OEM shocks and switch to the rancho 9000s so you can make the ride softer as you see fit. With back issues, the in cab remote control would be a good idea?