View Full Version : Snow-pocalypse Hit Hard

02/29/2012, 01:42 PM
Seems like most people on here are good ole westerners, but Northern Midwest just got hammered (not talking about that dinky house looking thing where people get hammered in Moab...). This thing is nasty, and all I need to say is that I'm glad I'm driving a VX. I'm especially glad I'm driving a yellow one. These blizzard conditions are killa to visibility. I have yet to be completely stuck, but it's been close, in the oddest places. My totally level driveway...only 6 inches of snow (it's all drifted...super windy) and I totally couldn't go forward anymore! I had to back up and get a running start. Solid ice beneath the snow. This is strange. Houghton, MI is well known as a year round winter wonderland/frozen tundra, and this has never happened. I got nearly stuck checking mail. I drove to the gym. Level parking lot. 8 inches of snow (ish). Got stuck again backing out. Then couldn't go forward. Had to drop er into 4Lo and ram it forward, try not to slide into the cars on either side or in front of me, then speed backward as fast as I could hoping no one was behind me. I made it, thank goodness. Popped er back into TOD and made it home safe. Honda Civic got stuck on the road in front of me (a plowed road, huge hill...the guy was crazy even to try...) so I go to pass him when he comes to a stop, then I nearly get sucked into the ditch! My goodness, it's crazy out there. And it's not supposed to let up till Friday. Spring Break starts Friday. What a welcome.

Speaking of spring break and such, Friday morning I will be driving to Sheboygan, WI (5 hours on a good day) and if these conditions persist, it could be very dangerous and possibly hours longer, even in a Proton ;) Any prayers would be appreciated. I'll be driving to Nashville again on Saturday and spending all next week in TN. It's unfortunate Craiger already made his move to Milwaukee final. I'll be passing through there and Chicago. Hopefully I'll see someone on the roads, and hopefully it's not -20 with 3 feet of snow on the highway!

02/29/2012, 01:59 PM
I'm jealous.

Stay healthy,

02/29/2012, 02:48 PM
Only got 4-5" of snow & some wind/drifting...:(

Schools & stuff were closed, but otherwise, business as usual.

02/29/2012, 03:40 PM
Business as usual here...ONLY getting up to 70 today! Had to run through all the desert wildflowers in full bloom! Oh, the horrors of winter!:D

02/29/2012, 03:49 PM
Business as usual here...ONLY getting up to 70 today! Had to run through all the desert wildflowers in full bloom! Oh, the horrors of winter!:D

Pics or it didn't happen...:naughty:

02/29/2012, 04:58 PM
Same trail....last week....today was even better!
http://sphotos.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/429540_196778877096854_100002942305494_344704_2015 239092_n.jpg

02/29/2012, 05:21 PM
I feel warmer already.

02/29/2012, 05:33 PM
While you are driving out of Houghton I will be driving into Houghton. My son is starting in the fall and we are meeting the advisers and getting him the lay of the land. Driving up Thursday from Kalamazoo (10 hours in good weather), Friday at Tech, Saturday to chill in the snow, and Sunday to drive home (hopefully all goes well for all)

02/29/2012, 08:13 PM
BIG blizzard in Duluth today! The city shut down and I got a day off of work!:thumbup: It was blowing and drifting all over the place. When I finally got out of bed (11am) I could barely open the front door due to a drift. Knee height snow in my front yard...granted I am only 5'2" so that's probably not all that much. It was the heavy wet kind of snow and a PITA to shovel!!

My road still hasn't been plowed :_snowplow, so the neighbor took his plow down the middle of the road just so we all could move cars around and remove snow from around them.

I love the snow, and certainly don't mind a day off here and there!!

03/01/2012, 12:08 PM
We just missed the big snow, we got half rain and slush instead.

They are predicting 48F for Tuesday, so it won't last long.

03/01/2012, 12:09 PM
Hey Breezy and jeeperkate, when are you guys going to convoy with us to Moab??

03/01/2012, 12:11 PM
As they say in the Corvette forum. If you don't post pics, it didn't happen!


03/01/2012, 02:25 PM
Hahaha Big, I won't make it to a recreational vehicle outing of any sort until college is over and paid for, if ever.

89, pics are coming to make you happy. :)

Dietz, are you coming up to Houghton in the VX? I'm not leaving till tomorrow morning. If you get this before then, it'd be sweet to meet another VXer and future Techie! It's an amazing school by the way. Your son will absolutely love everything about it (unless he plans to find a really attractive woman at college as opposed to an attractive degree...if this is the case, I'd encourage him to go elsewhere. I found my woman on Co-op lol.).

03/01/2012, 02:36 PM
In all honesty, the pictures do not do this storm justice. The snow was crazy heavy and nasty. It was incredibly windy and visibility was not happening most of the time. I didnt get any pics of the Proton buried but I assure you, it was a few times. It performed like a champ though!....Do champs suck gasoline like Athletes suck down protein? Hahaha.

http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/data/500/65413_10151361243550253_811445252_23184374_8972539 99_n.jpg

http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/data/500/421938_10151361239830253_811445252_23184363_153854 5709_n.jpg

http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/data/500/421111_10151361236725253_811445252_23184358_214668 258_n.jpg

http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/data/500/419891_10151361262885253_811445252_23184458_177605 900_n.jpg

http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/data/500/417553_10151361265610253_811445252_23184462_168949 6399_n.jpg

03/01/2012, 02:48 PM
So you use those little wal-mart blind spot mirrors too. I don't know what I would do without them.

In minneapolis we got "snain" which is a snow-cone like consistency. It was both gross and useless. No fun to drive through at all. I miss last winter, where it was blizzard after blizzard after blizzard and they were all fun.

03/01/2012, 04:03 PM
So you use those little wal-mart blind spot mirrors too. I don't know what I would do without them.

I got those too, the PO installed the mirrors and I didn't even look at them for the first couple years... now I'm hooked :)

03/04/2012, 10:14 AM
Here's a pic of the snow - 11+ inches in the past 24 hrs on top of the Blizzard we got last week. BTW - the platform the VX is on is about 3ft from the ground in the front. Last week, we only had about an inch of snow! (sorry about the dog - he came running at me when I took the pic :p)


03/04/2012, 11:58 AM
I'll take snow over tornados any day. The tornado that completely demolished the strip mall by the WalMart SuperCenter in Harrisburg, Illinois last week...7 miles away from me. I'd much rather be woke up at 4:30 in the morning to a heavy snowfall than to the sound of severe weather sirens blasting away all around town. And the storms that did so much damage in Indiana on Friday went through this area first too. A few funnel clouds were spotted, but hail and damaging winds were thankfully the worst we experienced from that particular weather front.

Tis the season though. I'm thinking we'll be chalking up March 2012 as coming in like a lion...

03/04/2012, 12:04 PM
We are having a sunshine blizzard...80 today...85 tomorrow!
Cute pup jeeper.

03/04/2012, 12:23 PM
He looks like a bodyguard trying to discourage the paparazzi...