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View Full Version : '12 Fisker Karma Ecochic....$100 bigguns

02/10/2012, 07:02 AM
http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=250992464736&viewitem=&sspagename=ADME%3AB%3ASS%3AUS%3A1123#ht_2428wt_105 3

I haven't been keeping up with my AutoWeek reading...and I've never even heard of this....EcoChic...really??!!! Seriously?!!
Got some sweet sexy lines and gorgeous interior!....now if they'd just chop off those rear doors, it would be way better...looks too stretched out....like the 4dr Porsche does too.

02/10/2012, 07:33 AM
Hmmmm..... Electric cars really never made much sense to me.... especially when the word "eco" is bandied about. You have to charge them right? So the electricity comes from a power station.... which pollutes... like I said... don't make sense. :confused:

02/10/2012, 08:26 AM
Hmmmm..... Electric cars really never made much sense to me.... especially when the word "eco" is bandied about. You have to charge them right? So the electricity comes from a power station.... which pollutes... like I said... don't make sense. :confused:

x100! I saw a commercial the other day for the Chevy Volt (or maybe it was that new Chevy Sonic, can't recall) and it said you could go 35 miles on electric.....:_wtf:....35 miles!!!!!! I'd always be afraid of running out of juice on a pure electric car, and the hybrid's you have to flip over to gas...so I agree with Paul....you're still using gas, and electricity that had to be made at a power station. And many many charging stations would have to be built before I'd feel comfortable.

I'm all for alternatives, and definitely want to be free of the hold OPEC has on us for their oil, but just don't think we're there yet......neither in design or infrastructure.

02/10/2012, 10:10 AM
x100! I saw a commercial the other day for the Chevy Volt (or maybe it was that new Chevy Sonic, can't recall) and it said you could go 35 miles on electric.....:_wtf:....35 miles!!!!!! I'd always be afraid of running out of juice on a pure electric car, and the hybrid's you have to flip over to gas...so I agree with Paul....you're still using gas, and electricity that had to be made at a power station. And many many charging stations would have to be built before I'd feel comfortable.

I'm all for alternatives, and definitely want to be free of the hold OPEC has on us for their oil, but just don't think we're there yet......neither in design or infrastructure.

On top of all of that there is the inherent energy needed to produce the car, and all it's parts, in the first place, as well of disposing of the toxic batteries once they have reached the end of their life.

I'm like you, Sue, I'm all for alternative's but technology needs to catch up with our ambitions before it really becomes viable. And yes, I know, you have to start somewhere.....

02/10/2012, 10:18 AM
http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=250992464736&viewitem=&sspagename=ADME%3AB%3ASS%3AUS%3A1123#ht_2428wt_105 3

I haven't been keeping up with my AutoWeek reading...and I've never even heard of this....EcoChic...really??!!! Seriously?!!
Got some sweet sexy lines and gorgeous interior!....now if they'd just chop off those rear doors, it would be way better...looks too stretched out....like the 4dr Porsche does too.

Kind of like an Aston Martin DB9. No fan of the electric non performance either

02/10/2012, 01:03 PM
I believe the American tax payers have a lot of money invested in that car... Thank you Uncle Sam!

02/10/2012, 01:10 PM
...aaaaaand they're getting investigated Solyndra-style.

02/10/2012, 01:47 PM
The new electric Honda NSX looks pretty promising :)

02/13/2012, 07:41 AM
I believe the American tax payers have a lot of money invested in that car... Thank you Uncle Sam!

Mullah Baraack

02/13/2012, 11:44 AM
I don't think investing in researching a technology that will make the increasingly non-viable reliance on so much oil is a bad use of taxpayer money--it's only too bad it wasn't properly done decades ago. Internal combustion engines didn't produce nearly as much bang for the buck when they were a new technology either, and these will get much better in not a lot of time, I suspect.