View Full Version : My VX ran over me

08/18/2011, 12:50 PM
Well, she finally got me back for the rhino lined hood...lol. Let me set the scene:
VX is nose downhill in my driveway. I am under the truck, head by rear driver's tire, feet sticking out drivers side facing forward. I have all the bolts out for the rear drive shaft, just trying to get it to pop out so I can install my newly rebuilt one. After the PITA the front was, I had the sledge and chisel at work.

Few taps, its hot and I am getting pissed. One good whack! ****POP****CLANG!!!, VX is now parked on my left shoulder, face crammed in the side of the tire...

I am by myself, no phone, wife taking a nap with the youngest boy. Holy crap moment. That show "I shouldn't be alive" popped into my head as I realized what had happened. I think I may have yelled "SON OF A BITCH" in a self deprecating tone. I managed to move my legs back under the truck, I tried to wiggle out, but as I move downhill, so does the truck, making it worse.
Somehow, I used my right hand to pull the truck up hill/stopped it enough for me to wiggle out.....AGONY!!

I then watched the truck roll over me, (good thing I have those 34s, plenty of room:) ) down the hill across the street over the curb, **BANG** over the stop sign and into the neighbor's yard.

I remember seeing the drive shaft pop out as it hopped the curb! Mission success!!!!!!(Half cup full kind of guy)

I stumbled inside, woke up the wife and told her she had to drive me to the ER. ABout that time the doorbell rings, some guys driving by saw the truck in the yard and came to tell us. THey saw my shoulder, helped me get the VX back in front of the house and the parts out of the road.

Xrays came back nothing broken!! Doc thinks I tore some fancy word tendon that is right at the junction of the shoulder and the chest. I have tingling in my pinky/ring finger. I feel like a douche bag for not thinking of locking the hubs or setting the ebrake. What a dummy, life lesson learned. I was a few inches from being dead, if it had hit run over my head........

I will post some pics when the bruising comes through, I see ortho tomorrow.



08/18/2011, 01:00 PM
Whats weird is that the VX rolled down hill toward my feet, but there is no rash until further along. That must be from where I had to wiggle myself out from under the weight of the truck. Yikes, adrenalin is awesome stuff. I don't know how many times the docs tried to give me painkillers, not a chance. I need to suffer for this mistake.

08/18/2011, 01:02 PM
She was really tryin' to get you back!
Glad you're still in one piece!!!!!!
OK, now a little humor...hopefully it will make you feel a little better.....

. "I was a few inches from being dead, if it had hit run over my head........"
So let me get this visual right...it was your head that stopped it then?....NOTE TO SELF....DO NOT USE SKULL AS A WHEEL CHOCK....THERE'S SOME DRAWBACKS TO SUCH USE.

I bet your front Marlinstein bumper is OK...and flattened that Stop sign!

(Half cup full kind of guy)....Umm, NOT! Mr. Zombie revolution and survivalist!
OK, enough kidding, you know it's all in fun and SERIOUSLY glad you weren't smushed......make a terrible stain on the concrete driveway..:p:slap:

08/18/2011, 01:14 PM
That's terrible. I think you should sue the city for allowing your house to be built with a sloped driveway, this was absolutely foreseeable and criminally negligent on their part IMHO. I would also sue the maker of the stop sign, if they're going to label it "Stop" then it damn well be able to actually stop your car. I would say you should sue Isuzu for not equipping the VX with an under-vehicle emergency brake, but their medium duty truck business might claim innocence.

Now take yourself down to the local social services office and get some disability!

Yes, I am j/k. ;)

08/18/2011, 01:22 PM
She was really tryin' to get you back!
Glad you're still in one piece!!!!!!
OK, now a little humor...hopefully it will make you feel a little better.....
. "I was a few inches from being dead, if it had hit run over my head........"
So let me get this visual right...it was your head that stopped it then?....NOTE TO SELF....DO NOT USE SKULL AS A WHEEL CHOCK....THERE'S SOME DRAWBACKS TO SUCH USE.

.No, my shoulder stopped it. Almost my head.

I bet your front Marlinstein bumper is OK...and flattened that Stop sign!
.Not a mark on the VX!! The bumper saved me from some serious VX damage.

(Half cup full kind of guy)....Umm, NOT! Mr. Zombie revolution and survivalist!
Half full, not stupid..
OK, enough kidding, you know it's all in fun and SERIOUSLY glad you weren't smushed......make a terrible stain on the concrete driveway..:p:slap:
Nothing that murattic (spelling? Too lazy to check) acid wouldn't clean up.

I do feel lucky, now the HOA is gonna think I took out the stop sign on purpose...lol.

08/18/2011, 01:39 PM
I was a few inches from being dead, if it had hit run over my head........


What Dr Suess may have written if he had done this? Dont feel to bad. I have been run into by my car. A Plymouth Valiant with a bad tranny. Reverse became forward and I was pinned between the front bumper and a 4 ton AC Unit

If it had benn going faster it could have been a disaster

08/18/2011, 01:42 PM
What Dr Suess may have written if he had done this? Dont feel to bad. I have been run into by my car. A Plymouth Valiant with a bad tranny. Reverse became forward and I was pinned between the front bumper and a 4 ton AC Unit

If it had benn going faster it could have been a disaster

HAHAHAHAHA!!! You crack me up. This is karma for hating on the poor people:)

On FB, my dad went on to explain to me how I should have put it in neutral, parking brake, wheel chocks and so on. Thanks Mr. Hindsight.

The docs asked me several times if I wanted loritab or morphine, he even wrote a script, which I had them shred.

If I am not crying, I don't need opiates. Damned drug dealers, very persistent.

08/18/2011, 01:43 PM
OH Man the Lord was with you bro!. I had a similar event 6 months ago when I was under mine. I accidentally triggered the shift selector from park to neutral and it started to roll. I spun around and was out from under that truck faster than a New York second. :eek:

08/18/2011, 02:03 PM
That's rather terrifying! Glad to hear you're okay, and without even any broken bones; you're a lucky guy. Lessons learned indeed. Was the torn tendon one of the deep rotator cuff tendons; the supraspinatus by chance? That one is commonly torn in trauma situations...

08/18/2011, 02:43 PM
:rotate:Our very own Darwin Award contender!

Glad your okay...

...now learn how to use wheel chocks or at least a big rock!

08/18/2011, 02:54 PM
OH Man the Lord was with you bro!. I had a similar event 6 months ago when I was under mine. I accidentally triggered the shift selector from park to neutral and it started to roll. I spun around and was out from under that truck faster than a New York second. :eek:

Question: If "the Lord was with...(him)", wouldn't the accident have not happened at ALL?:confused:

08/18/2011, 02:59 PM
Question: If "the Lord was with...(him)", wouldn't the accident have not happened at ALL?:confused:

:), my wife said something along the lines of someone looking out for me. I said, lets say it did hurt me bad, would he get credit for that too? Gotta take the good with the bad. Only Obama can take credit for the good and blame someone else for the bad;)

As for the rock chock, no rock is big enough to stop my VX, ever seen Secretariat? That is like my VX with rocks.

08/18/2011, 03:04 PM
I spun around and was out from under that truck faster than a New York second. :eek:

As a NY'er i know pretty well how fast is a new york second....man you were very,very fast .....:p

08/18/2011, 03:23 PM
Was the torn tendon one of the deep rotator cuff tendons; the supraspinatus by chance? That one is commonly torn in trauma situations...
Not sure, I see ortho tomorrow, they said it was too swollen to tell a whole lot
then. They wanted to let ortho deal with it. I have tingly/numb pinky/ring finger. When I move arm at the shoulder level, it feels...empty. Not sure how else to describe it. It feels like there is a dead spot, like it should be moving but it isn't.
My lats are sore as hell too. I am gonna be hurting tonight, come 2am....let the tears fall.

08/18/2011, 03:28 PM
:slap: Wow, :slap: glad :slap: to :slap: hear :slap: you're :slap: ok! :slap:
(I'd make fun of you, but it sounds like something I'd get myself into. ;Dy;)

On a lighter note... I first saw the thumbnail photo on the main page while on my smartphone and it lost a little bit in translation due to the tiny size.

I was wondering why you were posting a picture of Plumber's Crack w/Diaper Rash.


08/18/2011, 03:30 PM
:slap: Wow, :slap: glad :slap: to :slap: hear :slap: you're :slap: ok! :slap:
(I'd make fun of you, but it sounds like something I'd get myself into. ;Dy;)

On a lighter note... I first saw the thumbnail photo on the main page while on my smartphone and it lost a little bit in translation due to the tiny size.

I was wondering why you were posting a picture of Plumber's Crack w/Diaper Rash.


Don't make me laugh, it hurts....lol....ouch. Too bad I quit drinking, this wouldn't be so bad.

08/18/2011, 03:31 PM
When I move arm at the shoulder level, it feels...empty. Not sure how else to describe it. It feels like there is a dead spot, like it should be moving but it isn't.

Now yer talkin'! Welcome to MY world! .... :goof: :laugho:
.and some of you thought I'd just had too much to drink on the Stoop! :laugho:

08/18/2011, 03:32 PM
Don't make me laugh, it hurts....lol....ouch. Too bad I quit drinking, this wouldn't be so bad.

OMG...I thought the exact same thing, even when I saw it on the home page on my Mac screen! TOO FUNNY!

08/18/2011, 03:58 PM
Question: If "the Lord was with...(him)", wouldn't the accident have not happened at ALL?:confused:

Not necessarily.

08/18/2011, 04:16 PM
Not sure, I see ortho tomorrow, they said it was too swollen to tell a whole lot
then. They wanted to let ortho deal with it. I have tingly/numb pinky/ring finger. When I move arm at the shoulder level, it feels...empty. Not sure how else to describe it. It feels like there is a dead spot, like it should be moving but it isn't.
My lats are sore as hell too. I am gonna be hurting tonight, come 2am....let the tears fall.

Sounds like some neuro deficits. :( Could take a while to heal but GET WELL soon!
Well tell your wife to punch you in the dead spot if she's mad...at least you won't feel it. :bwgy:

08/18/2011, 04:18 PM

But, given how much these VX's weigh, the outcome surely could have been worse. Glad to hear it wasn't.

And you know, if you look at those scuffs with your eyes squinted just a little, some of them even look sort of like Isuzu emblems.


I'm thinking embrace it, fill in the blanks via tattoo, and make the best of the situation. ;)

08/18/2011, 04:26 PM
I found another silver lining. I am going to try and drive it FWD only tomorrow. I know 4low will work, but I am curious how TOD will react.

As for the tat, already have one....:)


08/18/2011, 04:36 PM
I found another silver lining. I am going to try and drive it FWD only tomorrow. I know 4low will work, but I am curious how TOD will react.

As for the tat, already have one....:)


OMG, that tat was a forecaster of the future!!!!

08/18/2011, 04:45 PM
Thank goodness you have medical coverage for such an odd event! I would not wish this on even my most reactionary, conspirancy-minded opponent.

08/18/2011, 04:52 PM
Scary, scary stuff....Glad you're ok.

08/18/2011, 05:02 PM

Now yer talkin'! Welcome to MY world! .... :goof: :laugho:
.and some of you thought I'd just had too much to drink on the Stoop! :laugho:

Uh, who are you trying to fool? You DID have to much to drink on the stoop!:bwgy::rotate::laughing:

08/18/2011, 05:09 PM
Glad yer OK dude...:yesgray:

Just wouldn't be the same around here iff'n y'all got squashed like a grape...http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSrWbfsgbqmYl7nkx0J3FACKSOPe5whf J0wCsmDstkdB3e2jsTq

And yeh, muriatic acid would prolly get the stain out, but does your wife have rubber gloves...:confused:


As a bit of an aside...it is STILL of great comfort to me, that you're one of the guys teaching the Navy's young up & comers how to run a nuke...why, I have no idea...:_confused

Just blind faith I guess...:laughing:

08/18/2011, 05:45 PM
Well, she finally got me back for the rhino lined hood..

and don't forget the front cladding

your a lucky man Chris and I'm glad your okay. Stick to the sparks and leave the mechanics to people that know what their doing.

As far as driving it with the rear shaft removed. Can't remember what ours are like, but most drive shafts have a machined rear spline that seals the tail shaft seal. i.e.; keeps the red stuff inside the gearbox.

08/18/2011, 05:57 PM
Is that a BF Goodrich All Terrain KO tread mark on your front shoulder or is that a General Grabber? :)

08/18/2011, 06:01 PM
Don't make me laugh, it hurts....lol....ouch. Too bad I quit drinking, this wouldn't be so bad.
What, I thought laughter is supposed to be the best medicine?!?!? OK.... sorry! :p

You reminded me that I got myself (slightly) run over once years ago. I was assisting as my buddy Robert took the lead on installing a rebuilt engine in my '79 Cutlass. The replacement Olds 350 was chained to the rafters in the shop where we worked and it was ready to be installed. Since it was stationary, we had to roll the car under it.

Robert decided to start pushing before I was ready and instantly rolled the right front tire on top of my foot. I started yelling, "You're on my foot! You're on my foot! You're on my foot!" In true "good friend" fashion, Robert came around to my side of the car so he could see for himself.... and proceeded to begin laughing his A off - so there was a delay before he pushed it back after he composed himself. Fortunately it didn't hurt at all - it just scared me - so I joined in the laughing. He called me "Barney" for years after that, and yeah, he was right - I sounded just like Barney Fife when I started yelling.

(Hey, cool - that episode of the Andy Griffith Show is on YouTube! Barney didn't respond to a chain letter and started having a run of bad luck. While crossing the street, a pickup wound up running over his foot - here's the clip (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S3J_ZgMYiFg). Start at 7:00 for the exact scene. Good gosh, I may have even started yelling for him to "back it up!" ) :laughing:

PS: Man... that 300 HP Rocket 350 from a 68 Cutlass Wagon was an AWESOME replacement for the original anemic 100 HP 260 V8 that came with the car! Gas mileage did suffer a bit, though: 13 city/13 highway, but who cares when you could lay down rubber for a full 1/8 mile!

08/19/2011, 07:15 AM
OMG, that tat was a forecaster of the future!!!!

You should get a tat of a pot of gold or a bucket of money and see if that works. :p

I'm glad you are ok. That was a close call.

08/19/2011, 09:43 AM
and don't forget the front cladding

your a lucky man Chris and I'm glad your okay. Stick to the sparks and leave the mechanics to people that know what their doing.

As far as driving it with the rear shaft removed. Can't remember what ours are like, but most drive shafts have a machined rear spline that seals the tail shaft seal. i.e.; keeps the red stuff inside the gearbox.

Ours is a flanged on design. Pinion seal holds the fluids inside:0 The spline is in the slip yoke in the shaft portion of the drive shaft. I ran around with no front shaft for months, I just want to do it as an experiment, no one seems to have done it yet. :)

Is that a BF Goodrich All Terrain KO tread mark on your front shoulder or is that a General Grabber? :)

That is Goodyear Kevlar MT tracks buddy, no weak AT for me....lol

08/19/2011, 09:44 AM
Ortho couldn't tell me anything today. It is too swollen, but since I have decent motion control, it should be fine and that the tingling could be from nerve damage. Could go away tomorrow, could be forever. No worries,I can deal with that.

The really embarrassing part is I just did this job on the RS a month ago. I installed new rear wheel bearing and a new rear third. I remembered to put chocks under it for that...:(

08/19/2011, 10:33 AM
Unless the RS was parked in front of the VX I don't think chalking the RS wheels would have helped :_thinking :rotate:

08/19/2011, 01:35 PM
That is Goodyear Kevlar MT tracks buddy, no weak AT for me....lol

:laughing: That asymmetric tread design hurts so good. Serious though, glad you're okay.

08/19/2011, 02:39 PM
:laughing: That asymmetric tread design hurts so good. Serious though, glad you're okay.

Yep, the kevlar did real good with traction, stuck to me no matter how hard I tried to wiggle out from underneath it.

Good news, I can move my arm around a little bit, no lifting yet. Bruise has colored either, can't wait for those pics.

08/19/2011, 02:43 PM
The wife said it happened because I was whining about driving the old girl 2000 miles. My back already hates me just for thinking about sitting in that seat for that long. She is a trail queen, 13000 miles in almost 3 years. 1000 miles when I drove her home, another 1000 driving back and forth for my ortho appointments in Beaufort, and 1200 on driving back and forth to URE. She doesn't get driven too much, just back and forth to work and trails!!!

08/19/2011, 04:26 PM
The wife said it happened because I was whining about driving the old girl 2000 miles. My back already hates me just for thinking about sitting in that seat for that long. She is a trail queen, 13000 miles in almost 3 years. 1000 miles when I drove her home, another 1000 driving back and forth for my ortho appointments in Beaufort, and 1200 on driving back and forth to URE. She doesn't get driven too much, just back and forth to work and trails!!!

Are you talking about your wife or your truck??? (he he he) :grino:

08/19/2011, 04:27 PM
Are you talking about your wife or your truck??? (he he he) :grino:

Nice one:)

don moore
08/19/2011, 08:15 PM
Is the VX ok.:confused:...I hope you didnt hurt it ....:p

08/20/2011, 12:49 AM
Ortho couldn't tell me anything today. It is too swollen, but since I have decent motion control, it should be fine and that the tingling could be from nerve damage. Could go away tomorrow, could be forever. No worries,I can deal with that.

Hmm...That's what I was worried about. Neurological damage is usually irreversible. Well regardless, everything is undecided at this point. Perhaps when the swelling goes down and the healing process begins, everything will go back to feeling normal again. I'll pray that everything works out well for you :happyface

08/20/2011, 03:43 AM
Is the VX ok.:confused:...I hope you didnt hurt it ....:p
My bumper definitely saved it from some nasty cladding damage. That stop sign didn't leave a mark on my trucker. It broke the sign off at the concrete in the ground...Grrrr. My VX eats stop signs for lunch.

Hmm...That's what I was worried about. Neurological damage is usually
irreversible. Well regardless, everything is undecided at this point. Perhaps when the swelling goes down and the healing process begins, everything will go back to feeling normal again. I'll pray that everything works out well for you :happyface

Well, it is sore as hell to touch right now, but I am able to move it a lot more today. No lifting my arm up and out (like if you were to make a chicken wing) But I can move it quite a bit. I think the worst parts:
I need to do some more maintenance on all three trucks. The movers come on the 30th to start packing our stuff.
I am a side sleeper, I normally sleep on my left side, which is of course the hurt side. I go to sleep on my right side, only to find that I have woken myself up when I try to roll over onto my left side:(

I also had my first nightmare. I was wondering when that was coming. In my dream, my head did get stuck, then I managed to get it out, only to have it parked on my rib cage as I tried to wiggle out. Interesting dream.

08/20/2011, 10:59 AM
Hmm...That's what I was worried about. Neurological damage is usually irreversible. Well regardless, everything is undecided at this point. Perhaps when the swelling goes down and the healing process begins, everything will go back to feeling normal again. I'll pray that everything works out well for you :happyface

Careful here. Nuero injuries fall into different categories. The type of injury here is likely to recover. My opinion. I'm not a neurologist but I have been a veterinarian for 25 years. :grino:

08/20/2011, 11:14 AM
Careful here. Nuero injuries fall into different categories. The type of injury here is likely to recover. My opinion. I'm not a neurologist but I have been a veterinarian for 25 years. :grino:

Vet huh, I won a scholarship for a full ride to Ohio State for veterinary medicine. My AP Physics II class, all 6 of us, took a field trip to Ohio State and played with their nuclear reactor. Even though I had the veterinary medical symbol on my class ring, I decided, nuclear is what I wanted to do. Never looked back. Just gave a vet 200 bucks yesterday...my Irish Terrier started puking, uncontrolled urination, taildown, won't eat or drink, not even treats. Tested negative for parasites, solid stool. Gave him a shot of some type of anti-nausea, some GI friendly food, and supplements. He is a puppy, only 16 months old, neutered, very healthy,never stops...keeps my 6 and 4 year old busy. He is acting better, still peeing uncontrollably sometimes. If he isn't better on Monday, he is going back. At least he is eating and drinking and acting normal.
Thread jack over....

08/20/2011, 05:21 PM
Vet huh, I won a scholarship for a full ride to Ohio State for veterinary medicine. My AP Physics II class, all 6 of us, took a field trip to Ohio State and played with their nuclear reactor. Even though I had the veterinary medical symbol on my class ring, I decided, nuclear is what I wanted to do. Never looked back. Just gave a vet 200 bucks yesterday...my Irish Terrier started puking, uncontrolled urination, taildown, won't eat or drink, not even treats. Tested negative for parasites, solid stool. Gave him a shot of some type of anti-nausea, some GI friendly food, and supplements. He is a puppy, only 16 months old, neutered, very healthy,never stops...keeps my 6 and 4 year old busy. He is acting better, still peeing uncontrollably sometimes. If he isn't better on Monday, he is going back. At least he is eating and drinking and acting normal.
Thread jack over....

Goodness. Not many would pass up a full ride through Vet school!! or at least the undergrad portion. but I will tell what Nuclear reactors don't bite or scratch and don't having whining crying crabbing complaining owners. :) You made a good choice but vet med has always provided me an income. Good luck with the dog sounds like he is getting better.

08/20/2011, 05:23 PM
OK - I stayed out of this thread for as long as I can, but you guys are just throwing things at me for comment.

First of all, and most important - glad you are okay Chris. I can say from first hand experience, that a bit of tingling, pins and needles, even some slow muscle response, are all symptoms of temporary nerve damage most likely caused by the nerve being pinched or otherwise restricted by the swelling. It might take a few weeks to fully recover, but it will.

Second - wow, you did that, and you teach people how to work on nukes?? I hope you start each lesson with "Do as I say, not as I do"!!!!!

Third - so VX retribution is swift and decisive. No way I will ever deface my baby now.

All in good fun mate - as I said, most important thing is that you are okay.


08/20/2011, 05:56 PM
OK - I stayed out of this thread for as long as I can, but you guys are just throwing things at me for comment.

First of all, and most important - glad you are okay Chris. I can say from first hand experience, that a bit of tingling, pins and needles, even some slow muscle response, are all symptoms of temporary nerve damage most likely caused by the nerve being pinched or otherwise restricted by the swelling. It might take a few weeks to fully recover, but it will.

Second - wow, you did that, and you teach people how to work on nukes?? I hope you start each lesson with "Do as I say, not as I do"!!!!!

Third - so VX retribution is swift and decisive. No way I will ever deface my baby now.

All in good fun mate - as I said, most important thing is that you are okay.


Ha, as I said on the Planet. I think my at home work is an indication of the "Preacher's Daughter" syndrome. I have so many lists and precautions at work, it sometimes takes 12 hours to do safety BS for 20 minutes worth of work. Things that aren't even nuke related. Much the same as regular government, the Navy's answer to an injury is more rules and regulations. After 60 years of this, we have VOLUMES of safety crap.
So when I get freedom at home, I swing to the other end of the spectrum.
Like welding in flipflops:)

08/21/2011, 11:52 AM
Well, no tingling or numbness this morning! I am able to move my arm, perhaps 60-70% I got rid of the stupid sling, even managed to install a gull wing full size tool box in the F250. Had to have help getting into the bed, but I drilled the holes on my own. Still waiting for the bruise to come through. Unfortunately, I don't bruise easily, or at least they don't show. The doc at the hospital said it would look like I had been murdered once it started draining down my arm. No go.

Yippee!!!!! I am still gtg for the yellowstone trip.

08/21/2011, 03:07 PM
Ours is a flanged on design. Pinion seal holds the fluids inside

K, wasn't sure without crawling under or opening the book, just hate to read your next thread about fluid lose and burnt up gearbox.

I understand the nuc safety B.S., worked on many victor alert jets, what a pain. But there's safety and then there is personal safety,... (welding in flip flop's comes to mind)

Glad your okay Chris. Am sure this injury will be reminding you for a good while if not forever

08/22/2011, 04:45 AM
Wow, I haven't been on line since this thread started. Glad it all worked out OK.

I gotta do rear brakes this Friday. Can you come visit & be my wheel chock???

08/22/2011, 05:35 AM
Wow, I haven't been on line since this thread started. Glad it all worked out OK.

I gotta do rear brakes this Friday. Can you come visit & be my wheel chock???

Ebenezr "likes this"

08/22/2011, 01:42 PM
I am not a very good chock, ask the stop sign across the street, it is now 2 feet shorter than it was a week ago:)

08/22/2011, 03:33 PM
As a guy that has numbness/neuropathy in both hands (due to 9K miles a year on a bicycle and being a 55 year old "aging athlete"), I've had VERY good luck with Jarrow Labs "Alpha Lipoic Acid". I take 4/day - 2 in the AM and 2 in the PM. They're time release - I REALLY notice the difference at night when I sleep! My hands used to ALWAYS fall asleep - even my "off" hand that I wasn't sleeping on. This has been greatly reduced through taking these religiously - just my 25 cents worth...:o

08/22/2011, 04:50 PM
I am not a very good chock

Au contraire, mon frère...:nogray:

You were doing a GREAT job...till ya started wiggling around & wen't all HULK on the round rubber thing.


08/22/2011, 05:04 PM

08/22/2011, 06:05 PM
Au contraire, mon frère...:nogray:

You were doing a GREAT job...till ya started wiggling around & wen't all HULK on the round rubber thing.


Couldn't help it, I have ADDHHDDDAAADDHHHDVXAAMADEUPDDDHD. I got bored. Lurking on the Planet I see?


08/24/2011, 11:09 PM
Chris, you are the best example of how one can let VX ownership go to one's head. :D
You should paint a zigzag down the side of your VX and nickname it Charlie Brown... you Blockhead! HAHA Glad it wasn't any worse man!

08/28/2011, 12:14 PM
Just an update. Shoulder is at 75%. Can't lift anything over my head. With some patience, got the driveshaft and skidplates painted and installed. Movers come on Tuesday.
I am foregoing the trip to medical, they will pull my orders if I go. I will wait and cross mny fingers.

08/28/2011, 12:49 PM
Wow. All I can sy is thank you God for not running over my VX info connection... and the whole Husband/Father thing too. thanks for that.

Man, that story is kind of terrifying.

08/28/2011, 01:11 PM
Well, I got over my fear today. I had the wife slowly back uop while I was under so I could line up and tighten bolts on driveshaft. Granted, no danger since the vx sits 16" off the ground, but still gave me heebie jeebies.

08/29/2011, 12:27 PM
I think I would've just used a come-along to move it as needed to reach the next bolt. I'm a little slow at times but I do learn from my mistakes (never hit the basketball with the baseball bat a second time).

Glad your sequil went better than the pilot.

09/07/2011, 07:28 PM
Gotta say: :thanx: Chris...:yesgray:

Were it not for this thread, I could have easily done the same...:mbrasd:

Last weekend after the latest project, I backed into my parking spot (on an incline) & crawled under there with a :_wrench:

As soon as it touched the first bolt on the drive shaft, it was if I had been struck in the forehead by lightning...http://images.zaazu.com/img/lightning-lightning-thunder-skeleton-smiley-emoticon-000611-facebook.gif

I then realized I should dust off the wheel chocks...:mbrasd:

09/08/2011, 03:23 AM
I am a bit safer now. I am doing ball joints. I did weigh heryesterday. 4420 lbs empty. I took out all parts, tools, sub, backseat...heavy toy for sure. My f250 weighed in at 7200lbs

Back to saving people with my own stupidity!

01/11/2013, 02:45 PM
Just an update. I ended up breaking the end off of my corachoid process when she ran over me. I did an 8 month deployment with it free floating. After MRIs, CT scans and lots of xrays, I had my surgery 2 weeks ago. The bone connected with fibrous tissue and it moves. the doc shaved it down the best he could and removed the slivers of bone that were not connected. We shall see how it goes, it feels the same to me, except sore from the surgery. Next step is to take the bone off and pin it to the other side. Not a great chance for success according to the doc. There is no standard treatment path as this injury is uber rare. He is doing a case study out of it. Just kind of playing it by ear. I will know if we are gonna go under the knife again in the next few months. But I did manage to build a steel 4x6 work bench with my dad's help and put HD torsion bars in today with a friend's help. I have no strength in my left arm if lifting out or above my head:(

01/11/2013, 04:10 PM
Just read this post. I'm glad everything is ended up o.k. Hope everything else with you is good.

01/11/2013, 05:05 PM
I went back and reread the thread. Cracked me up. There are some great jewels buried in all these threads;)