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View Full Version : New Range Rover Evoque vs. The VX???

08/08/2011, 02:23 PM
Hey (see below) the same fella who wrote about the VX in Collectible Automobile is now comparing the VX to the new Range Rover Evoque. I think in theory he's right size/stylingwise, but he's got the VX sales goal all wrong. It was not a dud but intentionally for limited production. We really need to write the VX history book for the world to have as a resource. The VX is the most misunderstood vehicle going.

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2012 Range Rover Evoque Review and Prices

by Chris Poole

Inside This Article


2012 Range Rover Evoque Review and Prices


2012 Range Rover Evoque Features


2012 Range Rover Evoque Additional Features


2012 Range Rover Evoque Buying Advice


2012 Range Rover Evoque Pictures


2012 Range Rover Evoque Preliminary Specifications


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2012 Range Rover Evoque Buying Advice

The 2012 Range Rover Evoque should be styled similarly to the Land Rover LRX concept, which is shown here.

The Evoque may be a kinder, gentler Range Rover, but the 2-door configuration looms as a handicap, at least in America. Remember the Isuzu Vehi-CROSS? Same idea and a sales dud. Still, the 2012 Range Rover Evoque could succeed on the strength of its dashing lines and other assets, not to mention Land Rover’s strong brand prestige, which persists despite a widespread reputation for mediocre reliability and indifferent build quality. The Evoque will certainly be an interesting new choice among premium-compact-SUVs. But that fast-growing class already includes strong 4-door contenders like the Acura RDX, BMW X3, and Infiniti EX . And more are on the way, notably Audi’s Q5 and the Mercedes-Benz GLK. With all this, smart buyers will want to check all the contestants to see which best fits their needs.

2012 Range Rover Evoque Release Date: The predicted late-2011 introduction assumes Tata hews to the timing set under Ford. Though the new owner did its expected due-diligence digging in negotiating the sale and seems eager to proceed with projects in the pipeline, the 2012 Range Rover Evoque could be delayed by unexpected engineering glitches, supplier issues, and other “birth pangs.” From what we know now, however, the new model is set to debut as originally scheduled.

2012 Range Rover Evoque First Test Drive: Assuming the above timing proves out, ride-and-drive media previews would likely be staged in the summer or early fall of 2011.

2012 Range Rover Evoque Prices: One source predicts the Evoque will start at $35,000 with a conventional V6/automatic powerteam. That’s about the same as you’d pay now for the uplevel HSE version of the related 4-door LR2, which suggests the newcomer will be positioned to plug the big price gap between LR2 and the larger LR3. A hybrid Evoque, if there is one, would likely run $40,000, perhaps more.

? 2012 Range Rover Evoque Additional Features
2012 Range Rover Evoque Pictures ?


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08/08/2011, 05:35 PM
My nitpicks… I think it's wrong to consider the 2-door Evoque as a "handicap." I see it as "just another option." Historically, convertibles, for example, have not been huge sellers, but they did perfectly fill a niche for those who want one. Second, I'll be surprised if the bare-bones base price isn't $40-45k minimum vs. the author's estimated $35k.

I don't know what to say about the "sales dud" comment. We all know the intention was to build the 6,000 VX's that were expected from the ceramic die experiment. But someone here sure did bring up a good argument: "If it had been a runaway success, they would have made traditional dies and continued the line" (paraphrasing.) :)

I'd also like to see the experts here come up with a better overview than what is available on Wikipedia. It seems it used to be more in-depth and was more clear.

08/08/2011, 06:58 PM
I'm confused - is this an old thread that got reactivated or something? Pricing and production aren't mysteries, they're right there on the Land Rover website:


"From $43,995"

And this topic is already being actively discussed here:


08/08/2011, 07:15 PM
I'm confused - is this an old thread that got reactivated or something? Pricing and production aren't mysteries, they're right there on the Land Rover website:


"From $43,995"

And this topic is already being actively discussed here:

This topic is specific to the article written about the VX vs. Evoque comparison. In the other topic the pricing was speculative, but thank you for posting something definitive! Ha ha! I knew the estimated $35k mentioned in THIS article would be way too low!

08/08/2011, 11:17 PM
This topic is specific to the article written about the VX vs. Evoque comparison. In the other topic the pricing was speculative, but thank you for posting something definitive! Ha ha! I knew the estimated $35k mentioned in THIS article would be way too low!

haha, go to the rover website and try configuring one with the basic options you would want like say, oh, air conditioning. the price on the 2 door coupe i configured today was $55K, and that was without a sat radio.

08/09/2011, 06:04 AM
Remember, a VX cost 32K 13 years ago. Inflation???

08/09/2011, 08:31 AM
The VehiCROSS was a sales dud! How many successful cars languished on dealers showrooms for 2 years or more? HOWEVER... that doesn't mean the VX was a failure. It just wasn't popular.

Some of us remember the muscle car wars of the late 60's/early 70's. How many people actually bought a Dodge Charge Daytona or Plymouth Superbird? Sure, they brought customers into the dealerships, but they ended up buying the other cars on the floor. That was the purpose of the "halo" vehicle. Bring in the customers. In that respect the VX was a success.

08/09/2011, 10:27 AM
Remember, a VX cost 32K 13 years ago. Inflation???

$41469.29 would be the inflation-adjusted cost in 2010 (Consumer Price Index data for this year wasn't available yet in the inflation tool I used.) So figure maybe another $1K tops, let's call it $42,500. I just priced the Evoque 2-door "Pure" with similar options to the VX and came up with $45,995. So not that different.

wintermute - AC showed up as standard for me. :confused:

08/09/2011, 10:29 AM
The VehiCROSS was a sales dud! How many successful cars languished on dealers showrooms for 2 years or more? HOWEVER... that doesn't mean the VX was a failure. It just wasn't popular.

+1000 Somehow the fact that so many VX's sat on dealer lots seems to conveniently be forgotten when lavishing praise on our beloved PUVs. True, the final production number wasn't determined by poor sales - but poor sales, especially in the final production year, are the facts nonetheless.

08/09/2011, 12:51 PM
The VX was an expensive low-carrying capacity car/truck new type vehicle. Who ever heard of such a thing at the time? Especially from Isuzu, infamous for rollover tendencies. It was an experiment that succeeded in bring about the later crossover era. When you are the first one in, there is always a very high inherent risk you won't sell many, especially when redefining transportation ideas; so they tooled up for only 5000 copies to help mimimize that risk. It probably helped Isuzu shake its unsafe image and carry on for approx. 10 more years. That was the benefit of them showing the world that they could afford to experiment via the VX project.

03/27/2012, 03:42 PM
VX vs Evoque? Well, I drove along with one for about 10 miles today on the highway, and let me tell you, I am unimpressed. It looks much better standing still than driving, if that makes any sense. In motion, it is way too low slung. With my meager 913/torsion lift, I was looking WAY down at it. It looked like a Ford Escape that had gone through the crusher. Don't get me wrong, I think it's cool and all? But it's NOT Range Rover material in my book.

And, driving next to the dude, every time I looked over his way, he was already looking back in mine. Spoke volumes.


03/27/2012, 08:01 PM
Nice to hear. It's what I thought as well. They also predict the Evoque will sell in the hundreds of thousands just like the mini-cooper. Evoque production is already sold out, so watch for the flood. This phenomenon will only make the VX look smarter and more elite, since it still does not look dated, at all.

03/27/2012, 09:20 PM
All have their own opinion so as the saying goes, different strokes for different folks. I have been with a Land Rover dealer for 25 years and saw the first US spec Range Rover roll off the truck. We were one of the original LR dealers in the US and have seen a lot of changes. The Evoque is one of the largest conquest in LR history (besides Range Rover Sport Launch in 2006 and new body Range Rover L322 in 2003) and sales are skyrocketing. It is receiving accolades after accolades and not from no namers either. Will it last? Time will tell. I can tell you that it is an all love or all hate look. Kinda like the VX. Some people cannot get past that look and cladding of VX, etc. I like the Evoque and VX. What killed VX back in its time was the price, love or hate look, timing, and lack of 4 doors (or five door if you call the back door). This happened with Freelander (which was a joke anyways) and now with Evoque. Current Evoque sell rates show 5 door outselling 3 door. I think the 5 door Evoque does not look as nice as the 3 door just like the the concept 4 door VX which I think is ugly. People want that option and convenience of 4 door. Evoque is selling and selling for MSRP. Original VX owners got to steal theirs cuz they were sitting on Isuzu lots. Two different eras IMO, BUT LEAVE IT TO JOURNALIST TO COMPARE AND THINK UP THESE INTERESTING COMPARISONS.

03/27/2012, 09:50 PM
Still, we can't forget that Isuzu was reaching its last years of prime. just a few years later, the trooper disappeared, the axiom, and even the rodeo. When GM bought most of the stocks back in the mid 2000's, they planned to make sure they got rid of an SUV giant "ISUZU's Image" and they did just that. After the image was broken, they didn't waist time to sell back those stocks, ISUZU pulled out and left the country right before the economy crashed and bankrupt many small automobile companies. So with that said, i don't think the VX was just a dud, but simply Isuzu's way of saying " We have what it takes to compete and make a great truck compared to giant companies, but we don't care, we'll stick with our commercial trucks".

03/27/2012, 09:54 PM

'Turbo, I have all the respect in the world for you based on your avatar alone. But I'll leave it to the journalists to compare when I stop caring about this kind of thing and am prepared to subjugate my own opinion for someone else's.

That didn't happen today. Probably won't happen tomorrow, either.

And, for the record, I DO like the Evoque. More than most other sporty SUV's. And I applaud it's agressive styling. It takes the Jeep SRT8 to a-whole-nother level, even. But it just comes across to me as way to progressive for the storied and stalwart Range Rover brand.


03/27/2012, 10:34 PM
'Turbo, I have all the respect in the world for you based on your avatar alone. But I'll leave it to the journalists to compare when I stop caring about this kind of thing and am prepared to subjugate my own opinion for someone else's.


After reading my post and last sentence, I realized that it sounded like we should not post our opinions and leave it up to the journalist...whoops. I meant to say leave it up to those guys/gals to pull these weird comparisons out of the sky. No harm buddy, my bad. I updated my post last sentence. Forgive me. BTW, I will take an ol' Range Rover Classic(see below) and future Defender 90 over Evoque any day....hahaha!!

Riff Raff
03/28/2012, 07:10 AM
Here is some more news-- the Evoque "Convertible Roadster" concept:


Of the current exterior colors available, I like the Fuji White and the Lime Green Metallic. The striking body lines of the Evoque needs to be shown off with the brighter colors. The darker colors seem to make the Evoque appear unnoticed and dull; blending-in like a common Ford Edge.


03/28/2012, 08:53 AM
I own a VX and an Evoque, they cant be put on the same category. The evoque is almost the same size as my lowered focus RS, The VX is way bigger and spacious. If we are talking about the looks, i bought the evoque for the same reasons I bought the VX 2 door radical styling and to have ssomething nobody has (or at least i thought nobody would have) Here in Mexico evoques came with limited numbers but in a couple of months i have seen more than 30 so they ewerent that limited.
My evoque is a 3 door which almost nobody gets, but all my cars are 3 or 2 doors Plus they look way better.

03/28/2012, 09:05 AM
My wife wants one. But she wants to wait for the cabrio version to come out, then sell her P-whip and get that. I am thinking that is a good idea. :)


03/28/2012, 09:12 AM
On another note, car reviews have to be taken with a grain of salt, especially ones like this that are heavy on the opinions side.

There are two types of car people out there, people who drive cars and use them as tools, nothing more, and people who drive cars and use them as extensions of their personality, projections of their personal styles, and lastly, as a tool for transportation. The Evoque is clearly a can made for the 2nd type of person, as was the VX.


03/28/2012, 05:34 PM
Here are some pictures side by side. I cant find a way to turn the pictures already uploaded.http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/data/500/photo52.JPGhttp://www.vehicross.info/gallery/data/500/photo42.JPGhttp://www.vehicross.info/gallery/data/500/photo32.JPGhttp://www.vehicross.info/gallery/data/500/photo25.JPGhttp://www.vehicross.info/gallery/data/500/photo17.JPG

03/28/2012, 05:41 PM
Damn, that Foxfire looks shiny and oh so purdy.

03/28/2012, 06:03 PM
wow! thats so tiny.

03/28/2012, 08:12 PM
The Evoque will ultimately help prove the wisdom behind the VX, and the VX02. The June 18th 2011 Wall Street Journal article about the VX started the process. The VX was light years ahead of its time, it's just that simple.

I always like to link the VX experience to the 356 Porsche. People made fun of them when they came out , negatively refering to them as "bath tubs". The laugh is on those critics now, they are selling minimally for 30K plus plus plus!

03/29/2012, 03:30 AM
I like my VX and all.....but damn!
It's a 2 door Trooper with KYB shocks and a kinda funky Body-kit. PERIOD
Just a weird, automotive footnote....(like the Farm-o-Road by Crosley)
It didn't move any bars or set any standards. The overwhelming majority of humans...even car nut humans....have never heard of it and never will. It is an automotive footnote and was a strikeout for Isuzu. They had a couple thousand left at the start of '02....anyone that waited, could have bought them for 20-22K, NEW...depending on negotiating skills. (Mine was bought at the end of '01 for 21k and had 11mi on the odo.) When the Axiom hit the market with a dull, wet, thud as well....it was all over for Isuzu manufacturing light vehicles....
It's a cool vehicle that just never got traction in the marketplace. For all it affected the automotive world, it might as well have never been built.
I like it for what it is....not for what I pretend it was

03/29/2012, 09:45 AM
Nice buy. But early Porsches went begging too. That's why Hoffman Motors (The importer) formulated the Speedster version to get those unsold cabriolets moving with a new dash, top and windshield scheme. Excess production, they called the weekend racer, now the most valuable style.

Nevertheless, the Funky Body Kit you refer to was revolutionary. It was the first truly aggressively styled vehicle, period. Everything else with flaring wheel arches has come after it (I've discussed this with Bill Porter, the GM designer of the Flame Red Car, aka Toronado). It still does not look dated, as stated in the Wall Street Journal article. (And that's true for bath tub Porsches as well, they have never looked old fashioned.) VX 02 was the first open top off roadster (kinda Porsche speedster like chopped windshield etc.) and now the Evoque apes the VX02. You have to give Simon Cox and ITAL designs credit... and not a footnotes worth, either. That's why Motor Trend has pronounced the VX a future classic and for good reason, too.

03/29/2012, 09:57 AM
I gotta say, Pepino, those three next to eachother is very interesting. Especially, since I still think the VX stands out the most.


03/29/2012, 03:14 PM
It was the first truly aggressively styled vehicle, period. Everything else with flaring wheel arches has come after it


Yer painting a picture using a pretty broad brush...:flower:

I seem to remember an aggressively styled vehicle back in the sixties with flared wheel arches...the thing looked like it would snap yer head off & squeeze whatever was left like a pimple...:yesgray:

It looked like this...


IMO, vehicular sweetness has been around for a while...:smilewink

03/29/2012, 04:12 PM
The rover looks like a chrysler pacifica, with 2 missing doors & better front & rear styling...:rotate:

03/29/2012, 04:24 PM
The rover looks like a chrysler pacifica, with 2 missing doors & better front & rear styling...:rotate:

Hey man, leave the weird comparisons to the journalists, remember?

(Sorry 'Turb... I've been bottling the sardonicism all day at the office. Figured we're all friends here though. We're cool. :smilewink)

03/29/2012, 05:33 PM
Willys/Overland beat Isuzu to the 4x4 roadster/speedster/coupe thing....by about 55 years. They called it a Jeepster. Def an icon and def moved a bunch of bars forward, to the International Scout, the Ford Bronco, the Blazer, the FJ Land Cruiser.....Crosley had a few.....Mitsu had the old Montero (which Mopar sold as well) Power Wagons could ONLY be called aggressive.
VX was the first of the new millenia maybe, but nowhere near first in anything I can think of....even Rav4s had a plastic lower half in like '94
The VX is a cool looking vehicle. (I worked for Isuzu of Daytona while they were being made. I knew I was getting one, the instant I saw it.) It has been a perfectly reliable friend. I will likely not sell it for a very long time.
I just think it more or less ends there

03/29/2012, 05:41 PM
The first vehicle with fangs has to be the first truly aggressively styled vehicle. period. Need I say more?

03/29/2012, 06:54 PM

The first vehicle with fangs has to be the first truly aggressively styled vehicle. period. Need I say more?

So...you're not seeing any fang like protrusions here...:confused:

PLEASE send me a BUTT load of whatever yer smok'n...:laughing:

Shipping Addy:

L dubski
420 WTF Lane
Myopic MN

03/29/2012, 07:19 PM
Hey Pepino, thanks for posting the photo of the VX & Evoque together. I've yet to see the new Rover in person and I expected it to be MUCH BIGGER than the VX! I hope you love 'em both - they look so awesome! I like that you got the Juke in there, too!:) It looks bigger than the VX in comparison even though I've seen a few on them on the road.

03/29/2012, 08:15 PM
So...you're not seeing any fang like protrusions here...:confused:

PLEASE send me a BUTT load of whatever yer smok'n...:laughing:

Shipping Addy:

L dubski
420 WTF Lane
Myopic MN

Thanks for the address. Now I know where to send all my excess machinations. But please, here, the auto you depict was not styled by any thing other than a need to homologate big wheels for SCCA racing. The basic car is not a Cobra but an AC Bristol (British design), on steroids. That's not intentional agressive styling, but instead intent to circumvent parochial racing rules, no more. The VX was a total departure, based on a specific intent to offer totally new styling horizons; its later racing duties a secondary consideration.

Now as far as Willy's Jeepster etc. etc. They were not styling departures. If we were that near sighted we'd have to included model "T" Roadsters etc.
The VX was an intentional departure into aggressivism, so to speak. It most closely mirrors the wheel arches and side pods of the original '66 Toronado, but adds large expanses of ribbed polypropelene and fangs, yes fangs to punctuate a move to the next frontier. And, no, the VX just like the original 356 Porsche will never look dated as a result of its bold manuever to genuinely depart. Just look at Pepino's photos they tell the whole story, right there. The Evoque looks weak by comparison in terms of departure status. The Juke looks totally VX copycat, and nothing more. Nuff said? I invite your concerns/questions.

03/29/2012, 08:34 PM
The Juke looks totally VX copycat, and nothing more. Nuff said? I invite your concerns/questions.

I think you just shot yourself in the foot there barney...that thing is BUTT ugly.

I'll reiterate..."PLEASE send me a BUTT load of whatever yer smok'n..."

Sans machinations

And why do people with a "flimsy at best" argument, always say "need I say more", or the ever popular: "nuff said"...:confused:

SAYS WHO?...:_thinking

VX crazy
03/29/2012, 08:39 PM
I think you just shot yourself in the foot there barney...that thing is BUTT ugly.

I'll reiterate..."PLEASE send me a BUTT load of whatever yer smok'n..."

Sans machinations

And why do people with a "flimsy at best" argument, always say "need I say more", or the ever popular: "nuff said"...:confused:

SAYS WHO?...:_thinking

No joke!! I can't imagine who would like those!! I test drove one, suckola!!! UGLY

03/29/2012, 08:45 PM
My favorite is when someone, ANYone, says that "the such-and-such debate is over," or "there no even arguing such-and-such." Simply reply "I disagree" and with those two little words, you immediately and effectively invalidate their claim.

And then you just have fun with them when they try to think for themselves. All too easy (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X8PyTo6NyXA&feature=youtu.be&t=7s).


03/29/2012, 09:05 PM
I never said the Juke was good looking...merely that as a styling excersise it was propelled by the VX experience and failed, just for clarification. Nor did I preclude any further debate, and purposely invited further retort. Please read what was specifically stated. I only lofted the question of was this enough, and requested more response. Now, let's be fair here.

03/29/2012, 09:13 PM
Sambo, I did see your invite to continue the discourse, but I was speaking generally and replying to Dub. Sorry if that wasn't clear. :yesgray:

I'm staying out of this one other than to perhaps lob in the occasional :bomb:.

It's what I do.

03/30/2012, 01:05 AM
I gotta say, Pepino, those three next to eachother is very interesting. Especially, since I still think the VX stands out the most.


I have always liked weird looking vehicles. The VX does stand out a lot here in Mexico since I am pretty sure it is the only one in the country.
People stare at the evoque too but not in a "WTF is that" way. They look at it and keep going their way. The juke did get some looks at the beginning but now there is just too many of them out there. Wait till I lower it and put some bigger wheels in it and it will look great. IF the Juke-R would have come out, I probably would have gotten that one instead.

The VX is still the one that gets most attention, but also as an 11 year old truck which has seen pretty bad weather and has been offroad many times, it just isnt in the best shape it used to be. I am planning on restoring it sometime soon. I will never sell the VX.

03/30/2012, 01:11 AM
Hey Pepino, thanks for posting the photo of the VX & Evoque together. I've yet to see the new Rover in person and I expected it to be MUCH BIGGER than the VX! I hope you love 'em both - they look so awesome! I like that you got the Juke in there, too!:) It looks bigger than the VX in comparison even though I've seen a few on them on the road.

Yes, I love the 3 of them.

VX can handle everything.
Evoque is so comfortable and such nice audio system and I still have to take it to do some light off roading. Some Turbo lag, but fast once the turbo starts spinning. Plus I have a Ford Focus RS Mk2 and the evoque has the same engine as the 2012 Focus ST, wanted to see how it felt.
Nissan Juke dont like the interiors very much, leather or 4wheel drive werent available in Mexico but i have to say it is fast as hell. Also the Juke is the smallest of the three, almost no room in the trunk, and rear seat room isnt that great either.
If you want more pictures just let me know.

03/30/2012, 06:13 AM
I never said the Juke was good looking...merely that as a styling excersise it was propelled by the VX experience and failed, just for clarification.

I think you're confusing what you "meant", with what you "said"...

"The Juke looks totally VX copycat, and nothing more."

Nor did I preclude any further debate, and purposely invited further retort. Please read what was specifically stated. Now, let's be fair here.

I agree, that we disagree...:yesgray:

03/30/2012, 06:42 AM
The VX does stand out a lot here in Mexico since I am pretty sure it is the only one in the country.
Apparently, there's at least one other VX in Mexico now.

http://www.vehicross.info/forums/showthread.php?t=22170 (http://www.vehicross.info/forums/showthread.php?t=22170)


03/30/2012, 10:17 AM
I think you're confusing what you "meant", with what you "said"...

"The Juke looks totally VX copycat, and nothing more."

I agree, that we disagree...:yesgray:

No confusion. Not in the least. The Juke as a product apes the VX. But as I added it has "failed" to be as successful stylingwise. If you want an automotive footnote, look no further than the Nissan Juke. It will never be viewed as a departure from anything olr an original, it merely recollects the VX of 19 years earlier. Said differently, it will never make Motor Trends classics list, like the VX has (which I have mentioned above).

03/30/2012, 10:21 AM
Apparently, there's at least one other VX in Mexico now.

http://www.vehicross.info/forums/showthread.php?t=22170 (http://www.vehicross.info/forums/showthread.php?t=22170)


I think I know that guy and if I remember corrrectly, he drives back and forth from the border all the time, the VX isnt settled in Mexico like mine. I am all the way in Mexico City.

Riff Raff
03/30/2012, 07:03 PM
No joke!! I can't imagine who would like those!! I test drove one, suckola!!! UGLY

x3. The Nissan Puke/Joke (either slang is correct) is frickin' butt ugly. Right up there with the Pontiac Asstek.


03/30/2012, 07:23 PM
No confusion. Not in the least. The Juke as a product apes the VX. But as I added it has "failed" to be as successful stylingwise. If you want an automotive footnote, look no further than the Nissan Juke. It will never be viewed as a departure from anything olr an original, it merely recollects the VX of 19 years earlier. Said differently, it will never make Motor Trends classics list, like the VX has (which I have mentioned above).

I am always vverrrrrry happy to give he/or she, with the weakest argument, the last word...:yesgray:

03/30/2012, 08:13 PM
Of course, of course.

03/31/2012, 04:03 AM
That old saying.....
When you're a hammer, the entire world looks like a nail.
The perception is that the entire automotive world was disrupted and forever changed in 1999, by (what was then) a 6 year old vehicle, with a body kit. (VX couldn't find even a measley 3000 purchases in 3 years, in a land of 260,000,000 car buyers: **over 1000 were "dumped" in 2002 for $18,000-- Isuzu dealers cost)
That ripples and and aftershocks from this astounding automotive compilation continue to dictate and influence the design of virtually all vehicles to this very day....
After all.....
they all have 4 wheels....don't they? Isuzu
They all use more than one headlight....don't they? Isuzu
Leather for seats? Isuzu
Round "wheel" device to control direction of travel? Isuzu
Wheels with air in them?....brake and turn signal lights in one housing?....building a car that's 85% made of other manufacturers parts?
Isuzu Isuzu and Isuzu
No S***t.....he's right!

03/31/2012, 05:09 AM
the entire automotive world was disrupted and forever changed in 1999 ripples and and aftershocks from this astounding automotive compilation continue to dictate and influence the design of virtually all vehicles to this very day....


03/31/2012, 06:25 AM
I like the Juke just fine. I don;t know anything about its handling and performance, but it that were up to speed for city driving I would not have the slightest issue having one of these over the hundreds of utterly derivative, cookie-cutter "sports" sedans and entry level vehicles in the same price range. Not a lot of affordable all wheel drive options out there, I might add. Yes, the styling is polarizing but man it sure does get a lot of bashing on this forum that sounds remarkably similar to the bashing the VX often gets from critics.

Scott Harness
03/31/2012, 06:32 AM
I like the Juke just fine. I don;t know anything about its handling and performance, but it that were up to speed for city driving I would not have the slightest issue having one of these over the hundreds of utterly derivative, cookie-cutter "sports" sedans and entry level vehicles in the same price range. Not a lot of affordable all wheel drive options out there, I might add. Yes, the styling is polarizing but man it sure does get a lot of bashing on this forum that sounds remarkably similar to the bashing the VX often gets from critics.


03/31/2012, 07:23 AM
my wife wants a Juke.... fine by me
I've only one issue with it. I loath a CVT transmission.
I barely tolerate a regular auto-slush box.....but then, I don't have to drive it.
There's a fair number of them on the road around here....Cube too
Maybe not "Homeruns" But I think both seem to be selling pretty well.

03/31/2012, 08:46 AM
I like the Juke just fine. I don;t know anything about its handling and performance, but it that were up to speed for city driving I would not have the slightest issue having one of these over the hundreds of utterly derivative, cookie-cutter "sports" sedans and entry level vehicles in the same price range. Not a lot of affordable all wheel drive options out there, I might add. Yes, the styling is polarizing but man it sure does get a lot of bashing on this forum that sounds remarkably similar to the bashing the VX often gets from critics.


03/31/2012, 12:57 PM
Remember the Juke was launched into the US market nearly fourteen years after the VX. The VX was a styling shock back then, and most people were not nearly ready for anything so advanced looking. In fact, it's still so advanced looking it "still looks fresh" to quote the recent Wall Street Journal article on the VX. It's tough to be ahead of the curve, but Isuzu was not afraid. They had done it before with the ITAL Design Impulse model.

03/31/2012, 09:27 PM
Yes, for a crumby seller the VX did:

Win, Japan car of the year '97/98 (inspite of 600 sales in a country with 120million people)

Paris Dakar multiple-stage winner

Australian Safari Rally class winner, overall

Make Motor Trend's future classics list

Recognized by the Wall Street Journal as sure collectible bet

Will the Juke ever come close...never ?( I know never say never, but....)

How many designs can say this about themselves...damn few, damn few.

The VX was a true departure in many ways, in many ways...... despite poor sales results. Just because your popular doesn't mean you're good!

That old saying.....
When you're a hammer, the entire world looks like a nail.
The perception is that the entire automotive world was disrupted and forever changed in 1999, by (what was then) a 6 year old vehicle, with a body kit. (VX couldn't find even a measley 3000 purchases in 3 years, in a land of 260,000,000 car buyers: **over 1000 were "dumped" in 2002 for $18,000-- Isuzu dealers cost)
That ripples and and aftershocks from this astounding automotive compilation continue to dictate and influence the design of virtually all vehicles to this very day....
After all.....
they all have 4 wheels....don't they? Isuzu
They all use more than one headlight....don't they? Isuzu
Leather for seats? Isuzu
Round "wheel" device to control direction of travel? Isuzu
Wheels with air in them?....brake and turn signal lights in one housing?....building a car that's 85% made of other manufacturers parts?
Isuzu Isuzu and Isuzu
No S***t.....he's right!

07/08/2012, 08:54 AM
I like the Evoque. I would add that to my list of dream vehicles.:) Add the Evoque to the list that already includes the F-150 Raptor and H2 SUT.

07/09/2012, 08:11 AM
there is a special edition evoque designed by Victori Beckam. Enough reason right there to take it off my list. Not too mention the departure from 4 wheel drive to a mommy mobile

07/09/2012, 08:31 AM
I assume it's a super light weight version? :p

07/10/2012, 02:08 PM
It has Haldex (what ever that is) four wheel drive.

07/10/2012, 06:15 PM
Does it have silicone headlights?

07/10/2012, 08:12 PM
I finally saw an Evoque in person last week. I was disappointed that it seemed so low/short in height compared to a VX. To me it's just another crossover instead of a true SUV.

I still love the shape (and especially loved the green paint on the one I saw), but I no longer have any interest in ownership.

07/10/2012, 08:26 PM
It's really more cross over than SUV. It's a styling exercise, nothing more, unfortunately. But it came out at the right time. The VX and the Lambo LM002 had already paved the way.