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05/01/2011, 08:02 PM
Thas right folks, just saw on the TV...Osama Bin whashisname is no more!...:dance:

Bout frick'n time!

(WHAT?, it only took about a decade...:upsetgray)

05/01/2011, 08:16 PM
(WHAT?, it only took about a decade...:upsetgray)

Which is why they better have damn good evidence that it's for real.

05/01/2011, 08:20 PM
Which is why they better have damn good evidence that it's for real.

Oh, it's real, I know because he used to call every few days...you know, looki'n for weed & virgins & stuff...:yesgray:

But he didn't call yesterday or today...:dance:

Bob Barker
05/01/2011, 08:29 PM
Yeah I just heard. There are people here shooting off fireworks celebrating this!

I have been trying to find the video of Pres. announcing it, I just want to see it coming from an officials mouth!

05/01/2011, 08:43 PM
Yeah, but it's kinda sad......there are 72 creeped out virgins screaming right now somewhere....... Poor boys

05/01/2011, 08:44 PM
Or is it virgin goats?

05/01/2011, 08:49 PM
Or is it virgin goats?


05/01/2011, 08:50 PM
Just watched the pres give his speech. I really want to believe this is just good timing, though I can't help but think the timing is soooo convenient. I'm by no means a conspiracy theory whackjob, but really...so close to the 10yr anniversary, our economy still ravaged and in turmoil, gas prices steadily rising, and the election just around the corner. Does anyone else maybe think Bin Laden is simply someone we can all direct our anger and outrage to, as opposed to our own government? A government chosen scapegoat? Just a thought -- though I'd rather just believe the news; I'm a good little sheep. :yesy:

05/01/2011, 08:51 PM
Gotta love it. Thanks goes out to all the fellow soldiers who have given there time and some their lives to find this f&@ker

05/01/2011, 08:58 PM
Just a thought -- though I'd rather just believe the news; I'm a good little sheep. :yesy:

:confused:...in your avi, though small it may be, you look more parrotish...:laughing:

05/01/2011, 09:04 PM
Yeah, man... I'm drinking one for the troops tonight, peeps. Can we bring our boys home now, please? I know, I know. Wishful thinking.

Good job fellas, and ladies. Thanks for the freedom and security.

05/01/2011, 09:07 PM
Yeah, man... I'm drinking one for the troops tonight, peeps. Can we bring our boys home now, please? I know, I know. Wishful thinking.

Good job fellas, and ladies. Thanks for the freedom and security.


05/01/2011, 09:17 PM
Apparently it was the SEALS a buddy in the army just texted..

I feel like I should go play some SOCOM or something right now in tribute.

Edit* Just saw it on CNN/FOX too. Cool deal.

05/01/2011, 09:25 PM
:confused:...in your avi, though small it may be, you look more parrotish...:laughing:

Drat -- I've been figured out. My clever disguise is not so clever anymore...lol. Really though you are correct, that's my baby girl: Josie bird! I need to make an avatar out of a photo of her and my other, much more protonish colored baby girl. ;Dy;

05/01/2011, 09:34 PM
Apparently it was the SEALS a buddy in the army just texted..

I feel like I should go play some SOCOM or something right now in tribute.

Edit* Just saw it on CNN/FOX too. Cool deal.

CNN just said it was Delta operatives...but either way the deed is done and weather it was seal or delta teams they are both bad *** mo fo's.

05/01/2011, 09:46 PM
Now CNN has changed and say it was SEAL teams...killed him with a head shot!

05/01/2011, 09:57 PM
The way Obama took credit for this, I thought the reason he was late giving his speech was because he just got back from Pakistan, and still had gunshot residue on his hands!
All kidding aside, than you military men and women! You are appreciated!

05/01/2011, 10:00 PM
None of them can get facts straight yet. Heard it was a bomb, then ground invasion and shot in the head. Heard 6 of our guys killed, then none. Heard it happened last week and they just now confirmed with dna, then that it happened today (how long does dna actually take to test?).

Either way, he's finally dead. But now attacks will probably ramp up for a while in retaliation.

I thought the reason he was late giving his speech was because he just got back from Pakistan, and still had gunshot residue on his hands!

He had to wait for his speech writer to write his feelings and program them into the teleprompter.

05/01/2011, 10:21 PM
A major salute to all our troops....All gave some, some gave all.....they have my undying respect and gratitude
http://www.myemoticons.com/images/patriotic-military/patriotic/eagle.gif (http://www.myemoticons.com/) http://www.myemoticons.com/images/patriotic-military/symbols/marines.gif (http://www.myemoticons.com/)http://www.myemoticons.com/images/patriotic-military/symbols/army.gif (http://www.myemoticons.com/)http://www.myemoticons.com/images/patriotic-military/symbols/air-force.gif (http://www.myemoticons.com/)http://www.myemoticons.com/images/patriotic-military/symbols/navy.gif (http://www.myemoticons.com/)

http://www.myemoticons.com/images/patriotic-military/patriotic/proud-to-be-an-american.gif (http://www.myemoticons.com/)

http://www.myemoticons.com/images/patriotic-military/patriotic/saluting-the-flag.gif (http://www.myemoticons.com/)

05/01/2011, 10:23 PM
Oh, I'm sure we'll see some attacks abroad... Hopefully the bigger picture will be that with the their nearly messianic figurehead gone they will lose a bit of their stability and unity over the next few months. Also, with more heads popping up sending orders, etc, hopefully we can sweep up a good number of the leftovers in the aftermath and get these bastard down to just a little angry mob trying a suicide run here and there.

You have to remember, Osama was also a big fund for these guys. Not saying they can't get money from elsewhere, but he was the dude with the connections to the dough.

We'll see. Sure would be nice to have at least a LITTLE room to breath for a while. Seems like the rooms are shrinking lately with how stretched our folks in uniform have been.

05/01/2011, 11:45 PM
And meantime..donald trump had to decide between a talk show host, a "houswife", and a model.
Good job donald...(small d).....thems the tough calls!!!

As for Obama "taking credit".....name me the last time you heard a US President take RESPONSIBILITY for a KILL ORDER.

He made the call...and he OWNED IT.

IMO....That speech will go down in history as one of the GREATEST ever by an incumbent US President.

Mission FINALLY accomplished......

Now..be vigilent.

jo...proud to be a US Citizen.

05/02/2011, 01:22 AM
Semper effin' fi! We finally got that evil bastard.

05/02/2011, 03:42 AM
That boy just needed killin.

Great job. KUDOS to our forces!!!

05/02/2011, 05:14 AM
Yeah, but it's kinda sad......there are 72 creeped out virgins screaming right now somewhere....... Poor boys


U.S. helicopters ferried troops from Navy SEAL Team Six, a top military counter-terrorism unit, into the compound identified by the CIA as bin Laden's hideout — and back out again in less than 40 minutes. Bin Laden was shot in the head, officials said, after he and his bodyguards resisted the assault.

the legend continues GO SEALS !!!!

05/02/2011, 05:46 AM
A major salute to all our troops....All gave some, some gave all.....they have my undying respect and gratitude
http://www.myemoticons.com/images/patriotic-military/patriotic/eagle.gif (http://www.myemoticons.com/) http://www.myemoticons.com/images/patriotic-military/symbols/marines.gif (http://www.myemoticons.com/)http://www.myemoticons.com/images/patriotic-military/symbols/army.gif (http://www.myemoticons.com/)http://www.myemoticons.com/images/patriotic-military/symbols/air-force.gif (http://www.myemoticons.com/)http://www.myemoticons.com/images/patriotic-military/symbols/navy.gif (http://www.myemoticons.com/)

http://www.myemoticons.com/images/patriotic-military/patriotic/proud-to-be-an-american.gif (http://www.myemoticons.com/)

http://www.myemoticons.com/images/patriotic-military/patriotic/saluting-the-flag.gif (http://www.myemoticons.com/)

X 2!!!...:thumbup:


U.S. helicopters ferried troops from Navy SEAL Team Six, a top military counter-terrorism unit, into the compound identified by the CIA as bin Laden's hideout — and back out again in less than 40 minutes. Bin Laden was shot in the head, officials said, after he and his bodyguards resisted the assault.

the legend continues GO SEALS !!!!

If you want to know more about Seal Team 6, & enjoy a good read, start with "Rogue Warrior" & continue through the series...:thumbup:

http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CCAQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fen.wikipedia.org%2Fwiki%2FRichard _Marcinko&ei=oaS-TdqUEoaCgAffnKi5BQ&usg=AFQjCNH7fvzzPq7ln1_4IGRziwCXCryTZw&sig2=uk6JPFvVB5NJMOsadOY-Aw


05/02/2011, 07:52 AM

05/02/2011, 08:37 AM


Yer cartoon is off. He was shot through the left eye, not the right ear.

05/02/2011, 08:48 AM


Yer cartoon is off. He was shot through the left eye, not the right ear.

ah, like Bugsy Siegel, another sociopath!

05/02/2011, 09:14 AM
warren beaty's dead?.........dibs on annette benning...and 72 virgins

05/02/2011, 10:36 AM
they treated this POS with respect and muslim funeral. Should have abused the corpse like they do and buried it pigs blood. See how that makes the other terrorists act if they are worried about their immortal souls.

05/02/2011, 11:03 AM
22 people were killed or captured. One of the dead was Osama bin Laden, done in by a double tap -- boom, boom -- to the left side of his face.

thats an execution...up close and personal

05/02/2011, 11:32 AM
they treated this POS with respect and muslim funeral. Should have abused the corpse like they do and buried it pigs blood. See how that makes the other terrorists act if they are worried about their immortal souls.

Not sure if I believe that story...some things are better left unknown...and let the conspiracy theory starts...:_beer:

05/02/2011, 01:55 PM
Way to go Brothers Osama bin hidin got his head blowed off by the best rifle rule called double tap........ ummmmm gota love that double tap cola

Riff Raff
05/02/2011, 02:02 PM
they treated this POS with respect and muslim funeral. Should have abused the corpse like they do and buried it pigs blood. See how that makes the other terrorists act if they are worried about their immortal souls.

x2. A "Wood Chipper" machine aimed overboard from the USS Carl Vinson in shark infested waters would have been a more appropriate burial at sea.

Big thanx to the US Navy SEALS-6 on a job well done with the help of night vision goggles. The only thing that should have been added to the mission; was once the SEALS were clear of the compound and returning back to base, that a surgical airstrike by either F-117 Stealth Fighters and/or Tomahawk Cruise Missiles should have leveled the remaining mansion building to pure gravel rock!!!


05/02/2011, 02:19 PM
So we should of desecrated his remains, and bring ourselves down to his inhumane level...??

Not a great way to go IMHO....
....and not what a civilized nation would, or DID do.


05/02/2011, 02:29 PM
I am betting the SEAL operative that took the shot never buys a beer ever again.

And I agree with you Jo. Even though he was the lowest life form on earth, lowering ourselves to his standards would make us no better.

05/02/2011, 04:18 PM
So we should of desecrated his remains, and bring ourselves down to his inhumane level...??

Not a great way to go IMHO....
....and not what a civilized nation would, or DID do.


LOL, not sure when we became civilized, although I suppose invading foreign nations under the pretense of helping (but really in order to establish a central bank and dependable oil) is a very civilized thing to do.

Conspiracy theory away, Obama had nothing to do with it, with his expert military experience hunting lions in Kenya and gang banging in detroit...what an *** for taking credit for something the military and CIA did.

Bob Barker
05/02/2011, 04:26 PM
oh lawd here comes a political debate!

How about we just celebrate this turd getting flushed instead of pissing on the moment with silly dribble about who claimed credit.

Bob Barker
05/02/2011, 04:28 PM
Oh yeah, on another forum I've found a link to a pic of his face with the "through the left eye" aftermath if any one is interested!

05/02/2011, 04:45 PM
they wasted no time putting his stink in the drink

Riff Raff
05/02/2011, 04:49 PM
Oh yeah, on another forum I've found a link to a pic of his face with the "through the left eye" aftermath if any one is interested!

Most likely; he was shot twice (double-tap) to the left side of his face (left eye & left cheek area), because Osama had his right cheek resting on his own rifle butt stock as he was returning gunfire at the SEALS. The left side of his face was the unprotected portion of his head, plain and simple.


Bob Barker
05/02/2011, 06:48 PM
Just shoot a PM if you're interested!

05/02/2011, 06:58 PM
Bob, I'm interested!

05/02/2011, 07:07 PM
the pic with the supposed shot is a fake from 2009. no pics has been released yet...

05/02/2011, 07:37 PM
So we should of desecrated his remains, and bring ourselves down to his inhumane level...??

Not a great way to go IMHO....
....and not what a civilized nation would, or DID do.



Nor should we whoop and holler like a bunch a fanatical redneck yahoos. A human being died a violent death. As an independently thinking person raised with Christian values, I think we should be praying for the day that measures such as this should never be needed again, rather than reveling in it.

Truly, the spectacle of the ravenous crowd of hate fans @ the White House gates was disturbing to me. Its no less banal than the idiot Islamists we see doing the EXACT same thing and think to ourselves that "those people are so backward".

Hate begets hate.

Revenge may be sweet, but killing one figurehead of one terrorist organization does not stop the hate.

Bob Barker
05/02/2011, 08:09 PM
the pic with the supposed shot is a fake from 2009. no pics has been released yet...

Oh well, looke like it matches how they described the shot that killed him last night. So if it's a fake then it's a lucky representation of how he actually did die. :yesy:

05/02/2011, 08:10 PM
oh lawd here comes a political debate!

:laughing:..:laughing:..:laughing:..:laughing:. .:laughing:..:laughing:..:laughing:. .:laughing:..:laughing:..:laughing:.


:laughing:..:laughing:..:laughing:..:laughing:. .:laughing:..:laughing:..:laughing: ..:laughing:..:laughing:.

Bob Barker
05/02/2011, 08:12 PM
ha! I've been waiting for all the funnies of bin laden getting killed to start surfacing! Found a few good ones.

05/02/2011, 08:51 PM
Excerpted from Lettermans top 10 list of bin laden's last words:

1. CRAP!

2. I need a house full of Navy Seals like I need a hole in the head...:laughing:

05/02/2011, 09:46 PM

Conspiracy theory away, Obama had nothing to do with it, with his expert military experience hunting lions in Kenya and gang banging in Detroit...what an *** for taking credit for something the military and CIA did.

..I guess YOU have experience putting operatives in harms way.
And making a call that potentially costs HUMAN lives.
(and if you do...you should know the angst, and not make light of it)

You make that Call marlin...you take the blame.
(And if you have..nuff said, it aint easy.)

Obama STEPPED UP, , and he made the CALL....REQUIRING PROOF.

AND..he got it ALL.

As for your "hunting lions in Kenya", and "Gang banging in Detroit"....
.......you should be ashamed you even wrote that...FULL STOP.

I'm betting ya think young Bush was a military man.....(mission accomplished)....OMG..LOL !!!


Politics be gone...a great service to the WORLD was undertaken with heroism and potential political suicide.

It worked.

No need to gloat, no need to desecrate, no need for outrageous jingoism......
......just give thanks none of our guys were hurt.

...and be prepared for retaliation.

To paraphrase Churchill...

Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.



Bob Barker
05/02/2011, 09:54 PM
Holy hell Marlin PLEASE don't respond and we can all just move on!

Make a new thread or something! Just let this one go in the right direction!

05/02/2011, 10:04 PM
No worries Bob...

Holy hell Marlin PLEASE don't respond and we can all just move on!

Make a new thread or something! Just let this one go in the right direction!

..if you wanna play Switzerland, and have no input... so be it.

But If Marlin wants to respond...he will.



05/02/2011, 10:06 PM
You know, looking at the photo of the administration's top brass and executives sitting in the war-room watching it go down real time is pretty astonishing. I mean, that's gotta pretty intense stuff for a civilian to sit there and watch a group of SEALS take down a compound with live deaths on cam. Crazy. I can't imagine that's something they will ever forget.

Our men and women in uniform did a great service over the last decade and they deserve to feel proud. The President and his team also did THEM a great service by not carpet bombing this joint and letting the speculation persist forever and thereby robbing our servicemen and women of ever having some closure and a feeling of completing the original mission they set out to do.

You have to also think of the message this sends to others around the world. We didn't just blindly get lucky and bomb the right building, we hunted your *** down, walked in through the front door and put a bullet in you.

I'm not your typical "patriot" by any stretch, but today I'm having a drink for everyone in uniform and all the intelligence and administration that made this happen. I'll even throw G.W. in there for good measure as there are a lot of people in this military think tank that he brought in. Congratulations to all those who fought, won, lost and sacrificed over the last decade and congratulations to the world at large for being free of one more evil and immoral psychopath.

Bob Barker
05/02/2011, 10:13 PM
No worries Bob...

..if you wanna play Switzerland, and have no input... so be it.

But If Marlin wants to respond...he will.



How is that about having no input? Just because a couple of people can't find the "new thread" button the ones in here have to wade through the deep **** of others arguing opinions that never amount to anything in the oppositions views anyhow! It's not about wether I want to play Switzerland, it's about YOU and Marlin pushing your opinions on each other to make this thread into something uncivil and ruin the great achievement of America.

I want to be able to see all the funny pics that LDub is gonna find on this without sifting through yours and Marlins overbearing opinions.

05/02/2011, 10:32 PM
???.Marlin and I "Pushing our opinions."...!!

Excuse the hell out of me for debating...!!


Wasnt it YOU who said, and I quote...

"Holy hell Marlin PLEASE don't respond and we can all just move on!

Make a new thread or something! Just let this one go in the right direction!"


Seems to me like you made YOUR opinion pretty clear...

...indeed to the point of declaring... "the right direction"

Aint that a tad 'pushy'...overbearing even?

..or are you the 'right direction' monitor?



05/02/2011, 11:21 PM

Nor should we whoop and holler like a bunch a fanatical redneck yahoos. A human being died a violent death. As an independently thinking person raised with Christian values, I think we should be praying for the day that measures such as this should never be needed again, rather than reveling in it.

Truly, the spectacle of the ravenous crowd of hate fans @ the White House gates was disturbing to me. Its no less banal than the idiot Islamists we see doing the EXACT same thing and think to ourselves that "those people are so backward".

Hate begets hate.

Revenge may be sweet, but killing one figurehead of one terrorist organization does not stop the hate.

x2...unfortunately, this sort of behavior is inherent in our nature as human beings. Our first thought does not turn to compassion and lamentations, but to the pleasure elicited by fulfilled revenge. Definitely not saying I wanted that guy alive myself...though I just wish all the senseless misery and death could stop altogether. It's just a shame that corruption, greed, envy and hatred will always exist, and thus it will never stop...sorry if I'm starting to sound like a hippie. :righty:

Bob Barker
05/02/2011, 11:32 PM
???.Marlin and I "Pushing our opinions."...!!

Excuse the hell out of me for debating...!!


Wasnt it YOU who said, and I quote...

"Holy hell Marlin PLEASE don't respond and we can all just move on!

Make a new thread or something! Just let this one go in the right direction!"


Seems to me like you made YOUR opinion pretty clear...

...indeed to the point of declaring... "the right direction"

Aint that a tad 'pushy'...overbearing even?

..or are you the 'right direction' monitor?



Whatever. You can try and twist that to include me as one of the ones derailing this thread about a great American moment into a steamy pile of politics. That's the point of my overbearingly asking you two to start a new thread to express your opinions in a hopeless attempt to sway the other to see your views.

05/03/2011, 03:46 AM
???.Marlin and I "Pushing our opinions."...!!

Excuse the hell out of me for debating...!!


Wasnt it YOU who said, and I quote...

"Holy hell Marlin PLEASE don't respond and we can all just move on!

Make a new thread or something! Just let this one go in the right direction!"


Seems to me like you made YOUR opinion pretty clear...

...indeed to the point of declaring... "the right direction"

Aint that a tad 'pushy'...overbearing even?

..or are you the 'right direction' monitor?




I gotta make a stand here myself (& yes, you may quote me on this):

I have no response to that.

05/03/2011, 03:55 AM
???.Marlin and I "Pushing our opinions."...!!

Excuse the hell out of me for debating...!!


Wasnt it YOU who said, and I quote...

"Holy hell Marlin PLEASE don't respond and we can all just move on!

Make a new thread or something! Just let this one go in the right direction!"


Seems to me like you made YOUR opinion pretty clear...

...indeed to the point of declaring... "the right direction"

Aint that a tad 'pushy'...overbearing even?

..or are you the 'right direction' monitor?




Well, lets sum it up. The president ratings are horrible, campaign season is starting, grocery costs are up 30% from what they were 6 months ago, silver has doubled, oil has damn near doubled, foreclosures and government welfare at all time highs. He needed a miracle, low and behold, he made himself a really trivial miracle. Much the same as assassinating our president would have no effect on our nation, neither does taking out bin laden.
I would guess none of it matters. The American dollar is worth crap right now, that is why silver and gold are setting record highs. It isn't because there is a shortage, there is plenty of it, its not a commodity like oil that we NEED. An ounce of silver is always worth an ounce of silver. That means the dollar is worth less than it ever has before. Our deficit is impossible to pay off....enter smoke and mirrors of supposed justice killing. DO I think he should have died, most certainly, trial and execution, and who better to be the judge than the US. Do I think they killed him a few days ago, not a chance. If so, we are fools, countless billions and a decade of hunting.
That makes us look like idiots, like mindless animals with blood in their nose. The terrorists won the war hands down without a doubt, billions and a decade to catch a handful of their guys....they spent a few million and got thousands, not to mention the significant change in our lifestyles that are forever.

Sorry, rant off

Not sure why I would take back the Kenya lion hunting or detroit gang banging? He is from Kenya and started his political career with the political mob in Chicago. I figured, who better to go shoot if you are from chicago, DETROIT!! They don't have jobs and no one cares about them?

Bob Barker
05/03/2011, 04:52 AM
http://i127.photobucket.com/albums/p127/jonbradley_photos/IDsF2.gif :laughing:

05/03/2011, 06:43 AM
I can almost hear him saying "hiiiiiiiiyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!" when he kicks the door. hahaha

05/03/2011, 07:11 AM
I can almost hear him saying "hiiiiiiiiyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!" when he kicks the door. hahaha

Only if the teleprompter tells him to:bgwb:

Jolly Roger VX'er
05/03/2011, 07:17 AM
As much as I'd love to celebrate this:

Two reasons they finally shot Osama Bin Laden:

1)To get everybody to forget about looking @ Obama's recently released, fake Birth Certificate and raise his approval rating before re-election.
2)They got a new fall-guy to blame now for any new attacks......Libya's Muammar Gaddaffi.

Plus, They pre-empted Donald Trump's Show "The Apprentice" for the Breaking News Story of Osama Bin Laden's death....coincidence....I think NOT!!!!!

05/03/2011, 08:55 AM
Sorry in advance Bob. :)


..I guess YOU have experience putting operatives in harms way.
And making a call that potentially costs HUMAN lives.
(and if you do...you should know the angst, and not make light of it)

You make that Call marlin...you take the blame.
(And if you have..nuff said, it aint easy.)

Obama STEPPED UP, , and he made the CALL....REQUIRING PROOF.

AND..he got it ALL.

Politics be gone...a great service to the WORLD was undertaken with heroism and potential political suicide.

It worked.



Gag me. I can't imagine the pressure-packed hours that must have been spent debating over whether to put people in harms way to kill OBL - oh wait, that's right, that's the same decision that Obama ALREADY made when he sent even more troops (magnitudes larger than one Seal team) into Afghanistan. The same decision that Bush made to invade Afghanistan almost a decade ago. I would suggest that it would have taken far more courage for him NOT to order the attack - talk about the political suicide that would have ensued if he (to quote a popular Republican barb) wussed out like a typical liberal. Deciding to carpet bomb the entire town to get one guy - that would have been a difficult decision. Sending a small, heavily armed and highly trained team into a single building to shoot up a few bad guys? News flash, we do that every single day over there WITHOUT the President's direct involvement, and somehow missions still succeed.

Obama did nothing exceptional in this situation - he made the obvious choice that almost anyone else would have made based upon the well-assembled, actionable intelligence put in front of him. The adulation should be focused on the military and intelligence community, both the specific group that supported this operation, as well as the larger body that supports and executes these lethal missions every single day. Attributing (to whatever degree) the success of a single tactical operation to the President of the United States is a bit like saying that you or I killed OBL by paying the taxes that funded the training and bullets. It's technically true but mostly self-deluding.


Nor should we whoop and holler like a bunch a fanatical redneck yahoos. A human being died a violent death. As an independently thinking person raised with Christian values, I think we should be praying for the day that measures such as this should never be needed again, rather than reveling in it.

Truly, the spectacle of the ravenous crowd of hate fans @ the White House gates was disturbing to me. Its no less banal than the idiot Islamists we see doing the EXACT same thing and think to ourselves that "those people are so backward".

Hate begets hate.

Revenge may be sweet, but killing one figurehead of one terrorist organization does not stop the hate.
x2...unfortunately, this sort of behavior is inherent in our nature as human beings. Our first thought does not turn to compassion and lamentations, but to the pleasure elicited by fulfilled revenge. Definitely not saying I wanted that guy alive myself...though I just wish all the senseless misery and death could stop altogether. It's just a shame that corruption, greed, envy and hatred will always exist, and thus it will never stop...sorry if I'm starting to sound like a hippie. :righty:

I hear you guys, but I think you choose to see what you want to see (me included). Were those angry hate-mongerers outside the White House and at Ground Zero, or were they Americans who have had nothing but discouragement since 9/11 (seemingly never-ending war in Iraq and Afghanistan, an economy and job market in the toilet, etc.) celebrating that their country had finally achieved the main objective of the "War on Terror"? We've been looking for this guy for a LONG time, and have spent trillions trying to kill him - are we not entitled to breathe a sigh of relief and show a little excitement? I'll agree that the obsession over how he died, seeing pictures, wishing his death was incredibly painful, etc. is over the top. I just don't think it's fair to characterize these groups of celebrators as somehow equivalent to Islamic Jihadists firing AK-47's into the air.

05/03/2011, 09:03 AM
My coworkers and I have been trying to find out burial info for muslims. No where in the Quran can we find anything about the one day burial. Very convenient, why isn't there a video of the ceremony to satisfy all the muslims of the world that it was done right? If that was our primary concern, wouldn't we make a big deal out of it?

05/03/2011, 09:10 AM
"The most important thing is for us to find Osama bin Laden. It is our number one priority and we will not rest until we find him." September 13, 2001, President George Bush

"I don't know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and really don't care. It's not that important. It's not our priority." March 13, 2002, President George Bush

June 18, 2006: FBI says, it has "No hard evidence connecting Bin Laden to 9/11"Wednesday, December 26, 2001 - Reported by Fox News

Usama bin Laden has died a peaceful death due to an untreated lung complication, the Pakistan Observer reported, citing a Taliban leader who allegedly attended the funeral of the Al Qaeda leader.


And just when you think the birth certificate thang is put to bed:

attorneys argued on Monday before the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals that the requirements of the U.S. Constitution simply are too important to ignore for the sake of political expediency, even when they involve a sitting president.

05/03/2011, 09:14 AM
FWIW, I'll swallow the pill that we really killed him, that it was really him, etc. But I have serious doubts as to whether we threw the body into the sea. At a minimum I would bet that "souvenirs" were taken - and my guess would be that the rest of him will be stored somewhere for safe keeping.

Just a hunch though.

05/03/2011, 09:34 AM
would bet that "souvenirs" were taken .........

quote from my favorite movie "Harold and Maude"
- And souvenirs.
- Souvenirs?
Of your kill.
Eyes, ears, nose, scalp, privates.
and perhaps one of these? (harold pulls out shrunken head)

edited cuzz ive never figured how to use spell check on my ibook

05/03/2011, 10:18 AM

Nor should we whoop and holler like a bunch a fanatical redneck yahoos. A human being died a violent death. As an independently thinking person raised with Christian values, I think we should be praying for the day that measures such as this should never be needed again, rather than reveling in it.

Truly, the spectacle of the ravenous crowd of hate fans @ the White House gates was disturbing to me. Its no less banal than the idiot Islamists we see doing the EXACT same thing and think to ourselves that "those people are so backward".

Hate begets hate.

Revenge may be sweet, but killing one figurehead of one terrorist organization does not stop the hate.

x2...unfortunately, this sort of behavior is inherent in our nature as human beings. Our first thought does not turn to compassion and lamentations, but to the pleasure elicited by fulfilled revenge. Definitely not saying I wanted that guy alive myself...though I just wish all the senseless misery and death could stop altogether. It's just a shame that corruption, greed, envy and hatred will always exist, and thus it will never stop...sorry if I'm starting to sound like a hippie. :righty:

Perceptions being what they are, it doesn't matter if the public celebrations can be ideologically equated or not. As was said before, people see what they want to see, so how can we suppose any radicals in the opposition are going to choose to view the celebrations that were being shown in US city streets after the OBL announcement? To see the opposition celebrating our loss sure added fuel to our fire back then, and we don't even considers ourselves radicals.

I've expressed this opinion elsewhere too, and the response was "but what we were celebrating was justified". Well no one said it wasn't, but what does that have to do with stopping for a moment to think, and wisely choosing what is in our own best interests to publicly celebrate as opposed to succumbing to knee-jerk emotional responses that make "us" look just as reactionary as "them"?

05/03/2011, 11:21 AM

Perceptions being what they are, it doesn't matter if the public celebrations can be ideologically equated or not. As was said before, people see what they want to see, so how can we suppose any radicals in the opposition are going to choose to view the celebrations that were being shown in US city streets after the OBL announcement? To see the opposition celebrating our loss sure added fuel to our fire back then, and we don't even considers ourselves radicals.

I've expressed this opinion elsewhere too, and the response was "but what we were celebrating was justified". Well no one said it wasn't, but what does that have to do with stopping for a moment to think, and wisely choosing what is in our own best interests to publicly celebrate as opposed to succumbing to knee-jerk emotional responses that make "us" look just as reactionary as "them"?

Except for the rulers most of these people cant read, dont have TV or even indoor plumbing. They think only what they are told by radicals and nothing we do or say is going to matter anymore than what Osama Bin Camelhumper said meant to us. Its time people realized the only thing sitting in a circle singing Kumbayah does is allow these lunatics a good shot at the back of your head. The saying goes those who live by the sword will die by the sword. Meaning if you want to stop these people you need to use the sword

05/03/2011, 11:30 AM
Except for the rulers most of these people cant read, dont have TV or even indoor plumbing. They think only what they are told by radicals and nothing we do or say is going to matter anymore than what Osama Bin Camelhumper said meant to us. Its time people realized the only thing sitting in a circle singing Kumbayah does is allow these lunatics a good shot at the back of your head. The saying goes those who live by the sword will die by the sword. Meaning if you want to stop these people you need to use the sword
Nothing like ignoring what is being said and responding with a gross generalization to keep the discussion moving along.

05/03/2011, 12:57 PM
Nothing like ignoring what is being said and responding with a gross generalization to keep the discussion moving along.

"Perceptions being what they are, it doesn't matter if the public celebrations can be ideologically equated or not. As was said before, people see what they want to see, so how can we suppose any radicals in the opposition are going to choose to view the celebrations that were being shown in US city streets after the OBL announcement? To see the opposition celebrating our loss sure added fuel to our fire back then, and we don't even considers ourselves radicals."

Pretty much addresses exactly whar the poster I quoted was saying.

A hint read then post

05/03/2011, 01:15 PM
Pretty much addresses exactly whar the poster I quoted was saying

You are talking in circles again circ:yesb:

05/03/2011, 01:19 PM
Allow me to complete the circle... Seahawks fans are such whiners! ;)

05/03/2011, 01:28 PM
Well they haven't released ANY photos or videos yet, so I don't find that so hard to believe.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islamic_funeral *ATTENTION* This wiki article was edited as early as today, so take that for what it is. The following links are dated earlier than 2011.






I mean, it's REALLY easy to Google "Muslim burial rituals" and see that there are plenty of source dated before yesterday (since this is all about a conspiracy to conceal that they didn't really get him, I'm sure) that talk about it needing to be done "as soon as possible" or "within a day". The Muslim's main concern is decay of the body or the disgrace of it being picked apart by predators, etc.

You and your friends have read the entire Quran in the last day? Diligent little scholars!

My coworkers and I have been trying to find out burial info for muslims. No where in the Quran can we find anything about the one day burial. Very convenient, why isn't there a video of the ceremony to satisfy all the muslims of the world that it was done right? If that was our primary concern, wouldn't we make a big deal out of it?

05/03/2011, 01:49 PM
You and your friends have read the entire Quran in the last day? Diligent little scholars!

It's also "REALLY easy to Google" the words Quran and search and come up with a whole list of sites that don't require you to read every word...

05/03/2011, 01:51 PM
From what I've read it sounds like the 24 hour thing is a custom or tradition rather than an Islamic edict (or whatever it would formally be called).

05/03/2011, 01:58 PM
It's also "REALLY easy to Google" the words Quran and search and come up with a whole list of sites that don't require you to read every word...

True, but unless you're completely ignorant to religious texts such as the Bible and Quran, you'd also know that search for a concept or process can be difficult since much of the prose and wording in the books are not in the context of modern English speech patterns.

Therefore, someone who ISN'T trying to incite would just Google, "Muslim burial tradition" and not assume that everyone on the internet who's buried a Muslim in the past decade has been doing it as a ruse to back up a conspiracy that would take place in 2011.

Get real.

Bob Barker
05/03/2011, 02:09 PM
I give up :laughing:

05/03/2011, 02:10 PM
I give up :laughing:

Sorry, Bob! It sucks you in man! It's like a downward spiral WITH a tractor beam!

Tell you what, I'll go get something awesome post here just for you and Dub.

05/03/2011, 02:11 PM
Allow me to complete the circle... Seahawks fans are such whiners! ;)

& one more turn of the crank...

I bet there's a new coffin sized box stored in Area 51 now.

Bob Barker
05/03/2011, 02:12 PM

I have been looking for some more. Figured I'd just throw in some funnies here and there!

05/03/2011, 02:23 PM
Here's a repost I found:

via Twitter: "Apparently Obama's birth certificate was bin Laden's last horcrux." (@NarcissisticBit)

There is also a pretty funny one about his iPhone automatically "checking in" on Facebook that's pretty funny, but I couldn't find the original graphic.

It has him checked in and then a "Barack Obama "likes" this.

I saw one yesterday that was a translated transcript of Obama's speech that made me chuckle as well. I'll see what I can dig up.

05/03/2011, 02:34 PM
Here's an offering....:rolleyes:

http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/data/500/aaa.jpg (http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/showphoto.php?photo=20700)



05/03/2011, 02:42 PM
Pretty much addresses exactly whar the poster I quoted was saying.

A hint read then post
And how do you think Americans dancing and partying in the streets is going to be interpreted (and probably replayed) in this case by radical leaders, then promoted to all those others you referred to?

It's probably true that they would eventually retaliate regardless, but it doesn't help that now we've given them something with which to justify their actions.

A hint. Think then post.

05/03/2011, 06:31 PM
Your wiki page was "This page was last modified on 4 May 2011 at 00:24."

05/03/2011, 07:05 PM
Allow me to complete the circle... Seahawks fans are such whiners! ;)

Only about SB XL:yesb:

05/03/2011, 07:07 PM
how do you think Americans dancing and partying in the streets is going to be interpreted (and probably replayed) in this case by radical leaders, then promoted to all those others you referred to?

X2 well said:yesb:

05/03/2011, 07:46 PM
True, but unless you're completely ignorant to religious texts such as the Bible and Quran, you'd also know that search for a concept or process can be difficult since much of the prose and wording in the books are not in the context of modern English speech patterns.

It's not that difficult if you practice using the search engine.

And now the cycle is truly complete! MUWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! :p :laughy:

05/03/2011, 07:51 PM
Anyone interested in a non-American view point???

First, some background information -
I am ex Australian Military, and have over recent years run some training courses in my area of expertise, for US Marines, Army, and Navy personnel. Not on US mainland soil, but Australian and US foreign soil.
I also have a son in law that is Muslim and from Pakistan.

Nothing like a foot in both camps.

Both my son in law and myself, are extremely glad Bin Ladin is dead, if in fact he is dead.
Some of the Muslim communities are already claiming it is a total beat up by Obama, so proof will have to be provided eventually.
The person that made the decision to destroy (or hide) the body before the claims of identity and death could be substancuated by an independent body,
should be sacked.
What a wonderful chance America had of putting this bastard to rest permanently, and they blew it totally.

To say we are glad he is dead is one thing, but to go out and celebrate it is a bit over the top, and as others have stated, will only give the extremists more fuel to add to the misplaced hate.

You need to accept that there are good and bad in all societies, and that has nothing to do with religion.
There are also good and bad in all religions.
I know of a devout catholic that goes to church several times a week, and bashes his wife and kids a couple of times a week as a bonus.
What about the Irish catholics and prodestants blowing each other up all the time??
We just need to accept that there are good and bad, full stop.

The Muslim custom of burying the dead within 24 hours is well known and established. It is based on centuries of the people living in hot climates where the body starts to decompose quickly without refridgeration.

My thanks and prayers go out to the men and women on the front line, that put their lives on the line to rid the world of this madman.
Unfortunately you won't see many politicians there with them, but when the true heroes come home, the pollies will be all over them.

Anyway, they are just a few thoughts from a non-American with a mixed response to what has happened.


05/03/2011, 07:58 PM

05/03/2011, 08:39 PM
F-N R-tardz on ATV's W/ handguns ROOL!...:yesgray:

05/03/2011, 08:50 PM
As an American I am gratified that Osama Bin Laden has been neutralized. I have to disagree that the method of disposal of his body is a mistake. That discussion is a total no win situation. If he had been buried his grave would have been a target for desecration and/or veneration. Desecration is also a violation of Islamic tradition, and one reason for a burial at sea.

If pictures are released that is also a no win situation. Many may suggest that they were a religious affront an attempt disrespect a religious warrior and/or a fake. I am satisfied that the decisions that have been made are the best in this strange situation.

If Osama Bin Laden is still alive he can make himself known, as he has in the past.

The proof of death ultimately will be the absense of the proof of life.

I also believe that no death should be celebrated, that if anyone loses their life is a lose to everyone, even sociopath who has caused immeasurable harm.

05/03/2011, 09:07 PM
Anyone interested in a non-American view point???


First, some background information -
I am ex Australian Military, and have over recent years run some training courses in my area of expertise, for US Marines, Army, and Navy personnel. Not on US mainland soil, but Australian and US foreign soil.

I always knew you was cut of some high quality yardage Mr. K...:thumbup:

I also have a son in law that is Muslim and from Pakistan.

Nothing like a foot in both camps.

Both my son in law and myself, are extremely glad Bin Ladin is dead, if in fact he is dead.

What a wonderful chance America had of putting this bastard to rest permanently, and they blew it totally.

Well...not TOTALLY, I mean, after all is said & done...he IS at rest...PERMANENTLY...:yesgray:..:laughing:

You need to accept that there are good and bad in all societies, and that has nothing to do with religion.
There are also good and bad in all religions.

I completely agree, but reserve the right to accept the FACT that all organized religions are CRAP...BS in my vernacular...but that's MY opine..it is of no consequence.

I know of a devout catholic that goes to church several times a week, and bashes his wife and kids a couple of times a week as a bonus.
What about the Irish catholics and prodestants blowing each other up all the time??

I rest my case...:smilewink

We just need to accept that there are good and bad, full stop.

The Muslim custom of burying the dead within 24 hours is well known and established. It is based on centuries of the people living in hot climates where the body starts to decompose quickly without refridgeration.

Sometimes, they start to decompose LONG before their death.

My thanks and prayers go out to the men and women on the front line, that put their lives on the line to rid the world of this madman.
Unfortunately you won't see many politicians there with them, but when the true heroes come home, the pollies will be all over them.

X WAY more than 2...

Anyway, they are just a few thoughts from a non-American with a mixed response to what has happened.


Certainly no dis to you, my most respected friend...just bouncing my thing off your thing...:heart:

05/03/2011, 09:22 PM
I also believe that no death should be celebrated, that if anyone loses their life is a lose to everyone, even sociopath who has caused immeasurable harm.

I'm real happy that you & I have differing views on swell folks including, but certainly not limited to...:rolleyesg

bin ladn, Hitler, Manson, Gacy, Gein, Bundy, Berkowitz, Dahmer, Ridgway, Cunanan, & a host of other pure evil mo-fo's I can no longer remember...:uhohgray:

Yah dood...cum-by -AHHHHHHH...PuhLEEZ!...:laughing:

I'm sure they're all great folks & stuff, but....SRSLY?...:confused:

Bob Barker
05/03/2011, 09:25 PM
just bouncing my thing off your thing...:heart:

Ooohhhh the horrible mental images


Iz OK Bro, me N PK are so old that no one would even look twice...:smilewink

05/03/2011, 09:26 PM
"just bouncing my thing off your thing..."
not a pretty picture ldub

05/03/2011, 09:28 PM
BOB...please get this thread back on track....:eek:




05/03/2011, 09:29 PM
Any celebration of the death of 'those people' must be tempered by the remembrance of the people they killed. The victims are more important than the killers.

In my view the remembrance outweighs the celebration in every case of even a single death.

Bob Barker
05/03/2011, 09:34 PM
Hey who did that to muh post :laugho:

and it's so far gone I don't think Obama and Bush tag teaming it could find the right direction.

05/03/2011, 09:44 PM
MLK...quote...."I will mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy."

05/03/2011, 09:49 PM
hmmmm...does Ldub have administrative powers..BB's password

05/03/2011, 09:50 PM
Thats a GREAT quote....actually IMO, one of the GREATEST.

MLK...quote...."I will mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy."

But more importantly...

...who's the hottie in your avatar!



05/03/2011, 09:50 PM
MLK...quote...."I will mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy."

05/03/2011, 09:53 PM
Hey who did that to muh post :laugho:

and it's so far gone I don't think Obama and Bush tag teaming it could find the right direction.

Sorry Bob...:mbrasd:

I hit the wrong button...:mbrasd:.:mbrasd:.:mbrasd:.:flower:

05/03/2011, 09:53 PM
Hottie equals LPGA Sandra Gal known as "golf punk"

05/03/2011, 09:59 PM

Hottie equals LPGA Sandra Gal known as "golf punk"

...so not yours...ya stole ( sorry, borrowed) it?

Hey..why not!


05/03/2011, 10:02 PM
Hey Dub..I'm outta here fer now.

Please , (given you initiated this thread)...

...get it back on track.

Whatever "TRACK" is.....:bla::_brickwal:bla:

Less than two weeks Bro....



05/03/2011, 10:03 PM
"IT"...is a beautiful woman...who belongs to no one

05/03/2011, 10:11 PM
MLK...quote...."I will mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy."


Not sure why some find this such a difficult concept to grasp.

05/03/2011, 10:16 PM
"IT"...is a beautiful woman...who belongs to no one
Might actually be going to a tournament she's playing in next month. I have a "connection" who lives right on the course. :p

And I have to say that, for the most part, the women in womens' golf have gotten more and more attractive (to my tastes anyway) every year.

05/03/2011, 10:26 PM
Any celebration of the death of 'those people' must be tempered by the remembrance of the people they killed. The victims are more important than the killers.

In my view the remembrance outweighs the celebration in every case of even a single death.

You celebrate the "higher consciousness" of those you know & admire...:yesgray:

I'll celebrate the more banal motives & realities of those who will not be trampled under the sandals of their enemies. (those who have done US wrong)

Here's an example of my thinking...:yesgray:


As has been quoted...

"the meek shall inherit the earth...if the rest of you wouldn't mind, of course"

Even "Politeness Man" carried a stainless steel hankie of Justice...:yesgray:

"In 70s to the early 80s, there was a comic strip call PolitenessMan by Ron Barrett. In his skewed manner; Politeness-man sort of had his priorities screwed up, as do most people who insist on political correctness, in this civilization that has gone down the crapper."

05/03/2011, 10:29 PM
You celebrate the "higher consciousness" of those you know & admire...:yesgray:

I'll celebrate the more banal motives & realities of those who will not be trampled under the sandals of their enemies. (those who have done US wrong)

Here's an example of my thinking...:yesgray:


As has been quoted...

"the meek shall inherit the earth...if the rest of you wouldn't mind, of course"

Even "Politeness Man" carried a stainless steel hankie of Justice...:yesgray:

"In 70s to the early 80s, there was a comic strip call PolitenessMan by Ron Barrett. In his skewed manner; Politeness-man sort of had his priorities screwed up, as do most people who insist on political correctness, in this civilization that has gone down the crapper."

MLK...quote...."I will mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy."

05/03/2011, 10:31 PM
Think the World is better off without Evil people.....regardless of race or religion......

05/03/2011, 10:33 PM
MLK...quote...."I will mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy."

Now you sound like my *+#*+#*, he'll parrot the same massage or phrase over & over, in a vain attempt to sound more intelligent...:rolleyesg

It's REALLY aggrivating...:yesgray:..:slap:

05/03/2011, 10:39 PM
May I elaborate...

"IT"...is a beautiful woman...who belongs to no one

..the "it" was referring to the photo...as a proffered piece.
Not the subject.

And frankly..."belong" is a subservient term ....:eek:

WOW...now what BOB!..
..we're on the semantics trail big time!!

Oh how good the Stoop sounds right about NOW!


05/03/2011, 10:40 PM
Now you sound like my *+#*+#*, he'll parrot the same massage or phrase over & over, in a vain attempt to sound more intelligent...:rolleyesg

It's REALLY aggrivating...:yesgray:..:slap:

So are you.

Some people don't agree with you get over it.

05/03/2011, 10:41 PM
Yo Dub....put yer guns away...

...and toke a bowl.


Luv ya..


05/03/2011, 10:43 PM
Think the World is better off without Evil people.....regardless of race or religion......

Evil does not know its own ways. The greatest evils of history have been greeted with some of the greatest popular adulation at the time.

05/03/2011, 10:45 PM
...and toke a bowl.


Luv ya..


Sounds like a plan. Real good plan. But keep the guns. lol

05/03/2011, 10:48 PM
I wanna go to bed...:snooz:

..but I just know I'll miss some fun!

So...I'll pour another :_beer: and sit tight!

...at least till the rum evaporates!



05/03/2011, 10:49 PM
Evil does not know its own ways. The greatest evils of history have been greeted with some of the greatest popular adulation at the time.

Often Evil is not recognized at its inception. Osama Bin Laden was recognized evil.

05/03/2011, 10:54 PM
The only thing annoying me is people attributing quotes to MLK that are not his. It was made up and put in line with a real quote. He never said that.

It's cool if you feel that way, but people need to educate themselves on what they are pushing before just passing it along as fact. That's how we wound up with rednecks and hippies.

vt_maverick, I'm pretty sure you catch my drift, but if I could "like" your post I would simply for the maniacal laugh... :p

"your wiki page was "This page was last modified on 4 May 2011 at 00:24.""

I'm betting it was to add more info on burial at sea which appears as a whole new section edit, but either way, did the like 7 other links not drive it home for ya? I made it over the top for a reason and apparently it STILL didn't sink in for some people. I could probably continue down the list and put links in ad infinitum and it wouldn't matter, because some minds are immune to logic and fact.

*slaps own face for Ldub and Bob and runs away as quickly as possible*

05/03/2011, 10:57 PM
I wanna go to bed...:snooz:

..but I just know I'll miss some fun!

So...I'll pour another :_beer: and sit tight!

...at least till the rum evaporates!



I'm drinking right from my bottle of 18yr Glenlivet, Jo. It's like Marilyn and Johansson getting it on in here!

05/03/2011, 11:05 PM
The only thing annoying me is people attributing quotes to MLK that are not his. It was made up and put in line with a real quote. He never said that.

It's cool if you feel that way, but people need to educate themselves on what they are pushing before just passing it along as fact. That's how we wound up with rednecks and hippies.

vt_maverick, I'm pretty sure you catch my drift, but if I could "like" your post I would simply for the maniacal laugh... :p

"your wiki page was "This page was last modified on 4 May 2011 at 00:24.""

I'm betting it was to add more info on burial at sea which appears as a whole new section edit, but either way, did the like 7 other links not drive it home for ya? I made it over the top for a reason and apparently it STILL didn't sink in for some people. I could probably continue down the list and put links in ad infinitum and it wouldn't matter, because some minds are immune to logic and fact.

*slaps own face for Ldub and Bob and runs away as quickly as possible*

As one of the people who re-quoted the MKL Quote, what is inaccurate?

I still subscribe to the sentiment.

Who is "Bob":mad:

05/03/2011, 11:09 PM

I'm drinking right from my bottle of 18yr Glenlivet, Jo. It's like Marilyn and Johansson getting it on in here!

...good gawd...now I have to go pour out my rum..

..strap my kilt on.....

..and crack open the Sheep Dip!



05/03/2011, 11:27 PM
As one of the people who re-quoted the MKL Quote, what is inaccurate?

I still subscribe to the sentiment.

Who is "Bob":mad:

I agree the MKL attribution is not right. I still subscribe to the sentiment.

I did some Goggling and here is one precedent

Say to them, ‘As surely as I live, declares the Sovereign Lord, I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but rather that they turn from their ways and live. Turn! Turn from your evil ways! Why will you die, people of Israel?’

- Ezekiel 33:11

05/03/2011, 11:31 PM
So are you.

Some people don't agree with you get over it.




05/03/2011, 11:32 PM
As one of the people who re-quoted the MKL Quote, what is inaccurate?

I still subscribe to the sentiment.

Who is "Bob":mad:

Sorry, it was meant for Bob Barker... It's in reference to something that happened earlier in the thread.

The sentiment is fine. I'm totally behind people feeling that way and liking the quote, but MLK never said that. It was attributed to him sometime yesterday and has been posted all over the place since. It's a misquote from a facebook post that had another, actual MLK quote in it.

I have no problem with people feeling all pious and peaceful with this, it's admirable in some ways, but I just think the majority of those people can feel that way out of lack of being in someone else's shoes. I can tell you now, had my daughter/wife/parent/friend died in those attacks and I had the chance I'd have gutted the SOB slowly and painted my face with his blood before hunting down the other pieces of s&*# and breaking all their bones one by one. People telling people who have lost someone to this maniac or have lived under the oppression of his terror for the last decade that they are somehow bad or in the wrong are just as naive and silly as those college kids out on the White House lawn last night.

This guy dying is akin to the breakup of the USSR or the Berlin Wall for some people. He wanted to be a symbol, bigger than a human being, well, he got it. He became an archetype of fear and oppression and to rejoice in something like that being gone is A-OK in my book. They aren't seeing him as a human being at all. And he wasn't.

To put it in perspective (not sure how old you are) but I remember being terrified of nuclear war my entire childhood. It occupied my mind to an unhealthy extent because of all the fear that was generated by the Cold War and the arms race. When the USSR fell I remember just losing it and feeling a huge burden lift. It's not even like the threat was completely gone, but just the fact that this icon of fear was no more was a huge relief and cause for celebration all around the world. Bin Laden was no more human after these 10 years than the band of countries united together as the USSR.

When I was younger I was witness the the discovery of the body of a young, beautiful special education teacher who had been raped repeatedly, had her arms, breasts and legs chopped off and the words "retard lover" carved into her back. When they found the guy he was a popped collar douche who had apparently been drunk the night before and was turned down for a date by the woman. If you can tell me that person deserved anything but eternal pain and damnation you are a better person than me in that respect. There ARE some things in this life that are unforgivable.

You are afforded civil/human rights and when you live with civility and live like a human. You can stretch that a long way, but there is a line you cross. several thousand American dead and many, many more in other countries warrants some relief and jubilation at his demise.

05/03/2011, 11:34 PM

...good gawd...now I have to go pour out my rum..

..strap my kilt on.....

..and crack open the Sheep Dip!




If only that little banana had a kilt.

05/03/2011, 11:40 PM
A quote from Clarence Darorow

All men have an emotion to kill; when they strongly dislike some one they involuntarily wish he was dead. I have never killed any one, but I have read some obituary notices with great satisfaction.

Darrow is mostly now famous as the proto protagonist of "Inherit the Wind". He was more or less the lead attorney in the Scopes Monkey trial.

05/03/2011, 11:43 PM
Sorry, it was meant for Bob Barker... It's in reference to something that happened earlier in the thread.

The sentiment is fine. I'm totally behind people feeling that way and liking the quote, but MLK never said that. It was attributed to him sometime yesterday and has been posted all over the place since. It's a misquote from a facebook post that had another, actual MLK quote in it.

I have no problem with people feeling all pious and peaceful with this, it's admirable in some ways, but I just think the majority of those people can feel that way out of lack of being in someone else's shoes. I can tell you now, had my daughter/wife/parent/friend died in those attacks and I had the chance I'd have gutted the SOB slowly and painted my face with his blood before hunting down the other pieces of s&*# and breaking all their bones one by one. People telling people who have lost someone to this maniac or have lived under the oppression of his terror for the last decade that they are somehow bad or in the wrong are just as naive and silly as those college kids out on the White House lawn last night.

This guy dying is akin to the breakup of the USSR or the Berlin Wall for some people. He wanted to be a symbol, bigger than a human being, well, he got it. He became an archetype of fear and oppression and to rejoice in something like that being gone is A-OK in my book. They aren't seeing him as a human being at all. And he wasn't.

To put it in perspective (not sure how old you are) but I remember being terrified of nuclear war my entire childhood. It occupied my mind to an unhealthy extent because of all the fear that was generated by the Cold War and the arms race. When the USSR fell I remember just losing it and feeling a huge burden lift. It's not even like the threat was completely gone, but just the fact that this icon of fear was no more was a huge relief and cause for celebration all around the world. Bin Laden was no more human after these 10 years than the band of countries united together as the USSR.

When I was younger I was witness the the discovery of the body of a young, beautiful special education teacher who had been raped repeatedly, had her arms, breasts and legs chopped off and the words "retard lover" carved into her back. When they found the guy he was a popped collar douche who had apparently been drunk the night before and was turned down for a date by the woman. If you can tell me that person deserved anything but eternal pain and damnation you are a better person than me in that respect. There ARE some things in this life that are unforgivable.

You are afforded civil/human rights and when you live with civility and live like a human. You can stretch that a long way, but there is a line you cross. several thousand American dead and many, many more in other countries warrants some relief and jubilation at his demise.

That may be the most intelligent post ever on VXinfo...:yesgray:

05/03/2011, 11:44 PM
"your wiki page was "This page was last modified on 4 May 2011 at 00:24.""

I'm betting it was to add more info on burial at sea which appears as a whole new section edit, but either way, did the like 7 other links not drive it home for ya? I made it over the top for a reason and apparently it STILL didn't sink in for some people. I could probably continue down the list and put links in ad infinitum and it wouldn't matter, because some minds are immune to logic and fact.

*slaps own face for Ldub and Bob and runs away as quickly as possible*

I never gave my own opinion on the matter just posted a fact about the page. Wiki is unreliable at times and especially after seeing such a recent edit. Logically assuming, you could have had a potential greater impact if that link was omitted and you kept the other six. Did that sink in?

05/03/2011, 11:52 PM
I never gave my own opinion on the matter just posted a fact about the page. Wiki is unreliable at times and especially after seeing such a recent edit. Logically assuming, you could have had a potential greater impact if that link was omitted and you kept the other six. Did that sink in?

It sank in that either way the Wiki post is correct? Not sure of your sway. It's correct as are the ones following it as was my religious studies professor in college as were my anthropology books. It's customary to bury the body as soon as possible, preferably within a day, even better if before sunset.

Not sure what part of this we're still arguing about. I believe I made my point, backed up with references, whereas we're still going on about a trivial bit of it.

On the topic of bigger more widely known subject matter, wiki is generally very reliable. It's when you get into more obscure things such as biographical posts, allegorical bits and historical references that it can sometimes be inconsistent.

Tell you what, I can delete the wiki post and add four more if that'll make it better.

05/03/2011, 11:56 PM
That may be the most intelligent post ever on VXinfo...:yesgray:

Not sure about all that Dub, but thanks for the compliment!

I just think that it's always easiest to judge from a distance. It's so easy to lose a temper or say/do something hurtful, but the marker that you are human or civil is when later, whether you make it public or not, you feel remorse or humiliation about it.

This man continued to plot death and destruction and never had an inkling of remorse or regret about it. His followers and himself often openly mocked the memory of those people they killed over the course of 10 years. He deserves not better lot in life than to die with the most pain and suffering of the worst among us.

05/04/2011, 12:00 AM
This guy dying is akin to the breakup of the USSR or the Berlin Wall for some people. He wanted to be a symbol, bigger than a human being, well, he got it. He became an archetype of fear and oppression and to rejoice in something like that being gone is A-OK in my book..

This is were I have an issue. I have several uncles (all now deceased) who served in WWII. My father (also deceased) climbed into a B-17 and flew 35 missions over Europe. My brother served 30 years in the USAF, retiring as a Full Colonel. I never served as there was this Vietnam thing I (and my father) disagreed with, but I declined an Academy appointment and acted against that war.

There is a famous picture of an East German Border Guard jumping the barricades for freedom during the cold war.

There was no celebration of Hitler's death that I know of. There was a celebration of the end of the war. We aren't there yet.

05/04/2011, 12:03 AM
I never gave my own opinion on the matter just posted a fact about the page. Wiki is unreliable at times and especially after seeing such a recent edit. Logically assuming, you could have had a potential greater impact if that link was omitted and you kept the other six. Did that sink in?

You can check the edit history to see what was changed.

05/04/2011, 12:03 AM
A quote from Clarence Darorow

Darrow is mostly now famous as the proto protagonist of "Inherit the Wind". He was more or less the lead attorney in the Scopes Monkey trial.

Nice one. Oddly, there is one that is being passed around now that is a paraphrased version of this and another being attributed to Mark Twain. Hahaha.

Good find.

Sorry if it felt I was attacking you rsteinmetz. It's not that way at all. It's just like some people have grammar nazi issues... I get all up in a tizzy about quotes and chain mails. Hahhaa.

05/04/2011, 12:04 AM
It sank in that either way the Wiki post is correct? Not sure of your sway. It's correct as are the ones following it as was my religious studies professor in college as were my anthropology books. It's customary to bury the body as soon as possible, preferably within a day, even better if before sunset.


Like I said I never gave my opinion on the matter so the references used to validate your points/posts/info are not needed. At this time you do not know where I stand on the matter.

On the topic of bigger more widely known subject matter, wiki is generally very reliable. It's when you get into more obscure things such as biographical posts, allegorical bits and historical references that it can sometimes be inconsistent..


05/04/2011, 12:08 AM
There was no celebration of Hitler's death that I know of. There was a celebration of the end of the war. We aren't there yet.

Seems SOMEONE was kinda glad to see him go...:yesgray:

http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_AuPoOCVtSzM/S0Ht-S-lcgI/AAAAAAAAA_c/xJB6WG2SLy8/s400/Hitler+as+magazine+cover+on+Time+May+7,+1945.+Famo us+magazine+cover+announcing+Hitler%27s+death.jpg

05/04/2011, 12:08 AM
Nice one. Oddly, there is one that is being passed around now that is a paraphrased version of this and another being attributed to Mark Twain. Hahaha.

Good find.

Sorry if it felt I was attacking you rsteinmetz. It's not that way at all. It's just like some people have grammar nazi issues... I get all up in a tizzy about quotes and chain mails. Hahhaa.

No Problem, I Appreciate the correction.

As I looked into it I found that as well. I always liked "Inherit the Wind" since some of the dialog was drawn from the actual trial transcript.

05/04/2011, 12:10 AM
This is were I have an issue. I have several uncles (all now deceased) who served in WWII. My father (also deceased) climbed into a B-17 and flew 35 missions over Europe. My brother served 30 years in the USAF, retiring as a Full Colonel. I never served as there was this Vietnam thing I (and my father) disagreed with, but I declined an Academy appointment and acted against that war.

There is a famous picture of an East German Border Guard jumping the barricades for freedom during the cold war.

There was no celebration of Hitler's death that I know of. There was a celebration of the end of the war. We aren't there yet.

I'm thinking there was probably some celebration at the word of Hitler's death.

I have so many family and friends who felt the exact same way about the Vietnam war. The sad thing about that was there was never even a real "Mission Accomplished" It should have been a great lesson on the difficulty of guerilla warfare, but sadly it's had some of the same mistakes repeated this time around.

I think with the difference in the type of war we are fighting here Bin Laden's death IS a celebratory marker for some. We never will "win" this war. This is basically an ongoing campaign, similar to the columbian drug trade and our continuing "war" on drugs. It's too nebulous to have a definitive end. In the majority of people's minds this man himself might as well have killed those people that day. He's messianic to his follows, they are an extension of him. When we went to war, his ideology was what we were fighting. So to see him dead, in a lot of folks minds, is the biggest victory we'll get to see for some time.

05/04/2011, 12:12 AM
You can check the edit history to see what was changed.

Great info.

05/04/2011, 12:14 AM
Seems SOMEONE was kinda glad to see him go...:yesgray:

http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_AuPoOCVtSzM/S0Ht-S-lcgI/AAAAAAAAA_c/xJB6WG2SLy8/s400/Hitler+as+magazine+cover+on+Time+May+7,+1945.+Famo us+magazine+cover+announcing+Hitler%27s+death.jpg

I never said that people weren't happy/gratified. I said there was no celebration.

One of the things that sets the Victory in WII apart is that at the end of most wars the soldiers find out their government lied about how. bad the enemy was. At the end of WW II the soldiers found out the government's story was not bad enough.

05/04/2011, 12:15 AM
Like I said I never gave my opinion on the matter so the references used to validate your points/posts/info are not needed. At this time you do not know where I stand on the matter.


ummm... ok. That's cool, as I'm not even sure what we're debating at this point. You pointed out a part of my original post as though it somehow invalidated my stance. I posted in response. Somehow it became about you and your position. I'm just arguing my use of the wiki article along with several other links that were put in to counter point an entirely different conversation with someone else.

Thanks for the banter though.

05/04/2011, 12:20 AM
Allrighty then fellers...

This old man gonna go...:sleepgray

Try N get it all hammered out before dawn, OK?...:smilewink


05/04/2011, 12:25 AM
You took my simple initial post as an attack with a pre-assumed motive. It was simply to state that hey, this link has been edited in the recent hours and at a time of possible higher traffic. Since you got mildly worked-up about it to reply some 4-5 pages later, move on!

05/04/2011, 12:29 AM
I never said that people weren't happy/gratified. I said there was no celebration.

One of the things that sets the Victory in WII apart is that at the end of most wars the soldiers find out their government lied about how. bad the enemy was. At the end of WW II the soldiers found out the government's story was not bad enough.

For the most part this is true. The thing is that the war and Hitler's death were kinda both happening (as far as media could report it) kinda at the same time. Within days of Hitler's death (which wasn't confirmed immediately) the bulk of the war in Europe was quickly ending to many celebrations. You can find many new articles proclaiming Germany's failure and the death of Hitler in the same piece. The biggest holdout was of course the tenacious Japan, who surrendered quickly after Big Boy and Fat Man fell on Nagasaki and Hiroshima later that year. I believe August.

Hitler was dead on the last of April I believe and the end of major warfare in Europe was declared on May 8th. So, really kinda one in the same.

I only wish the same would be true this time around. I'd love to see all our people home... We could employ them all to guard the border. I mean, we could make a human fence of soldiers, set up hotdog and lemonade stands and let our boys relax for a change. J/K, kinda....

05/04/2011, 12:30 AM
Later Dub. It was fun ;-)

05/04/2011, 12:34 AM
You took my simple initial post as an attack with a pre-assumed motive. It was simply to state that hey, this link has been edited in the recent hours and at a time of possible higher traffic. Since you got mildly worked-up about it to reply some 4-5 pages later, move on!

I refuse! Here's one more post in reply to your post!!!

05/04/2011, 12:36 AM
Haha! I would "like" that post if I could!

Bob Barker
05/04/2011, 12:46 AM

05/04/2011, 12:50 AM

Whoa. You just crossed a line, bub.

05/04/2011, 07:50 AM
now thats an "IT"

05/04/2011, 09:41 AM

05/04/2011, 10:17 AM
Got to agree with one of the YouTube reviewers... Hitler response videos are getting kind of old.

05/04/2011, 11:21 AM
Time to lighten the mood a bit.....


Bob Barker
05/04/2011, 12:08 PM
Ha! That picture on the wall is hilarious!

05/04/2011, 11:15 PM
Dur dur dur... what I learned from this thread is that hippies and rednecks are bad and they most likely write everything on wikipedia. Terrorists deserve to have their nuts chopped off AND YET they also somehow deserve my respect. Obama hunts lions and people from Detroit with Chewbacca while playing video games and yet DOES NOT deserve my respect. And Bob Barker is psychic.

Bob Barker
05/04/2011, 11:29 PM
Daaaaaamn right! Now watch it else I'll blow up yer head with my brain beams!

Bob Barker
05/05/2011, 04:33 AM

Bob Barker
05/05/2011, 04:33 AM


05/05/2011, 02:27 PM
Did anyone think that the pics of the helo were a bit strange? The tail was very hokey looking, especially the side shot where you can see some SLOPPY welds. Even if it is some kind of special "stealth" copter, being used to avoid all of the radar mounts at the ol'compound, the rear rotor would not be exposed like that. It would be an easy radar ping. I also thought it weird that it was intact and appeared undamaged? This all reeks of conspiracy.

05/05/2011, 02:31 PM
Elvis has company?.....

05/05/2011, 02:35 PM
Elvis has company?

Yep, with 2pac, they are working on a new album together. Obama is gonna beat box for it, Hillary will be a video ho...lmao


05/05/2011, 02:41 PM
album title....."geronino EKIA"

05/05/2011, 02:43 PM
According to my sources (San Diego IS home of the Seals after all...)...

..they airlifted the cardboard cut out "stealth" helicopter tail bit into Pakistan.
Then dropped it in the compound to confuse people (seems to be working!).....
....quickly unwrapped a ( biodegradable )Piñata (happy cinco!) ......
....that exhibited an uncanny resemblance to OBL....

...merrily toasted to the success with Pepsi and nestle crunch bars....

...then scurried back to the carrier....where they all took turns
beating on it with a baseball bat before tossing it over the side to rot.

Seriously...thats da truth.



05/05/2011, 02:45 PM
ahhhh...the ol trojan horse ploy

05/05/2011, 03:02 PM
Dur dur dur... what I learned from this thread is that hippies and rednecks are bad and they most likely write everything on wikipedia. Terrorists deserve to have their nuts chopped off AND YET they also somehow deserve my respect. Obama hunts lions and people from Detroit with Chewbacca while playing video games and yet DOES NOT deserve my respect. And Bob Barker is psychic.
What I learned in this thread is that no matter how many times something is clarified, some will always choose to "hear" what is being said in whatever way best suits their own opinion.

Riff Raff
05/05/2011, 03:05 PM
Did anyone think that the pics of the helo were a bit strange? The tail was very hokey looking, especially the side shot where you can see some SLOPPY welds. Even if it is some kind of special "stealth" copter, being used to avoid all of the radar mounts at the ol'compound, the rear rotor would not be exposed like that. It would be an easy radar ping. I also thought it weird that it was intact and appeared undamaged? This all reeks of conspiracy.

The helicopter crashed due to pilot error by not putting the nose of the helicopter "deeper" (nose first) inside the compound interior yard. Of course, the US Military isn't going to admit that there was an error during an elite SEALS mission (thus, they blamed it on mechanical failure, not pilot error). As a result, the pilot didn't clear the rear tail boom of the UH-60 aircraft during his landing approach and it clipped the high concrete fencing and broke the tail section completely off at mid-point just before landing. That's why the rear portion of the tail rotor area was undamaged because the tail boom was broken off at mid-point (not end-point).

It does appear that the tail rotor blades were "encased" in a protective circular shroud. It may or may not be because of stealth, but rather just as a protective measure that the bare ends of the tail rotor blades aren't exposed to catch on things such as wires or tree branches when coming in close quarters. The protective tail rotor shroud encasement would also likely help reduce tail rotor noise and make the overall aircraft somewhat quieter (although not by much).


05/05/2011, 03:20 PM
Wow marlin, your a Birther and a Deather all rolled into one!

05/05/2011, 03:32 PM
Wow marlin, your a Birther and a Deather all rolled into one!


No way that is a black hawk tail, its not the right shape. A blackhawk tail rotor is at the top of the rotor, not the middle.
I went through all the pics of our current military choppers, its either a new "special" copter, or its fake. Either is possible, but with all the screwed up misinformation, especially since they watched the 40 minute mission live, you pick which one you want to believe.
As for the tall walls, those walls aren't that big, and if the rotor clipped the wall, it would have exploded spinning at xthousand RPMs. Those rotor blades are 100% intact and so is the wall. Perhaps the Arabs have super strong crappy bricks? I have seen what happens when a prop hits the flight deck of an ARMORED aircraft carrier, if it can chew up steel, it would demolish brick.

05/05/2011, 03:38 PM
LOL..no kidding!

Wow marlin, your a Birther and a Deather all rolled into one!

I'm guessing that maybe..just maybe...

...the conspiracy theory protagonists are (in general) simply anti Obama.

Ya think...:_thinking


05/05/2011, 03:46 PM
Here is the pic of the wrecked chopper tail. How are those rotor blades intact?!


05/05/2011, 03:50 PM
LOL..no kidding!

I'm guessing that maybe..just maybe...

...the conspiracy theory protagonists are (in general) simply anti Obama.

Ya think...:_thinking


Not even close, its not that we are anti-obama, its that we are anti-gigantic, breast feeding, hand holding, money leeching government.

05/05/2011, 03:52 PM
Yeah, when especially when you refer to the CinC as huntin lions in Kenya AND gangbangin in Chicago.

LOL..no kidding!

I'm guessing that maybe..just maybe...

...the conspiracy theory protagonists are (in general) simply anti Obama.

Ya think...:_thinking


Riff Raff
05/05/2011, 03:53 PM
According to the Wiki page, which may not be accurate, "one of the hovering helicopters stalled, in a vortex created by its own prop wash and the high compound walls. After the helicopter stalled, it "grazed one of the compound's walls", "breaking a rotor". The helicopter "rolled onto its side" during an emergency landing."

The part that remained inside the walls was destroyed by the SEALS before they left.

They were modified Black Hawks.


Yup, that's all part of the US Government cover-up. Blame it on "a stall", "a vortex", "or prop-wash" (which BTW is all total BS)-- it's still comes down to Pilot Error. More accurately, it was a simple case that the Pilot didn't hover more forward (deeper, nose first) in an effort to clear the tail boom of the aircraft on the surrounding high concrete fencing.

What should of happened is the sister UH-60 Pilot of the accompany helicopter should have hovered adjacent to the first helicopter and acted as an "aerial spotter" and directed the first landing pilot to pull more forward into the interior yard. Consequently, the first pilot would have cleared the rear concrete fencing and not clipped it on his inbound approach.

The SEALS troop personnel rehearsed the invasion over-n-over for months. It appears that the pilots of the UH-60 BlackHawks didn't rehease jack squat or panicked and got stage-fright once the real deal went live. The pilots should have rehearsed the landing also with a mock-up landing environment complete with high surrounding walls, and used the sister pilot of the adjacent UH-60 as an "aerial spotter" for the first pilot. It's all about prior event training and rehearsal, rehearsal, rehearsal, before committing to the real thing.

It was a very expensive lesson learned (UH-60's aren't cheap), and luckily the accident didn't thwart the overall mission; no one got hurt, and a fellow CH-47 Chinook helicopter was able to extract the remaining SEALS and crew from the downed UH-60 BlackHawk. I'm sure the Pilot & Co-Pilot of the crashed UH-60 BlackHawk are no longer assigned to the SEALS unit due to their mistake.


05/05/2011, 03:54 PM
You tell him Marlin. And be sure and turn in your family's Tri-Care cards, don't want none of that socialized single payer medicine.;)

Not even close, its not that we are anti-obama, its that we are anti-gigantic, breast feeding, hand holding, money leeching government.

05/05/2011, 04:04 PM
You tell him Marlin. And be sure and turn in your family's Tri-Care cards, don't want none of that socialized single payer medicine.;)

Not sure how that relates, I perform a service for my benefits. The average person rarely spends more than 50 hours at work, certainly not away from home for months at a time at a fraction of their civilian counterpart's pay. Furthermore, my government cohorts, IRS, FBI, Federal Civilian and so on get FAR more benefits than I get. I am moving to washington state from Charleston, 3200 miles, I have to pay for my own house hunting costs, flight, hotel and whatnot and I don't have a choice in my move, they order me where to go. If I was a fed civ, they would pay my leave, my flight, reimburse my travel, even help me sell my house! They get matched TSP (our 401K) contributions and so on.

Back to the scheduled conspiracy discussion! Sheeple Unite!!!!

05/05/2011, 04:07 PM
So if Bush was still in office......

Not even close, its not that we are anti-obama, its that we are anti-gigantic, breast feeding, hand holding, money leeching government.

...you would still be taking the same conspiracy line?

I have to say..I doubt it.

And JBTW...

Breast feeding....like the handout of $'s to American Auto Co's
Hand holding......like the handout of $'s to Wall Street
Money leeching...remind me, whats was the name of that company Chainey had a rather big interest in...oh yea..Haliburton.

Seems to me that plenty of " financial hand holding" goes on both ways.....



05/05/2011, 04:22 PM
Your overall compensation, too include 100 % full family medical coverage, an extraordinary retirement plan, tax exempt BHA and other allowances, etc are competitive to civilian jobs for people with equivalent skill sets. Your deployments result in additional pay and allowances, often tax exempt. You can receive house hunting leave, leave and proceed time, travel allowance, moving allowances, separation allowances, base housing, house finding assistance, and any number of government funded programs to help your family be, well and fare. Your gov civ comrades have just as many complaints as you. DoS FSOs just had their oversees housing COLA slashed to next to nothing, as an example, and their matched TSA doesn't come close to military retirement advantages.
But to address your larger point, big gov programs are exactly what you have done and been supported by your entire career.
Not sure how that relates, I perform a service for my benefits. The average person rarely spends more than 50 hours at work, certainly not away from home for months at a time at a fraction of their civilian counterpart's pay. Furthermore, my government cohorts, IRS, FBI, Federal Civilian and so on get FAR more benefits than I get. I am moving to washington state from Charleston, 3200 miles, I have to pay for my own house hunting costs, flight, hotel and whatnot and I don't have a choice in my move, they order me where to go. If I was a fed civ, they would pay my leave, my flight, reimburse my travel, even help me sell my house! They get matched TSP (our 401K) contributions and so on.

Back to the scheduled conspiracy discussion! Sheeple Unite!!!!

05/05/2011, 04:25 PM
So if Bush was still in office......

...you would still be taking the same conspiracy line?

I have to say..I doubt it.

And JBTW...

Breast feeding....like the handout of $'s to American Auto Co's
Hand holding......like the handout of $'s to Wall Street
Money leeching...remind me, whats was the name of that company Chainey had a rather big interest in...oh yea..Haliburton.

Seems to me that plenty of " financial hand holding" goes on both ways.....



I just spent some time going through my post, I didn't see any mention of Bush in there. Thought maybe all the radioactive fallout was getting to me;) You make many assumptions fellow VX owner. That is why I said its not just anti-obama, although, if I were having heart surgery, I wouldn't pick the surgeon with no experience just because he was a smooth talker. I wouldn't pick the surgeon that spent the most money on his pitch. I would pick one with experience in his field.
Stuff is out of control, we have developed this lazy,entitled society. I experience it everyday, I have to take kids out of high school and make them into top notch nuclear operators and we only have 18 months to do it. From public school level to bachelors degree in 12 months, plus 6 months OJT. They complain that we don't give em enough time for video games, their rooms aren't big enough, its not fair that they have so much homework and that we should have one on one tutors to help them. We fight this battle everyday, we fight with the W.O.W. addictions and sheer laziness.
It seems that everyday we get closer and closer to the world portrayed in Idiocracy. Someone please tell me what to do!!! I can't make my own decisions!

05/05/2011, 04:41 PM
Your overall compensation, too include 100 % full family medical coverage, an extraordinary retirement plan, tax exempt BHA and other allowances, etc are competitive to civilian jobs for people with equivalent skill sets. Not as a nuke its not, not even close... Your deployments result in additional pay and allowances, often tax exempt. Um, I don't get any additional pay except the few hundred for family separation allowance, but we lose BAS (food money, which is about 300 a month, so I actually lose money. Some pay is tax exempt, but so is every person over there, even regular civilians. You can receive house hunting leave, leave and proceed time, travel allowance, moving allowances, separation allowances, base housing, house finding assistance, and any number of government funded programs to help your family be, well and fare.If I take base housing, they take away my BAH, so no benny there. THe fed civs get all those allowances and more. They also get the DLA and almost double the per diem and mileage pay, must be more expensive for a civ to travel than a service member Your gov civ comrades have just as many complaints as you. DoS FSOs just had their oversees housing COLA slashed to next to nothing,I received in COLA in guam, pretty good scam. Turns out, on base shopping is same price as stateside, so we don't have to live off of the local community, so its pretty much cash in the pocket! as an example, and their matched TSA doesn't come close to military retirement advantages. I will put in more hours on one deployment than a civ will in 4 years of a regular 40 hours a week job. I have done 3 deployments to the gulf, one to N. Korea and countless weeks just tooling around in the ocean. We also have to stand duty, kind of like a fire fighter, only we don't get days off. Every 4th day, we stay the night, plus our regular work days. Our over night is up working. That means you have a 90+ hour work week.
But to address your larger point, big gov programs are exactly what you have done and been supported by your entire career.Kind of, but as I said, I work for my benefits, Joe Shmo sitting at home with his high speed internet collecting welfare and unemployment doesn't do anything, he even has the gall to complain about a drug test in order to receive his free money

I understand what you are saying, but do we need to spend hundreds of millions on a train from vegas to disney? There are so many crazy govmnt programs out there! We give away BILLIONS in aid to foreign countries? We are special programming ourselves into a debt that can never be paid back. It may be part of the plan, perhaps they will just wipe the slate clean:bgwb:

I did see an article that Obama is evaluating a new tax, because we don't have enough for the average person already. In addition to fuel tax, they are considering a mileage tax. When you pay for fuel, a GPS recorder will calculate miles driven and you will pay an additional fee at the pump based on your mileage.

05/05/2011, 04:59 PM
So no helicopter tail even bears a remote resemblance to that tail assembly?

Doesn't seem like so much of a stretch once you add suppressors, cones, etc.

Apparently you didn't look hard enough.


I love all the conjecture and forensic crash site experts by the way. Some of you guys should be working for CSI being able to judge an entire flight scenario from a photo of a tail assembly lying beside a wall with absolutely no context or knowledge of whether it's been moved, further disassembled, etc.




05/05/2011, 05:05 PM
That is why I said its not just anti-obama, although, if I were having heart surgery, I wouldn't pick the surgeon with no experience just because he was a smooth talker. I wouldn't pick the surgeon that spent the most money on his pitch. I would pick one with experience in his field.
Stuff is out of control, we have developed this lazy,entitled society. I experience it everyday, I have to take kids out of high school and make them into top notch nuclear operators and we only have 18 months to do it. From public school level to bachelors degree in 12 months, plus 6 months OJT. They complain that we don't give em enough time for video games, their rooms aren't big enough, its not fair that they have so much homework and that we should have one on one tutors to help them. We fight this battle everyday, we fight with the W.O.W. addictions and sheer laziness.
It seems that everyday we get closer and closer to the world portrayed in Idiocracy. Someone please tell me what to do!!! I can't make my own decisions!

Sorry Chris...but that dog won't hunt...:smilewink

I have no party affiliation...they ALL make me ILL...;puke:
If you wanna label me anything I guess it would be libertarian.

However, the point made has a flaw.

Those morons you're trying to train, came up through the educational system overseen by the last two term prez...:slap:

05/05/2011, 05:06 PM
I did see an article that Obama is evaluating a new tax, because we don't have enough for the average person already. In addition to fuel tax, they are considering a mileage tax. When you pay for fuel, a GPS recorder will calculate miles driven and you will pay an additional fee at the pump based on your mileage.

Obama shot this down from the get go. It was never proposed or evaluated by him. Ray LaHood brought it up in reference to a program Oregon has toyed with, and when it was asked what the President thought about it, it was immediately said that it wasn't even considered.

05/05/2011, 05:07 PM
Look we can go round and round on this but you actually don't get what I'm saying if you can't see that a choice between totally freaking free base housing or completely tax free BHA is not a benny, and that is just one example. So from me, a guy who did a full career as well, and now spends a my work days along side many of those other mollycoddled federal employees you seem so jealous of, it just sounds like your whining, plane and simple. You made your rate.

Our foreign aid, aside from the disastrous never ending wars the last admin got us into, represents half of one percent of the federal budget, and for which we gain a great deal of access and influence over those same foriegn governments.

Our marginal tax rate is lower than it has ever been in modern history, far lower than during the Reagan administration. We have one of the lowest tax burdens of all the industrialized nations, with which we provide the lowest social safety net.

As for your mileage tax and big brother GPS conspiracy theory: Ray LaHood says a lot of really silly stuff, and the Obama administration shoved that one back down his pie hole immediatly after he wandered off the reservation in an interview. So when you say you saw an article, you mean you heard from an ill informed partisan hack that conveniently forgot to mention that it was bs.

05/05/2011, 05:12 PM
So no helicopter tail even bears a remote resemblance to that tail assembly?

Doesn't seem like so much of a stretch once you add suppressors, cones, etc.

Apparently you didn't look hard enough.


I love all the conjecture and forensic crash site experts by the way. Some of you guys should be working for CSI being able to judge an entire flight scenario from a photo of a tail assembly lying beside a wall with absolutely no context or knowledge of whether it's been moved, further disassembled, etc.




LOL, good thing this is the VX site and not a FAA site, relax everybody, this is just a boredom website, nothing official:cooly: (I couldn't secret service smiley with the glasses and ear piece)

Is that bottom photo from the compound or some other crash? If its from the compound, thats not the same wreckage...

05/05/2011, 05:14 PM
Sorry Chris...but that dog won't hunt...:smilewink

I have no party affiliation...they ALL make me ILL...;puke:
If you wanna label me anything I guess it would be libertarian.

However, the point made has a flaw.

Those morons you're trying to train, came up through the educational system overseen by the last two term pres...:slap:

Not to mention that all these kids are brought up in a society where people are allowed to let their kids do whatever the hell they want and are never held accountable. Now, that of course leads to other conversations like parent's being overworked and therefore not home enough... Not being able to support a family on single incomes anymore etc, etc. There is a ton of grey area, but to assume that all kids that come out of school are part of some mass welfare society is a little insane. Kids are failing in all regards because we don't value education in this country, period, and kids' don't get their asses kicked anymore, and they also get handed 300-500 dollar gadget at the drop of a hat.

I live in the "up and coming" part of a pretty recent yuppy invasion neighborhood downtown. I put out an email to the "community message board" last week asking if there were any young teenagers that wanted to mow my grass for 20 bucks a pop when I didn't have time. Not only did not one teenager want to do it, I got berated by parent's who actually called me an advocate of "Child labor".

I was mowing lawns to pay for my Atari and Freestyle bikes, Tools, lumber for my treehouse, etc from the time I was 9 and 10 years old. Other chores even younger. There is no work ethic being instilled by PARENT's... That has jack to do with our government.

That said, I'm not defending the excess spending as it makes me pretty sick as well, but to attack aid programs without talking about military cuts or mid term tax increases it ridiculous.

05/05/2011, 05:26 PM

It's the same tail section just flipped vertically as they drag it. The thing that I think is throwing people off is that first image (I think you linked to it) is the one getting passed around the most and it has a lot of foreshortening going on in the image. Its hard to make out the shape because it's pointing right at you, as if you were looking straight down on the tail rotor head.

05/05/2011, 05:26 PM
Not to mention that all these kids are brought up in a society where people are allowed to let their kids do whatever the hell they want and are never held accountable. Now, that of course leads to other conversations like parent's being overworked and therefore not home enough... Not being able to support a family on single incomes anymore etc, etc. There is a ton of grey area, but to assume that all kids that come out of school are part of some mass welfare society is a little insane. Kids are failing in all regards because we don't value education in this country, period, and kids' don't get their asses kicked anymore, and they also get handed 300-500 dollar gadget at the drop of a hat.

I live in the "up and coming" part of a pretty recent yuppy invasion neighborhood downtown. I put out an email to the "community message board" last week asking if there were any young teenagers that wanted to mow my grass for 20 bucks a pop when I didn't have time. Not only did not one teenager want to do it, I got berated by parent's who actually called me an advocate of "Child labor".

I was mowing lawns to pay for my Atari and Freestyle bikes, Tools, lumber for my treehouse, etc from the time I was 9 and 10 years old. Other chores even younger. There is no work ethic being instilled by PARENT's... That has jack to do with our government.

That said, I'm not defending the excess spending as it makes me pretty sick as well, but to attack aid programs without talking about military cuts or mid term tax increases it ridiculous.

Once again, you speak the same thoughts, just with FAR more eloquence than I'll ever be able to muster...:yesgray:

I salute You Sir...http://www.firstfighterwing.com/Forum/images/smilies/smiley_salute.gif

05/05/2011, 05:42 PM
Once again, you speak the same thoughts, just with FAR more eloquence than I'll ever be able to muster...:yesgray:

I salute You Sir...http://www.firstfighterwing.com/Forum/images/smilies/smiley_salute.gif


05/05/2011, 05:45 PM
Damn love fest.

05/05/2011, 05:48 PM
Damn love fest.

Tag Team back again check it top
Wreck it - let's begin
Party people let me hear some noise
DC's in the house jump jump and rejoice
There's a party over here
a party over there
Wave your hands in the air
Shake the deriere
These three words mean you're gettin' busy
Whoomp there it is
whoomp there it is

05/05/2011, 05:54 PM
we don't like it when the city lights start fading
when the city lights fading then we can't get down
we don't like it when the city people act crooked
when the city people crooked then we can't get down
we don't like it when the city pidgeons break wings
when the pidgeons break wings then we can't get down
we don't like it when the city fire starts spreading
when the city fire's spreading then we can't get down

05/05/2011, 06:30 PM

The irony here is that I listen to very little hip hop. Haha.

05/05/2011, 06:52 PM
Those morons you're trying to train, came up through the educational system overseen by the last two term prez...:slap:

You really think two terms of presidency can make or break an educational system? Think again! It has been going down for far longer.

It is not so much the system but the parenting of the pupils in the system.

05/05/2011, 07:30 PM
You really think two terms of presidency can make or break an educational system? Think again! It has been going down for far longer.

It is not so much the system but the parenting of the pupils in the system.

I would like to believe that EIGHT YEARS is enough time to effect SOME positive change on at least one or two things...:confused:

Seriously John???...he was the edumufucashun presididn't...staying the extra twenty minutes to finish the last sentence while the WTC towers fell.

He was HANDS ON...or at least trying to match wits with a first grader...:laughing:

05/05/2011, 08:14 PM
What I learned in this thread is that no matter how many times something is clarified, some will always choose to "hear" what is being said in whatever way best suits their own opinion.
Oh, Osama is dead right?

05/05/2011, 08:16 PM
Its much to intricate for 8 years to change. Someone could easily say he was cleaning up another incumbent's mess.

His personal education would not directly effect the nation's students. That is what advisors are for.

05/05/2011, 08:17 PM
This time what I learned in this thread is how to scroll really fast.

05/05/2011, 08:19 PM
I love all the conjecture and forensic crash site experts by the way. Some of you guys should be working for CSI being able to judge an entire flight scenario from a photo of a tail assembly lying beside a wall with absolutely no context or knowledge of whether it's been moved, further disassembled, etc.

+1000 - Passing judgment on guys who just put their lives in harms way for us is exceptionally poor.

As for everything else... there's plenty of blame to share, Bush and Obama, Republicans and Democrats in Congress, a litigation-obsessed society, minimally engaged and/or effective parents, and the list goes on. I hope you guys are arguing to give each other a hard time, and not serious about trying to lay blame at (any) one person's feet.

05/05/2011, 08:39 PM
+1000 - Passing judgment on guys who just put their lives in harms way for us is exceptionally poor.

As for everything else... there's plenty of blame to share, Bush and Obama, Republicans and Democrats in Congress, a litigation-obsessed society, minimally engaged and/or effective parents, and the list goes on. I hope you guys are arguing to give each other a hard time, and not serious about trying to lay blame at (any) one person's feet.

I think when it comes to the big picture, someone would be a fool to think it could be blamed on any one person or any one party, that's for sure.

Just look at the economic mess, this goes all the way from just before Reagan through every single president since, including Obama. They have all sold out to the highest bidder. It's all cool when you're raking in that campaign cash, thinking youre about to go in there and make a difference... Then you learn that it wasn't free.

I think it's ridiculous to think that those men on that mission were anything but the best of the best all around. If it's a simple enough mistake that someone here can throw it about it's probably NOT what happened. Hahaha.

When this all first started coming out, someone in the admin had said that at some point there was a systems failure and there was a controlled sit down, which would absolutely not be that far fetched if they were running experimental or top secret aircraft.

Either way, it took some balls all the way around. I mean, SEAL team six, SOAR, etc and so on, not to mention someone had the wherewithal to say, screw Pakistan's image, let's go get the bastard. It's becoming more and more suspicious by the day and appears that someone was informing his *** each time someone got on the trail.

When you look at the whole of it, it's kind of a badass mission to think about. They straight-up flew into another country's airspace unannounced with one of the most elite teams we have, called em up like 5 minutes out all "we're rolling up in your junk, keep yourself in check, busted through the mission all Tom Clancy style and didn't give a **** if they were armed or not. Capped the bastard (rightfully so), took all the information, torched the downed stealth tech and got the hell out leaving like 5 people still in the house standing there like, "wha?".

All the while the heads of state are sitting there watching it all live and first person ala Predator 2 style.

I mean, that's gotta count for something. Badassery.

05/05/2011, 08:43 PM
Would somebody please lock this tread.

05/05/2011, 08:45 PM
Why would anyone lock the thread?

It's in it's proper forum, mostly on topic, Ldub and everyone else are still participating and there are no flames or insults being tossed around...

I'm personally enjoying the conversations.

05/05/2011, 09:02 PM
Would somebody please lock this tread.

Don't like = don't click...:yesgray:

Why would anyone lock the thread?

It's in it's proper forum, mostly on topic, Ldub and everyone else are still participating and there are no flames or insults being tossed around...

I'm personally enjoying the conversations.

Motion carried...:laughing:

Bob Barker
05/05/2011, 09:02 PM
You all suck!

There, personal unsult!


05/05/2011, 09:04 PM
You all suck!

There, personal unsult!


I'm think'n that's more of a broad based insult Bob.

We need names...:yesgray:

05/05/2011, 09:44 PM
Oh yea my un-flabable co-pilot...

This time what I learned in this thread is how to scroll really fast.

...ya took the words right out o'my mouth.

Scrollllllinnng so fast my puter is red hot.



05/05/2011, 09:44 PM
Oh, Osama is dead right?


05/05/2011, 09:58 PM
You all suck!

Subject drift. Let this one die and move on!

05/05/2011, 10:18 PM

05/06/2011, 12:17 AM
I'm with Marlin 100 %

05/06/2011, 01:00 AM

X2 :laughing: you 2 are peas in a pod :dan_ban:

05/06/2011, 01:45 AM
:laughing: you 2 are peas in a pod :dan_ban:

and you think for yourself:laughb:

05/06/2011, 02:25 AM
You all suck!

There, personal unsult!


See Bob just unsulted the entire thread! No worries. :winky:

05/06/2011, 08:26 AM
and you think for yourself:laughb:


05/06/2011, 09:23 AM
Man, I stop posting for like 12 hours and all the arguing stops....someone has to babysit this thread:bgwb:

Larry, I think I agree with you to an extent, the only to fix any of this is a total revolution. Both sides suck, there is just WAY too much money involved, and money corrupts all. You could have the best intentions in the world, but when you start throwing around billions, intentions mean nothing.

Although some have assumed I am a republican, I assure you, I am not. I am a bit of a libertarian, pro-choice, pro-legalization, quit taxing everything and giving my money to poor people. I am most assuredly a prepper. Good thing that it doesn't hurt anyone, and everything I learn/buy is applicable to lots of other hobbies and whatnot.

05/06/2011, 11:27 AM
What is a "prepper"

05/06/2011, 11:35 AM
What is a "prepper"

Basically someone who assumes the end is coming, at least an end to our current lifestyle. In that idea, a prepper is someone who prepares for the worst. Learning new skills, equipment and so on. I have multiple bobs (bug out bags), stocked with basic survival equipment.


05/06/2011, 12:46 PM
Ah, gotcha.

05/06/2011, 02:16 PM
Seems Al-Qaida are in on the conspiracy too...:rolleyes:



Bob Barker
05/06/2011, 02:28 PM
What is a "prepper"

Think "fluffer" :bgwo:


05/07/2011, 12:37 AM
Think "fluffer" :bgwo:


What is a "fluffer"

Bob Barker
05/07/2011, 03:53 AM
errrr..... maybe not for this forum! :laugho:

google it! It's GROSS!

05/07/2011, 04:52 AM
Well, at least they have jobs...:bgwb:

05/07/2011, 05:30 AM
I've been starting a go-bag myself Marlin. I always like hearing the different stuff people have in theirs. It's interesting the different interpretations of what people feel like they can survive with.

I think it's cool that there are these core components that everyone feels are essential, but then it splinters from there. Different fire starting methods, etc and so on.

05/07/2011, 06:27 AM
Well, at least they have jobs...:bgwb:

BADDA BING... good answer...:laughing:.:thumbup:

05/07/2011, 06:34 AM
I've been starting a go-bag myself Marlin. I always like hearing the different stuff people have in theirs. It's interesting the different interpretations of what people feel like they can survive with.

I think it's cool that there are these core components that everyone feels are essential, but then it splinters from there. Different fire starting methods, etc and so on.

New thread!

05/07/2011, 02:59 PM
Maybe it says something that I knew what a fluffer is, but not a prepper. Not sure what though...

05/07/2011, 11:51 PM
What if you are a prepper and a fluffer:confused:

05/08/2011, 08:13 AM
What if you are a prepper and a fluffer:confused:

Instant upgrade...drink a Dr Pepper

Then you will be a Prepper/Fluffer/Pepper

Pop a collar or five for the next level...:smilewink


05/08/2011, 08:43 AM
I heard somewhere, prolly from "them"...:rolleyesg

That this nasty boy, or one just like him, was part of the team that took osb out...check the titanium teef...:eek:



While meeting with the team, Obama was advised NOT to try giving him a scooby snack, as he doesn't play well...with anybody.

Bob Barker
05/08/2011, 10:09 AM
HOLY COW I want some of thos teeth for myself!

05/08/2011, 10:19 AM
HOLY COW I want some of thos teeth for myself!

So get some then...:yesgray:


Bob Barker
05/08/2011, 03:23 PM
Yeeeaaahhhh! That's Gangsta!

Bob Barker
05/08/2011, 04:35 PM

05/08/2011, 09:45 PM


05/26/2011, 09:13 AM
Way to go Fellas...:thumbup:.http://i717.photobucket.com/albums/ww173/prestonjjrtr/Smileys%20Holidays/Patriotic/salute.gif

Can you imagine these guys at your door?...:freek:

Death on the doorstep for real.

And check the left forearm on the guy frame right.

Buncha BAD MO-FO's seems woefully inadequate as a descriptor in this case.


05/26/2011, 09:21 AM
I assume that's a prosthetic? If so it's hard to believe they would keep him on active duty.

05/26/2011, 09:26 AM
I assume that's a prosthetic? If so it's hard to believe they would keep him on active duty.

Yeah but...

Who's gonna tell him he has to stay on the porch?...:laughing:

I can envision that conversation:

You tell him

Oh HELL no, YOU tell him


05/26/2011, 09:36 AM
I'll tell him.

It's just a manequin. I think the one just in front of him is too ... maybe they all are.

05/26/2011, 10:03 AM
I'll tell him.

It's just a manequin. I think the one just in front of him is too ... maybe they all are.

Much as I h8 having my bubble burst, I think you may be right...:mbrasd:

http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_-mMsIF2TTTc/Sj3okh06IAI/AAAAAAAABuQ/BHrfh0nJDJc/s400/SEAL%2BTEAM%2Bcopy.jpg&imgrefurl=http://nerdpride-crazychildren.blogspot.com/2009/04/skull-brothers.html&usg=__Z6dxVjLqNnJN5WrqsO0e0dsJyjc=&h=300&w=400&sz=39&hl=en&start=5&sig2=KYi12AqrL3t9MfSXC5uAjw&zoom=1&tbnid=lK9p_5xauSvZIM:&tbnh=93&tbnw=124&ei=E4feTYv6DcrLgQeklJ3tCg&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dseal%2Bteam%26hl%3Den%26biw%3D1360%26 bih%3D621%26gbv%3D2%26tbm%3Disch&itbs=1

http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=19&ved=0CEkQFjAIOAo&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.abovetopsecret.com%2Fforum%2F thread709658%2Fpg1&ei=EDfmTb_RFo3AgQfyzv33Cg&usg=AFQjCNH1StzdI6AhqbjW1Z1oW2VzAYzVuw&sig2=KHsRMW3Yhbhp9OEckxz7jQ
Pretty formidable looking bunch of mannequins though...:laughing:

05/26/2011, 10:22 AM
Much as I h8 having my bubble burst, I think you may be right...:mbrasd:

It's what I do!

05/26/2011, 10:43 AM
Yeah, I was gonna point it out dub. These are scale miniatures actually. They are a big business and there are TONS of accessories and such for them, all highly detailed. They make things like insanely detailed blackhawks, etc for the figures.

05/26/2011, 11:04 AM
Wonder if they can make highly detailed VX models...

05/26/2011, 11:06 AM
Wow, they even have mini mechanix wear gloves on. Some detail.

10/05/2011, 11:33 AM
I been home sick with whatever's going around for a few days, & for $kitz & gigglz I re-read this entire thread...:laughing:

Haven't laughed so hard in WEEKS...:laughing:.:laughing:.:laughing:

Also, the military apparently is now using GIANT CATS in covert ops around the world, & even on other planets...:yesgray:

(they probably have teeth made of unobtanium)


If this is true, may whatever invisible guy in the sky that YOU prefer, help us all...:uhohgray:

10/05/2011, 12:37 PM
They are Cyborgs! The machine overlords have risen up to over throw the human race. Soon it will be unsafe even to make toast.

10/05/2011, 01:17 PM
They are Cyborgs! The machine overlords have risen up to over throw the human race. Soon it will be unsafe even to make toast.

My kitchen is already a pretty dangerous place, I gots one-a these in the fridge...http://www.thedawgpound.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/broccoli_dancing_emoticon.gif

And don't EVEN get me started on all sharp things in there...:eekgray:
