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View Full Version : Uwharrie Convoy Fl/ga

09/14/2003, 08:08 PM
If you're planning on attending the Uwharrie Isuzu Rally there will be a convoy starting in Florida and picking up VXers along the way through Georgia. Please let me know if you plan on joining in as I'll be leaving early Friday, October 10th, and heading up I-95 via I-4 from Winter Haven.

As mentioned in the event post, camping will be at the Arrowhead campground and is centered around campsite #35 on the upper loop. You can make reservations online at Reserve America (http://www.reserveamerica.com/) for the event. It's on Columbus Day weekend and there will be plenty of activities including the fantastic trails. The weather should be perfect and what more could you want than a horde of Isuzu nuts!

09/15/2003, 04:09 AM
I talked to Joe and the Florida group at length about this meet. Don't think that you have to 4 wheel if that's not your thing. This is really about camping with the 4 wheeling an option, not a requirement. For those of you who came up to the Black Rock Mountain meet in North Georgia, this meet will be similar... beautiful forests, elevation, great people, and VXes! The timing should put us in the middle of leaf-turn season (that's when the hardwoods turn beautiful shades of yellow and red for you Florida neophytes!) most of the way up there, so even the vistas from the interstates should be spectacular!

And if you do like to 4 wheel, the park has everything from beginner to advanced to challange you with. There'll be some expert guidance from experienced 4x4 Isuzu enthusiasts present to help you too, so it's a great opportunity for anyone who wants to try it out. I'm getting my gear ready already!

-- See you there! John :D

09/15/2003, 02:11 PM
WOOHOO! Got my campsite reserved today, #36 at the Arrowhead. Get 'em while you can at Reserve USA (http://www.reserveusa.com) or at Reserve America (http://www.resrveamerica.com) as there's just a bit over three weeks till UWHARRIE!

E-Zoo-Zoo-1 got site #37 which he says can hold almost 10 tents, so don't sweat it if you decide to go "last-minute" as you'll easily find a spot to set up. These sites all have electricity as well. Three nights set me back $54.

I CAN'T WAIT!:clap: :thumbup: :yes: :thumbup: :clap:

09/17/2003, 09:59 AM
I booked site #33 right next to Joe. Got room for one more VX and another tent. Anyone want?

-- John

09/17/2003, 04:36 PM
How many are actually going to this meet? I know Joe and John are, anyone else? I'm considering the drive down, about 1300 miles round trip. Just wondering how many will actually be there.

09/17/2003, 04:50 PM
If work permit, I'm in as well. Still don't know:( :(

09/17/2003, 04:51 PM
A few more Floridians have voiced commitments and a couple interest, so I would estimate five or six VX's showing from FL/GA alone. The way it's looking on the Isuzu boards there will be tons of Troopers/Rodeos/Amigos/Passports and an Axiom or three crawling all over the place.

09/17/2003, 05:58 PM
I have 2 more vacation days if need be and a real desire to go. I have a tent and all that so I could dust those things off and be good to go. There are other considerations, though, so no guarantees as usual. My anniversary is right about then too and funds may only permit one trip so guess what would lose. Sure could use a little something like that though. My wife was already thinking about a camping trip around then for her brother. He's autistic and really loves trucks and camping and hasn't been camping this year yet. This is practically made to order for him in some ways. We'll see. She already has the following Monday off but can't get Friday off though and it sounds like you're all heading up on Friday.

P.S.- How are those beach meet pics coming along guys? Sorry, I'm anxious, don't mean to be a nag.

09/17/2003, 06:13 PM
I got an email from Alex (skullcap) who will probably go. I'm trying to get Tom and Carl to come along from Nashville. Haven't heard from Donny or anyone else I've emailed so far (emails went out today).

-- John

09/17/2003, 06:18 PM
The more the merrier! Hopefully you can get Amanda and Scott out of Jax for the weekend and prove you're not running around with some kind of cult. Well, you are, but it's a good kind of cult!

Beach pics will be up soon, currently upgrading the amount of storage in my account here.

Hey John, nice new avatar man!

09/17/2003, 06:39 PM
Got any contact info for Jim from the meet? What nick does he post under here? He took a load of 'em of my VX from all kinds of angles and I want to see those too. Maybe if I really like one he'd draw it up.

Hey, I had the wedding garter hanging on my mirror at Ocala, too. I guess that's not conclusive enough though. LOL!

Although... I might have a better time going off on my own. :sighy:

09/17/2003, 07:03 PM
Dave, man, think P O S I T I V E ! :bgwg:

Jim posts here as JimRori, so give him a shout. He sent me the pics of Jason getting the 3rd degree, so I'll include those in the event gallery. Moncha is still recovering, so there may be a bit of a delay on getting the gallery up. I still have to resize photos anyway, so it'll probably be after the weekend since I'll be in Atlanta.

09/17/2003, 08:02 PM
Oh, alriiiiight, I guess I can wait until then. :-)

And I'm trying.

09/17/2003, 08:38 PM
Wish I could come guys. I love camping. But this is like a million miles away from Boston. I hope everyone will have a great time.

Good LUCK!!

09/17/2003, 08:44 PM
C'mon! It's only 830 miles! Don't let the upstate New Yorkers show you up in Rodeos and Amigos! :bgwg:

09/19/2003, 07:10 AM
BUT... I'll have to see. Seems every penny I have is going to the new house or some sort of bill associated to the new house. Not to mention work...Ahhhh the price I pay for summers off. The trip will be a spectacular one, with the fall colors being a full blaze. Hope at least a couple western VXers can witness the "colors" If I can go, I'll most likely know only a day or two in advance. And I'll be the mad man scrambling to find a site or setting up with a fellow VXer. I really wanna go...carlymac

09/19/2003, 06:14 PM
Carl! You've GOTTA go! Kidnap Gruven too! ;Do;

09/23/2003, 08:26 PM
If you're planning on attending you may want to CLICK HERE (http://www.4x4wire.com/forums/showflat.php?Cat=&Number=355355&page=0&view=collapsed&sb=5&o=14&fpart=1#Post355474) to put in your "reservations" for the Isuzu Iron Chefs!

09/25/2003, 04:48 AM
$30.00 per night fee for double site

$15.00 per night single site

09/25/2003, 11:35 AM
Hey Alex, I got my site (#36) for only $15 a night with power. John's got the site next door. I couldn't get a reservation through reserveamerica so had to use reserveusa instead. Weird thing is they're affiliated sites. In any case, they've got an 800 number listed so you can get a human. One of the PlanetIsuzoo guys, E-zoozoo One, has a huge site that supposedly has room for ten tents, so you may want to check with him for a spot if you can't get anything.

09/25/2003, 12:11 PM
Site #34 , see ya there, on en route.