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View Full Version : Colorado Meet Nov. 16th 2002

10/16/2002, 04:06 PM
How's about a Colorado meet? We could go up to the Salida / Buena Vista area where there are tons of trails.

I know Tonka (Alan) and 99vx (Vance) said they are up to it..
The only thing we have to watch for is snow but it would take alot to stop us.

10/16/2002, 08:16 PM
In for it!
It is kinda bad to say this but i hope we don't get too much snow to soon! I know there is a lot of us out here in Colorado! Let's get together and show those jeeps what we are made of! I know of a place in BV that makes great burgers!


10/21/2002, 03:51 PM
This is per an email that I received from Tonka;

The meet will be on Saturday Nov. 16th. We will be
meeting at the Wal-Mart in Salida at around 10am
-10:30am. We are looking at about 1hour to 4hours on
the trail. We will decide which trail to go on when
we get to the Wal-Mart parking lot just for kicks and
to feel out everyones comfort level on doing trails.
Bring a cooler for lunch and other goodies and we will
possibly do dinner after the trail. Exact directions
to Wal-Mart will be coming soon. If anyone has any
other questions or needs something else worked out
please e-mail me. Also please e-mail me to let me
know if you can make it for a head count. Let's do
this!!! See you on the trail,

I want to thank Alan and Vance for the hard work and planing... It'll be a great time and I WILL see you then!!

11/09/2002, 11:28 PM
Hey Alan or Vance,

Any updates? Vance, how's the snow levels??

I'm getting excited :jump:

11/11/2002, 12:33 PM
Still on, from my understanding.
I e-mailed Vance and am waiting for a reply on trail opening and weather. Looks like the head count is about 5. 4 for sure. Beats the last meet at 3. It still amazes me how many VX's are in Colorado, and very few belong on this and the Vmag board! I need to make fliers! I just installed my CB antenna for this event. I think it looks neat. Can't wait to use it. Very excited!!!


11/15/2002, 04:08 PM
Anybody else up for tomorrow?

Got email from Alan, Vance says all is ok weather and road wise and Vance has a trail picked out...

The count is;

Me, my wife and Oso. It's his first trip to to the mountains!

11/17/2002, 04:14 PM
First, I want to thank Alan and Vance for getting the ball rolling on this endeavor!
We all met at the parking lot of the Walmart in Salida amidst mid 40 degree weather. Vance and Genea were the trail leaders for the day in Vance's lifted VX. They did a great job!! He lead us to some very nice trails with great diversity. On our first trail we did get to a point where we couldn't get any further due to snow. (I have to take partial blame. The stock tires do pretty well but could have been better) Vance was triing to keep us from getting banged up and with the ice and snow that was on the trail, that would not have been very hard..
Moncha gave me and Laura a bit of a scare when we slid back down a polished area but, we finally made it.
All the other trails were on the sunny side of the mountains and thus had patches of dry and snow. That kept the trial more interesting for me. On a very thin, steep trail, Vance bogged down but, made it up while Dan gave us quite a show when he pulled out of a nose down slide whit his rear coming around quite fast.... Whew!!! He did a great job!! Alan and Kurt made it up and down with nary a problem.. I didn't try.. It was just a little to steep and slick.
We ended the day with a great hot meal at a local eatery and traded more stories..

What a wonderful day!! Thanks to all we had a great time!!!;Dy;

Gallery Link (http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/showgallery.php?cat=519&thumb=1)

11/18/2002, 05:47 AM
Wish I could have been there - I was sick in bed with a fever (sinus infection - grrrrr)


11/18/2002, 02:41 PM
Hey everyone, Had a great time at the CO meet. Have about 100 pictures but don't know where to put them so that everyone can see them. I have them in a 14.5M zip file.;pp;



BTW, Thanks Alan and Vance for putting this great event together.

11/22/2002, 12:49 AM
Had LOTS oh fun!!!
I want to thank everyone who made it. It was a memorable event and really neat to meet everyone and put a face to a name. Can't wait to put one together in the summer time when we can really rock!

Thank you Vance and Genea for being great hosts! It is very much appreciated. Thanks also for letting me drive your rig, that lift is awesome!!! I want, I want, I want! Many pictures to show and i finally got them all. I should have brought a video camera. Dan's scarry slide down that mountain would have been cool to have carptured on video. Of course he kept his calm throughout the ride, he is quite the daredevil, i didn't want to follow. Did i mention i made it up that hill without 4L. TOD is great!

Can't wait to do it again!

Hey Dan, i think you can download zips files now. Ask Scott, i would love to see your pictures!

04/01/2003, 12:10 PM
Great to see such a (comparatively) large Colorado base! I'm in the Denver area, hope to be an owner soon!

04/01/2003, 12:18 PM
Glad to have you in the neighborhood!! We be planning some stuff here in the near future

11/16/2003, 08:59 PM
misread the date, also it was showing as today 2003.

was about to be upset i missed it

11/16/2003, 09:57 PM
Yep, that one was long gone...
But here is the one you missed today
Arizona MOAB (http://www.vehicross.info/forums/showthread.php?s=&postid=20777#post20777) ;Db; ;Db; ;Do; ;Dp; ;Dr; ;Dy;

11/16/2003, 10:14 PM
yeah i know, bad part is, friday evening they told me we werent able to work the job this weekend, so i was off. go figure