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10/11/2010, 06:32 PM
How Y'all been?

Sorry I've been delinquent with regard to answering pm's & emails & stuff...:mbrasd:

Just been pretty much invisible of late...:_confused...:slap:

The story goes a little something like this...:rolleyesg

After signing the lease on a new apartment, putting a few "new things" (futon, 40" LCD, new 7.1 receiver, etc) on credit, I got the word that Noridian Mutual decided to renege on the four yr contract that was signed a month or two ago.

No more security needed at night, buh-bye dub...:(...gotta LOVE corporate integrity...:thumbup:

(whadda they write these contracts on???...toilet paper?)

Anyhoo...enjoyed a couple weeks off, got to hang wit TLMP...:dance:, & started snooping around for a job...:yes:

Two weeks & one day ago, I started my new career at the sunflower mine...:dance:

Sunflowers aren't actually mined, but some days it feels like I'm going to work in a mine.

For a substantial cut in pay, I now get all the upper body & lower back exercise that I can handle...SWEET!...:dan_ban:
That's right, I now get to manhandle 50 lb bags of sunflower seeds & millet every day, for eight glorious hours.
Throw in a good measure of walking & sweeping, & you've got yerself a dream career...:yesgray:

After sitting on my arse for a year & a half, I'm not ashamed to say, the first two weeks were ROUGH...:waab: and by that I mean PAINFUL!
I had some serious hurt'n, in muscles that I forgot I had.

Anyway, feeling mo bettah now, gonna be better for me in the long run.

Hope y'all been happy & stay'n outta trouble...:yesgray:

Thanks to all those who called & pm'd during the time I went "invisible"...you know who you R...:thanx:

10/11/2010, 06:40 PM
Way to go sir!
You never seem to let stuff get u down, or fail to crack me up with your wit!
If it makes u feel any better, I've been slaving in the ghetto, section 8 housing maintenance. Spend more time dodging roaches that fixing anything.
That was until today, just accepted a job offer that is only 50 cents short of what I was making before the downturn!
Again, thanks for the yucks!
This board is not the same in your absence.

10/11/2010, 06:41 PM
Sorry about the first job, but I am glad you found something. In this economy, you've got to take what you can get. Is it an all you can eat seed deal?

10/11/2010, 06:43 PM
and congrats on your new job as well, SnoTrooper.

10/11/2010, 07:08 PM
After sitting on my arse for a year & a half, I'm not ashamed to say, the first two weeks were ROUGH... and by that I mean PAINFUL!
I had some serious hurt'n, in muscles that I forgot I had.

I always look at manual labor as an calorie investment that I can recoup in beers:bgwo::_beer: Good luck in the new gig!

VX crazy
10/12/2010, 05:07 AM
LDub, I am glad your back on track! So sorry we havent connected on the phone, I will call you back this week for sure!

Scott Harness
10/12/2010, 06:15 AM
Good to hear from you:yesb:

10/12/2010, 06:16 AM
Sounds like the economy sux everywhere, just found out last week our company is "restructuring" to become leaner and more competitive. Translation: run for the hills. Hopefully I won't be voted off the island. :(

Hope you find something better soon.

10/12/2010, 06:23 AM
Way to go Lbud. Way to find the silver lining.

10/12/2010, 08:17 AM
Man it used to be I hear cuts coming I accept a job offered from people calling me on a regular basis. Then just look and take the best one out there. Now its if you lose it its gone.

10/12/2010, 09:21 AM
Glad your back Dubster...


10/12/2010, 10:00 AM
Great to hear from you Sir Dub. We'll be keeping our fingers crossed for you that all continues to go well.

10/12/2010, 11:14 AM
Glad to hear all is back to near normal (if there is such a thing) in DubVille!:bwgy:

10/16/2010, 01:06 PM
just accepted a job offer that is only 50 cents short of what I was making before the downturn!

Good to hear.

Perhaps its time we had another chat......


10/16/2010, 01:35 PM
Hey Dub, glad your keeping your chin up. And sounds like the job is a good work out!! and health is everything!!

If you need a holiday, you got my couch!

10/17/2010, 08:01 AM
How Y'all been?

Sorry I've been delinquent with regard to answering pm's & emails & stuff...:mbrasd:

Just been pretty much invisible of late...:_confused...:slap:

The story goes a little something like this...:rolleyesg

After signing the lease on a new apartment, putting a few "new things" (futon, 40" LCD, new 7.1 receiver, etc) on credit, I got the word that Noridian Mutual decided to renege on the four yr contract that was signed a month or two ago.

No more security needed at night, buh-bye dub...:(...gotta LOVE corporate integrity...:thumbup:

(whadda they write these contracts on???...toilet paper?)

Anyhoo...enjoyed a couple weeks off, got to hang wit TLMP...:dance:, & started snooping around for a job...:yes:

Two weeks & one day ago, I started my new career at the sunflower mine...:dance:

Sunflowers aren't actually mined, but some days it feels like I'm going to work in a mine.

For a substantial cut in pay, I now get all the upper body & lower back exercise that I can handle...SWEET!...:dan_ban:
That's right, I now get to manhandle 50 lb bags of sunflower seeds & millet every day, for eight glorious hours.
Throw in a good measure of walking & sweeping, & you've got yerself a dream career...:yesgray:

After sitting on my arse for a year & a half, I'm not ashamed to say, the first two weeks were ROUGH...:waab: and by that I mean PAINFUL!
I had some serious hurt'n, in muscles that I forgot I had.

Anyway, feeling mo bettah now, gonna be better for me in the long run.

Hope y'all been happy & stay'n outta trouble...:yesgray:

Thanks to all those who called & pm'd during the time I went "invisible"...you know who you R...:thanx:

Precisely why I'm thinking my next career may very well be, Grower of Medicinal (and recreational) Herbs!!
I can get treated like this anywhere, and no "Grey prejudice" in the weed industry:bgwb::bgwb::bgwb: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

10/17/2010, 08:06 AM
*In my best Bugs Bunny voice:*
Here I come....
Right back where I started from..

10/17/2010, 08:28 AM
*In my best Bugs Bunny voice:*
Here I come....
Right back where I started from..


Good on you Bro...:dance:


And :thanx: to all the rest of y'all who posted words of encouragement...:yesgray:

That means a lot to me...:heart:

10/17/2010, 09:05 AM
Open a nice little "coffee shop" Oaksterdam....
The new Napa valley
Soon to be next tourista destination....
Vegas? Whatcha got? Gambling and Hookers?
Big deal!
Atlantic City? What? Gaming and freakin' Snookie?
Miami? Angry folks of color speaking six languages?
Screw that!
OAKSTERDAM!!!!! Budz the size of your head!!
San Fran just across the bridge
OAKSTERDAM!!! Home of the 2013 Cannabis Cup

10/17/2010, 10:11 AM
Ya knoooow... a good friend of mine and I have been talking about packing up and moving to Grand Junction, CO so we can get in on that * action and be close to all sorts of wheeling and camping and climbing and stuff... and REAL beer. We have a dispensary contact in Denver to help us out even. After living in Utah, GC would feel like Oaksterdam! :smilewink

10/17/2010, 10:23 AM
Ooooo you'd be closer!:yesy:

10/17/2010, 02:45 PM
We have dispensaries popping up EVERYWHERE around here. I live in a town of just a couple thousand people and I think we have something like 20 or more dispensaries. I didn't know that there where that many "sick" people around here.

Zues, I have some friends who are in the "scene" if you need some contacts.

OH, and it's SO good to have you back and posting Dub. Sorry to hear about some of the hard ships, but glad that it seems to be working out.

Mile High VX
10/17/2010, 03:39 PM
Good to have you back Dub...

One of my favorite quotes about dealing with changes in our lives:

The bend in the road is not the end of the road, unless we fail to make the turn.

10/18/2010, 11:58 AM
Better stop reading, if this gets any deeper I might be charged as an accessory. :p