View Full Version : Calm before the storm

09/03/2010, 04:08 AM
Earl arrives here on Cape Cod around 8 PM as a cat 2. Last one was hurricane Bob and having the VX allowed me to get out check the damage of which there was plenty. Over 150 boats were grounded on the shore line due to the storm surge that lifted their moorings out of the mud. My boat was one of them and today it could happen again. Dread....

09/03/2010, 05:42 AM
I guess Earl's about 140 miles directly offshore of us right now. What a bunch of hub-bub for nothing. It's not even really drizzling outside right now, more like a heavy mist, and the winds are no more than 15-20 mph. So I guess he's holding his punch for you guys. :(

09/03/2010, 05:51 AM
Good luck. Be safe.

09/03/2010, 06:46 AM
You can always come visit us until it blows over. We're way up north, here in Hyde Park. :)

09/03/2010, 08:50 AM
I lived in SE Florida when Andrew hit. I don't envy you guys.

Keep yourselves and VXes safe.


09/03/2010, 09:29 AM

Kidding, I grew up in South Louisiana so I know hurricane's and how scary they can be. Stay safe.

09/03/2010, 10:15 AM
Best of luck Scott. Our prayers are with you.

09/04/2010, 05:09 AM
Lucked out! Earl was a dud...the storm tracked further east than originally anticipated and arrived on Cape as a tropical storm. The utility companies from all over the state had moved bucket truck teams into the area and the local mall parking lot looked liked there was a hundred trucks waiting for the storm. Cars were in line as gas stations and people were actually getting into fights at grocery stores. Since I could not get my boat pulled I spent the day preparing it for the storm and taking everything off of value. Spent the evening at a friends who has house on beach waiting for all hell to break loose. Finally went home around 11 (it was supposed to be blowing like crazy by 8) and called it a night. No trees down...no power outage...seemed more like a typical tropical storm. Today is beautiful and we are delighted not to be digging out from a flood.

PS. It would have been good excuse to see Brian and Vicky again!