View Full Version : Political humor

07/29/2010, 01:35 PM
I saw this and couldn't help but sharing it. We had a good laugh about it at work.


Bob Barker
07/29/2010, 01:51 PM

07/29/2010, 02:02 PM
That's a good one. The sad part is, the animals DESERVE ALL THE HELP THEY CAN GET. All the lazy milkers in this country deserve nothing.

I think people should have to pass a monthly drug test to be on any sort of government aid. I can't stand the thought of my tax dollars paying for unemployment for some looser in a trailer smoking weed and playing Xbox all day. Makes me sick.

Sorry, not much humor in that. :D


Luna X
07/29/2010, 02:16 PM
Has everyone seen the news today?

There are hundreds of protestors downtown today all upset about our 1070 bill that's supposed to go into effect today.

I'd like to get Ldub's Mad Max version VX and perform some steamrolling of my own.......:bwgy:

07/29/2010, 04:25 PM
I think you would have more luck with t4b's Proton steamroller for that, Luna... LOL
I hear Utah is hoping to install that same sort of bill soon because we are so close to Arizona that we know we will be inundated with more unwanteds soon. Bring on the racial profiling - bears can stay!

Bob Barker
07/29/2010, 04:27 PM
I think you would have more luck with t4b's Proton steamroller for that, Luna... LOL
I hear Utah is hoping to install that same sort of bill soon because we are so close to Arizona that we know we will be inundated with more unwanteds soon. Bring on the racial profiling - bears can stay!

Black bears or brown bears?

07/29/2010, 04:32 PM
Black bears or brown bears?

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What about the white bears, I am tired of everyone discriminating against them, their environment is disappearing as we speak.

Bob Barker
07/29/2010, 04:36 PM
White bears have a good life. And the "man" isn't trying to keep them down either!

07/29/2010, 04:40 PM
Even white bears had a role in 'Lost'... no brown or black bears in sight tho. I believe all bears should be treated equally as long as they don't crap in MY wilderness and have proper identification!

07/29/2010, 04:44 PM
White bears have a good life. And the "man" isn't trying to keep them down either!

That is simply not true, last time I checked, Al Gore said that the Man has altered the environment so much as to make it inhospitable for the white bear. It will take someone with less of an affirmative hand to take action and help preserve the environment for the white bear, which I might add makes up 79% of the bear population in the US according to the Bear Census Bureau in 2009.

Bob Barker
07/29/2010, 06:09 PM
lol @ this thread.

I've got a really funny political picture somewhere I'm trying to find right now. Everyone will love it!

Bob Barker
07/30/2010, 12:38 AM
Here it is!
Republican women vs. Democrat women!


07/30/2010, 07:05 AM
Here it is!
Republican women vs. Democrat women!


Maybe Democrat women want to be treated like men because they look like men? Ugly men but men just the same. Or it could be they were always treated like men and they got pissed when the pretty women got treated special and passed the law to keep them from being treated like ladies?

07/30/2010, 07:17 AM
Listen to yourselves.

ALL politicians are dirt. Don't pick sides. Throw them all to the bottom of the ocean and let's start over. Tie a lawyer and a lobbyist to each one of their legs to weigh them down.

07/30/2010, 08:06 AM
Listen to yourselves.

ALL politicians are dirt. Don't pick sides. Throw them all to the bottom of the ocean and let's start over. Tie a lawyer and a lobbyist to each one of their legs to weigh them down.


07/30/2010, 08:32 AM
Listen to yourselves.

ALL politicians are dirt. Don't pick sides. Throw them all to the bottom of the ocean and let's start over. Tie a lawyer and a lobbyist to each one of their legs to weigh them down.

I'm with ya, Worm. I've never considered myself one or the other. Both sides are corrupt and evil in different ways.

We need a technocracy (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Technocracy), enough of this democracy BS. Its not working too well unless you just ignore everything, shut up, eat your cheeseburgers and watch TV. Then it's awesome!


07/30/2010, 09:25 AM
Its not working too well unless you just ignore everything, shut up, eat your cheeseburgers and watch TV. Then it's awesome!


Where am I supposed to fit wheeling and welding in there?

Bob Barker
07/30/2010, 09:27 AM
It's a joke thread, I don't think anyone here is listing their political affiliations with a picture of a bear at a picnic table and another of pretty grandma's vs. ugly grandma's!

If it will make you feel better I can go find some pictures poking fun at consevatives.

07/30/2010, 01:20 PM
It's a joke thread, I don't think anyone here is listing their political affiliations with a picture of a bear at a picnic table and another of pretty grandma's vs. ugly grandma's!


07/30/2010, 01:21 PM
Here's the funniest joke.

Who voted for GW the first time.

Who voted for him the second time.

And now, they are pointing fingers elsewhere

Now that's funny!!!!!!!

07/30/2010, 02:08 PM
Here's the funniest joke.

Who voted for GW the first time.

Who voted for him the second time.

And now, they are pointing fingers elsewhere

Now that's funny!!!!!!!

And after all this hope and change I wish I could have voted for him a third time

Luna X
07/30/2010, 05:39 PM
Vote early and vote often!!!... ;)

07/30/2010, 06:02 PM
And after all this hope and change I wish I could have voted for him a third time

^^^^ this

We need a technocracy, enough of this democracy BS.

But we arent a democracy, never have been. Pure democracy is a terrible form of .gov. We are a representative republic with democratic influences.

07/30/2010, 07:21 PM
And after all this hope and change I wish I could have voted for him a third time

Says a lot about a someone who is going down in history as one of our worst Presidents ever, and you would make the same mistake again. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/us_and_americas/us_elections/article5029204.ece

Now, that's not funny. That's just stupid.

07/30/2010, 07:40 PM
They're gonna have to watch out for picnic basket toting liberals come this fall.

07/30/2010, 07:52 PM
I saw this and couldn't help but sharing it. We had a good laugh about it at work.

There are plenty of political forums out there. No need to show your *** here.

07/30/2010, 08:50 PM
I just want to kick the democraps out of both Washington's:mad:

07/30/2010, 10:13 PM
Listen to yourselves.

ALL politicians are dirt. Don't pick sides. Throw them all to the bottom of the ocean and let's start over. Tie a lawyer and a lobbyist to each one of their legs to weigh them down.

I'm with ya, Worm. I've never considered myself one or the other. Both sides are corrupt and evil in different ways.

We need a technocracy (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Technocracy), enough of this democracy BS. Its not working too well unless you just ignore everything, shut up, eat your cheeseburgers and watch TV. Then it's awesome!


Agree x1000! :thumbup::thumbup:....'cept I think ya gotta tie about 5 lawyers and 5 lobbyists to each leg cuz they're all so full of hot air they're hard to sink!
Truer words have never been spoken!! :laugho::laugho:

07/31/2010, 02:56 AM
I just want to kick the democraps out of both Washington's:mad:

X2 I think we may finally get rid of that mom in tennis shoes forever:yesb:

Stephen Biko
07/31/2010, 04:27 PM
Maybe Democrat women want to be treated like men because they look like men? Ugly men but men just the same. Or it could be they were always treated like men and they got pissed when the pretty women got treated special and passed the law to keep them from being treated like ladies?

That poster is a lot more damning for the republicans - its like whoever put it together thinks republicans value looks over substance. None of the "republicans" in it are actual politicians - at best they are celebrities. It's not like there aren't attractive female republicans who have held office to choose from - Condoleeza Rice, Nikki Haley and Sarah Palin for starters and it sure isn't like there aren't a buttload of good looking female democrat celebrities to choose from instead of the politicians.

So it appears they cherry-picked pretty faces with make-up artists on television to represent the best of the republicans and actual working politicians to represent the best of the democrats. It's like saying republicans want a government of beauty pageant winners.

I think you've been joe-jobbed circmand.

Bob Barker
07/31/2010, 07:21 PM
So it appears they cherry-picked pretty faces with make-up artists on television to represent the best of the republicans and actual working politicians to represent the best of the democrats. It's like saying republicans want a government of beauty pageant winners.

It's more likely that they picked pretty republican women and pretty damn ugly democratic women to make a funny... I think you've read too much into it Stephen Biko:D

07/31/2010, 09:48 PM
It would be too embarassing if I voted for one of these ash clowns & they actually won...:mbrasd:

Both sides of the aisle just plain stink IMO...:upsetgray

But I did find this story to be amusing...:smilewink

The Haircut

One day a florist went to a barber for a haircut.

After the cut, he asked about his bill, and the barber replied, 'I cannot accept money from you , I'm doing community service this week.' The florist was pleased and left the shop.

When the barber went to open his shop the next morning, there was a 'thank you' card and a dozen roses waiting for him at his door.

Later, a cop comes in for a haircut, and when he tries to pay his bill, the barber again replied, 'I cannot accept money from you , I'm doing community service this week.' The cop was happy and left the shop.

The next morning when the barber went to open up, there was a 'thank you' card and a dozen donuts waiting for him at his door.

Then a Congressman came in for a haircut, and when he went to pay his bill, the barber again replied, 'I can not accept money from you. I'm doing community service this week.' The Congressman was very happy and left the shop.

The next morning, when the barber went to open up, there were a dozen Congressmen lined up waiting for a free haircut.

And that, my friends, illustrates the fundamental difference between the citizens of our country and the politicians who run it.


07/31/2010, 09:53 PM

07/31/2010, 09:56 PM

X2 we need term limits!:yesb:

08/01/2010, 11:39 AM

A man goes to a public golf course. He approaches the man behind the counter in the pro shop and says, "I would like 18 holes of golf and a

The man behind the counter says, "The 18 holes of golf is no problem, but all of the caddies are out on the course. What I will do for you
is this: We just received 8 brand new robot golf caddies. If you're willing to take one with you out on the course and come back and tell
me how well it works, your round of golf is on me today."

The golfer obviously accepted the man's offer. He approached the first tee, looked at the fairway and said to himself, "I think my driver
will do the job."

The robot caddie turned to the man and said, "No sir.. Use your 3 wood. A driver is far too much club for this hole." Hesitantly, the
golfer pulled out his 3 wood, made good contact with the ball, and the ball landed about 10 feet to the right front of the hole on the green.

The golfer, delighted, turned to the robot and thanked him for his assistance. As the golfer pulled out his putter he said, "I think this
green is gonna break left to right." The robot then again spoke up and said, "No sir. I do believe this green will break right to left."

Thinking about the last time the robot corrected his prediction, he decided again to listen to the machine. He made his putt and birdied
the hole thanks to the robot and his advice. But his luck didn't end there. His entire game was the best game he ever played, thanks to the
assistance of the new robot golf caddie.

Upon returning to the clubhouse, the man behind the counter asked, "How was your game ?" The golfer stated, "It was, by far, the BEST
game I ever played. Thank you very much for letting me take one of your robots. See you next week."

A week passed, and excited, the golfer returned to the pro shop. Upon entering, he turned to the man behind the counter and said, "I would
like 18 holes of golf and one of those robot golf caddies, please."

The gentleman from behind the counter turned to the man and said, "Well the 18 holes is no problem. However, we had to get rid of the
robots. We had too many complaints."

"COMPLAINTS? Who in the heck could've complained about those robots? They were incredible"

The man sighed and said, "Well, it wasn't their performance. It was that they were made of shiny silver metal, and the sun reflecting off
them was blinding to other golfers on the fair way."

The golfer said, "So then why didn't you just paint them black?"

The man nodded sadly and replied, "We did. Then four of 'em didn't show up for work, two filed for welfare, one of them robbed the pro
shop, and the other thinks he's the President."

08/01/2010, 05:51 PM
I got One!

What's the difference between a conservative republicant and a bucket of §hit?........ The bucket.

How does the Republican party separate the men from the boys?....

With a crowbar!

How long does it take a republican to turn a surplus into the worst financial downturn since the great depression?

Two terms...

What do you call a closeted gay Republican?


Did you read George Bush's new book?

Neither did he...

Dan Quale, George Bush, and Sarah Palin meet at a bar. Sara has a few belts and says,
"Ill sleep with one of you guys, but I only like intelligent men with a gift for gab, and christian values."

Both men went home, and Sara wound up banging Jesus that night.

08/01/2010, 06:08 PM
I got One!

What's the difference between a conservative republicant and a bucket of §hit?........ The bucket.

How does the Republican party separate the men from the boys?....

With a crowbar!

How long does it take a republican to turn a surplus into the worst financial downturn since the great depression?

Two terms...

What do you call a closeted gay Republican?


Did you read George Bush's new book?

Neither did he...

Dan Quale, George Bush, and Sarah Palin meet at a bar. Sara has a few belts and says,
"Ill sleep with one of you guys, but I only like intelligent men with a gift for gab, and christian values."

Both men went home, and Sara wound up banging Jesus that night.

Nice collection of jokes...probably some welfare recipient spent the whole day on the net searching for those on internet he stole from his working neighbors.:)

08/01/2010, 06:17 PM
Actually, I made them all up.

And most of the people that are on welfare right now are on it because you and other clowns in your party thought GWB would be a good president.

It's gonna be a long time before this country trusts republicans again so I'd sit your *** down and get comfortable.

Fillibuster that!

08/01/2010, 07:46 PM
Actually, I made them all up.

And most of the people that are on welfare right now are on it because you and other clowns in your party thought GWB would be a good president.

It's gonna be a long time before this country trusts republicans again so I'd sit your *** down and get comfortable.

Fillibuster that!

well, if you must know, the housing crisis was caused by the Clinton administration forcing Fannie-Mae to give loans to people who thought they deserved to own their own home, but couldn't really afford it. The housing bubble collapse started several years ago, and was never recognized until the government driven balloon payments came due. This was the real foundation of the current "economic crisis" Strange that the rest of the world, much more liberal in comparison to us, is going through the same thing if not worse. But I do recognize the fact that all politicians suck. Tis the nature of the beast.

Here is a good one for you:

Sally came home from college for the first time. Her dad hugged her and asked her how school was going.
"Great dad, I made the Dean's list with a 3.5 GPA!!!!"
He congratulated her and asker her how her best friend from high school, Tabitha, was doing.
"Not so good dad, she only has a 2.5 and is barely hanging on, she skips class, sleeps in, goes out to parties every night, already had one abortion"
Her dad has a wonderful idea:
"Honey, go to the Dean, ask him to take your 3.5 and her 2.5 and just split it down the middle, a 3.0 for each of you, and as far as the total amount of work that was done, it will all work out in the end to be the same."
Sally responded vehemently "HELL NO!!! I WORKED MY *** OFF FOR THAT 3.5"

Her dad smiled and offered his hand "Welcome to the Republican Party".

So, after you read this on the internet that you pay 39 bucks a month for, and then hop in your sweet VX and go to work, contemplate giving these things up, after all, there are a bunch of lazy POS democrat supporters that need your money to fund their laziness. Maybe you can sell the VX and buy several bicycles, then you can help out those who don't have as much as you. But wait, you worked hard to get the things you have, why should you be the one to give them up to those who don't deserve them?

08/01/2010, 10:15 PM
well, if you must know, the housing crisis was caused by the Clinton administration forcing Fannie-Mae to give loans to people who thought they deserved to own their own home, but couldn't really afford it. The housing bubble collapse started several years ago, and was never recognized until the government driven balloon payments came due. This was the real foundation of the current "economic crisis" Strange that the rest of the world, much more liberal in comparison to us, is going through the same thing if not worse. But I do recognize the fact that all politicians suck. Tis the nature of the beast.

Here is a good one for you:

Sally came home from college for the first time. Her dad hugged her and asked her how school was going.
"Great dad, I made the Dean's list with a 3.5 GPA!!!!"
He congratulated her and asker her how her best friend from high school, Tabitha, was doing.
"Not so good dad, she only has a 2.5 and is barely hanging on, she skips class, sleeps in, goes out to parties every night, already had one abortion"
Her dad has a wonderful idea:
"Honey, go to the Dean, ask him to take your 3.5 and her 2.5 and just split it down the middle, a 3.0 for each of you, and as far as the total amount of work that was done, it will all work out in the end to be the same."
Sally responded vehemently "HELL NO!!! I WORKED MY *** OFF FOR THAT 3.5"

Her dad smiled and offered his hand "Welcome to the Republican Party".

So, after you read this on the internet that you pay 39 bucks a month for, and then hop in your sweet VX and go to work, contemplate giving these things up, after all, there are a bunch of lazy POS democrat supporters that need your money to fund their laziness. Maybe you can sell the VX and buy several bicycles, then you can help out those who don't have as much as you. But wait, you worked hard to get the things you have, why should you be the one to give them up to those who don't deserve them?

It's typical that you'd blame Clinton.
He was out of office in like 2000?
Bush had almost a decade to reform any policy Clinton inacted that would put this country in financial risk. Instead. He gave tax cuts to the most wealthy Americans while financing two wars. It was to his benifit, the housing boom that happened between 2003-2006 was the pinnacle of his career, and we all know what the aftermath was from that.
One of the best things that came out of the Bush years...
Sept 11th..
Follow me on this..
After the attacks America came together,
Republicans, Democrats, Blacks,whites, mexicans, asians, liberals, conservative all came together and pointed a collective middle finger at the bastards that sucker punched us.

Now fast forward to now...
Because of the deep recession that has now lasted close to 3 years, we all need to come together and help the folks who are struggling.
That's not liberal, that's human.
All the aid that people are getting is not just freeloaders..
Its your mom, your uncle, your next door neighbor,it's your fellow countrymen who worked and worked till the work ran out, because nobody is spending money.

How many people in this forum have lost a home or are gonna lose one?
Or a job? Or jobs? It's not because you could not afford the house when you bought it, it's because when the economy crashed, and people lost their incomes.

I don't see America like you do. I don't see a bunch of losers who don't want to work, Quite the opposite really, I see people doing whatever they can do to get by and being creative and determined to survive under some of the worst economic times in our history.

"Well, you can do whatever you want to us, but we're not going to sit here and listen to you badmouth the United States of America. Gentlemen! "


don moore
08/01/2010, 11:02 PM
Nice collection of jokes...probably some welfare recipient spent the whole day on the net searching for those on internet he stole from his working neighbors.:)
should have read like this
Nice collection of jokes...probably H.W.J. spent the whole day on the net searching for those on internet he stole from his working neighbors.


08/02/2010, 08:25 AM
When an armed robber breaks into your home at gun point and takes stuff you worked hard to get he gets arrested and sent to jail?

But when the government takes money right from your pay check and threatens to take everything from you backed up by the threat of gunpoint it is considered morally right?

HWJ if you want to take all your wordly possesions sell them and give them to the poor that would be charitable and human. But when you or other liberals decide to take my property and income and give them to other people YOU consider deserving that is socialism. I dontae time and money to organizations I feel are worthy. That is my right. What gives you the right to decide where my money goes?

Did you realize that before you get your paycheck the FEd takes over 30% off the top. Then depending what state you live in they take 8%, then depending on the muni you live in another 5%. If you own your own home they take several thousand a year. On top of that any money you spend there is sales tax around 8%. This is the level of taxes not for the rich but for the average working. Of which there were more under Bush @ 6% unemployment than BO at 10% even after paying unions and govt workers $800,000,000,000 under the so called stimulous. That means the average worker pays 50% of his money in taxes. That is TOO MUCH.

I am all for helping my fellow man. I doubt you could find many people who gleefully watches his fellowman starve. However, I have a pecking order and while it may be selfish it is my family first. For some reason liberals seem to think there is an endless upply of money just sitting around. There is not and you just cant keep spending money for every program even if it is a good cause without cutting it elsewhere.

08/02/2010, 08:40 AM
Its not working too well unless you just ignore everything, shut up, eat your cheeseburgers and watch TV. Then it's awesome!


Imunna sit this one out...:yesgray:
And hang out over here inna corner wit my Buddy Bart, eating cheeboogies & watching while you kids regurgitate the same stuff...:laughing::dan_ban::laughing:

08/02/2010, 09:20 AM
Imunna sit this one out...:yesgray:
And hang out over here inna corner wit my Buddy Bart, eating cheeboogies & watching while you kids regurgitate the same stuff...:laughing::dan_ban::laughing:


Love these danm burgers....


08/02/2010, 09:22 AM
It's typical that you'd blame Clinton.
He was out of office in like 2000?

All the aid that people are getting is not just freeloaders..
Its your mom, your uncle, your next door neighbor,it's your fellow countrymen who worked and worked till the work ran out, because nobody is spending money.

You are exactly right, but it is NOT THE GOVERNMENT'S JOB to provide for others. That is what churches, charities, neighbors and family are for. Taking from me what I worked my *** off for and giving to someone who did not is not helping anyone.
The economic crisis spawned from the housing crash. PERIOD. In the Navy, your job is defined by your rate. We have a saying, "choose your rate, choose your fate". If you chose to work in a non-secure field and subsequently lose your job, get over it and move on. There are lots of jobs out there, I am sure I can take a white collar worker and they can do manual labor just fine, they just aren't willing to "stoop" to that level. So do not give me that whiny "life isn't fair" BS. The jobs are out there, you might have to move, Alaska has a bunch of jobs. Believe it or not, living in Southern California is not a right. Having a nice car is not a right. Having a boat and your own house is not a right. Health care is not a right. Having a gun is a right, having the freedom of speech is a right.

08/02/2010, 09:49 AM

Love these danm burgers....




Scott Harness
08/02/2010, 10:33 AM
Imunna sit this one out...:yesgray:
And hang out over here inna corner wit my Buddy Bart, eating cheeboogies & watching while you kids regurgitate the same stuff...:laughing::dan_ban::laughing:

Can I join you guys...mmm burgers!!

08/02/2010, 10:42 AM
Can I join you guys...mmm burgers!!

We'ed be honored...:yesgray:

Hope ya brought'cha appetite...:smilewink


08/02/2010, 10:51 AM
Sure thing Scott, pull up a chair! What kinda cheese you want on your burger? American? Swiss? Provolone? Cheddar? Personally, I like Cheddar and bacon on my burgers, but to keep things relevant, I think we should all have American.

;) Bart

Bob Barker
08/02/2010, 11:24 AM
Can I get a burger with gub'ment cheese?:D

08/02/2010, 11:32 AM
Burger Thread Jack

08/02/2010, 11:49 AM
Mmmm, cheddar & bacon does sound good. Actually... hold the burger and the bun - I just want a big stack of bacon and some cheese.

08/02/2010, 01:17 PM
When an armed robber breaks into your home at gun point and takes stuff you worked hard to get he gets arrested and sent to jail?

But when the government takes money right from your pay check and threatens to take everything from you backed up by the threat of gunpoint it is considered morally right?

HWJ if you want to take all your wordly possesions sell them and give them to the poor that would be charitable and human. But when you or other liberals decide to take my property and income and give them to other people YOU consider deserving that is socialism. I dontae time and money to organizations I feel are worthy. That is my right. What gives you the right to decide where my money goes?

Did you realize that before you get your paycheck the FEd takes over 30% off the top. Then depending what state you live in they take 8%, then depending on the muni you live in another 5%. If you own your own home they take several thousand a year. On top of that any money you spend there is sales tax around 8%. This is the level of taxes not for the rich but for the average working. Of which there were more under Bush @ 6% unemployment than BO at 10% even after paying unions and govt workers $800,000,000,000 under the so called stimulous. That means the average worker pays 50% of his money in taxes. That is TOO MUCH.

I am all for helping my fellow man. I doubt you could find many people who gleefully watches his fellowman starve. However, I have a pecking order and while it may be selfish it is my family first. For some reason liberals seem to think there is an endless upply of money just sitting around. There is not and you just cant keep spending money for every program even if it is a good cause without cutting it elsewhere.

I find it interesting that you were not complaining about taxes when Bush was in office...And at this time taxes are exactly the same now as they were then, Obama is not raising taxes, The uneven Bush tax cuts are now expiring for those who make 250 grand a year or more...I think it's not that you mind paying taxes, You just don't like paying them to a black guy with a funny name.

You are exactly right, but it is NOT THE GOVERNMENT'S JOB to provide for others. That is what churches, charities, neighbors and family are for. Taking from me what I worked my *** off for and giving to someone who did not is not helping anyone.
The economic crisis spawned from the housing crash. PERIOD. In the Navy, your job is defined by your rate. We have a saying, "choose your rate, choose your fate". If you chose to work in a non-secure field and subsequently lose your job, get over it and move on. There are lots of jobs out there, I am sure I can take a white collar worker and they can do manual labor just fine, they just aren't willing to "stoop" to that level. So do not give me that whiny "life isn't fair" BS. The jobs are out there, you might have to move, Alaska has a bunch of jobs. Believe it or not, living in Southern California is not a right. Having a nice car is not a right. Having a boat and your own house is not a right. Health care is not a right. Having a gun is a right, having the freedom of speech is a right.

I don't think it's the governments job to start pre-emptive wars .It's cool you work for the Navy, The Navy is funded by taxpayers, So basically you work for me. I know the military basically will take anyone who can hold a gun and count to three. In other words, It's not like a company that wants to see experience or education, They just bottom feed for people that have no other options but to shoot or be shot.

I am all for my tax dollars funding wars to shoot the poor underprivileged overseas as long as some of my tax dollars are used to feed the poor and underprivileged that live in every town in the US. Some of them, ex-military, some of them republicans, and some of them bums milking the system.
I lived through the Bush years and watched him take this country to a new low, and watched McCain promise he'd do things the same...That's why he lost.
Obama would not have to be putting out so much seed money if Bush spent more time thinking about the country and less time taking vacations ( more than any other sitting Prez)

08/02/2010, 01:20 PM
By the way Ill take my burger with avocado and sprouts..

California style Beeeotch!

08/02/2010, 01:31 PM
By the way Ill take my burger with avocado and sprouts..

California style Beeeotch!

And liberal amounts of wasabi?...:yesgray:

08/02/2010, 01:33 PM
I find it interesting that you were not complaining about taxes when Bush was in office...And at this time taxes are exactly the same now as they were then, Obama is not raising taxes, The uneven Bush tax cuts are now expiring for those who make 250 grand a year or more...I think it's not that you mind paying taxes, You just don't like paying them to a black guy with a funny name.

about paying taxes since I started realizing how they are being wasted. I am all for paying my share but BO's $800,000,000,000 bribe to unions and state governments has every tax payer paying more than their share. On top of falsely claiming I supported taxes before BO I find it very interesting you rant about the cost of the war when in the last bill past to cover the war in Afghanistan more than 50% of the bill was pork put there and approved by the government that had NOTHING to do with the cost of the war.

On top of that how do you claim that people who pay a higher portion of their salaries and most of the total paid in taxes should not be the recipients of tax cuts as opposed to people who get more money from the government than they pay plus a bunch more in welfare programs and other socialist programs. You have many people paying zero taxes yet as a result of the nanny state still get what is called a tax refund. But how the hell can you refund money that was never paid? I feel for the people who have recently gotten hit by the economy resulting from the Democrats forcing banks to give mortgages to people who could not afford payments but you have people who have been unemployed going back 3 generations. That means they dont work, their parents didnt work. are you telling me in all that time none of them could find a job? They apparently got enough government welfare to raise another generation of unwilling to work kids. Apparently there were enough jobs for 12 million illegals risked death to come here to work. Those same illegals BO and the liberals want to make US citizens for breaking laws, stealing identities, and not paying taxes. Hell you mean even under Billy Boy Clinton the economy was so bad they couldnt find jobs? Then you must think Clinton a bad president? Why is it 2 years after BO became president he can still blame Bush but everything that happened the day Bush was elected is all his fault?

08/02/2010, 01:37 PM
I just knew this thread would turn this way. HWJ can't have it any other way. Cries way too much and has for years.

08/02/2010, 01:46 PM
Can I get a burger with gub'ment cheese?:D

:jump::jump::jump::jump::clap::clap::jump::jump::j ump:

Only if you voted democrat.

HWJ, as far as me working for you, you are right. I almost have a bachelors degree in nuclear engineering (well, 2 more classes, some stupid psychology class, and statistics) I make 75K a year, my civilian counterpart works 40 hours a week, and makes well over 6 figures starting,and that is in Idaho where the cost of living is nil.
If it weren't for us bullet sponges, whiny freeloaders wouldn't be able to whine and steal anymore:)
As far as taking anyone, every branch has close to a 1 year wait to come in, not just taking anyone...just those that are willing to work hard.

08/02/2010, 07:25 PM
I'm 5' 10" 165 lbs
I've been told I am attractive and have a rapist wit.
I have a college degree and who cares.
I work pretty hard in the office when I am not chatting with you cats.
Like you, I'm working so illegal immigrants can have free health coverage while government officials continue to dupe me while asking for more money.
I otherwise like to veg on the couch with my own medication
...or abuse myself in the garage while sober.
I also like poetry and long walks on the beach.
OH! ...and pina coladas in the rain. :heart:

"If it weren't for us bullet sponges, whiny freeloaders wouldn't be able to whine and steal anymore:)" I don't see how this could possibly be true...

08/02/2010, 07:34 PM
Capitalism is built upon the cheap labor so many people here disdain... what would happen without the day-laborers picking your fruits, building your houses, or doing any number of jobs you never would. The point is that everyone complains about immigrants, but this is why the political machines for the Irish, the bund for the Germans, and most recently the gangs exist and are part of society, it is people protecting one another as they make the machine called America work.

08/02/2010, 08:06 PM
...work almost as inefficiently as possible. A good portion of the gangs on this side of the country come from the kids of illegal immigrants which have IMHO mutated society, instead of trying to belong to it. But really, there is no winning ever since the natives were labeled Indians. The white man taking from the natives wasn't right then and their neighbors taking from us now is not right either. 'Cheap labor' nor 'day laborer' has to equal 'illegal immigrant'. There are rules and if you know someone who has shown the decency of becoming a citizen without the innappropriate use of a loophole you may see how difficult the disrespectful "illegals" make it for the respectable "legals" to get here. There should never be the question of whom you would rather have come to your house...

But... maybe I'm just upset you're driving my VX. HMMPT! ;)

08/02/2010, 08:42 PM
well storing :) driven her maybe fifty miles so far...

But a question though, as this thread spirals into self-destruction, who has the right to say who should be allowed in and who should not? I believe that there is a late thirties boat full of Jewish people that say sometimes the laws here do not quite work right...

08/02/2010, 08:53 PM
I think the real is joke is, "if republicans are so economically saavy, why did they get their butts kicked in the last election?"
I mean a landslide victory for Obama,
Majorities in the house and senate...
The reason is simple.
If you look at history, since say 1776..
Look at GNP, Stock market,Unemployment stats,growth in the private and public sector,and other economic indicators you will find something very interesting...
The country fairs better economically when Democrats are in power and worse when Republicans are in power.
That's not a rectally extracted talking point, that's a fact.
All you loudmouth conservatives should not take my word for it but crack a book and educate yourselves on a little thing called American history.
So again I say

Sit your a§§ down and get comfortable, Your side lost, and deservedly so...

08/02/2010, 09:14 PM
HOT_WASABI_JUNKIE speaks the truth with facts.

Now, a lot of people make up there own facts. That my friend is called a lie. Question - Why did we waste so many people and money in Iraq? Let's see if you will follow the lies or the facts. Question - Did you vote for GW twice? Then you follow the lies. This is not a Republican/Democrate thing. I'm neither, but if you voted TWICE for GW take a step back and ask why. There are a lot of facts out there. Remember, you can't make up your own fact. You can only make up lies.

There is nothing wrong with questioning your own self. Too many people don't do that. Many people do things because their parents did things a certain way. As a school teacher, some of these parents can't raise the own kids. I hope those students question their own self before they raise their own families. Sadly, that rarely happens. The cycle seems to always continue.

08/02/2010, 09:51 PM
Well let's see if we can get this done in 500 words or less.
From looking at this as an outsider's perspective that of not having a VX but hoping to be a insider soon with one I would hate to see anyone here feel alienated because I enjoy reading everyone's posts, informative and always fun. Because this is a place that no matter what we come for one common enjoyment. It doesn't matter black one white one, or candy striped one. That being said, if I see something that makes me angry I try not to fixate on it. If you see something this displeases you in a post. You don't have to read every reply until your livid but enough of my pre-face and the let's get down to the meat of things.

Writing this from Chicago and the great state of Illinois(Blagojevich's workers paradise). I've seen liberal machine politics. So finely honed that it's an art form. In the next day or so it looks a 3rd governor will to go to prison and we will need a damn gubernatorial wing.

To quote the punk band Suicidal Tendencies. I voted Regan, and I'd do it again and again and again! Yes, there is good and evil in every race and creed, and political slant. I just prefer the lesser of the 2 evils, which I believe is conservative.

Having been in Moscow and Leningrad in the early 80s and seen how communism works firsthand and if that's your particular slant . Fine... but let's do it the right way, like the good old Commies do yes the little old lady gets to live and eat for free. But what you don't see is the 80-year-old women out at 5 AM sub 0 temperatures sweeping cigarette butts off the sidewalk for the street sweeping trucks to get out of the gutter why the fear of being cut off from mother's milk. And that's what we need over here anyone collecting a government check you should be given a one block keep clean. Maybe then little Joey would say, to little Johnny. Please don't spray paint the walls or throw trash on my block, because then I'll have to get off my lazy duff and scrubbed the walls and pick up your garbage. And if I don't. I don't get my check at the end of the month.. And not to mention that at 18, every one of the proud citizens of this peaceful nation, would serve in its military for 4 years. Sorry, no conscientious objectors the gulags are for those Do you have any idea what an old-school Soviet bloc country would do to you. If your papers weren't in order will let alone being in the country illegally. Don't fool yourself, whatever cesspool country you came from. You would be begging to go back after they got done with you and if you're still not convinced. May I suggests some nice light reading Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged to see how socialism, taxation and a welfare state helps breed laziness and mediocrity I don't see why he should be punished for excellence and hard work.
on the note of taxation since when did death become taxable event. When was it okay for the US government to come in and pilfer/grave rob up to 50% because of unfortunate circumstances
I find it odd that a wild animal can kill a human in a national park and will be hunted down and killed immediately as a danger to society. Yet, gang members kill people in the streets every day and get off in court. There has been more people killed in the city of Chicago this year than in Afghanistan and Iraq combined. Yet, we have some of the toughest gun laws in the country
I find it odd that Hillary needed Obama to forgive 3 million campaign debt. they could not afford to pay that but they can afford to pay $2 million for daughter's wedding I find it odd that our president can pick a strategy for the top 10 basketball teams yet can't pick a clear and concise one on the war. I find it odd, that I've never had the expeditious, concise and overall pleasant experience at the Department of Motor Vehicles Hall of records County Courthouse or assessors office yet these are the people that are supposed to streamline my healthcare. I believe it is just the ultimate way to legislate lifestyle i.e. They will say drunks, drug attics. People with chronic disease are just too expensive for us to finance. But that will just be the start then they'll say, skiers, skateboarders, BMX guys. People who like to drink too much soda. People who eat too much candy. Your lifestyle is too risky and can afford to finance you either but now I am rambling so I'll wind it up by saying. I just think less government interference more personal choice less penalty. More re-ward for excellence and hard work, lower taxes. So there's more money in your pocket and to have some encouragement to be charitable just seems to me like that's the way to go

PS, I thought the picture the bear was really fun
and thanks to all those who serve or have served in our military

08/02/2010, 09:58 PM
I saw this and couldn't help but sharing it. We had a good laugh about it at work.


I guess a picture is worth 1000 words

08/02/2010, 10:00 PM

I love wasabi to!!!

08/02/2010, 10:01 PM
Now I got all my bases covered

08/02/2010, 10:50 PM
I think the real is joke is, "if republicans are so economically saavy, why did they get their butts kicked in the last election?"
I mean a landslide victory for Obama,
Majorities in the house and senate...
The reason is simple....

Yes very few who are eligible vote and those who do vote do not have to be here legally nor do they have to have a thought in there empty heads to vote. The only problem with a Republic is stupid people are allowed to vote.

If you look at history, since say 1776..
Look at GNP, Stock market,Unemployment stats,growth in the private and public sector,and other economic indicators you will find something very interesting...
The country fairs better economically when Democrats are in power and worse when Republicans are in power....

That is just a lie. We are currently worse under Bo than Bush. Sure you liberals blame Bush but it was your god BO who promised if we gave an $800,000,000,000 stimulous unemployment would not go over 8% (it went over and has stayed over) He either lied or did not know what he was talking about. When was the last time **** was this bad? Under the white BO Jimmy Carter. We could only get gas ecery other day at gas stations and they would often rub oyt after waiting 2-3 hours to get gas. Yes youngins in the 70s we had rationing and it was because of a liberal idiot who once was attacked and had to be saved by the secret service from a bunny rabbit. (this was not made up) It was Reagan who saved the economy and Bush senior who continued it. We then got Clinton who immediately started messing it up until we got a Republican house and senate. It is just Republicans are elected to fix an economy and then when things are smooth idiot voters forget and reelect Democrats who set about ruining it again.

That's not a rectally extracted talking point, that's a fact.
All you loudmouth conservatives should not take my word for it but crack a book and educate yourselves on a little thing called American history.
So again I say
Sit your a§§ down and get comfortable, Your side lost, and deservedly so...

Frankly I doubt your education comes close to mine. In History, economics, business or common sense. If you had a little education you would know politics goes in cycles and this was the Democrats turn. Frankly BO has sucked so bad as well as Pelosi and Reid that the Republicans will think he was the greatest thing ever to happen to the Republican party. And I only hope when the land slide occurs this November you take your own advice sit down shut up and read a book. And not like your messiah reads teleprompter actually read it understand it and remember it. Every economist in the world says taxes in a bad economy is a bad idea.

08/02/2010, 11:35 PM
That was very enlightening..
You have convinced me of something..
Guys in the Midwest don't get laid enough...
I gotta go cash my welfare check from all your tax money and buy drugs with it, because I like to be really high when I laugh about how totally pointless talking to a bunch of dittohead dorks who's panties get in a bunch because more than half the country won't be taken in by your bloated dogmatic rhetoric.... Including me...

08/03/2010, 12:40 AM
I always feel most enlightened when those with a far better education than I received, (not hard to trump me in that area) resort to speculative insult & name calling to make their point...:thanx:

Fresh cheeseburgers for my horses, & water for my troops!...:thumbup:

08/03/2010, 02:12 AM
I always feel most enlightened when those with a far better education than I received, (not hard to trump me in that area) resort to speculative insult & name calling to make their point...:thanx:

College did mean something back in the day you had to be smart:yesb:

have you met a college graduate in the last ten years:confused:

now it just means you can afford it and had nothing better to do:yesb:

08/03/2010, 06:00 AM
:badhorse: :argue: :_brickwal

08/03/2010, 07:21 AM
That was very enlightening..
You have convinced me of something..
Guys in the Midwest don't get laid enough...
I gotta go cash my welfare check from all your tax money and buy drugs with it, because I like to be really high when I laugh about how totally pointless talking to a bunch of dittohead dorks who's panties get in a bunch because more than half the country won't be taken in by your bloated dogmatic rhetoric.... Including me...

Cant make your point with facts so resort to name calling and insults. I am not sure what educational institution you went to but assume it wasone of those pass everybody or it will hurt their self esteem and that is more important than actually learning anything. However, this may allow you to become rich as a result of a lawsuit for failure to provide you with a quality education that you were entitled to. Of course it wasnt your fault if you did not knuckle down and study instead of taking a social promotion.

Now if having a liberal govt is so much more economically advantagious please explain the financial health of California (the most liberal of states), New York City, Detroit (and Michigan as a whole), Pittsburgh, Philidelphia, Boston, as well as many other liberal cities that never seem to have enough money despite siphoning it from small towns around them.

08/03/2010, 07:41 AM
You've convinced me!

Palin in 2012!

08/03/2010, 07:58 AM
You've convinced me!

Palin in 2012!

Even Im not that nuts. If it helps I am not a fan of the Republicans of late either

08/03/2010, 09:34 AM
College did mean something back in the day you had to be smart:yesb:

have you met a college graduate in the last ten years:confused:

now it just means you can afford it and had nothing better to do:yesb:

that's funny! http://www.smileyshut.com/smileys/new/Laughing/lol-049.gif (http://www.smileyshut.com/Smileys/Smiley-Huts-Free-Laughing-Smileys.html)

08/03/2010, 11:15 AM
that's funny! http://www.smileyshut.com/smileys/new/Laughing/lol-049.gif (http://www.smileyshut.com/Smileys/Smiley-Huts-Free-Laughing-Smileys.html)

He is right, it used to be only smart kids, athletes and rich kids went to college. Now anyone can go to school. Tuition loans are the third highest expenditure in the US government. Number one is social programs, the government pays out 75% of what the TOTAL DOD defense budget is into the welfare program. That includes equipment, soldiers, retirement, research and so on. 75%!!!!!!! So when you complain about how much the military spends, remember, almost 3/4 of that amount is just given away to people who aren't working. That is an investment with little to no return.
In my current class I am teaching, I have 5 students with college degrees, 1 with a masters in computer science. So the thought that the military will take just anyone is out the window. College is to the point that it is useless since so many get degrees. If we were to streamline our college programs, similar to Australia, you only take courses related to your major. No more stupid British Literature courses and whatnot, this way, you are much better at your chosen topic. College is a scam. No reason one of those books should cost 200 bucks. I am enrolled in school, the military paid 900 bucks for calcI. It was an online, self taught course. What did the government pay for?!

08/03/2010, 04:58 PM
That is just a lie. We are currently worse under Bo than Bush. (this was not made up) It was Reagan who saved the economy and Bush senior who continued it. We then got Clinton who immediately started messing it up until we got a Republican house and senate. It is just Republicans are elected to fix an economy and then when things are smooth idiot voters forget and reelect Democrats who set about ruining it again.[/B]

So, set me straight with your higher education. You say Clinton messed things up. How many jobs did Clinton create under his 8 years? Please compare that to Reagan, Bush I, and Bush II and get back with me please. Do me another favor. Go ahead and compare Crazy Carter too. Let's see, I think he was only in office for one term if I'm correct.

You know what? I think I found it. What do you think? Get back to me o.k.?http://blogs.wsj.com/economics/2009/01/09/bush-on-jobs-the-worst-track-record-on-record/

08/03/2010, 05:37 PM
So, set me straight with your higher education. You say Clinton messed things up. How many jobs did Clinton create under his 8 years? Please compare that to Reagan, Bush I, and Bush II and get back with me please. Do me another favor. Go ahead and compare Crazy Carter too. Let's see, I think he was only in office for one term if I'm correct.

You know what? I think I found it. What do you think? Get back to me o.k.?http://blogs.wsj.com/economics/2009/01/09/bush-on-jobs-the-worst-track-record-on-record/

Interesting, I noticed that if you take into account lack of douchebaggery, Reagan wins by a landslide. Having said that, remember that the Clinton administration created a lot of jobs out of nothing. This resulted in the current housing crisis. Telling people they have money to spend that they really don't have, forcing the banks to give them the money, therefore buying things on credit, resulting in more jobs. We see where that got us...you can buy a 3700 sqft house brand new in my area for 170K out the door. (or in the door, pun intended). 8 houses down from me, same neighborhood, a 1400 sqft house by the same manufacturer sold for close to 200K new 5 years ago. A home is the most important thing you will ever buy, other than life insurance if you have a family. This drives our economy, so now most every house in my community that is more than 2 or 3 years old is upside down by 50-100K. I am right on that cusp, mine is only 2400 sqft, but I have every bell and whistle you can get, so I hope I can get what I paid a few years ago when I leave next year. Fix the housing market, and everything else will fall into place.
This is not at a presidential level to fix. Our city planners have to approve every home that is built. Rather than stop home construction, they continue to let builders develop, meanwhile, homeowners that are trying to sell are stuck. New houses=higher property tax=more revenue. I talked to a lawyer about a class action against the city planners. He agreed we had a case, but it would take so long, and so much money, there was no way I will be here long enough to see it to fruition.

08/04/2010, 03:15 AM


08/04/2010, 06:31 AM
I take exception to that. I are college gradumicated & I'm the smartest person I know ... 'course I don't know that many people.

08/04/2010, 07:19 AM
I attended 2 colleges.... dropped out of both. School simply conflicted with my party time. Priorities my friends, priorities.

08/04/2010, 07:19 AM
I take exception to that. I are college gradumicated & I'm the smartest person I know ... 'course I don't know that many people.

college edjumacated? And Hamburger and clown colleges are not real colleges.

08/04/2010, 09:03 AM
college edjumacated? And Hamburger and clown colleges are not real colleges.

Prolly ... but I gots Nacho Cheese in my 'a' key a while back & it sticks now. Every once in a while I gotta substitute dif'rent letters to compensate.

08/04/2010, 01:33 PM
So, set me straight with your higher education. You say Clinton messed things up. How many jobs did Clinton create under his 8 years? Please compare that to Reagan, Bush I, and Bush II and get back with me please. Do me another favor. Go ahead and compare Crazy Carter too. Let's see, I think he was only in office for one term if I'm correct.

You know what? I think I found it. What do you think? Get back to me o.k.?http://blogs.wsj.com/economics/2009/01/09/bush-on-jobs-the-worst-track-record-on-record/

According to the American Thinker here are the rankings of the Presidents and the economy as it occured under them. As you can see 3 of top 4 were under Republicans, a majority were Republicans and that bat **** crazy Carter was LAST PLACE.

By the way American Thinker uses scientific facts and figures and does not quotes some BLOG as if it is fact. Hence the gragh and financial figures

Why is it all these young liberals seem to think anything posted on a Blog is a fact. It is NOT. It is some persons opinion. Opinions are like assho&*) everyone has one and they all stink

However, if we rank the Presidents by economic performance over the fiscal budgets plus the 1-year lag, we obtain the following.

Ranked by FY + 1 Yr Lag
1 JFK/LBJ (5.7)
2 Reagan 1 (5.0)
3 Ike 2 (4.5)
4 Nixon/Ford (4.2)
5 Clinton 1 (3.7)
6 Truman (3.3)
7 Nixon, Reagan 2 (3.2)
9 W. Bush 1 (2.9)
10 LBJ (2.8)
11 Ike 1 (2.7)
12 Clinton 2 (2.6)
13 H. W. Bush, (2.5)
14 W. Bush 2* (1.5)
15 Carter (0.6)

By this method, three of the top four spots go to Republicans and the bottom six slots are evenly split between the parties.

Scott Harness
08/04/2010, 04:43 PM
I don't think one person(president) has very much effect on the economy,too many factors. Big business does better in Republican Land.
There is no trickle-down effect in most cases.
Random thoughts from a college drop-out.lol:bgwb:

08/04/2010, 04:55 PM
circmand, I must commend you on the amount of work that went into that post. In the end, all presidents have their good sides and their bad. Just look at Lincoln and how he tried to arrest a supreme court judge. :P

08/04/2010, 05:17 PM
Random thoughts from a college drop-out.lol:bgwb:


I kinda remember going to college...partys...:laughing:

Somehow, forgot to ever enroll...:_thinking

08/04/2010, 05:25 PM
We were talking about this stuff at work today, and we came to the conclusion that it does not matter who the president is. He actually doesn't really do anything. House and senate are where the real problems fester. 8 years and they get 100K a year for life and free medical. That is waves beyond what the military gets, and we have to do 20 years and actually do something for it. What does a senator or rep really do? I think there needs to be a wholesale purge on our entire political system. There is way too much money involved. *sigh*, I really do not know what can be done, but the system is so screwed up, it isn't even functional anymore. Our judicial system is a farce, we pay agencies that watch agencies that are in charge of watching businesses. How many people do we needlessly employ? Why can't we do a fair tax, 10% for everyone, think of how many billions we would save in tax processing alone!!! No more loop holes for the rich, why do I have to pay taxes on things that have already been taxed? (used cars, how much is collected in tax revenue through one lifetime of the average $20K car?!) Why are there handicap spots at 6 flags? If you can wheel across 100 acres of rides and fun, you can wheel across 10 acres of parking lot. Why aren't churches taxed? They are HUGE businesses. Why do we fight about gay marriage and abortion when they affect such a minute portion of our population, it should be a non issue. Why aren't there caps on what a candidate can spend on their campaign? Why is everyone allowed to vote? There should be a test when you vote, everyone has the opportunity to go to school for free,so reading is a non-issue. Why are there GD illegal immigrants everywhere, and being allowed to protest without having their asses sent back to their country with a bill? Why do we pay for illegals to have babies and provide them with welfare? An illegal born child should go straight to adoption, do know how many people want babies that can't have their own?! Why did california say no to solar farms in the desert to offset energy generation by coal/nuke because of some stupid *** tortoise that has no role in the food chain? (That one really irks me, one group of douche hippies vs another, and the worst of the two one!) Why do we cater to minorities when it directly undermines the purpose of democracy? Why do I have to worry about offending someone? How is the NAACP allowed to go on, when if there was a white version, or an all white college, or scholarships for only white kids, the world would be in an uproar? Why do we pay retarded athletes millions of dollars a year and not hold them to higher standards? Why is the word retarded all of a sudden taboo?

Rant off. I am moving to Alaska, not too many problems there.

08/04/2010, 05:38 PM
Thas one of the best rantz evah.

08/04/2010, 05:58 PM
Thas one of the best rantz evah.

X2 good rant Marlin:yesb:

08/04/2010, 06:05 PM
House and senate are where the real problems fester

I will say it again:


08/04/2010, 06:45 PM
What, so the crypt-keeper (Strom Thurmond) ideal can never happen again? :)

08/04/2010, 06:49 PM
What, so the crypt-keeper (Strom Thurmond) ideal can never happen again? :)


Scott Harness
08/05/2010, 05:59 AM
We were talking about this stuff at work today, and we came to the conclusion that it does not matter who the president is. He actually doesn't really do anything. House and senate are where the real problems fester. 8 years and they get 100K a year for life and free medical. That is waves beyond what the military gets, and we have to do 20 years and actually do something for it. What does a senator or rep really do? I think there needs to be a wholesale purge on our entire political system. There is way too much money involved. *sigh*, I really do not know what can be done, but the system is so screwed up, it isn't even functional anymore. Our judicial system is a farce, we pay agencies that watch agencies that are in charge of watching businesses. How many people do we needlessly employ? Why can't we do a fair tax, 10% for everyone, think of how many billions we would save in tax processing alone!!! No more loop holes for the rich, why do I have to pay taxes on things that have already been taxed? (used cars, how much is collected in tax revenue through one lifetime of the average $20K car?!) Why are there handicap spots at 6 flags? If you can wheel across 100 acres of rides and fun, you can wheel across 10 acres of parking lot. Why aren't churches taxed? They are HUGE businesses. Why do we fight about gay marriage and abortion when they affect such a minute portion of our population, it should be a non issue. Why aren't there caps on what a candidate can spend on their campaign? Why is everyone allowed to vote? There should be a test when you vote, everyone has the opportunity to go to school for free,so reading is a non-issue. Why are there GD illegal immigrants everywhere, and being allowed to protest without having their asses sent back to their country with a bill? Why do we pay for illegals to have babies and provide them with welfare? An illegal born child should go straight to adoption, do know how many people want babies that can't have their own?! Why did california say no to solar farms in the desert to offset energy generation by coal/nuke because of some stupid *** tortoise that has no role in the food chain? (That one really irks me, one group of douche hippies vs another, and the worst of the two one!) Why do we cater to minorities when it directly undermines the purpose of democracy? Why do I have to worry about offending someone? How is the NAACP allowed to go on, when if there was a white version, or an all white college, or scholarships for only white kids, the world would be in an uproar? Why do we pay retarded athletes millions of dollars a year and not hold them to higher standards? Why is the word retarded all of a sudden taboo?

Rant off. I am moving to Alaska, not too many problems there.

X2...It really boils down to common sense and natural selection...aka... stop breeding stupid people!

08/05/2010, 07:03 AM
We were talking about this stuff at work today, and we came to the conclusion that it does not matter who the president is. He actually doesn't really do anything. House and senate are where the real problems fester. 8 years and they get 100K a year for life and free medical. That is waves beyond what the military gets, and we have to do 20 years and actually do something for it. What does a senator or rep really do? I think there needs to be a wholesale purge on our entire political system. There is way too much money involved. *sigh*, I really do not know what can be done, but the system is so screwed up, it isn't even functional anymore. Our judicial system is a farce, we pay agencies that watch agencies that are in charge of watching businesses. How many people do we needlessly employ? Why can't we do a fair tax, 10% for everyone, think of how many billions we would save in tax processing alone!!! No more loop holes for the rich, why do I have to pay taxes on things that have already been taxed? (used cars, how much is collected in tax revenue through one lifetime of the average $20K car?!) Why are there handicap spots at 6 flags? If you can wheel across 100 acres of rides and fun, you can wheel across 10 acres of parking lot. Why aren't churches taxed? They are HUGE businesses. Why do we fight about gay marriage and abortion when they affect such a minute portion of our population, it should be a non issue. Why aren't there caps on what a candidate can spend on their campaign? Why is everyone allowed to vote? There should be a test when you vote, everyone has the opportunity to go to school for free,so reading is a non-issue. Why are there GD illegal immigrants everywhere, and being allowed to protest without having their asses sent back to their country with a bill? Why do we pay for illegals to have babies and provide them with welfare? An illegal born child should go straight to adoption, do know how many people want babies that can't have their own?! Why did california say no to solar farms in the desert to offset energy generation by coal/nuke because of some stupid *** tortoise that has no role in the food chain? (That one really irks me, one group of douche hippies vs another, and the worst of the two one!) Why do we cater to minorities when it directly undermines the purpose of democracy? Why do I have to worry about offending someone? How is the NAACP allowed to go on, when if there was a white version, or an all white college, or scholarships for only white kids, the world would be in an uproar? Why do we pay retarded athletes millions of dollars a year and not hold them to higher standards? Why is the word retarded all of a sudden taboo?

Rant off. I am moving to Alaska, not too many problems there.

X2...It really boils down to common sense and natural selection...aka... stop breeding stupid people!

See, there is the problem. Stupid people don't realize they're stupid. LOL :bwgy:


08/05/2010, 07:11 AM
X2...It really boils down to common sense and natural selection...aka... stop breeding stupid people!

See, there is the problem. Stupid people don't realize they're stupid. LOL :bwgy:


I wonder if some of em' even realize they're breeding...:_confused

"HEY...what's happening to my "special purpose"...:eek:

08/05/2010, 07:23 AM
X2...It really boils down to common sense and natural selection...aka... stop breeding stupid people!

See, there is the problem. Stupid people don't realize they're stupid. LOL :bwgy:


we all agree on something

Scott Harness
08/05/2010, 09:17 AM
I wonder if some of em' even realize they're breeding...:_confused

"HEY...what's happening to my "special purpose"...:eek:

"WELL"... we all need a "little" special purpose. LOL... classic Ldub Thanks

08/05/2010, 08:02 PM
Kill this ******* thread plz.

08/05/2010, 11:15 PM
X2...It really boils down to common sense and natural selection...aka... stop breeding stupid people!I'm stupid AND still smart enough not to breed... my gift to you and me.

08/06/2010, 07:23 AM
Kill this ******* thread plz.

Dont read it. Simple as that. Frankly there are many threads on the site I find dull or stupid. I just ignore them the use the quicklink to mark threads read. Just because I do not like them I dont presume to judge whether others should be allowed to read them.

08/06/2010, 08:07 AM
I'm 5' 10" 165 lbs
I've been told I am attractive and have a rapist wit.
I have a college degree and who cares.
I work pretty hard in the office when I am not chatting with you cats.
Like you, I'm working so illegal immigrants can have free health coverage while government officials continue to dupe me while asking for more money.
I otherwise like to veg on the couch with my own medication
...or abuse myself in the garage while sober.
I also like poetry and long walks on the beach.
OH! ...and pina coladas in the rain. :heart:

I'm stupid AND still smart enough not to breed... my gift to you and me.

I don't see how these two can both be true:)

08/06/2010, 08:08 AM
Dont read it. Simple as that. Frankly there are many threads on the site I find dull or stupid. I just ignore them the use the quicklink to mark threads read. Just because I do not like them I dont presume to judge whether others should be allowed to read them.


08/06/2010, 08:16 AM
I don't see how these two can both be true:)

Zeus is just a paragon of disparities.

I don't think that he sees the world in black & white like we do ... it's more of a psychodelic maelstrom.

08/06/2010, 09:51 AM
I'm 5' 10" 165 lbs
I've been told I am attractive and have a rapist wit.
I have a college degree and who cares.
I work pretty hard in the office when I am not chatting with you cats.
Like you, I'm working so illegal immigrants can have free health coverage while government officials continue to dupe me while asking for more money.
I otherwise like to veg on the couch with my own medication
...or abuse myself in the garage while sober.
I also like poetry and long walks on the beach.
OH! ...and pina coladas in the rain. :heart:

Sorry, couldn't resist...:laugho:

I'm too sexy for my shirt too sexy for my shirt
So sexy it hurts...
I'm too sexy for my car too sexy for my car
Too sexy by far
And I'm too sexy for my hat
Too sexy for my hat what do you think about that

And I'm too sexy for this song too sexy for my cloths, too sexy for my shirt

http://www.smileyshut.com/smileys/new/Laughing/lol-045.gif (http://www.smileyshut.com/Smileys/Smiley-Huts-Free-Laughing-Smileys.html)

08/06/2010, 12:50 PM
Zeus is just a paragon of disparities.

I don't think that he sees the world in black & white like we do ... it's more of a psychodelic maelstrom.

Must be that self medication, I remember hearing something about chocolate monkeys or some such.

08/07/2010, 11:09 AM
I don't see how these two can both be true:)Well see when you are a victim of a two-party system you are stuck behind the facade of two personalities... like what's in my head. One is the war-mongering Republican hot-head and the other is the hippie Democrat who wants to fake world peace.
So you see, to apease everyone else involved, the two must speak in lies to co-exist! :yeso:

Zeus is just a paragon of disparities.

I don't think that he sees the world in black & white like we do ... it's more of a psychodelic maelstrom.Psycho... delic - "Only a Sith deals in absolutes."

Sorry, couldn't resist...:laugho:

I'm too sexy for my shirt too sexy for my shirt

So sexy it hurts...

I'm too sexy for my car too sexy for my car

Too sexy by far

And I'm too sexy for my hat

Too sexy for my hat what do you think about that

And I'm too sexy for this song too sexy for my cloths, too sexy for my shirt

http://www.smileyshut.com/smileys/new/Laughing/lol-045.gif (http://www.smileyshut.com/Smileys/Smiley-Huts-Free-Laughing-Smileys.html)"Right.", said Fred.

Must be that self medication, I remember hearing something about chocolate monkeys or some such.Ailments and remedies come in many forms.

08/07/2010, 11:56 AM
Wait!...What'd I miss? Dub and Bart making cheese burgers? I want one!

I'll have the South Park Conservative combo with extra porn.:naughty:

08/07/2010, 08:38 PM
Wait!...What'd I miss? Dub and Bart making cheese burgers? I want one!

I'll have the South Park Conservative combo with extra porn.:naughty:

Here ya go Bro...:yesgray:

Steamin' hot off da grille...http://www.dgrin.com/images/smilies/burger.gif.http://www.dgrin.com/images/smilies/burger.gif.http://www.dgrin.com/images/smilies/burger.gif.http://www.dgrin.com/images/smilies/burger.gif.http://www.dgrin.com/images/smilies/burger.gif.http://www.dgrin.com/images/smilies/burger.gif.http://www.dgrin.com/images/smilies/burger.gif.http://www.dgrin.com/images/smilies/burger.gif.http://www.dgrin.com/images/smilies/burger.gif.http://www.dgrin.com/images/smilies/burger.gif.http://www.dgrin.com/images/smilies/burger.gif.http://www.dgrin.com/images/smilies/burger.gif.http://www.dgrin.com/images/smilies/burger.gif

08/08/2010, 05:31 AM
Here ya go Bro...:yesgray:

Steamin' hot off da grille...http://www.dgrin.com/images/smilies/burger.gif.http://www.dgrin.com/images/smilies/burger.gif.http://www.dgrin.com/images/smilies/burger.gif.http://www.dgrin.com/images/smilies/burger.gif.http://www.dgrin.com/images/smilies/burger.gif.http://www.dgrin.com/images/smilies/burger.gif.http://www.dgrin.com/images/smilies/burger.gif.http://www.dgrin.com/images/smilies/burger.gif.http://www.dgrin.com/images/smilies/burger.gif.http://www.dgrin.com/images/smilies/burger.gif.http://www.dgrin.com/images/smilies/burger.gif.http://www.dgrin.com/images/smilies/burger.gif.http://www.dgrin.com/images/smilies/burger.gif

Ummm, you forgot his side of porn.

08/08/2010, 06:26 AM
Ummm, you forgot his side of porn.

You probably hadn't noticed the pg rating on this site...:_thinking

That's why all porn is delivered via email...:smilewink

08/08/2010, 08:24 AM
You probably hadn't noticed the pg rating on this site...:_thinking

That's why all porn is delivered via email...:smilewink

LMAO, this video is funny, and completely G rated, it would be on the discovery channel:
If you listen at the 10 second mark , a little boy says "hes trying to open his mouth", and then at 30 sec, you hear a kid say "hes trying to make a baby"...I am hurting from laughing so hard.

Apparently this happens all the time, I found some videos, same thing, different times. I even learned a few new moves watching them.

Luna X
08/08/2010, 08:43 AM
oh no...... does this have some connection to how "chocolate monkeys" are made?!?

08/08/2010, 02:24 PM
PG porn is my favorite.


P.S. Yes that's how Dub makes mud monkeys.:rolly2:

You probably hadn't noticed the pg rating on this site...:_thinking

That's why all porn is delivered via email...:smilewink

08/08/2010, 02:49 PM
PG porn is my favorite.


P.S. Yes that's how Dub makes mud monkeys.:rolly2:

I am not a big fan of a girl that can kick my ***, and your porn has to be PG, Salt Lake City, home of the Mormons...:)

08/08/2010, 06:53 PM
I am not a big fan of a girl that can kick my ***, and your porn has to be PG, Salt Lake City, home of the Mormons...:)

I prefer my porn much more hardcore!
Check out this video on YouTube:


Sent from my iPhone 4

08/09/2010, 10:23 AM
I am not a big fan of a girl that can kick my ***, and your porn has to be PG, Salt Lake City, home of the Mormons...:)

She can kick my ars any time she wants. :yeso: