View Full Version : Sorry Dub...

07/22/2010, 10:08 PM
...my 'new stature of blue' disallows me of the ability to create that oh-so-familiar witty reply in regards to your standard lovingly obnoxious PM (or vice versa) I received earlier this evening.

You see, it seems my abundant free space enclosed within PM storage has been justly stripped from me ever since I let my 'Site Supporter' status lapse. I know... I feel the resonating loss of equity within your distant trembles of horror. What ever would cause someone to put this on themselves...? I mean, to cut short the life-enhancing, benefit-giving, decency of being known as a true and bonafied "Site Supporter" versus a measely "Super VXer"... holy gasp, I am NOT EVEN a 'Super VXer'... since moving on from the swanky psuedo art car 'VX' to blank canvas 'Blazer' I am just a scummy former VXer turned traitor. As a side effect, "Super VXer" feels so lowly and contradictory... rightfully, something more along the lines of, I dunno, "Not Quite There VXer" or something applies more accurately?

Dub, you know the glory of being deemed "Site Supporter" :smilewink instead of "Not Quite There VXer" :rollb2:. But can you imagine a world full of people who do not? To them, I would say, bask in the glory of increased PM storage, increased gallery potential, improved picture attachment postings, custom avatar usage, compiled buddy lists, and much much more! Look at my screen name in blue - DISGUSTING! Silver is where it's at! :yesgray:

To you tho, Dub... I say, I must support this site because actions speak louder than words and "Super VXer" does not apply to me nor maybe anyone else in this crazy, invisible guy-forsaken world until we actually and truly commit to the super deed of supporting our loved VXer supporting site.

Only a turd, I mean a third, of what is needed to maintain this site has been acheived this month... I will not, I shall not, I cannot, be one of the contributors to this foul doing; no sir; no thank you. I shall instead be a contributor of sustenance and forward vision - like the VX (I thangu :p).

Man, I hope nobody else reads this wish-it-could-be-private message... can you imagine? I shall go now to the home page so that I may simply click "Donations (http://www.vehicross.info/modules.php?name=Donations)" in the Donation Goal pane on the right of the page to once more feel at one with the universe.

Love Always,
Joe Red Dirt

07/22/2010, 11:12 PM
I take it he gave you crap for not being a supporter full time lol. Oh wait, should I reply to someone else's PM?

07/23/2010, 05:44 AM
Well played Bro Zeus...:dance:

And thanx for giving me a reason (good or not) to post one of my fave pics...:laughing:


You should now continue to bask in the glory...:yesgray:

07/23/2010, 06:58 AM
I like my Super VXer name, way better than not having one at all, lol

07/23/2010, 08:10 AM
I like my Super VXer name, way better than not having one at all, lol

Satisfaction is found by different people, in many different ways...:yesgray:

I'm happy for you....:yes:

07/23/2010, 08:46 AM

07/23/2010, 10:38 AM
Awesome Zeus!!
I think you're secretly a writer...or a satirist ...or should be! :thumbup:

Scott Harness
07/23/2010, 10:42 AM
I knew there was a thinking man in there somewhere:yesb:

07/23/2010, 07:09 PM
I take it he gave you crap for not being a supporter full time lol. Oh wait, should I reply to someone else's PM?Yeah, it's one of his trademarks. Skulls and donations and booze.

Well played Bro Zeus...:dance:

And thanx for giving me a reason (good or not) to post one of my fave pics...:laughing:


You should now continue to bask in the glory...:yesgray:LMAO Dub, I can only imagine how long you have had that ready for use!

Awesome Zeus!!
I think you're secretly a writer...or a satirist ...or should be! :thumbup:Thanks Sue! I aspire to fail at MANY things... at which I fully succeed!

I knew there was a thinking man in there somewhere:yesb:Funny you should say so since I was drunk and more when I wrote that... I was feeling nostalgic. :yesy:

07/23/2010, 07:59 PM
That indeed was a great piece of writing Mr.Z

07/24/2010, 01:05 PM
Top 10 favorite threads of all time.

:_beer: Bart

07/24/2010, 07:01 PM
Justin, since you don't have "Zeus" any more, I think you should change your screen name to "Red Headed Step Child VXer"

Whaddaya think? I think it fits.



07/25/2010, 10:15 AM
HAHA! I was wondering what to re-register as. Someone in Moab mentioned "Artist formerly known as Zeus". I actually like 'Joe Red Dirt' tho - it fits real well! Of course I also thought about "LOTCR"...

07/25/2010, 10:55 AM
Of course I also thought about "LOTCR"...

Nay, then you'd just have to go 'splain that to everybody.....:dan_ban::laugho:

07/25/2010, 11:13 AM
HAHA! I was wondering what to re-register as. Someone in Moab mentioned "Artist formerly known as Zeus". I actually like 'Joe Red Dirt' tho - it fits real well! Of course I also thought about "LOTCR"...

Yeah, I do like Joe Red Dirt. Or "Dirté".



07/25/2010, 12:52 PM
Yeah, I do like Joe Red Dirt. Or "Dirté".



Yeah, it's french