View Full Version : This is awesome!

06/29/2010, 08:41 PM
This is funny, saw it on ebay:

http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Isuzu-RODEO-sport-VehiCROSS-amigo-TROOPER-AXIOM-diesel-_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQhashZitem20b1bc9259QQitemZ14042 0878937QQptZMotorsQ5fCarQ5fTruckQ5fPartsQ5fAccesso ries

06/30/2010, 07:28 AM
That IS funny! Gotta love the Stewie!

06/30/2010, 08:34 AM
See, I disagree. If it was Cartman, I would laugh, but IMO, Stewie is NOT funny. I just don't get it. Family guy is like 10% funny, 90% stupid parodies and singing and dancing. South Park is where it's at! Family Guy is mediocre.


06/30/2010, 08:49 AM
^ lol, I like South Park too, it wasn't because it's Stewie that I think it's funny, it could be Calvin and I'd giggle because it's for our Isuzu's. But Family Guy is pretty funny, especially the Star Wars episodes.

06/30/2010, 08:53 AM
^ lol, I like South Park too, it wasn't because it's Stewie that I think it's funny, it could be Calvin and I'd giggle because it's for our Isuzu's. But Family Guy is pretty funny, especially the Star Wars episodes.

I do get a chuckle here and there outta Family Guy, I guess I just don't get why people think Stewie is funny. IMO, he is like the LEAST funny character on the show. I dunno, I have a strange sense of humor anyhow. Plus, I always love a good cartoon debate!

:thumbup: Bart

06/30/2010, 09:00 AM
Ya stewie isn't that funny, he has his moments (like when he asked brians son to a naked tea party "I've got my tea cup, and my tea pot, now all I need is a tea bag, is that something that interests you?" lol) but I like Peter and Quagmire the best i think.

06/30/2010, 10:14 AM
Giggitty giggitty giggitty lol - I'm a fan of any episode where they do a scene inside Quagmire's love shack. :)

Oh and the least funny character is either Lois' dad, Joe, or Meg, hands down.

06/30/2010, 10:57 AM
I think Peter's dad was the least funniest, I think Louis's dad has a few good moments, like this one:


and this one:


Joe has a few moments too but he's not that funny, but when other characters pick on him, it's kinda funny. Meg sucks though lol, it's just funny when other people talk crap about her, she doesn't really do anything funny, she just sets people up