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02/11/2010, 11:44 AM
OK Eastern VXers, lets see some Snowpocalypse photos!!! (that is, if you have power still).

:) Bart

02/11/2010, 11:51 AM
OK Eastern VXers, lets see some Snowpocalypse photos!!! (that is, if you have power still).

:) Bart

I'll try to post some later today.

02/11/2010, 08:26 PM
Here are 2 recent ones for ya Bart:


This is a Honda Civic that didn't make it up the hill I live on. The car has been stuck here since Friday the 5th.


I took the VX to the grocery store last night....this is what I found.
Where's all that 69 cent bread??? :_confused

02/11/2010, 08:27 PM
http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/data/500/medium/SNC00019.jpg (http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/showphoto.php?photo=16737)
http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/data/500/medium/SNC00018.jpg (http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/showphoto.php?photo=16736)

02/11/2010, 10:05 PM


02/12/2010, 04:18 AM
During snowfall


After diggin out


That's Sean, Cutie Pie & Kelly (L-R) 'helping' me dig out.

BTW, I don't know who's minivan that is - I just let him park there whilst digging out his mother's driveway down the street (there was nowhere else for him to park).

02/12/2010, 06:12 AM
http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/data/500/medium/SNC00039.jpg (http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/showphoto.php?photo=16772)

02/12/2010, 08:05 AM
I purposely did not take pics because I want nothing to remind me of the 11.5 tons of snow I moved in total from my driveway, by shovel.

02/12/2010, 08:31 AM
I purposely did not take pics because I want nothing to remind me of the 11.5 tons of snow I moved in total from my driveway, by shovel.

C'mon dood, it's good for your back! :rolleyes:


02/12/2010, 09:02 AM
I might live in Colorado now, but I'm originally from the deep South, and this is how we measure snow down in Louisiana.


02/12/2010, 09:24 AM
I might live in Colorado now, but I'm originally from the deep South, and this is how we measure snow down in Louisiana.

Tell me about it. I'm in southern Alabama right now. You'd think it was the zombie apocalypse, with all the emergency ticker on TV telling us about all schools closed today. There's litterally more rain than snow right now. And the news is filled with local gov telling us to all stay off the roads. The govt is shut down! haha

02/13/2010, 06:28 PM
Here is a video of my driveway (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cgr57fqmao4) as of the middle of storm #2. I only measured 17" of snow, but that doesn't include all the snow that melted before the asphalt cooled enough, or the packing that occurred overnight. If I didn't have a nice snow blower my driveway would still (mostly) be under 2 feet of snow (like my deck.)

Riff Raff
02/13/2010, 07:13 PM
That's Sean, Cutie Pie & Kelly (L-R) 'helping' me dig out.

Tom4Bren--- Your dogs aren't helping you dig out; they are actually trying to bury a surprize for you to step in later!!!:laughing:

CobraJet--- Nice video. I love your positive attitude and good spirits in your narration. You made the best out of a challenging situation. Of course; it's always nice to have the proper equipment, like your handy snow-blower (which did an awesome job BTW).:bgwb:

Scott Harness
02/14/2010, 08:48 AM
I don't have pics yet. My dog chewed up my camera!
Dallas got 12.5 inches on Thursday alone! 100+year record!!!
Trees down everywhere, alot of people with no power.
Today(Sunday) it's nearly all gone, just mud now.
It was amazing watching it come down:yesb:

02/14/2010, 11:37 AM
Yep! What Scott just said. Also, I was one of the lucky 200,000 who lost power for two days. Just came on this morning.

02/14/2010, 11:41 AM
I don't have pics yet. My dog chewed up my camera!

Yep! What Scott just said.

Also, I was one of the lucky 200,000 who lost power for two days. Just came on this morning.

Wait just one minute...:confused:

Y'mean BOTH of you had your camera eaten by a dog?

Is this a common thing in Texas?...:rotate:

Glad you got power back Tom...:thumbup:

02/14/2010, 03:29 PM
We have had it pretty easy here in Chi-Town, and the guys at work miss my antics out in the parking lot... :_steering I put on a small show as I was leaving work last night, and they thought (1) The VX is amazing, and (2) I'm a bit nuts... They are correct on both points! :goof:

02/15/2010, 07:49 AM
Last Thursday, Frederick County (where I live in MD) raised a "non emergency vehicles PROHIBITED on roadways, fine-able of $500 if caught" rule. Sorta-kinda knowingly, I still ventured out to go the 30 miles to work (which was the only place open for 30,000 miles!). This "rule" was put in effect due to extreme blizzard conditions that caused up to 8ft drifts across roadways. My county is quite open with sprawling fields so in most cases, you simply had to try to stay between telephone poles to know you were even on the road. Visibility could go from 1/4 mile to 1/4" in a second, as it did quite often. Anyways, I heard about the "rule" but no mention of the fine....

Guess who came to a National Guard/MD State Police roadblock?


After 5 minutes of a screaming lecture by MD's finest, I was let go with a warning. I was only about 2 miles from the county border at that point, so he told me NOT to re-enter the county until the "rule" was lifted. I got to work in Montgomery County, where clearly there was no wind and roads were quite clear (that's saying a lot for this county) and after work, headed back home, where the "rule" was still in effect, heh. No issues and conditions were MUCH more improved (took a more wooded route, avoiding open fields).

Needless to say, it was VERY stressful and I was filled with anxiety that entire drive. Conditions were very dangerous and their "rule" was quite justified. I felt like an idiot for thinking I was so "brave", but having no fear of snow, knowledge of vehicle control in various conditions, and having a vehicle that was quite capable (the VX... c'mon, did you think the STi could tackle drifts up to my rooftop?!!), I managed better than most would expect. Good times at the cost of higher blood pressure, heh.

EDIT: I want to add just how AWESOME Nitto Terra Grapplers are in deep snow. I mean, I had NO problems. And we are talking going through snow, in most cases, up to the headlights.

02/15/2010, 09:12 AM
Thursday in Northern VA wasn't bad at all. I had to go in to work to print and stuff invoices into Fedex envelopes (the only task I cannot do from home.) The main roads were all clear, just the local community roads still had some remaining slush or packed snow, and lanes blocked by snow piles. In spite of the road conditions, I made it to work in record time. My Blizzaks made driving over packed snow and ice feel like asphalt. WormGod, are you sure it wasn't Wednesday??

02/16/2010, 07:04 AM
Thursday in Northern VA wasn't bad at all. I had to go in to work to print and stuff invoices into Fedex envelopes (the only task I cannot do from home.) The main roads were all clear, just the local community roads still had some remaining slush or packed snow, and lanes blocked by snow piles. In spite of the road conditions, I made it to work in record time. My Blizzaks made driving over packed snow and ice feel like asphalt. WormGod, are you sure it wasn't Wednesday??

Definitely Thursday cause I was home on Wednesday. It's the wind causing havoc. It's still causing havoc. Been that way since the last snow. Any roads by sprawling, open areas in Frederick County are getting covered with blow-over which is still causing high drifts and packed ice covering in the road. Pretty treacherous as I turned my STi sideways twice on yesterday's morning commute. This morning was worse since winds picked up a bit. I guess there just isn't too much road crews can do for drifting snow though. Gotta slug on through it....

02/16/2010, 09:49 AM
Man, the last few days in Reno have been awesome. Mid 50s and sunny and dry!! :rotate:


02/25/2010, 05:56 PM
We're gettin' a very nice storm here today and tonight. 12-20" over the region, on top of a small storm a couple days ago. This winter has materialized very nicely, snow wise. I was worried for a while there, as you know. The Catskills will have 50"+ for the week and the mountains will have over six feet in the last month! Yeah, I'll be hiking there next week for sure. :yesy:

This afternoon I went out in my VX to cruise around in the storm for a while and get some video. No cunning stunts, just having fun driving around on the back roads. It's not much to see. Check it out if you're bored.

Two sizes, same vid. WMV files only.

2:34, 15.8 mb, 320x240-
http://www.drivehq.com/file/df.aspx/publish/mgpa/vids/sno210.wmv (http://www.drivehq.com/file/df.aspx/publish/mgpa/vids/sno210.wmv)

2:34, 61.9 mb, 640x480-
http://www.drivehq.com/file/df.aspx/publish/mgpa/vids/snow210.wmv (http://www.drivehq.com/file/df.aspx/publish/mgpa/vids/snow210.wmv)

Mark Griffin (a VX lifer) :_steering

02/26/2010, 06:23 AM
Cool video. I heard that they're calling this storm a snowicane:)

I noticed in the vid that you kept reaching over to turn on your wipers - doesn't you intermittent work?

02/26/2010, 06:48 AM
...doesn't you intermittent work?
Yeah, but it wipes too often for that snow. It looks like ~16" out there now. The wind was supposed to gust at 40mph last night and today, but there's no wind now and I don't see much drifting. I hope all the shops open today, I need food and a haircut!

This morning Hunter, NY is claiming 60" this week and 117" for the season with 4-8" of residual snow showers today and tomorrow. I wanna hike Hunter Mountain on Tue or Wed, but my snowshoes are only 8x25"! I hope the snow settles and hardens and some hikers break out the trail this weekend. It should be an amazing scene up there above 4000'.

This is what we hope for, this is what we dream of. A snowy winter is paradise for us northern folks. Warm climates are fine for some, but I could never live where it doesn't snow.

I remember articles in recent years claiming climate change would soon put many ski centers out of business in this region. HA!


Riff Raff
02/26/2010, 07:21 AM
Yeah, but it wipes too often for that snow.

DeerMagnet--- Very cool video!!! If it wasn't for your red colored windshield decal and periodic wiper hand in the picture, I'd swear it was filmed in total Black & White (even your VX parked on the side of the road looked like B&W film). That looked like a fun cruise in the snow.

If you need a total varible wiper control with a swipe delay up to 20 seconds, then go to www.JCWhitney.com and do a search for: "Wiper Delay"

They have a couple of Wiper Delay models around $20. One with "mist" control, and one without.

02/26/2010, 07:24 AM
We here in MD are only getting a dusting from it but man, those winds with their skin-biting cold temps are deadly. Glad you all are getting it. I've had enough already. 60+ inches and my flag has been thrown in.

BTW, after the 4th time your hand raised and hit the intermittent, I wanted to shoot myself in the eye. :p Reminds me of how much I want an adjustable speed on them.

02/26/2010, 07:30 AM
I usually don't have the camera low enough to see the wiper activity.
I just snapped a shot of a neighbor. It's really not a crippling amount here. I know others had it much worse in recent days and weeks. It's snowing again, but no wind at all. Maybe the projected winds will get here later.

http://www.drivehq.com/file/df.aspx/publish/mgpa/vx/vx7/708.jpg (http://www.drivehq.com/file/df.aspx/publish/mgpa/vx/vx7/708.jpg)


02/26/2010, 12:17 PM
Well, I got out today and got everything done, except get a damn haircut! :mado:
I checked about seven shops and no one was open. :mad: On the bright side, I did get gas for $1.86 a gallon. A supermarket chain gives you $0.10 off per gallon for every $50 you spend. Anyone else have some kinda gas discount deal from a local merchant?

Man, a VX is unstoppable in the snow. I love TOD!!! :yesy:



Mark Griffin

03/05/2010, 01:16 PM
So yesterday after some trouble I made it up to Hunter Mountain, NY where they got 70"+ of snow last week. It was an epic, iceageical hike, to use the parlance of our time. Someone broke out the trail last weekend, so it wasn't too hard getting up there.

Click an image for a larger photo.

The back roads-
http://www.drivehq.com/file/df.aspx/publish/mgpa/kaats/hunter/739th.jpg (http://www.drivehq.com/file/df.aspx/publish/mgpa/kaats/hunter/739.jpg)

Topo map of the hike-
http://www.drivehq.com/file/df.aspx/publish/mgpa/kaats/hunter/hunterth.jpg (http://www.drivehq.com/file/df.aspx/publish/mgpa/kaats/hunter/hunter.jpg)

The trail on the way up-
http://www.drivehq.com/file/df.aspx/publish/mgpa/kaats/hunter/743th.jpg (http://www.drivehq.com/file/df.aspx/publish/mgpa/kaats/hunter/743.jpg) http://www.drivehq.com/file/df.aspx/publish/mgpa/kaats/hunter/745th.jpg (http://www.drivehq.com/file/df.aspx/publish/mgpa/kaats/hunter/745.jpg)

The fire tower in the distance-
http://www.drivehq.com/file/df.aspx/publish/mgpa/kaats/hunter/750th.jpg (http://www.drivehq.com/file/df.aspx/publish/mgpa/kaats/hunter/750.jpg)

On top where the snow was 5-6' deep-
http://www.drivehq.com/file/df.aspx/publish/mgpa/kaats/hunter/760th.jpg (http://www.drivehq.com/file/df.aspx/publish/mgpa/kaats/hunter/760.jpg) http://www.drivehq.com/file/df.aspx/publish/mgpa/kaats/hunter/762th.jpg (http://www.drivehq.com/file/df.aspx/publish/mgpa/kaats/hunter/762.jpg)

http://www.drivehq.com/file/df.aspx/publish/mgpa/kaats/hunter/759th.jpg (http://www.drivehq.com/file/df.aspx/publish/mgpa/kaats/hunter/759.jpg) http://www.drivehq.com/file/df.aspx/publish/mgpa/kaats/hunter/763th.jpg (http://www.drivehq.com/file/df.aspx/publish/mgpa/kaats/hunter/763.jpg)

From the fire tower-
http://www.drivehq.com/file/df.aspx/publish/mgpa/kaats/hunter/781th.jpg (http://www.drivehq.com/file/df.aspx/publish/mgpa/kaats/hunter/781.jpg) http://www.drivehq.com/file/df.aspx/publish/mgpa/kaats/hunter/780th.jpg (http://www.drivehq.com/file/df.aspx/publish/mgpa/kaats/hunter/780.jpg) http://www.drivehq.com/file/df.aspx/publish/mgpa/kaats/hunter/777th.jpg (http://www.drivehq.com/file/df.aspx/publish/mgpa/kaats/hunter/777.jpg)

http://www.drivehq.com/file/df.aspx/publish/mgpa/kaats/hunter/774th.jpg (http://www.drivehq.com/file/df.aspx/publish/mgpa/kaats/hunter/774.jpg) http://www.drivehq.com/file/df.aspx/publish/mgpa/kaats/hunter/771th.jpg (http://www.drivehq.com/file/df.aspx/publish/mgpa/kaats/hunter/771.jpg) http://www.drivehq.com/file/df.aspx/publish/mgpa/kaats/hunter/769th.jpg (http://www.drivehq.com/file/df.aspx/publish/mgpa/kaats/hunter/769.jpg)

Two sizes, same vid. WMV files only-
2:19, 15.3 mb, 320x240-
http://www.drivehq.com/file/df.aspx/publish/mgpa/kaats/hunter/hunter2.wmv (http://www.drivehq.com/file/df.aspx/publish/mgpa/kaats/hunter/hunter2.wmv)

2:19, 72.6 mb, 640x480-
http://www.drivehq.com/file/df.aspx/publish/mgpa/kaats/hunter/hunter3.wmv (http://www.drivehq.com/file/df.aspx/publish/mgpa/kaats/hunter/hunter3.wmv)

I made it up in 3:40, on top for 1:10, and down in 1:35. 6.8 miles total in 6:25. The best winter hike I ever made by far. Those conditions on top were like being in another world.

Get out an do some snowshoeing in the winter. It's so much fun! :yesy:

My hiking page- www.kaatskills.com (http://www.kaatskills.com)

Mark Griffin

03/12/2010, 02:16 PM
AZ's version of "Snowmageddon" with snow up in the high country (Prescott at about 5300 ft ) after it starts to melt and melt.....and comes down thru my driveway wash, um, I mean river at about 4800 ft...:thumbup: The Cooper LTZs come in real handy!
(pardon my nekked roof...I'm in between racks right now...;))

03/12/2010, 03:10 PM
Sue, did you make "hubbywonder" get out and slosh through the water and mud to take those pictures, or did you at least drop him off on dry land and then get back in the water?

03/12/2010, 07:55 PM
Sue, did you make "hubbywonder" get out and slosh through the water and mud to take those pictures, or did you at least drop him off on dry land and then get back in the water?
I dropped him off on dry ground and backed up.....but I did mention to him that he had his Keen boots on and they're waterproof...:laugho: Shoulda done it yesterday it was about 2-3" higher....highest since we've lived here! Bring on Kane Creek, I'm ready!

03/13/2010, 01:16 PM
... just dumped the pics off my digital camera. Not nearly as much snow down here in Hampton Roads, but still heavy for our area.
