View Full Version : Milling my wheels… Whatcha think, taking 5mm off

02/08/2010, 03:34 PM
Hey guys,

Had my wheels for 18 months or so, and the offset has always been a little too much for me. (+10mm) I've done a lot of research and I think I'm going to have between 5 and 8mm milled off the inside increasing the offset to a +10 to 15mm.

My wheels look like they've got plenty of material, they even offer these wheels in different bolt patterns with a +20mm so I'd guess they use the same base wheels and just adjust mill more material? I was going to call KMC just to confirm, but they don't offer any customer service phone numbers, or email addresses (LAME!) And I'm sure one of their dealers would just spout off, "No I couldn't recommend you do that"

What are your guys' opinions?

I've already got a machine shop lined up, and he estimated the cost at a Pizza, and a pack of Diet Pepsi. A little steep I know, but what are you going to do?

02/08/2010, 04:02 PM
I wouldn't worry too much. 6 lug wheels have to be able to withstand being installed on anything that runs a 6 lug pattern, which means if a fullsize truck is running them with a fully loaded bed and pulling a trailer or camper, then they are built plenty beefy enough for a light little VX even with some shaved off. The only concern I'd have is if anything happened accident wise, you'd get the book thrown at you if they found out. The only other thing I'd input is: Why?:confused: Taking about a quarter inch off of the wheels isn't going to have a tangible effect on anything at as far as I can tell. I think you'd be hard pressed to notice a visible difference, and it certainly isn't going to help you wheel clearance any. I am only saying this because whenever I've heard changing offset mentioned, it's usually on the order of several inches, and it's usually to clear brake calipers or steering arms, or make it so tires don't rub, or sometimes to match up track width for dissimilar axles front and rear. Just saying.

02/08/2010, 04:10 PM
Well maybe it'll take more then :D

In pictures a +15mm looks substantially different than mine...

I basically want to make them even with my fenders, maybe just a little peaking out for extra protection.

I also haven't decided if I'll do the front and rear differently, since the front gets tucked more due to the torsion crank, and the back stick out pretty far.

I'm not really sure what book could get thrown at me, or what type of accident could occur, but I'll definitely keep that in mind :D

BTW: What's the release date on your vehicle?

02/08/2010, 05:31 PM
BTW: What's the release date on your vehicle?

My crystal doesn't ball doesn't see that far into the future:( It seriously just depends on how many snags and complications I run into. There is so much going on with it that it's very delicate work. Each system attaches to, builds on and has to coexist with all the others. Changing one thing upsets the balance and changes many more. If all goes well, I should be installing the engine and transmission by the end of the month. I have some very major steps to take before then though, like removing the gas tank and hacking out the front A-arrms and all the steering components. Then I can start positioning the engine and trans and seeing where everything likes to sit so it all plays nice with the new solid axle and all the links and mounts and such. It's fun, but also a nightmare. I may or may not have to extend the front axle wheelbase forward, and have to hack out the engine bay firewall to position the engine properly so everything synchs up. It's all very slow since you have to end up doing one thing at a time and just make progress bit by bit.

Riff Raff
02/08/2010, 09:39 PM
I'm sure one of their dealers would just spout off, "No I couldn't recommend you do that"

That sounds like very good advice!!! If you have it done; please remind me not to ride with you in your VX, as your VX will no longer be safe with modified (non-DOT) wheels.:noo:

02/08/2010, 10:17 PM
HA! :rolleyes:

02/09/2010, 01:10 AM
I know it'll cost more than pizza & some sodas, but maybe not that much, since you'll most likely have to have your tires dismounted, remounted & balanced for machining...BUT...:smilewink

If it was me, I'd fix the problem this way...http://www.jcwhitney.com/jcwhitney/product.jcw?nval=0&statenval=0&productId=2008750&shopid=100002&pageid=13&skuId=164310&id=3328770

My two cents...:luck:

02/09/2010, 06:05 AM
i cant see how it would even be possible to take the material off? the material that goes around the wheel stud shouldnt vary in depth between offsets, because then the lugs wouldnt catch enough threads on wheels with low offset... i thought about it with my wheels because they stick out just a hair too much too, but when looking at where the lugs actually are, there just isnt much material to lose :_confused

02/09/2010, 07:21 AM
I know it'll cost more than pizza & some sodas, but maybe not that much, since you'll most likely have to have your tires dismounted, remounted & balanced for machining...BUT...:smilewink

If it was me, I'd fix the problem this way...http://www.jcwhitney.com/jcwhitney/product.jcw?nval=0&statenval=0&productId=2008750&shopid=100002&pageid=13&skuId=164310&id=3328770

My two cents...:luck:

Hey... It is you... and you did do that... ;)

I'm trying to get a hold of the manufacturer first... I've found it's pretty common for people to do this, but I need to make sure they're not using a specific type of wheel.

ETL you bring up a good point, but I've had wheels in the past (ZR2 and A4) that required me to get new studs because the wheel was too thick where the studs went in. The new studs for the A4 were spendy too... sucked!

Thanks for all the comments, you've adequately made me scared into contacting the Manufacturer.


02/09/2010, 12:57 PM
Just got off the phone with the manufacturer...

ME: I have a technical question... I have a set of Rockstar wheels, that have a +10mm offset, and I want to machine them to a +20mm, is that possible

MFG: Is that how we do it, Yes, can I recommend it? No, it will void all warranties with the wheels since we can control how it's machined.

ME: So your +20mm wheels are the same wheel, just machined on the back further?

MFG: Yes, that is what we do.

ME: I think I heard what I need to, I will proceed with caution, thanks.

So... Now what :D He actually had an upbeat positive attitude, and didn't seem overly concerned... kind of like... "Off the record... yes you can do that, on the record, no, you will void your warranties"

I'll probably give it a go.

I'll keep everyone posted, as long as I remain living. ;)

02/09/2010, 04:14 PM
is it really worth the money and the risk for 5mm of difference??? I just dont see that being cost efficient....

i agree with dub. keep the wide stance for stability and off-road prowess...

02/09/2010, 05:32 PM
Um... It's only going to cost me to dismount the tires (if needed) He thinks he may be able to mill it with them mounted.

5mm may not be the magic number, It may be more to keep them more even with the flares on the vehicle. I can fit bigger tires if the offset is 'corrected' which would be nice down the road. Also it'll help with local inspection... I'm getting tired of putting the stockers on to pass :D

02/09/2010, 11:23 PM
is it really worth the money and the risk for 5mm of difference??? I just dont see that being cost efficient....

i agree with dub. keep the wide stance for stability and off-road prowess...

I agree with Jack agreeing with me...:laughing:

Is it really worth doing all that for about 1/4"?...:_thinking