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01/20/2010, 10:27 AM
My love affair with my VX has been well documented in these forums over the years. As springtime approaches, however, I find that my eye has been straying a bit.

Don't get me wrong; I love my VX, and always will...but who hasn't occasionally pondered, "What it would be like to drive a DIFFERENT car? Maybe just for a weekend getaway, or a summertime fling?!?"

So after some late-night web-surfing, long after my VX has been put to bed, I found a likely candidate: a 1967 VW Deluxe bus. This little beauty is dressed in a cute two-tone red and white paint job, and has had all of her cosmetic work done. I have been assured that she's top-notch under the hood, too! I'll be flying to Florida soon, to meet her in person. I hope she's the one for me!

I hope my VX will be understanding, and will respect my desire for a more, shall we say, 'open relationship'. She'll always be my first love, but face it: a man's got needs!

01/20/2010, 10:32 AM
I was thinking along that same line when we bought the RV last summer. I'm sure the Proton will be understanding tho when it's sitting pretty on the trailer behind the RV on the way to Moab 2011. WooHoo!!!

01/20/2010, 10:41 AM
From VX to VW bus. I'm speechless.

01/20/2010, 11:06 AM
The hubby and I have been looking at the 2010 Cad SRX of late...:bomb:

I owned a 74 VW Ghia. That was a long love affair too until the VX walked in the room. Though there is something folkloric about an old VW.

01/20/2010, 11:07 AM
My very first car was a 1963 VW Bug, and I still have an oval window, rag top 1956 Bug stored at my parents house awaiting renovation. I too have been pondering getting another VW for daily commuting duties. I love the mid-60's buses, but they are very popular right now and way out of my price range.

I say GO FOR IT!! Post pictures when/if you get the Bus. VW, VX....close enough.

01/20/2010, 11:08 AM
If they ever put the HX/H4 concept into production, I would seriously consider it. (Though I'll have to spend significant time developing the argument for the wife.) ;)

Also been thinking about an SVX as an alternate commuter car. Like the VX, something unique yet not ridiculously expensive to pick up.

01/20/2010, 11:29 AM
Wow ! Most of the Threads I read to my VX I don't even have to be concerned with how she will react, but "eyes straying" will prolly be very disconcerting. If she sees it's over a 1967 VW Bus, she'll not start for a week ( she knows I drove one in the late 60's early 70's) when I lived in Lubbock Texas. It's one of those things where we don't ask much about each others past, we enjoy the here and now. I know it's kind of a man thing, but for most of us when we signed on the bottom line it's suppose to be forever.
Do what you will. However one of the things I remember about the VW Bus was in those W.Texas winds if you were going down the interstate with a cross wind and went under an overpass she had a tendency to change lanes when ya cleared the other side. Plus if ya were headed into the wind top speed was about 55 or 60mph. I figure a mans gonna do what he's gonna do, if he's so inclined. I will say I can see the infactuation with an older more mature unit but she will prolly be the cause of much guilty feelings in the future. My 2 cents.

01/20/2010, 12:12 PM
Handito .... God bless your little heart.

01/20/2010, 12:14 PM
Did you see that VW Bus that was found in a crate recently? Check this out: http://wot.motortrend.com/6600350/classic/vw-bus-stolen-35-years-ago-to-be-auctioned-for-charity/index.html

Good luck... you dirty hippie! ;)

01/20/2010, 01:11 PM


01/20/2010, 01:23 PM
The VW Deluxe Bus is one of my all time favorite vehicles. I wouldn't give up my VX for one but would love to park one in the garage next to it!
Foose built up a nice one on overhauling that was sweet.

And Mark lets see some pics of that oval window cabrio!:yesy:

Zeus, that would be a sweet find...wonder what it went for at the auction?

01/20/2010, 01:26 PM
Have you seen them with the porsche 911 turbo conversion?? Sounds a scary combination but definately an awesome vehicle. Arent the '60s split window bus's damn expensive??

01/20/2010, 03:21 PM
WAY off topic.....

Billy, the '56 Bug wasn't a cabrio, but a "rag top". It's actually a large cloth sliding sunroof, for lack of a better term. I don't have many pictures of "Bugbite" with me, but here are a couple. They where taken not long after it was rebuilt the first time around, so these pictures are at least twenty years old.

The top image is Bugbite (on the left) with my first car, the '63.

The bottom picture of the motor was before the dual carburator set-up...now THAT was fun.

01/21/2010, 09:36 AM
Very nice!...

...and not that far off topic. We are still talking VDubs:bwgy:

Back on topic, in the thread for the OC meet (back in Dec) there are some pics of a couple of VERY nice bus's (http://www.vehicross.info/forums/showthread.php?t=16982)that were at the car show. One is a deluxe the other not.

01/21/2010, 10:12 AM
a 1967 VW Deluxe bus.

Now THAT is contrast. I'll still be your friend as long as you keep your VX. :D


PS - There are just some cars that are married to certain stereotypes, and the VW bus is one of them:

VW bus- The ULTIMATE Hippie-mobile
El Camino - The quintessential white trash whip
Corvette - A bald man having a mid-life crisis

just to name a few... :laughing:

01/21/2010, 10:27 AM
Here are pics of the Foose Overhaulin bus. They added 2 extra windows to the top making it a 23 window deluxe, moved the front turn signals and tale lights, safari windows front and rear...





01/21/2010, 11:18 AM
I'll be honest, functionally I can understand the attraction, but looks wise...I don't get it.


01/21/2010, 11:35 AM
I'll be honest, functionally I can understand the attraction, but looks wise...I don't get it.


Ya hafta be from that era.:)

01/21/2010, 11:50 AM
I'll be honest, functionally I can understand the attraction, but looks wise...I don't get it.


Coming from the man that drives a square trooper!:bwgy:

Not that I don't like the troops....just sayin!:rotate::laughing:

01/21/2010, 01:26 PM
Ya hafta be from that era.:)
And that's why I'm SOOO happy I am an 80s child. :rotate:

Coming from the man that drives a square trooper!:bwgy: Not that I don't like the troops....just sayin!:rotate::laughing:

I think its just that it's not really "cool" looking, but just kind of "silly" looking. Not to mention the hippie stigma it carries...and yes, sorry to all you flower children, but it is a stigma, imo!! :laughing: I'll admit I agree with some hippie philosophy, but when it comes to hippie style I ;puke2;. :laughing:

Amd WTF, Billy? I thought you were punk rock not hippie!!!


PS - I always wanted to make a shirt that says "I'm so grateful he's finally dead" :laughing:

01/21/2010, 02:15 PM
When I see a VW bus I think surfer, not hippie (unless it has a flower and peace sign paint job):bwgy:

01/21/2010, 02:27 PM
When I see a VW bus I think surfer, not hippie (unless it has a flower and peace sign paint job):bwgy:

Now that you mention it, Billy, during this past Hot August Nights I took a photo of a VERY NICE VW Bus that was totally tricked out as a surf mobile. If I can remember, I will post it later tonight. You guys will like it.


01/23/2010, 11:16 PM
If you simply MUST drive a V-Dub, at least get one with a little bit of off-road capability.
I spent a few years behind the wheel of one of these...ummmmmm...things.

Not big on comfort, but a fun ride if you put big jugs, cam, dual webbers, etc on em...:yesgray:



And one for Bart...:smilewink

L0L...I never noticed it before, but why does Melvin have a crescent wrench clipped to his interceptor outfit???...:_thinking...:laughing:
Guess there must be all kinds of loose nuts in the post apocalyptic wasteland...:yesgray:


01/24/2010, 08:27 AM
Shhh...don't tell anyone, but I'm with her RIGHT NOW at a cheap motel in El Centro, California. I rode her hard all night and she's asking for more today!

And yes...photos WILL be forthcoming.

01/24/2010, 08:32 AM
Ps: why is it that all DJs sound the same when you're driving cross-country? You've either got the perky young female, with a cute voice but probably a face made for radio, or the middle-aged guy who still sounds like he finds Hall and Oates exciting and meaningful, through the 80s, 90s and today!!!! And now here's John Denver, taking us back down those Country Roads...

01/24/2010, 08:54 AM
Also, this is definitely a beach surfer bus, not a hippie bus. Although I DID pick her up at around 4:20 in the afternoon.

01/24/2010, 09:52 AM
Let me know if you swing through Tucson on your way home...we could do lunch or dinner or just grab a snack!:bwgy:

01/24/2010, 10:57 AM
Hall and Oates exciting and meaningful

They're not? :confused::confused::confused: Oh...

(Can't wait to see the pics...:yeso:)

01/24/2010, 03:12 PM
I'll be in Tucson at around 6:00 - 6:30 this evening!!!

01/24/2010, 04:44 PM
If you get this on time check your PMs...

01/24/2010, 08:02 PM
A buddy of mine just sold a vw bus with the split wintow, and portholes in the roof on ebay last week. He got 9000 for it, and it still needs restored.
The van that was in the shipping crate just sold recently for I think around 24000! But it was in sweet condition
Unlike the one my friend sold. I rolled out to his house one day to do some work on the vxn opened the garage, and there it sat, this old whie van. I fell in love.
But I've always been a vw guy. 3beetles a karmannghia 5 scirocco's and a camper van.
There was also the old porsche 356s which was kinda a vw big brother....(Really regret ever getting rid of her)
Beetles are pretty good off road, and if you get TOO off road, you just pick them up and sit them BACK on the road!

01/25/2010, 05:37 AM
I'm with 'Dub, I took a vacation in Puerto Rico a few years ago and rented a VW Thing for the weekend while on the island of Culebra (tiny island off the eastern coast of Puerto Rico). What a blast! There's absolutely nothing to the vehicle, your average go-cart is probably more sophisticated, but you just had to love the charm of something so incredibly simple and odd at the same time.

No bus for me, but I'd take a Thing any day (not over the VX of course though).

01/25/2010, 07:19 AM
Interesting cause I have thought about this for quite a while, even though she is just a Sunday ride, who hit 51k miles this weekend. There is a car at a local euro dealer that has been in their back garage that I have had my eye on and sadly, the VX would be the trade-in on it. Just can't justify trading the STi since it is the best of nearly every world.

In any case, the car that has my eye is a '85 Porsche 911 Turbo w/ widebody and whale-tail.


Not thread jacking.... just sharing my same desire vs concern, heh.

01/25/2010, 08:42 AM
Just can't justify trading the STi since it is the best of nearly every world.

when you bringing it to Moab:bwgy:

There used to be a bright pink VW Thing in California that the owner had chopped the body making it a 2 door. You couldn't tell it had been cut...looked factory. It was lowwered and had some sweet wheels and interior work. It used to make the Bugorama shows. I always thought it looked cool.

PHO...any pics of the bus yet?

01/25/2010, 09:19 AM

You NEED this to along with your new whip:


It's a little difficult to navigate (obviously) but that site is legit, I've ordered from them before.


01/25/2010, 09:21 AM
In any case, the car that has my eye is a '85 Porsche 911 Turbo w/ widebody and whale-tail.

Very nice, Worm. We get the wife's P-car back from the body shop and detailing today. I can't wait to see it.


01/25/2010, 09:24 AM
And one for Bart...:smilewink

:laughing: Good one, Dub! And you just reminded me, I saw one of these a few months back:

VW Transporter


01/25/2010, 11:28 AM
Little :ot: but...

Bart, you said that you where getting the P-car back from the "body shop"!? Hopefully you guys just had it cleaned and detailed and everyone is OK.

01/25/2010, 11:39 AM
Little :ot: but...

Bart, you said that you where getting the P-car back from the "body shop"!? Hopefully you guys just had it cleaned and detailed and everyone is OK.

Yeah, basically. When we bought it, it had several rock chips up front including one kinda nasty one on the hood. Also we copped a dent in the door recently somehow. So, just getting it all cleaned up finally. Next will be new rims. :)


01/26/2010, 07:32 AM
when you bringing it to Moab:bwgy:

Haha Billy..... when MOAB comes to me. ;)

02/03/2010, 05:36 PM
Here she is:

http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/data/500/thumbs/IMG_0784.JPG (http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/showphoto.php?photo=16684)

http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/data/500/thumbs/IMG_0781.JPG (http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/showphoto.php?photo=16683)

02/04/2010, 08:03 AM
WHEW! Look at that bubble butt! ;) That's a nice ride, man. Congrats!

02/04/2010, 11:54 AM
Very nice...like the color!:thumbup::thumbup:

02/04/2010, 12:05 PM
It's cute...:smilewink

02/04/2010, 12:31 PM
Actually, the bus is for my wife. The color is cool, but ultimately it may end up a more stock-colored Sealing Wax Red. For now, though, we're really digging it. You get a different vibe from other drivers, compared to the comments about the VX. I've gotten tons of "thumbs up's" already, and everyone wants to tell you their own VW Bus stories at gas stations and other stops.

Lots of good vibrations. And not just from the lousy suspension...